
Publikacije (33300)

E. Selimović, H. Bečulić, Emir Begagić, Ivan Galić

Introduction: Fear of intervention in the oral cavity is declared as dental fear and is defined as a specific form of anxiety. The reaction to oral-surgical intervention will also depend on the feeling the patient acquires about the operator, but the positive experience also plays an important role.Aim: The aim is to evaluate differences between the sexes and the influence of experience from a previous oral surgical intervention on a similar subsequent intervention.Material and methods: In the research, anxiety was assessed using Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale (DASR) and Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (X1 and X2). The study included adult patients of both sexes with an indication for surgical extraction of impacted third permanent molars. Preoperative and postoperative anxiety was assessed: 1st measurement (day of examination) - DASR, and STAI (X1 and X2); 2nd measurement (immediately before the intervention) – STAI (X1 and X2); 3rd measurement (day after the intervention) – STAI (X1 and X2).Results: Preoperatively determined high levels of general, immediate, and dental anxiety decreased before the surgical procedure itself and were significantly reduced in the postoperative period. The downward trend continued in line with the positive experience. Women had higher anxiety scores than men for all monitored parameters. The use of the STAI scales to assess anxiety by dental practitioners is on par with other well-known anxiety assessment instruments, such as the DASR. Conclusion: In order to increase patient satisfaction and to prevent possible complications in such oral-surgical procedures, it would be useful to consider adequate therapy for high anxiety.

E. Selimović, Emir Begagić, H. Bečulić, Muharem Adilović

This review paper explores the use of miswak, a teeth-cleaning twig made from the Salvadora persica plant, in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing oral diseases. Various aspects of miswak are analyzed, including its historical significance, chemical composition, pharmacological characteristics, and beneficial effects on oral health. The paper also investigates the Islamic perspective on oral hygiene and the use of miswak, as well as the socio-medical aspect of oral disease prevention. While there are studies that point out potential drawbacks of miswak usage, proper application and combination with conventional oral hygiene methods can result in good oral health. Considering its cost-effectiveness and the need for affordable oral hygiene methods, further research on the use of miswak is valuable and necessary. This paper provides an overview of modern and relevant scientific literature on miswak and its significance in maintaining oral health, highlighting its journey from tradition to paradigm. Keywords: miswak, oral health, social medicine.

Elvira Mujkanović

The inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in the regular educational system is a process that is being developed and perfected. Accepting diversity and understanding the difference cannot be changed in a short time. It is an ongoing process, and it takes a lot of effort and time to achieve good results. When all actors of the inclusive process have similar views on inclusion, then we will be able to talk about acceptance, understanding and its successful implementation. Informing and educating students, teachers, and parents of children without disabilities is a good basis for developing inclusion and an inclusive society. Within the project "Educational - rehabilitation support for children with disabilities in inclusion", members of the Association for Support of Children with Developmental Disabilities "LALA" carried out workshops and lectures for students, parents and teachers. The goal of the project was to provide support to children with developmental disabilities, parents of children with developmental disabilities, as well as teachers in order to make the educational process as successful as possible for all actors of the inclusive process. After the workshops and lectures, we examined the views of parents of children with developmental disabilities and educators about inclusion and the challenges they most often face. The results of the research showed that both sides share the opinion that it is necessary to permanently work on information, education and communication between all actors of the inclusive process of upbringing and education with the aim of building an inclusive society.

There is a generally accepted opinion that young people, born in the era of intensive use of ICT and the Internet, are much better at handling new technologies and using Internet resources than older generations. In support of this claim, it is stated that different digital technologies and the Internet have been a natural environment for these generations since birth. This paper aims to check to what extent the above statements apply to University of Mostar (SUM) students. For this purpose, the authors researched SUM students to determine how they self-assess their knowledge and use of Internet resources. On the other hand, it was necessary to use Internet resources to pass exams in certain subjects. In this paper, the authors compared the results obtained by surveying students with actual exam results. The results of the research suggest that the students have relatively good knowledge and coping skills with the tasks they solve within the individual courses of their studies. However, Insufficient mastery of the Internet and its information is indicated by lower ratings of the ability to evaluate found materials and ratings of the ability to use the advanced functions of the Google search engine.

Nihada Delibegović Džanić, Elżbieta Gajek, Hatipoğlu Çiler, Lina Milosevska

The COVID-19 outbreak forced many changes in education, including teaching techniques, teacher-student interactions, materials, and assessment practices. The present study aims to uncover students' opinions on the types of exams they took, their evaluation of the testing/ assessment practices they experienced, whether online learning influenced the way they prepared for the exams, whether they would like to keep the testing/assessment practices in the new normal and how they evaluate the teacher's role as an assessor. The data for the study were collected in Türkiye (TUR), the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM), Poland (POL), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) using cross-culturally valid questionnaires including items asking students to evaluate the teaching, assessment, and interaction skills of their teachers during the first "emergency online teaching semester". Both closed- and open-ended items were included in the data collection tools. Responses to the items in the questionnaires were analysed quantitatively, keeping in mind country and context-specific peculiarities. The study results show similarities in the ways students were evaluated and their perceptions of evaluation procedures during the COVID-19 period, as well as contextual differences in the four countries.

Jusuf Musić, Velid Halilović, Jelena Knežević, Admir Avdagić, H. Koljić

S obzirom na sve veći nedostatak šumskih radnika i zbog toga na otežano ostvarivanje plana sječe neizbježno je da šumarska poduzeća razmatraju, među ostalim, mogućnosti uporabe suvremenih strojeva u tehnološkom procesu sječe stabala i izrade drvnih sortimenata i forvardera u fazi izvoženja drva. Primjena te tehnologije rada u šumarstvu BiH nameće i potrebu istraživanja njezina utjecaja na šumski ekosustav. Stoga se u ovom radu prikazuju rezultati oštećivanja preostalih stabala u sastojini pri primjeni djelomično i potpuno mehaniziranoga sustava pridobivanja drva. Istraživanje je provedeno na području kojim gospodari Šumsko privredno društvo »Unsko-sanske šume« d.o.o. Bosanska Krupa, u Podružnici šumarija Ključ. U dva šumska odjela postavljena je mreža dimenzija 200 × 200 m i ogledne plohe u obliku kruga polumjera 25 m i površine 0,19625 ha. Analizirana su sva oštećena preostala stabla na oglednim plohama prsnoga promjera iznad 5 cm i snimljeni ovi podaci: vrsta drveća, prsni promjer, vrsta oštećenja, mjesto oštećenja i veličina oštećenja. U jednom analiziranom šumskom odjelu primijenjeni su ručno-strojna sječa i izrada motornim pilama te forvarder, skider s vitlom i samarica za privlačenje drva – djelomično mehanizirani sustav pridobivanja drva. U drugom šumskom odjelu primijenjen je harvester za sječu stabala i izradu šumskih drvnih sortimenata ili samo za izradu šumskih drvnih sortimenata od stabala posječenih motornom pilom (udaljenija stabla od puta i stabla velikih promjera), te forvarder za privlačenje (izvoženje) drva – uvjetno određeno kao potpuno mehanizirani sustav pridobivanja drva (sustav harvester i forvarder). Primjena harvestera i forvardera u tehnološkom procesu pridobivanja drva uzrokovala je oštećenja na 13,21 % preostalih stabala u analiziranom šumskom odjelu koji obuhvaća visoke šume s prirodnom obnovom i šumske kulture. Analiza prikupljenih podataka pokazala je da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u udjelu oštećenih stabala tijekom primjene promatranih sustava pridobivanja drva u visokim šumama s prirodnom obnovom (χ2 p = 0,1005). Najčešća vrsta oštećenja u oba slučaja je »oguljena kora i oštećeno drvo«. Najveći je broj oštećenja zabilježen na žilištu i pridanku kod djelomično mehaniziranoga sustava pridobivanja drva, odnosno na deblu i pridanku kod potpuno mehaniziranoga sustava pridobivanja drva. Radi dobivanja pouzdanijih rezultata potrebno je nastaviti sa sličnim istraživanjima kojima bi se obuhvatio veći broj utjecajnih čimbenika.

15. 12. 2023.
E. Zerem, S. Vranić, Kemal Hanjalić, Dejan B Milošević

The social significance and quality of every human activity are proportional to its usefulness to the social community. Science belongs to the very top of the processes and events in the history of humankind that strongly influenced the development of society, which over time transformed it and contributed to the common good. Science produced new knowledge that made it possible for billions of people to rise out of poverty, develop industrialization and mass communication, eradicate many dangerous diseases for humankind, and enable humans to leave their footprints on the moon. Science is a human activity that produces new knowledge presented through innovations, patents, and publications, aimed at solving the problems facing humanity. Read more in the PDF.

Melisa Bureković, Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Melisa Pilav

This paper is a review article providing an overview of five methods of English language teaching: Grammar-Translation Method (GTM), Direct Method, Audiolingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). For each method, a brief historical background is provided, followed by the aims, principles, techniques, and limitations. Continuous examination of ELT methods is essential because they provide an organized framework for teachers to deliver instructions and knowledge effectively. The choice of teaching method is vital to meet all the requirements of successful language teaching and learning. Additionally, different learning approaches suit different students. Today there are many teaching methods, but this paper will touch on the most significant ones that marked the historical development and beginnings of methods in language teaching and learning. By exploring the features of each method, this paper aims to enhance the understanding of their differences and to provide a critical view of each, in order to inform and assist young English language teachers in evaluating their own teaching practices. Keywords: English language teaching, teaching methods, English language learning

D. Radovic, M. Hofer, Faruk Pasic, E. Vitucci, Aleksei Fedorov, T. Zemen

The role of wireless communications in various domains of intelligent transportation systems is significant; it is evident that dependable message exchange between nodes (cars, bikes, pedestrians, infrastructure, etc.) has to be guaranteed to fulfill the stringent requirements for future transportation systems. A precise site-specific digital twin is seen as a key enabler for the cost-effective development and validation of future vehicular communication systems. Furthermore, achieving a realistic digital twin for dependable wireless communications requires accurate measurement, modeling, and emulation of wireless communication channels. However, contemporary approaches in these domains are not efficient enough to satisfy the foreseen needs. In this position paper, we overview the current solutions, indicate their limitations, and discuss the most prospective paths for future investigation.

Damira Vranešić Hadžimehmedović, Slavenko Likić, Inga Biščević

Athletic performance is affected by numerous factors such as genetic makeup, environmental factors, and psychological factors. The goal of the present study was to examine the effects of fine motor skills and BMI on athletic performance of college students. The sample for this study consisted of 31 students (mean age 19 years, SD- 1.1 year; 7 females, 24 males) recruited from the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Sarajevo. The students were given Purdue Pegboard test of motor skills and Test of Athletic performance consisting of 8 tests: sprint running, high/low start, relay running, hurdle racing, high jump, long jump, shot put, and javelin throw. We assessed the impact of their BMI and fine motor skills on the Athletic performance. The results revealed a statistically significant effect of fine motor skills and BMI on Athletic performance. More specifically, these two factors explained around 30% of the variance in Athletic performance. These findings could be beneficial for designing more effective training programs that not only focus on general physical fitness but also consider the role of fine motor skills and body composition in improving overall athletic performance.

Duško Tešić, Darko Božanić, Adis Puška, A. Milic, Dragan Marinković

This study presents the MCDM model created for the selection of a dump truck for the needs of the army engineering units, based primarily on the truck’s construction features and purchasing and maintenance costs. In this study was used the Methodology of Additive Weights (LMAW) in Fuzzy surrounding for determination of weight coefficients of criteria, while for the selection of the optimal alternative (for a dump truck) it was used the Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS) method, modified by interval grey numbers. Input data for this methodology were obtained by engaging experts. Finally, the analysis was made of the sensitivity of output results of the proposed MCDM methodology to the change of weight coefficients of criteria, as well as the comparison of the obtained results with the results of other methodologies. In the conclusion, the proposed model showed stability but it was sensitive to weight coefficients change which should be taken into account by defining the same by experts.

Haris Memisevic, D. Malec, Admira Dedic

Acquiring mastery in reading is considered one of the primary academic skills during the early years of elementary school. Additionally, attaining proficiency in reading during the early grades of elementary school serves as a strong predictor for future academic achievements and overall success in life. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the effect of several linguistic and cognitive variables on decoding abilities in the Bosnian language. The sample consisted of 153 children in the 2nd to 5th grades of elementary school. To assess decoding abilities, we employed tasks involving reading real words and non-words (pseudowords). The key predictors for both tasks included phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming of letters, working memory, and processing speed. Both models accounted for approximately 64% of the variance in the scores, signifying a substantial advancement compared to existing models of reading in the Bosnian language. The results of this study may contribute to the development of targeted and effective reading interventions in early elementary education.

A. Greljo, Ajdin Palavri'c, Aleks Smolkovič

The stability of the electroweak scale, challenged by the absence of deviations in flavor physics, prompts the consideration of SMEFT scenarios governed by approximate SM flavor symmetries. This study examines microscopic theories that match onto a set of $U(3)^5$-symmetric dimension-6 operators. Renormalization group mixing from the ultraviolet to the electroweak scale yields significant phenomenological constraints, particularly pronounced for UV-motivated directions. To demonstrate this, we explore a complete suite of tree-level models featuring new spin-0, 1/2, and 1 fields, categorized by their irreducible representations under the flavor group. We find that for the leading directions, corresponding to a single-mediator dominance, RG mixing effects occasionally serve as the primary indirect probe.

Edin Medjedović, Z. Begić, Milan Stanojevic, Buena Aziri, E. Begić, Milan Djukic, Z. Mladenovic, Asim Kurjak

Abstract Objectives Prenatal cardiology is a part of preventive cardiology based on fetal echocardiography and fetal interventional cardiology, which facilitates treatment of congenital heart defects (CHD) in pediatric patients and consequently in adults. Timely prenatal detection of CHD plays a pivotal role in facilitating the appropriate referral of pregnant women to facilities equipped to provide thorough perinatal care within the framework of a well-structured healthcare system. The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of left atrial strain (LAS) in prenatal evaluation of fetal heart and prediction of structural and functional disorders. Methods We conducted a comprehensive literature review searching PubMed for articles published from inception up until August 2023, including the search terms “left atrial strain”, “fetal echocardiography”, and “prenatal cardiology” combined through Boolean operators. In addition, references lists of identified articles were further reviewed for inclusion. Results Our review underscores the significance of LAS parameters in fetal echocardiography as a screening tool during specific gestational windows (starting from 11 to 14 weeks of gestation, followed by better visualization between 18 and 22 weeks of gestation). The left atrial strain technique and its parameters serve as valuable indicators, not only for identifying cardiac complications but also for predicting and guiding therapeutic interventions in cases of both cardiac and noncardiac pregnancy complications in fetuses. Evidence suggests establishment of second-trimester reference strain and strain rate values by speckle-tracking echocardiography in the healthy fetal cohort is essential for the evaluation of myocardial pathologies during pregnancy. Conclusions Finding of LAS of fetal heart is feasible and probably can have potential for clinical and prognostic implications.

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