
Publikacije (19)

Amra Čaušević, Ranko Mirić, Boris Avdić, Aida Avdić, Ahmed Džaferagić

Amra Čaušević, Ranko Mirić, Boris Avdić, Aida Avdić, Ahmed, Džaferagić

Sarajevo is a very interesting tourist destination. The official statistics of Canton Sarajevo show that tourists usually visit Sarajevo individually. The purpose of this paper is to explore the differences between foreign tourists who came to Sarajevo individually and the ones whose travel was organized by a travel agency. The aim of this research is to compare foreign tourists from the aspect of the travel mode in relation to the declaration of tourists' satisfaction with a tourist destination, the general quality of this tourist destination offer, overall satisfaction, and loyalty. For the purposes of data analysis, descriptive statistics and Mann–Whitney U test were used. The results have shown that foreign tourists who visited Sarajevo individually have a more positive attitude about perceived value, declaration of tourists' satisfaction with a tourist destination, and they are more willing to revisit Sarajevo in the future than the foreign tourists who visited through a travel agency / another organizer. Also, it has been shown that there is no statistically significant difference between visitors who visited Sarajevo individually and tourists who visited through a travel agency / another organizer in terms of the general quality of the tourist destination offer, overall satisfaction, and intention to recommend Sarajevo to their friends and relatives.

H. Gekić, Herzegovina, A. Bidžan-Gekić, Ranko Mirić, P. Reményi

Bosnia and Herzegovina has witnessed continuous depopulation since 1991. Depopulation was foreseen even without the emergence of war, but not nearly to that extent or that early. Bosnia and Herzegovina is in a worse demographic position than the European Union countries that show similar demographic trends. Very low birth rates, low fertility and low natural population growth have been recorded in the time of weaker economic development, which increasingly accelerates the emigration of the educated population in particular, and permanently adversely affects the reproductive potential of the country. This paper considers a hidden mutual relationship between the demographic situation (natural change, population ageing) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens' system of values. According to the survey conducted on 614 respondents, Bosnia and Herzegovina's citizens have fewer children than they would like.

Boris Avdić, Herzegovina, Ranko Mirić, H. Gekić, A. Bidžan-Gekić

Computerization of education process is a contemporary trend that is emerging at the global scale, but with substantial regional disparities in the level of its implementation. The present study is aimed at revealing the current situation regarding computer technology use in geographical education in primary and secondary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina through a survey conducted among geography teachers from two typical regions – Canton of Sarajevo with predominantly urban features and Central Bosnia region, where majority of population lives in rural areas. The obtained results suggest that general situation with regard to the level of computer skills identified among geography teachers is satisfying, but that there are still certain disparities across different categories of respondents. It turns out that younger teachers, as well as those from urban region possess a higher level of IT skills and use this technology more frequently for the preparation and implementation of teaching process. At the same time, significant differences regarding the respondents gender have not been found, except in the context of extracurricular activities.

Amra Čaušević, Ranko Mirić, N. Drešković, Edin Hrelja

Abstract The aim of this research is to segment foreign tourists to Sarajevo based on the frequency of visits in order to make a distinction between first-time and repeat foreign tourists. The purpose is to discover if repeat foreign tourists have more positive intention to revisit and recommend Sarajevo, if they have more positive attitude towards overall satisfaction with tourist destination and if they have more positive opinion about the general quality of this tourist destination offer than first-time foreign tourists. The study used a quantitative approach for research. The survey sample is a convenience sample of 250 foreign tourists who visited Sarajevo during the winter (from December 10, 2018 to January 31, 2019). To achieve scientific relevance, during the analysis and interpretation of the obtained data, descriptive statistics and Mann–Whitney U test were used. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference, and that first-time and repeat foreign tourists had the same intention of recommending Sarajevo, had a positive attitude towards the overall satisfaction of the tourist destination and had the same opinion about the general quality of this tourist destination offer. The results also indicated that repeat foreign tourists had more positive intention to revisit Sarajevo.

Boris Avdić, N. Drešković, Ranko Mirić

The use of geospatial technology at lower levels of education has become a global tendency. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that is virtually uncharted in this regard, and the present paper has the main purpose to change that fact. Results of a survey conducted among geography teachers place this country within the entry category. Different attitudes among various groups of teachers (based on gender, age and regional distribution) have also been tested. Although the general hypotheses could not be confirmed, certain specific differences have been found, such as in the use of virtual globes, theoretical knowledge of GIS and willingness to attend educational training courses.

Boris Avdić, Ranko Mirić, N. Drešković

The position of regional geography in the system of geographical sciences is a topic that has been the subject of intense epistemologically and methodologically focused discussion within scientific realm at the global level since the middle of the 20th century. The initial outcome of these processes at the academic level was the marginalization of regional geography in the study of spatial phenomena, but since then there was a partial revitalization of the regional approach. In view of these changes, the place of regional geography within geographical education also began to be problematized. In this paper, it is conducted a critical review of selected academic articles from the last few decades that at least in a certain segment touch on this topic, as well as analysis of recent trends in school geography. This analysis suggests that it is difficult to find an adequate replacement for regional content, especially in the geographical education at lower levels of education, and that in many countries it still represents the basis or at least an important part of the geographical curriculum. However, at the same time, the need for change of teaching approach based on the excessive so-called regional inventory of space, by introducing general geographical concepts in the study of regional units of various levels, and putting them in the service of the development of critical thinking in students.

Senada Nezirović, N. Drešković, Ranko Mirić

In this paper, the authors work on the basis of the present knowledge, especially in the interest of realization of the concept of long-term development of tourism, to point out the need and representational basis for the separation of tourist-geographic regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The basis of the functional tourist and economic regionalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina served the concept of separation of tourist-geographical regions. The research of tourism development of the Tuzla region within this work requires the spatial definition, ie the demarcation of the tourist region in the area of ​​Northern Bosnia. During the delimitation of the Tuzla tourist region, the former geo-tourist and economic concepts of the Northeast Bosnia-Herzegovina regionalization were taken into account with six proposals being made. For this purpose, a geographic analysis was carried out and proposals for certain corrections of the former physiognomic boundaries and the spatial coverage of regional units of the first and second level were made, along with the established guidelines for further research in this field. During the field research conducted, the emphasis was placed on the detailed attribution of tourism potential and their role in spatial organization and tourism development. Motives and goals basically come down to the need to establish a more effective coordination of tourism development at the Tuzla tourist region, linking tourism destinations, to a range of common development issues, and achieving greater efficiency of the overall economic development. This paper provides a short analysis of the areas where there are tourism resources and facilities with the dominant function of tourism, i.e. in which tourism can become a dominant economic activity.

Ranko Mirić, N. Drešković, Boris Avdić, Senada Nezirović

The medieval heritage in the context of cultural and historical tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina is often neglected, but the practice of other European countries shows that this segment of history can be exploited on a very high level. This is primarily related to large objects in the form of fortresses, which generally have a dominant position over the surrounding area. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there are a large number of such forts (over a hundred), which testify to the turbulent medieval past. The fact is also that a large number of such facilities are in an inadequate state, but there are also those who may or already have their tourist function. Within this paper, four examples of medieval forts in Bosnia and Herzegovina - two in the Bosna River valley and two in Northeast Bosnia, from the aspect of their tourism attractiveness and degree of valorization have been analyzed. The methodology in this paper is based on detailed empirical research conducted through very extensive field observation, with the application of combined qualitative and quantitative comparative method of tourism valorization. The particular method used in the paper was based on the application of GIS cartographic models for adequate spatial representation of the study objects.

N. Drešković, Ranko Mirić

Horizontal air temperature is defined by the value of the mean air temperature for a certain surface area unit.  It is defined by the value of horizontal thermal gradient, i.e. the value of average change of horizontal temperature per unit area. In order to define the horizontal change of air temperature in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a GRID thermal model was constructed whose spatial resolution is 20 m. Based on obtained thermal model geo-database it was determined that the mean annual air temperature for the whole area of Bosnia and Herzegovina is about 10.9 °C, keeping in mind that there are significant thermal differences with respect to the two existing climate zones. More specifically, on the territory of the northern temperate climate zone the average annual temperature is about 9.7 °C, while in the Mediterranean climate zone the said value is 12.1 °C. In this work, it was also found that thermal contrasts are very pronounced as well, due to the fact that average annual temperature in the highest mountain peak zones in southeastern  Bosnian highlands is negative and is found to be -1.4 °C (Maglić peak), while at the  Neum coastal zone it is measured at 15.9 °C. The above stated pronounced thermal contrasts are determined on a small horizontal distance, as a consequence of climactic position of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as highly pronounced terrain dynamics. 

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