Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u bazicno-motorickim i situaciono-motorickim sposobnostima rukometasica. Istraživanje je urađeno na 77 rukometasice, seniorskog uzrasta iz Prve federalne lige BIH i Prve lige Republike Srpske .U prostoru bazicno-motoricke sposobnosti koristeno je 18 varijabli koje su obuhvatale faktore za procjenu segmentarne brzine, fleksibilnosti, koordinacije, eksplozivne snage, repetitivne snage i ravnoteže. Situaciono-motoricki prostor je posmatran i obuhvata pet hipotetskih latentnih faktora koji su odgovorni za situacionu efikasnost u rukometu: brzina baratanja sa loptom, preciznost, snaga izbacaja lopte, brzina kretanja bez lopte, baratanje loptom. U analiza kvantitativnih razlika na multivarijantnom nivou, diskriminativnom analizom, između Prve federalne lige BIH i Prve lige Republike Srpske u situaciono-motorickim i bazicno-motorickim sposobnostima dobili smo da se nivoi takmicenja razlikuju odnosno da postoji statisticka znacajnost između tretiranih nivoa takmicenja. Dobijeni rezultati mogu doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju pracenja, analiziranja te boljem usavrsavanju kondicijske i tehnicko-takticke pripreme rukometasica na razlicitim nivoima takmicenja, a sve u cilju postizanja veceg kvaliteta takmicenja seniroskih rukometasica u Bosni i Hercegovini.
With the aim of establishing the latent structure of tactical elements in the attack and defense phases of soccer 117 tactical elements of soccer were defined and their importance assessed by means of 30 variables that determine the basic segments of the game of soccer. 93 attack and 24 defense tactical elements were chosen as the entity sample and described by the 15 variables of the attack phase and 15 variables of the defense phase. Ten competent soccer experts determined the characteristics of the aforementioned entities by means of 30 variables. The experts graded from 0 to 5 the impact of every entity (tactical technique) on the individual variables that describe soccer in its phases of either attack and defense. A high level of inter-expert agreement was reached in regard to the properties of attack and defense techniques, as demonstrated by the objectivity coefficients. According to principal component factor analysis and the Kaiser and Guttman rule a total of five significant latent dimensions were obtained: finishing efficiency, ball possession performance, counter-attack efficiency, combined defense performance, and obstruction and redirection of the opposing team's attack build-up. The research partly resolved the issue of the hypothetical structure of tactical techniques in soccer by dividing the game into phases and sub-phases, attack and defense players'positions, and types (styles) of play in the attack and defense. If it is clear which movement structures have the most significant influence on the efficiency on a particular playing position and performance in the sub-phases and styles of play, it would be possible to create such training operators that will facilitate the formation of the most important motor skills in soccer.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje globalnih kvantitativnih razlika mjera morfoloskih karakteristika nogometasa klasificiranih prema razlicitim pozicijama u polju. Istraživanje je izvrseno na uzorku nogometasa juniorske kategorije iz pet klubova Kantona Sarajevo, koja su aktivno ukljucena u trenažni proce. Testirano je ukupno 149 nogometasa, i to 28 nogometasa sa pozicije centralnih branica, 37 sa bocnih/krilnih pozicija, 48 sredisnjih i 36 napadaca. Koristeno je 12 varijabli morfoloskih karakteristika. Rezultatima diskriminativne analize utvrđeno je da sve tretirane longitudinalne mjere i tjelesna masa u najvecoj mjeri ukazuju na statisticke znacajne globalne razlike. Centralni branici i bocni/krilni se međusobno najvise razlikuju, te se relativno razlikuju od veznih nogometasa i napadaca. Centralni branici su visi i masivniji u odnosu na ostale, a sto je svakako u skladu sa zahtjevima igre na toj poziciji.
Zasto nam je potrebna notacijska analiza? ; Sto je to analiza izvedbe? ; Osnovne vjestine u analizi izvedbe ; Istraživanja situacijske efikasnosti u nogometu ; Logika sportske analize ; Kako razviti notacijski sustav ; primjeri notacijskih sustava ; Pouzdanost i uspoređivanje skupova podataka ; Primijenjene analize u nogometu i prakticni ishodi ; Analiza podataka prikupljenih notacijskom analizom ;
In the 2008/2009 season eleven top football players of Dinamo Zagreb Football Club were assigned to the test group subjected to the system of three morphological measurements, three variables for the estimation of functional abilities on the treadmill and ten indicators of the situational efficiency of football players obtained by the Prozone3 system. The correlation between the variables applied in this research was determined by a correlation analysis ; on the other hand, a series of regression analyses determined the correlation between the set of anthropometric indicators and functional abilities as a system of predictor variables in relation to every indicator of the situational efficiency as a criterion variable. The correlation analysis showed a statistically significant correlation between some variables (p 0, 05) except for the variable of unsuccessfully passed balls. The conclusion was that the morphological characteristics and functional abilities do not possess any predictive value on the indicators of situational efficiency of the tested group of top football players.
The main purpose of this study was to define reliability and factorial validity of four field specific handball tests used for the assessment of explosive (throwing) power of elite handball players. The subjects were 18 top level Croatian national handball players. The participants were tested during the middle of the competitive season. Three throws were measured for each test (R4M, R6M, R9MRS and R9MJS). The reliability was assessed through the AVR, ICC and Cronbach’s α coefficients, and the validity through the correlations obtained by the principal components factor analysis. The R6M, R9MRS and R9MJS tests had high reliability coefficients (α = 0.93, 0.93 and 0.91). The principal components analysis extracted one statistically significant component. The R4M test had the lowest correlation with the component (r = 0.52), and the other three tests had correlation coefficients between 0.88 and 0.93. The results of the study proved that the most reliable and appropriate tests to assess the explosive (throwing) power of handball players are the R6M and R6MRS tests.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate weather players in different positional roles have a different physical and physiologic profile. Also to determine weather is a connection or differences in the motoric tests and situation efficiency. Secondary goal was to determine differences between initial, transitive and final test results through preparation period. For the purpose of this study, measurements were taken on 12 best players of Croatia national team under 16 years (born 1993. and younger). According to the positional roles, players were categorized as 1 – point guard (n=2), 2 – shooting guard (n=4), 3 – small forward (n=2), 4 - forward (n=3) i 5 – center (n=1). They were tested with 9 variables (internship, height, weight, arms range, 20 yards, side shuffle, 300 meters, beep test), and with 11 parameters of situation efficiency in basketball (number of games, minutes per game, points per game, points, points total, steals, turnovers, assists, blocks, offensive rebounds, defensive rebounds, total rebounds). The results of the present study demonstrate that there is no significant relationship between initial measurements and parameters of situation efficiency. Results on this study are suggesting that improvement on several motoric abilities can implicate on parameters of situation efficiency. To our knowledge there is strong and significant relationship between initial and final motoric measurements. As expected, the present study indicates that there is significant relationship between motoric measurements and on parameters of situation efficiency.
The main purpose of this study is to determine relation between Fitness profile and situation efficiency in soccer. For the purpose of this study 11 soccer players of Dinamo Zagreb, Soccer Club in the 2008/2009 season were tested. Firstly, the soccer’s' basic morphological characteristics were measured: height (cm), weight (kg) and subcutaneous fat tissue (%). The VO2max test measured the following variables: average maximum oxygen intake (mL kg-1min-1), maximum heart rate frequency (b min-1) and maximum running speed (km h-1). Situational efficiency was determined by Prozone. Significant correlation was determine between overall number of passed balls and successfully passed balls (r=0, 99), overall number of passed balls and unsuccessfully passed balls (r=0, 79), unsuccessfully and successfully passed balls (r=0, 71), average sprint length and maximum speed (r=0, 83), number of sprint runs and unsuccessfully passed balls (r=0, 63), total distance covered during the second half and number of sprint runs (r=0, 62), total distance covered in sprint run and unsuccessfully passed balls (r=0, 67), total distance covered in sprint run and number of sprint runs (r=0, 91), height and weight (r=0, 71), average maximum oxygen intake and total distance covered in sprint run (r=0, 61), maximum running speed and number of sprint runs (r=0, 76). These data only proves the complexity of success in soccer and the need for further research and improvement in the training processes, as well as the game of soccer. A greater variety of functional and motoric variables should be applied in future research and their correlation with various indicators of situational efficiency of soccer players should be analyzed as well.
The aim of the study was to establish differences between the teams at three World Cups by using a computerized system Focus X3 to gather and analyse data on field areas and attacks. There were a total of 3880 entities (attacks) that consisted of 5778 actions in different sub-areas of the field (during World Cup ’ 98, World Cup ’ 02 and World Cup ’ 06). The analysed actions in Back field, Midfield and Front field area were described by twelve variables: RBTM, TNADA, PBLP25, PBSP5-6, PBMLP25, GPB, RP25, RP5_6, RP25, DB25, D5-6 and D25. The results show that there are quantitatively bigger changes in actions which occurred in the observed field areas during World Cups ’ 02 and 06’ compared to the World Cup ’ 98. This change, which was expected, can be attributed to more complex and sophisticated forms of a training process that improves each year. By analysing the discriminative function, it can be seen that the biggest differences occur with the variables: passing of the ball to a team-mate (PBSP-5-6) and dribbling the ball over long distances (DB25).
Novi pogled na sinergijsku regulaciju gibanja u situacijskom modelu treninga mladih rukometasa
U ovom clanku predstavljen je proceduralni alat i jasno utrta staza prema utemeljenju brojnih novih proceduralnih postupaka ciji je cilj objektivizacija identifikacije procesa u kineziologiji. U transverzalnoj studiji s ucenicama visih razreda osnovne skole, uspjesno su identificirani subsegmenti ukupnog razvojnog kompozita tretiranih entiteta. Modelom primjenjenim u ovom radu moguce je identificirati i druge razine globalnog kompozitnog razvojnog procesa, te tako znatno olaksati pripremu, planiranje i programiranje buducih tretmanskih postupaka. Ponuđeni model maksimalno objektivizira stvarno postojece razvojne obrasce djece.
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