
Publikacije (93)

A. Radosavac, N. Jovic, M. Jašić, J. Premović

Today’s public transportation still actively uses buses with outdated diesel engines that require significant investment for renovation and upgrading to facilitate modern filters. Possible solution is found in using additives based on saponified naphthenic acids, aliphatic hydrocarbons and copper. Utilizing these additives accelerates the engine's combustion process, reducing carbon and other exhaust gasses emission, carbon monoxide and particulate matter as well as fuel consumption, resulting in increased fuel economy. Author’s primary goal was to determine effects of additive utilization on fossil fuel combustion, emission of exhaust gases along with possible effects on fuel economy. Research was conducted in two cycles on public transport buses, one of an older type and one of the newer type. Data on fuel consumption was collected without additives for the first cycle and with fuel additives on the second one.

M. Jašić, R. Grujić, D. Šubarić, V. Stuhli

koncept procjene okolisnih rizika, sastavnice analize rizika, faze u realizaciji procjene okolinskih rizika, ocjena rizika, koristi od procjene okolisnih rizika, zakljucci, pitanja

Aleksandar Aleksovski, Emilija Spaseska Aleksovska, M. Jašić

Aim: Developing extended release matrix tablets containing 350 mg ascorbic acid and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) or polyethylene oxide (PEO) as hydrophilic polymer/s which control the rate and degree of drug release through 12 hour period. Materials and methods: Six batches of matrix tablets (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) were produced by direct compression. Ascorbic acid 97% was used as active compound. HPMC K4M, HPMC K15M, PEO 1105 and PEO 301 were used as hydrophilic polymers. Cellulose microcrystaline was used as diluent, copovidone was employed as binder, colloidal silica as flow-aid while magnesium stearate was used as lubricant. Before tableting powder mixtures were sieved and evaluated for bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, compressibility index and Hausner ratio. Compressed tablets were evaluated for average mass, hardness, friability, average drug content and dissolution profile through 12 hours in phosphate buffer pH=7.2 . All test were conducted according pharmacopoeial standards (PhEur 7 and USP 35) Results: All six batches of powder mixtures demonstrated good flow properties and didn’t tend to make any problems during tableting process. Also all six batches of tablets complied the pharmacopeial requirements concerning average mass, hardness, friability and drug content. Dissolution studies demonstrated that all six batches of tablets provided extended release of ascorbic acid through 12 hours period, but only tablets containing PEO 1105, PEO 301 and their 1:1 mixture liberated more than 80% active compound, which is generally due to the lower viscosity and higher erodability of these PEO-s compared with the used HPMC-s. It was also demonstrated that low viscosity PEO 1105 or HPMC K4M released higher percent of active compound compared with higher viscosity PEO 301 or HPMC K15M, while both PEO 1105/PEO 301 1:1 mixture and HPMC K4M/HPMC K15M 1:1 mixture gave intermediate drug release, which is connected to the intermediate viscosity obtained by mixing these polymers. Conclusion: From the results received from all test it was concluded that tablets containing PEO 1105 as hydrophilic polymer (P1) are the most suitable choice for developing 12 hour extended release matrix tablets containing 350mg ascorbic acid as active compound.

M. Jašić, Sanela Mureškić, Senada Selmanović, Duška Bećirović, R. Cvrk

Urični arthritis (giht, ulozi) je sistemska bolest, a najčešće se ispoljava na zglobovima. Nastaje kao posljedica povećane koncentracije urične kiseline u krvi koja kristalizira u formi mononatrijevog urata, akumulirajući se u zglobovima, tetivama, te u okolnim tkivima. Nastali kristali pokreću lokalne imunološki posredovane upalne procese u tkivima. Urična kiselina nastaje složenom endogenom enzimski posredovanom razgradnjom purina ali i drugih jednostavnih metabolita. Purini su komponente nukleoproteina, a nalaze se u različitim količinama u većini vrsta hrane. Ograničenje egzogenog unosa purina sa hranom smanjuje mogućnosti stvaranja urične kiseline, reducira metabolički stres i nastanak upalnih procesa. Prema nivou sadržaja purina hrana se može podijeliti na hranu sa visokim sadržajem (100 do 1000 mg purina/100 g), hranu sa srednjim (10 do 100 mg purina /100 g) i hranu sa niskim sadržajem purina. Način ishrane samo dijelom može uticati na tretman bolesti. Tradicionalno, dijeta sa vrlo niskim egzogenim unosom purina preporučuje se u akutnim stanjima uz medicinski tretman. Nutritivni tretman bolesti treba biti bazirana na smanjenju tjelesne mase, primjerenom unosu ugljičnih hidrata, smanjenom unosu zasićenih masnoća i holesterola, primjerenom u unosu proteina, povećanim unosom tekućine i eliminacijom konzumiranja alkohola. Nutritivni tretman može dati značajanu podršku medicinskom tretmanu bolesti.

S. Noćajević, D. Ferhatović, M. Jašić, B. Muhić, Mensur Noćajević

All waste of animal origin, animal carcasses and condemned as a possible source of infection and potential environmental pollutants (pollute water, soil and air). Animal waste was thrown into the uncontrolled nature may have unforeseen negative environmental consequences for the environment, and beyond. decaying organic matter in the environment go smelly and uncomfortable gases (indole, skatole, mercaptan, and hydrogen sulfide). Animal waste if not disposed of in an appropriate manner can be a health risk to humans and animals because they can pass through the infectious and parasitic diseases. Animal waste from slaughterhouses, butcher, of dead bodies in the area of Živinice area, scattered in numerous illegal dumps, especially in rural areas of the municipality Živinice. Therefore, the aim of ecological disposal of animal waste within the LeAP project for the municipality Živinice provided opportunities for harmless elimination of animal waste from illegal dumps, which are the source of infection for the local population and animals. quality of animal waste disposal, and all biological waste from an environmental standpoint and epizootiological saving water, soil, air, and in particular, human and animal health.

Benjamin Muhamedbegović, D. Šubarić, J. Babić, Đ. Ačkar, M. Jašić, H. Keran, Asmir Budimlić, Ines Matas

Application of native starch in food production is highly limited due to retrogradation, instability in acid conditions and at high temperatures etc. To overcome these problems and extend starch application, native starch is modified by chemical, physical and enzymatic procedures. The aim of this research was to prepare different modified starches from commercial native potato starch by acetylating (with acetanhydride), cross-linking (with sodium tripolyphosphate, STPP) and combination of these procedures, and to determine their rheological and thermophysical properties. The results showed that all modified starches had lower gelatinisation temperatures and lower gelatinisation and retrogradation enthalpy than native starch. Dual modification with higher proportion of cross-linking reagent resulted in 50%-decrease of gelatinisation enthalpy compared to native starch. Acetylated and acetylated cross-linked starch had lower peak viscosity, whereas cross-linked starch had higher peak viscosity than native counterpart. While acetylating resulted in increase of % breakdown, other applied modifications resulted in its decrease. Swelling power and solubility increased by acetylating and decreased proportionally to increase of cross-linking reagent both by cross-linking and dual modification.

Vineta Srebrenkoska, M. V. Acker, M. Jašić, E. Fidančevska, R. Grujić

Food industry practice uses large amounts of material goods and is dependent on continuity of supply of these goods. Sustainable technologies in the food industry include the processes and systems in the use of raw materials, equipment and techniques that provide protection against environmental pollution. This paper summarizes a wide range of technological issues at the industry level, highlighting the need for an integrated approach and understanding of the various components of sustainable systems in the food industry. Sustainable technologies in the food industry are based on the concept of using less energy without depleting natural resources, and to directly or indirectly pollute the environment. According to the concept of technological sustainability, material goods should be re-used or recycled at the end of their useful life. Eco-effi ciency resources in the food industry require the use of renewable energy sources in order to reduce use offossil sources. For this purpose, especially suitable solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy of the power of biofuels obtained from food industry waste. For now, such systems often have high capital costs. However, the design of ecological sustainability is a long-term vision that needs to adapt to lifestyle, to meet the needs of present without compromising the needs of future generations. Technological development will be sustainable, if we take into account social, environmental and economic factors. Sustainable agriculture and food combine the efforts of environmental protection, economic sustainability and social equity.

D. Šubarić, M. Jašić, Vineta Srebrenkoska

Poboljsanje uvjeta života stanovnistva jedan je od glavnih zadataka svakog drustva. Jedan od znacajnijih faktora kvalitete života je osiguranje sigurne i kvalitetne hrane. Danasnji proizvođaci hrane susrecu se s brojnim poteskocama, a gledano u buducnost problemi ce biti i veci ako se ne povede racuna o svim faktorima koji utjecu na ovu znacajnu granu industrije. Naime, porast broja stanovnika, migracije, klimatske promjene, rjesavanje svjetskih energetskih problema koristenjem poljoprivrednih sirovina, porast cijena energije i druge pojave razlog su da proizvodnja hrane ne treba biti samo produktivnija nego i održiva. Poljoprivreda danas "prisvaja" znatan dio prirodnih resursa zemlje, a povecanje broja stanovnistva i porast potražnje poljoprivrednih proizvoda stalno povecava pritisak na oskudno zemljiste i prirodne resurse. Do sredine 20. st. na raspolaganju je bilo 0, 45 ha zemljista (obradivog) po stanovniku, 1997. godine 0, 25 ha, a 2050. predviđa se 0, 15 ha. Stoga se opravdano postavlja pitanje - može li se na održiv nacin (živjeti unutar prihvatnog kapaciteta ekosustava) proizvesti hrana za sve veci broj stanovnika na zemlji, uzimajuci u obzir i cinjenicu da trenutacno oko milijarda stanovnika ima problem s opskrbom hranom i vodom. Brojna istraživanja pokazuju da bi se stanje moglo poboljsati ako nase potrebe stavimo u realne okvire i okrenemo se novim tehnologijama i materijalima te ocuvanju vode i energije.

Borislav Miličević, I. Lukić, D. Šubarić, J. Babić, R. Miličević, M. Jašić

Đ. Ačkar, J. Babić, D. Šubarić, M. Kopjar, M. Jašić, Borislav Miličević

Starch is widely used in food industry as thickener, stabilizer, fat mimetic etc. However, native starch has limitations in food industry applications such as high tendency toward retrogradation, low thermal resistance and shear resistance. Therefore, starch is often modified in different ways to change and improve its performance. In this research starch was isolated from two wheat varieties and modified with mixtures of dicarboxylic acids (succinic, glutaric, adipic, azelic acid) and acetanhydride (acid:anhydrid ratio 1:30) in 4, 6 and 8 % (d.w.b.). Thermophysical, pasting properties, as well as swelling power and solubility, paste clarity and freeze-thaw stability were determined. The results showed decrease of gelatinisation temperature and retrogradation after 7 days of storage at 4 °C after all modifications. Pasting temperature decreased as well, while maximum viscosity, swelling power and solubility increased. Paste clarity of modified starches depended on both wheat variety and type of reagent mix and freeze-thaw stability decreased after all investigated modifications.

Benjamin Muhadbegović, D. Šubarić, J. Sadadinović, M. Jašić

Skrob se može na osnovu probavljivosti podijeliti na probavljivi i rezistentni skrob. Rezistentni skrob se naziva skrob koji se ne probavlja u tankom crijevu, nego nerazgrađen odlazi u debelo crijevo u kojem podliježe fermentaciji. U radu je opisan rezistentni skrob i njegova funkcija u probavnom sistemu. Rezistentni skrob ima funkciju sirovog vlakna i može da bubri. Zbog uticaja na peristaltiku crijeva i lipidni sastav može se smatrati komponentom dijetetske hrane. Rezistentni skrob se pokazao kao potencijalno sredstvo u terapiji dijabetesa, dijareje, pretilosti te enteralnoj prehrani bolesnika.

D. Vitali, I. Vedrina-Dragojević, M. Jašić

Planika (Arbutus unedo L) je biljka koja uglavnom raste u obalnim podrucjima Sredozemlja, a kod nas je rasprostranjena na podrucju Dalmacije i Istre. To je zimzeleni grm ili malo drvo koje se zbog atraktivnih narancasto-crvenih okruglih plodova - magunja danas uglavnom uzgaja kao ukrasna biljka. Plodovi postepeno dozrijevaju u listopadu, pri cemu mijenjaju boju iz žute, preko narancaste u tamno crvenu, a zanimljivo je da biljka u isto vrijeme razvija i cvat koji ce se u razdoblju od godine dana oblikovati u plodove. Iako jestivi, plodovi planike se rijetko konzumiraju kao sirovo voce. U mnogim zemljama Sredozemlja tradicionalno se koriste u pripravi alkoholnih napitaka, a služe i za pripremu džemova i pekmeza. Imaju visok udio secera, uglavnom glukoze i fruktoze, a osim njih specificnoj aromi ploda najvise doprinose galna, fumaricna i jabucna kiselina. Novija znanstvena istraživanja kemijskog sastava svježeg ploda planike ukazuju na visok udio nutritivnih antioksidansa – flavonoida, vitamina C, E i karotenoida. Obzirom na bogatstvo sadržaja bioaktivnih komponenata, vec pomalo zaboravljeni plod planike u posljednjih desetak godina ponovno postaje predmet istraživanja nutriticionista kao potencijalna visokovrijedna sirovina za kreiranje novih (funkcionalnih) namirnica. Dekokt list planike od davnina se primjenjuje u narodnoj medicini te se koristi kao adstringens, diuretik, uroantiseptik, antidijaroik te sredstvo za prevenciju i lijecenje arterijske hipertenzije. Slicnu pimjenu ima i macerat korijena biljke. Novijim znanstvenim istraživanjima potvrđeno je da ekstrakt lista planike (zbog visokog udjela kondenziranih tanina i katehin-galata) ima snažan antioksidativni ucinak, inhibira agregaciju trombocita te posjeduje vazorelaksacijski ucinak cime se postiže ucinak prevencije ili lijecenja arterijske hipertenzije. Pokusima na animalnim modelima dokazan je i protuupalni ucinak ekstrakta lista planike, a zbog visokog udjela etil galata ekstrakti posjeduju i izraženo antimikrobno djelovanje.. Obzirom na visok udio fitoaktivnih komponenata, brojne mogucnosti prerade ploda te dugotrajnu primjenu u narodnoj medicini potrebna su daljnja znanstvena istraživanja kako bi se u potpunosti iskoristio potencijal ove pomalo zaboravljene biljke kao vrijedne sirovine u farmaceutskoj, kemijskoj te industriji funkcionalne hrane.

S. Škrabal, R. Miličević, M. Jašić, J. Babić, Borislav Miličević

The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) sensor based on an immobilized culture of microorganisms in combination with a dissolved oxygen electrode has been developed for the purpose of online monitoring of the organic pollution of wastewater. A general problem of all BOD sensors is in measuring samples containing heavy metal ions. The result of this study clearly demonstrates the need to use heavy metal resistant strains, while measuring the BOD of waste water contaminated by heavy metal ions. It’s because even small concentration of heavy metal ions can have significant impact on operational stability of biochemical oxygen demand biosensors.

M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, D. Miličević, Denijal Crvenjak, Amel Selimović

Food production is nowadays often encountered with demands for food products targeted for special consumer groups. Particularly, it is well known that human with gluten sensitive enteropathy (celiac disease) cannot consume products containing gluten, which is mainly present in wheat, rye, barley and oat. Instant soups and gravies present on market often contain ingredients derived from grains which give them organoleptic properties, but also make them unsuitable for increasing consumer groups. The aim of this research was definition of parameters for production of extruded product targeted for application as supplement for gluten containing grains in production of instant soups and gravies. Therefore, mixture of milled pulse and degermed maize grits was extruded at different process conditions. Expanded mixture was produced, which had better sensory, culinary and nutritive properties compared to non-extruded material. In addition, preparation time was reduced. In order to obtain products with specific standard properties, quality and chemical composition of raw materials were defined, as well as parameters of extrusion process and quality of the final product.

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