
Publikacije (11)

Semir Mašić, Denis Čaušević, Ivor Doder, Amila Hodžić, M. Talović, A. Mašala, Adis Tabakovi̇ć

Conflict is an integral part of sport, and it implies a normal occurrence in communication and relationship between athletes and coaches. The main aim of this paper was to present a conflict analysis of the coach-athletes relationship, but also its impact on the achievement of sports results. The review article analysed nine works that directly studied interpersonal relationships between coaches and athletes. Research results suggest that conflict is evident and inevitable, as well as expected since coaches spend a lot of time with athletes, and pass through the training process, but also the competition period, when athletes are exposed to greater pressure because of the competition itself. Timely response and adequate response to conflict can greatly contribute to improving relations and even better sports results.

A. Bajraktarević, S. Užičanin, F. Krupic, A. Abduzaimovic, E. Beslagic, I. Suljević, A. Mašala

The aim of this research was to determine the differences in the rate of development of ventilation capabilities in 12 to 15-year-old boys who systematically train football, and boys in the same age group who are not involved in any sports. The research included 40 football players and 40 non-players, divided into chronological age groups U12, U13, U14, and U15. Ventilation capabilities are represented with 10 parameters: forced vital capacity, forced vital capacity in percentage predicted, volume of air exhaled during the first second, volume of air exhaled during the first second in percentage predicted, Tiffeneau index, percentage of the predicted Tiffeneau index, forced expiratory flow, forced expiratory flow 25-75% of FVC, forced expiratory flow 75-85% of FVC, and maximum expiratory flow. The difference between the arithmetic mean of groups and the development rate of the variables is determined by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Non-players have a higher and faster growth in value for most variables until the age of 13, followed by a gradual stagnation and decline in values, while football players have a more balanced growth in values until the age of 13, and they experience the maximum in development at 14 years of age, after which it begins to decline slightly. The obtained values confirm that boys who are participating in systematic sport training have a continuous rate of development of pulmonary ventilation, and have greater capacity values, as well as better airway patency.

A. Mašala, A. Bajraktarević, M. Miokovic, M. Omerovic, A. Rovcanin, L. Sporišević

Background Volleyball is a fun sport for children that is easy to learn and can be played in a gym, at the beach, or on grass. Playing volleyball help improve child heart work, flexibility, balance and coordination. Some schools have volleyball teams for boys and girls. Heart rates can improve sports exercise and volleyball can make children stronger and healthier. Objective The purpose of this study was to examine accountability paediatrics systems operating in youth volleyball training sessions and to understand how those systems vary according to the instructional tasks and the nature of the information provided by paediatricians. Design, setting and participants The ECG recording was performed for 5 min at rest in seated, supine or supine with elevated legs body position on different days in girl and boy school volleyball players. Measurements were undertaken in a quiet room, air temperature ranging from 21 to 22°C, after and before volleyball games. The data was analyzed for 40 female and 40 male volleyball players ranging in age from 12 to 16 years, and other equal players and athletes in other sports of the same age and gender. Methods Systematic medical observation strategies were used to describe and analyse paediatric tasks for heart rates presentation and task volleyball players in schools during paediatrics examinations. Statistical analyses were performed using the Sigmastat Programme 3.0 for windows package during period 2005–2009 in school players teams in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Main outcome measurement Young female volleyball players are more vulnerable to sport injuries but similiar heart rates stabilizing works after volleyball games comparing than their boys counterparts. Results Heart rates after volleyball games and exercise were lower and better than other sports groups in both volleyball groups for girls and boys, too, without difference. Conclusions Further research needs to address issues of paediatricians' knowledge and conceptions related to volleyball instruction for heart works improvement. No differences were noted between heart rates after exercise in boys and girls volleyball school players, but better heart rates were observed in older age volleyball players when compared to other athletes such as tennis players and soccer or basketball players.

The research results of global trends of sport in Europe and the world specified the crossroad of sport in Europe in 2002. The chosen ways were various, but all of them that accepted similar to „business approach“, based on management, were successful. Keeping in mind such trends, the focus of this research is directed towards sport organization management models (football, basketball, volleyball and handball organizations of Sarajevo Canton during 2003/04 Season) on the aspect of organization process – sport as a business. Using multiple regression analysis, actually, stepwise method of predictor inclusion in prediction model, the model of business success prediction was objectified and confirmed. According to this model it is possible to reliably design and develop management models of sustainable development of team sports. Within a frame of this statistical procedure, coefficients of multiple correlations and regression (beta) coefficients were calculated, as well as the levels of their significance and the selection of variables that most contribute to its prediction was conducted. Based on percentage value of described criteria determinacy variance it was concluded that model 4 presents business success prediction model of sport organizations/clubs of team sports (football, basketball, volleyball and handball) in Sarajevo Canton during 2003/04 Season. According to results of analysis it was determined that scientific model of sport success prediction has valuable predictive power considering the sum of total variances explained in ambient conditions of external environment which confirms scientific basis of designing and objectifying prediction models.

A. Mašala, Aziz Šunje, I. Rađo, D. Bonacin

In this work we analyzed phenomenon of team sport organizations such as football, basketball, volleyball and handball. We also analyzed basic organizational configurations of innovative character and its projected model of management pyramidal structure (top, middle and basic level). Phenomenon of management adjustment to transition conditions has opened the issue of innovative model creation within sports organizations management structures of team sports that are made of relatively and conditionally independent subsystems. This opens completely new approach in a modern innovative management projecting model in a way that team sports organizations in their operational core mandatory include managers of all levels, but they keep management functions that determine its pyramidal structure. In all of this, as one separate management structure subsystem closely related with consultant position, presents the right to dispose of property used by sports organizations.

A. Mašala, D. Bonacin, D. Bonacin

The main determinant of success and mission of sporting industry is competition quality and attractiveness of primary and complementary sports product. Analysis of mega trends indicate that the plan will be based on the successful development of the sports organizations of top sports achievements in this century, where the innovative models of management of sports organizations have a very important role. That is why we based this research on application of scientifically objectified methodology of prediction model creation in team sports organizations (football, basketball, volleyball and handball) in Sarajevo Canton during 2003/04 season. Within the frame of these sports we achieve sustainable development on the market. Using multiple regression analysis, actually, stepwise method of predictor inclusion in prediction model, we objectified and confirmed sports success prediction model according which it is possible to reliably design and develop sports organization management models of team sports sustainable development. Within a frame of this statistical procedure, coefficients of multiple correlations and regression (beta) coefficients were calculated and the selection of independent variables that most contribute to its prediction was conducted.Based on percentage value of described criteria determinacy variance it was concluded that model 8 presents sports success prediction model of team sports organizations/clubs of (football, basketball, volleyball and handball) in Sarajevo Canton during 2003/04 season. Significant percentage of described predictor variable variance, titular of right to ownership in prediction model of sports success indicates significant presence of sports organizations dispose over property they hold. According analysis results it was determined that scientific model of sport success prediction has valuable predictive power considering the sum of totally described variances in ambient conditions of external environment which confirms scientific basis of designing and objectifying prediction models.

I. Dall’Oglio, C. Cervoni, G. D'Agostino, P. Fazi, M. Graziani, A. Mašala, A. Portanova, Guglielmo Salvatori

Objective Breastfeeding initiation and duration encounters obstacles for hospitalised newborns in neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Although referred to healthy full term infants, the baby-friendly hospital initiative appears to contribute to increasing breastfeeding practice among infants in NICU. In this contest the nurse has many responsibilities in order to help mother/infant couples breastfeed. Aim To describe the experience of the nursing staff at the NICU of Bambino Gesu Childrens’ Hospital in supporting the mothers to initiate and maintain breastfeeding over time. Materials and Methods A specific education about breastfeeding for high-risk infants was planned. The nurses were involved in defining the most important procedures regarding breastfeeding promotion and support in the NICU setting and nursing responsibilities. Results Three courses have been performed in 2007/8, 40% of the team has been trained. Five procedures were performed: family information about milk collection; management of the milk collection room and of own mother’s milk (OMM); management of meal requests in order to prevent OMM waste; kangaroo mother’s care; oral stimulation and feeding in order to protect breastfeeding. The main nursing responsibilities are: family information and education, individual counselling and practice support for the mothers in the different stages of breastfeeding, management of room and materials for milk collection, documentation regarding feeding. Conclusions We suggest that an adapted version of the “10 steps” to the NICU setting, relating the characteristics of such high-risk infants and their families could guide new changes. Meantime nurses have many responsibilities that can and must be applied.

A. Mašala, Aziz Šunje, I. Rađo

Summary Quality issue of the pure (primary) sporting product and of the service, as well as its reflections on the success of the sporting organisations, has a critical influence. In the sporting industry, especially when talking about the competitive sports, and more than in any other industry, the sporting product quality, and especially the primary product quality (pure sporting product), is very clear and measurable in terms of the realised sporting and business achievements. The purpose of this research work is to objectify the potentials and the attractiveness of the primary sporting product in the following team-sports: football, basketball, volleyball, and team-handball from the Canton of Sarajevo for the competitive 2003/04 season, based on the conducted correlation analyses of the generically significant structure and number of officially held sporting manifestations segment and the business and sporting achievements. By observing the significance of the primary sporting product within team-sports, reflected in the generic structure and number of officially held sporting manifestations segment and its correlation with the business and sporting achievements, it is possible to quantify the successful management of the sporting organisations focused on the sustainable development in terms of the selection of the generic strategies with a clear accent on the fact that only the „efficacy“ of the sporting achievement implies the „quality“ of the business achievement.

A. Mašala, Aziz Šunje, I. Rađo, M. Cicic

Owing to the media, the sporting industry has largely increased its attractiveness, production and sale intended for the sporting producers (direct – indirect) and the sporting consumers (passive – active), but for the wider public, as well. Attractiveness, as a special feature of marketing abilities of individual sports, is a specific feature in itself in terms that sports belonging to the sporting industry have larger or lesser marketing potentials (football, basketball, volleyball, and team-handball), which additionally increases the interests of the mass-media, the business investors, the advertisers and the sponsors for this type of sporting products and services. Purpose of this research work is to objectify the media exposure of the sporting organisations in team-sports from the Canton of Sarajevo in terms of selection of generic strategies and their impact on the targeted media market in relation to the realised business and sporting achievements. This research defines a correlation between structural and generic significance of the media exposure segment within sports, such as, football, basketball, volleyball, and team-handball from the Canton of Sarajevo for the competitive 2003/04 season, and the business and sporting achievements segment, based on which are presented the abilities of the analysed sporting organisations in team-sports, to a larger or a lesser degree, using the potentials and attractiveness of their own sports, and in wider application of the organisational business function of public relations, by means of sporting market, to provide a higher level of profitability for themselves.

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