Correlation Between The Indicators Of Situational Efficiency, Morphological Characteristics And Functional Abilities Of Football Players
In the 2008/2009 season eleven top football players of Dinamo Zagreb Football Club were assigned to the test group subjected to the system of three morphological measurements, three variables for the estimation of functional abilities on the treadmill and ten indicators of the situational efficiency of football players obtained by the Prozone3 system. The correlation between the variables applied in this research was determined by a correlation analysis ; on the other hand, a series of regression analyses determined the correlation between the set of anthropometric indicators and functional abilities as a system of predictor variables in relation to every indicator of the situational efficiency as a criterion variable. The correlation analysis showed a statistically significant correlation between some variables (p 0, 05) except for the variable of unsuccessfully passed balls. The conclusion was that the morphological characteristics and functional abilities do not possess any predictive value on the indicators of situational efficiency of the tested group of top football players.