OBJECTIVE This study investigates the relationship between involvement in bullying in childhood and adolescence and psychological difficulties in young adulthood. MATERIALS AND METHOD A total of 249 college students completed the Retrospective Bullying Questionnaire and Trauma Symptom Checklist. RESULTS The results showed significant differences in psychological adjustment among respondents who were exposed to bullying compared to respondents who were not exposed to bullying. Those exposed to bullying had significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, and dissociative and traumatic symptoms compared to those who were not exposed to bullying. Respondents who were exposed to bullying in all three examined periods (the period from the first to fourth grade, the period from the fifth to eighth grade and the high school period) had higher scores on the subscale of dissociative symptoms and sexual trauma symptoms compared to respondents who were exposed through one or two periods. Victims abused in all three periods have more symptoms of anxiety and sleeping problems compared to the subjects exposed to bullying during one examination period. There were no differences in the level of depressive symptoms and sexual problems regarding the duration of bullying. Also, there were no differences in psychological adjustment between respondents who were bullied during one specific period. CONCLUSION Bullying experiences in childhood and adolescence are connected with difficulties in psychological adjustment in young adulthood.
Objective – To examine gender differences in the attitudes of boys and girls in a hypothetical situation of emotional and sexual infidelity and the predictive contribution of hypothetical jealousy for various forms of violent behavior in boys and girls. Method – The study included 140 high school students (58 boys and 82 girls). The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI) used examines the incidence of dating violence. In order to determine the intensity of jealousy, sensitivity to sexual and emotional infidelity of the partner was also examined. Results – The most common form of abuse in adolescent relationships is emotional and verbal abuse to which boys (52.16%) and girls (48.41%) are exposed. Young men more frequently sexually abuse their partners (F(1.140)=43.58; p=0.000), as compared to girls, and are more often exposed to emotional and verbal abuse by their female partner (F(1.140)=3.09; p=0.080). In comparison with girls, boys are more sensitive to hypothetical sexual infidelity (F(1.140)=10,08; p<0.000). The sensitivity of boys to hypothetical sexual infidelity was a significant predictor of physical (I²=-0.27) and sexual abuse (I²=0.26), while the sensitivity to hypothetical emotional infidelity was a predictor of emotional and verbal abuse (I²=0.23). Conclusion – Boys are more sensitive to sexual and girls to the emotional infidelity of their partners. The adolescent men more frequently use sexual forms of abuse while girls are more often exposed to emotional and verbal abuse. Jealousy of adolescent men towards hypothetical sexual infidelity was a significant predictor of sexual abuse, while jealousy of adolescent girls towards hypothetical sexual and emotional infidelity is not a predictor of any form of violent behavior.
Objective – To find out whether involvement in bullying behaviour precedes psychosomatic symptoms or whether these symptoms precede involvement in bullying behaviour. Subjects and methods – A six-month longitudinal study with baseline measurements taken in the autumn of 2008 and follow-up measurements in the spring of 2009 in four elementary schools in the Siroki Brijeg municipalities. The study included 536 children aged 11 to 15 years, who participated by filling out a questionnaire on both occasions of data collection. A self-administered questionnaire measured peer violence and a wide variety of psychosomatic symptoms. Results – Children involved in bullying behaviour at the beginning of the school year compared to children who were not involved in bullying behaviour had significantly higher chances of developing psychosomatic symptoms such as nervousness and tension (OR=2.59; p=0.010), feeling tired for no reason (OR=2.0; p=0.008) and a feeling of energy loss (OR=2.18; p=0.050) during the school year. At the same time, some psychosomatic problems increase the likelihood of involvement in bullying behaviour. Children who were identified at the beginning of the school year as neutral and who had psychosomatic symptoms which had manifested as dizziness (OR=0.97, p=0.019), feeling tired for no reason (OR=1.84, p=0.018), pain (OR=2.45, p=0.001), eye problems (OR=1.94, p=0.047) and a feeling of energy loss (OR=2.06, p=0.045) were at greater risk of participation in peer violence during the school year. Conclusion – Many psychosomatic health problems follow involvement in bullying behaviour. Furthermore, our results indicate that children with some psychosomatic health symptoms are at increased risk of being involved in bullying behaviour.
The way children cope with peer violence influence their psychological adjustment. The aim of the study was to investigate whether different roles in peer violence together with coping strategies are predictors of psychological adjustment. 478 elementary school children have been included in the study. School Relationship Questionnaire and Self – Report Coping Measure was used for assessments in peer violence and coping strategies. The standardized checklist Youth Self-Report was applied six month later for assessments of psychological adjustment. The results showed that the roles in peer violence and using of avoidance coping strategies are statistically significant predictors of different psychological adjustment. At the same time these results indicate that coping strategies are an important determinant of successful adaptation in childhood.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u strategijama suocavanja s nasilnim ponasanjem kod ucenika razlicite dobi i spola s obzirom na njihovu ulogu u nasilnom ponasanju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 478 ucenika sestih i osmih razreda osnovne skole (232 djevojcice i 246 djecaka), dobi od 11 do 15 godina. Nasilno ponasanje je procjenjeno Upitnikom skolskih odnosa (School Relationship Questionnaire -SRQ) autora Wolke i sur. (2001). Za ispitivanje suocavanja sa nasilnim ponasanjem koristena je Skala strategija suocavanja (Self – Report Coping Measure – SRCM) autora Causey i Dubow (1992). Testiranjem znacajnosti razlika u cestini koristenja pojedinih strategija suocavanja dobiveno je da djevojcice u usporedbi s djecacima znacajno vise koriste Samooslanjanje / rjesavanje problema (F(1, 412)=4, 176 ; p=0, 042) i Internaliziranje (F(1, 412)=10, 559 ; p=0, 001). Utvrđeno je također da starija djeca cesce koriste Distanciranje od djece mlađe dobi (F(1, 467)=4, 118 ; p=0, 043). Znacajni efekti uloge u nasilnom ponasanju nađeni su za strategijeSamooslanjanja/rjesavanja problema (F(3, 412)=2, 897 ; p=0, 035), Eksternaliziranje (F(3, 412)=20, 540 ; p=0, 000) i Internaliziranje (F(3, 412)=8, 933 ; p=0, 000). Djeca neukljucena u nasilje vise koriste Samooslanjanje/traženje rjesenja od žrtava/zlostavljaca. Žrtve također cesce koriste ovu strategiju od žrtava/zlostavljaca. Strategiju Eksternaliziranja vise koriste žrtve, zlostavljaci I žrtve/zlostavljaci od neutralnih, te žrtve/zlostavljaci od žrtava. Kao sto se moglo i ocekivati, Internaliziranje cesce koriste žrtve i zlostavljaci od sudionika neukljucenih u nasilno ponasanje. Znacajna interakcija uloge i spola utvrđena je jedino za Eksternaliziranje (F(3, 412)=3, 438 ; p=0, 017). Djevojcice u ulozi zlostavljaca i žrtve/zlostavljaca cesce koriste ovu strategiju, kao i djecaci neukljuceni u nasilje, te žrtve nasilnog ponasanja. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da je koristenje manje adaptibilnih strategija karakteristicno za sve sudionike vrsnjaskog nasilja bez obzira na njihovu ulogu u nasilnickom ponasanju.
Koristeci razlicite indikatore stresa, brojna istraživanja su ukazala na stresnost ispitnog perioda kod studenata. Polazeci od postavki nekih interakcijskih modela stresa, koji naglasavaju važnost iskustva u reakcijama na stres, za ocekivati je razlike u razini ispitnog stresa kod studenata prve i druge godine preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija. Buduci da Bolonjski nacin studiranja ukljucuje kontinuirane provjere znanja u neispitnim razdobljima studiranja, može se također ocekivati ne postojanje razlika u razini doživljenog stresa između ispitnog i neispitnog perioda. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati neke psiholoske reakcije na stres u ispitnom i neispitnom razdoblju kod 76 studenata prve i druge godine studija psihologije. Na istom uzorku studenata ispitana je razina aktivacije, stanje anksioznosti, te cestina i intenzitet psihosomatskih simptoma dva puta, tj. u neispitnom i ispitnom periodu. U tu svrhu, primijenjena je Thayerova skala za procjenu opce i visoke aktivacije, Spielbergerov upitnik stanja anksioznosti, kao i cek lista cestine i intenziteta psihosomatskih simptoma. Dobiveni rezultati nisu pokazali znacajne razlike u reakcijama na stres kod studenata prve i druge godine (F=0, 93 ; p=0, 44). Usporedbom ispitivanih indikatora stresa u ispitnom i neispitnom periodu utvrđena je znacajno visu razina doživljenog stresa u ispitnom periodu u odnosu na neispitni period (F=8, 83 ; p=0, 001). Kada je rijec o psihosomatskim simptomima, razlike između ispitnog i neispitnog razdoblja dobivene su jedino na skupini studenata prve godine, koji u ispitnom periodu doživljaju vise psihosomatskih simptoma (p<0.001). U skladu s ocekivanim, korelacijske analize su potvrdile znacajne i pozitivne povezanosti između visih razina aktivacije i stanja anksioznosti s doživljavanjem cescih, kao i intenzivnih psihosomatskih simptoma (r= 0, 38- 0.68 ; p<0, 01). U zakljucku se može kazati da rezultati ukazuju na stresnost ispitnog perioda kod obje skupine studenata, dok su u ispitnom razdoblju psihosomatski simptomi intenzivniji kod studenata prve godine studija. Daljnja istraživanja trebala bi ukljucivala ispitivanja protektivnih faktora u percepciji i doživljanju ispitnog stresa.
Previous studies have shown a higher stress level in students during exam period in comparison with non-exam period. Using different subjective stress measures, the aim of this study was to examine differences in stress level among neurotic and stable subjects during exam and non-exam periods. In total 76 university students completed Spielberger’s State Anxiety Inventory, Thayer’s Activation- Deactivation Check List and Checklist of Psychosomatic Symptoms during exam and non-exam periods, as well as Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation. As expected, the results showed higher stress level during exam period in relation to non-exam period. The results also showed a higher level of anxiety and high activation, as stronger and more frequent psychosomatic reactions in neurotic compared to stable subjects. These results can be partly explained by emotion – oriented coping strategies, which neurotic subjects mostly used.
Objective – The aim of the present study was to assess if girls and boys who are classified as bullies, victims, bully/victims and neutral differ in Eysenck's personality dimensions. Subjects and method – Three hundred and seventy-two children, age range 10 to 14 years (mean age 12.3±1.6 years) completed a School Relationship Questionnaire (SRQ) and the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ Junior). To examine whether there are differences in the studied dimensions of personality with regard to their roles in bullying behavior and the gender of the respondents, we used one–way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey HSD Post Hoc analysis. Results – Based on the results of the SRQ, 57% of children were classified as involved in bullying behavior, either as bullies (13%), victims (16%) or bullies/victims (28%), while 41% were neutral. Girls showed significantly higher levels of neuroticism (F (1.325) = 9.983, p<0.001) and dissimulation tendency (F(1.331) = 7.270, p<0.05) than boys, while boys showed significantly higher levels of psychoticism (F(1.331) = 37.632, p<0.001). Bullies and bully/victims had higher levels of extraversion (F(3.323) = 3.105, p <0.05) while victims and bully/victims were found to have higher levels of neuroticism (F (3.325) = 20.390, p<0.001) compared to neutral. Significantly higher levels of psychoticism (F (3.331) = 13.929, p<0.001) were found for bully/victims in relation to bullies, victims and neutrals. Victims had significantly higher levels of psychoticism in relation to neutral, and bullies in relation to victims and neutrals. Significantly higher levels of affinity towards dissimulation (F (3.331) = 23.916, p<0.001) were found for neutrals in relation to bullies and bully/victims, and for victims in relation to bullies and bully/victims. Conclusion – Differences in Eysenck’s personality dimensions were found with regard to gender and role in bullying behavior. A higher level of psychoticism was found in boys, while girls had a higher level of neuroticism and tendency to dissimulation. Bullies and bully/victims had a significantly higher level of psychoticism than victims, and victims had significantly higher levels of dissimulation tendencies in relation to bullies and bully/victims. Differences in the level of psychoticism and tendency to dissimulation are factors that distinguish between bullies and bully/victims in relation to victims and the neutral subjects. The results of this study show that Eysenck’s personality dimensions could be an important variable in understanding bullying behavior.
AIM To retrospectively analyze the rate of multi-type abuse in childhood and the effects of childhood abuse and type of coping strategies on the psychological adaptation of young adults in a sample form the student population of the University of Mostar. METHODS The study was conducted on a convenience sample of 233 students from the University of Mostar (196 female and 37 male), with a median age of 20 (interquartile range, 2). Exposure to abuse was determined using the Child Maltreatment Scales for Adults, which assesses emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence. Psychological adaptation was explored by the Trauma Symptom Checklist, which assesses anxiety/depression, sexual problems, trauma symptoms, and somatic symptoms. Strategies of coping with stress were explored by the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. RESULTS Multi-type abuse in childhood was experienced by 172 participants (74%) and all types of abuse by 11 (5%) participants. Emotional and physical maltreatment were the most frequent types of abuse and mostly occurred together with other types of abuse. Significant association was found between all types of abuse (r=0.436-0.778, P<0.050). Exposure to sexual abuse in childhood and coping strategies were significant predictors of anxiety/depression (R(2)=0.3553), traumatic symptoms (R(2)=0.2299), somatic symptoms (R(2)=0.2173), and sexual problems (R(2)=0.1550, P<0.001). CONCLUSION Exposure to multi-type abuse in childhood is a traumatic experience with long-term negative effects. Problem-oriented coping strategies ensure a better psychosocial adaptation than emotion-oriented strategies.
Objective – To determine frequency and characteristics of sexual abuse in childhood high school students from West Herzegovina Canton. Material and methods – An anonymus retrospective study was conducted on an appropriate sample of 458 third-grade high school students (both sexes) from West Herzegovina Canton. Exposure to sexual abuse and characteristics of sexual abuse were investigated using subscales of sexual abuse, which is part of the Child Maltreatment Questionnaire. Results – Out of 458 students, 13.2% girls and 24.2% boys were sexually abused before the age of 14. Abusers are often friends or acquaintances, unknown people and members of the wider family. The greatest risk of exposure to sexual abuse is at ages between 11 and 14 years. Friends are people who are the respondents most trust. Shame and fear are the most common reason why respondents do not seek help or avoid confiding in someone. It is estimated that 30% of girls and 3.8% of boys need professional help due to consequences of maltreatment. Conclusion – Sexual activity without contact, and sexual activity over or under clothing are the most common forms of sexual abuse. Abusers are usually people of the opposite sex, friends or acquaintances, unknown people and members of the wider family. Girls are more likely to confide in someone or seek help than boys. Friends are the people that young men and women entrust with their most traumatic experiences.
Emotional abuse, because of its complexity and the difficulty of defining it, still gets very little attention in research compared to other forms of abuse. Characteristics related to parents, some characteristics of the child and socio-economic conditions are risk factors for emotional abuse of children. Consequences for the growth and development of children exposed to emotional abuse may be short or long term. The level of the physician’s and other professionals’ education who work with children on this issue is still not satisfactory. Various forms of preventive programs have been developed over the past few decades; but at the same time, the very important role of families and doctors in prevention of this kind of abuse is emphasized.
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