
Publikacije (24)

Georgios Sotirchos, Zlatan Ajanović

Robot motion planning is a challenging domain as it involves dealing with high-dimensional and continuous search space. In past decades, a wide variety of planning algorithms have been developed to tackle this problem, sometimes in isolation without comparing to each other. In this study, we benchmark two such prominent types of algorithms: OMPL's sampling-based RRT-Connect and SMPL's search-based ARA* with motion primitives. To compare these two fundamentally different approaches fairly, we adapt them to ensure the same planning conditions and benchmark them on the same set of planning scenarios. Our findings suggest that sampling-based planners like RRT-Connect show more consistent performance across the board in high-dimensional spaces, whereas search-based planners like ARA* have the capacity to perform significantly better when used with a suitable action-space sampling scheme. Through this study, we hope to showcase the effort required to properly benchmark motion planners from different paradigms thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of their capabilities and limitations. The code is available at https://github.com/gsotirchos/benchmarking_planners

Heuristic search is often used for motion planning and pathfinding problems, for finding the shortest path in a graph while also promising completeness and optimal efficiency. The drawback is it's space complexity, specifically storing all expanded child nodes in memory and sorting large lists of active nodes, which can be a problem in real-time scenarios with limited on-board computation. To combat this, we present the Search with Learned Optimal Pruning-based Expansion (SLOPE), which, learns the distance of a node from a possible optimal path, unlike other approaches that learn a cost-to-go value. The unfavored nodes are then pruned according to the said distance, which in turn reduces the size of the open list. This ensures that the search explores only the region close to optimal paths while lowering memory and computational costs. Unlike traditional learning methods, our approach is orthogonal to estimating cost-to-go heuristics, offering a complementary strategy for improving search efficiency. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach evaluating it as a standalone search method and in conjunction with learned heuristic functions, achieving comparable-or-better node expansion metrics, while lowering the number of child nodes in the open list. Our code is available at https://github.com/dbokan1/SLOPE.

Runyu Ma, Jelle Luijkx, Zlatan Ajanović, Jens Kober

In image-based robot manipulation tasks with large observation and action spaces, reinforcement learning struggles with low sample efficiency, slow training speed, and uncertain convergence. As an alternative, large pre-trained foundation models have shown promise in robotic manipulation, particularly in zero-shot and few-shot applications. However, using these models directly is unreliable due to limited reasoning capabilities and challenges in understanding physical and spatial contexts. This paper introduces ExploRLLM, a novel approach that leverages the inductive bias of foundation models (e.g. Large Language Models) to guide exploration in reinforcement learning. We also exploit these foundation models to reformulate the action and observation spaces to enhance the training efficiency in reinforcement learning. Our experiments demonstrate that guided exploration enables much quicker convergence than training without it. Additionally, we validate that ExploRLLM outperforms vanilla foundation model baselines and that the policy trained in simulation can be applied in real-world settings without additional training.

Bhargav Adabala, Zlatan Ajanović

In unstructured environments like parking lots or construction sites, due to the large search-space and kinodynamic constraints of the vehicle, it is challenging to achieve real-time planning. Several state-of-the-art planners utilize heuristic search-based algorithms. However, they heavily rely on the quality of the single heuristic function, used to guide the search. Therefore, they are not capable to achieve reasonable computational performance, resulting in unnecessary delays in the response of the vehicle. In this work, we are adopting a Multi-Heuristic Search approach, that enables the use of multiple heuristic functions and their individual advantages to capture different complexities of a given search space. Based on our knowledge, this approach was not used previously for this problem. For this purpose, multiple admissible and non-admissible heuristic functions are defined, the original Multi-Heuristic A* Search was extended for bidirectional use and dealing with hybrid continuous-discrete search space, and a mechanism for adapting scale of motion primitives is introduced. To demonstrate the advantage, the Multi-Heuristic A* algorithm is benchmarked against a very popular heuristic search-based algorithm, Hybrid A*. The Multi-Heuristic A* algorithm outperformed baseline in both terms, computation efficiency and motion plan (path) quality.

E. Drijver, Rodrigo Pérez-Dattari, Jens Kober, C. D. Santina, Zlatan Ajanović

Intelligent manufacturing is becoming increasingly important due to the growing demand for maximizing productivity and flexibility while minimizing waste and lead times. This work investigates automated secondary robotic food packaging solutions that transfer food products from the conveyor belt into containers. A major problem in these solutions is varying product supply which can cause drastic productivity drops. Conventional rule-based approaches, used to address this issue, are often inadequate, leading to violation of the industry's requirements. Reinforcement learning, on the other hand, has the potential of solving this problem by learning responsive and predictive policy, based on experience. However, it is challenging to utilize it in highly complex control schemes. In this paper, we propose a reinforcement learning framework, designed to optimize the conveyor belt speed while minimizing interference with the rest of the control system. When tested on real-world data, the framework exceeds the performance requirements (99.8% packed products) and maintains quality (100% filled boxes). Compared to the existing solution, our proposed framework improves productivity, has smoother control, and reduces computation time.

Jelle Luijkx, Zlatan Ajanović, L. Ferranti, Jens Kober

Several recent works show impressive results in mapping language-based human commands and image scene observations to direct robot executable policies (e.g., pick and place poses). However, these approaches do not consider the uncertainty of the trained policy and simply always execute actions suggested by the current policy as the most probable ones. This makes them vulnerable to domain shift and inefficient in the number of required demonstrations. We extend previous works and present the PARTNR algorithm that can detect ambiguities in the trained policy by analyzing multiple modalities in the pick and place poses using topological analysis. PARTNR employs an adaptive, sensitivity-based, gating function that decides if additional user demonstrations are required. User demonstrations are aggregated to the dataset and used for subsequent training. In this way, the policy can adapt promptly to domain shift and it can minimize the number of required demonstrations for a well-trained policy. The adaptive threshold enables to achieve the user-acceptable level of ambiguity to execute the policy autonomously and in turn, increase the trustworthiness of our system. We demonstrate the performance of PARTNR in a table-top pick and place task.

C. Celemin, Rodrigo P'erez-Dattari, Eugenio Chisari, Giovanni Franzese, L. Rosa, Ravi Prakash, Zlatan Ajanović, Marta Ferraz et al.

Interactive Imitation Learning (IIL) is a branch of Imitation Learning (IL) where human feedback is provided intermittently during robot execution allowing an online improvement of the robot's behavior. In recent years, IIL has increasingly started to carve out its own space as a promising data-driven alternative for solving complex robotic tasks. The advantages of IIL are its data-efficient, as the human feedback guides the robot directly towards an improved behavior, and its robustness, as the distribution mismatch between the teacher and learner trajectories is minimized by providing feedback directly over the learner's trajectories. Nevertheless, despite the opportunities that IIL presents, its terminology, structure, and applicability are not clear nor unified in the literature, slowing down its development and, therefore, the research of innovative formulations and discoveries. In this article, we attempt to facilitate research in IIL and lower entry barriers for new practitioners by providing a survey of the field that unifies and structures it. In addition, we aim to raise awareness of its potential, what has been accomplished and what are still open research questions. We organize the most relevant works in IIL in terms of human-robot interaction (i.e., types of feedback), interfaces (i.e., means of providing feedback), learning (i.e., models learned from feedback and function approximators), user experience (i.e., human perception about the learning process), applications, and benchmarks. Furthermore, we analyze similarities and differences between IIL and RL, providing a discussion on how the concepts offline, online, off-policy and on-policy learning should be transferred to IIL from the RL literature. We particularly focus on robotic applications in the real world and discuss their implications, limitations, and promising future areas of research.

Zlatan Ajanović, E. Alickovic, Aida Brankovic, Sead Delalic, Eldar Kurtic, S. Malikić, Adnan Mehonic, Hamza Merzic et al.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising technologies of the 21. century, with an already noticeable impact on society and the economy. With this work, we provide a short overview of global trends, applications in industry and selected use-cases from our international experience and work in industry and academia. The goal is to present global and regional positive practices and provide an informed opinion on the realistic goals and opportunities for positioning B&H on the global AI scene.

Zlatan Ajanović, M. Klomp, B. Lacevic, Barys Shyrokau, P. Pretto, Hassaan Islam, G. Stettinger, M. Horn

Closed-loop validation of autonomous vehicles is an open problem, significantly influencing development and adoption of this technology. The main contribution of this paper is a novel approach to reproducible, scenario-based validation that decouples the problem into several sub-problems, while avoiding to brake the crucial couplings. First, a realistic scenario is generated from the real urban traffic. Second, human participants, drive in a virtual scenario (in a driving simulator), based on the real traffic. Third, human and automated driving trajectories are reproduced and compared in the real vehicle on an empty track without traffic. Thus, benefits of automation with respect to safety, efficiency and comfort can be clearly benchmarked in a reproducible manner. Presented approach is used to benchmark performance of SBOMP planner in one scenario and validate SuperHuman driving performance.

Kailin Tong, Zlatan Ajanović, G. Stettinger

Planning is an essential topic in the realm of automated driving. Besides planning algorithms that are widely covered in the literature, planning requires different software tools for its development, validation, and operation. This paper presents a survey of such tools including map representations, communication, traffic rules, open-source planning stacks and middleware, simulation, and visualization tools as well as benchmarks. We start by defining the planning task and different supporting tools. Next, we provide a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art developments and analysis of relations among them. Afterwards, a systematic method to opt for superior tools with respect to specific planning tasks is proposed. Finally, we discuss the current gaps and suggest future research directions. The survey as well as methodology of selecting tools can speed up the pace of planning research for automated driving.

Bhargav Adabala, Zlatan Ajanović

Planning is a crucial component of autonomous vehicle con-trol. It is responsible for finding a collision-free sequence of states that take the vehicle towards its goal. In unstructured environments like parking lots or construction sites, due to the large search-space and kinodynamic constraints of the vehicle, real-time planning is challenging. Several state-of-the-art solutions utilize heuristic search-based planning algorithms. However, they heavily rely on the quality of the single heuristic function used to guide the search, and they are not capable to achieve reasonable performance, resulting in unnecessary delays in the response of the vehicle. This work solves the planning problem by adopting a Multi-Heuristic Search approach, that enables the use of multiple heuristic functions and their advantages to capture different complexities of a given search space. Based on our knowledge, this approach was not used for this domain so far. For this purpose, multiple admissible and non-admissible heuristic functions are defined, original Multi-Heuristic A* Search was extended for bidirectional use and dealing with hybrid continuous-discrete search space and a mechanism for adapting scale of motion primitives is introduced. To demonstrate the advantage, Multi-Heuristic A* algorithm is benchmarked against a very popular heuristic search-based algorithm, Hybrid A*. The Multi-Heuristic A* algorithm outperformed Hybrid A* in terms of computation efficiency and motion plan (path) quality.

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