
Publikacije (21)

L. Lindsey, Hayley Hogg, A. Rathbone, R. Hendra, A. Sulaeman, Catleya Febrinella, F. Muttaqin, Noffendri Rustam et al.

on Datix reports qualitatively collected from an NHS trust in the UK. This

S. Terzić, Vahid Jusufović, A. Vodenčarević, M. Aščerić, A. Pilavdžić, Meliha Halilbašić, A. Terzić

Introduction: Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and represents a significant social and health problem. Early detection of glaucoma enables early initiation of treatment and may delay disease progression. The aim of this work is to determine whether it is possible to detect glaucoma in early stages. Methods: A public awareness campaign was carried out in University Clinic Center (UCC) in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) during 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Glaucoma Week, with one-day, free of charge screening of individuals. This screening program was composed of getting brief medical history, slit-lamp examination including intraocular pressure and anterior chamber dept evaluation and non-mydriatic fundus exam with evaluation of the cup/disk ration. Results: A total of 682 individuals were screened, 277 were male and 405 were female. The youngest individual was 8 years old and the oldest individual was 84 years old. The mean age was 57.6 years. Intraocular pressure higher then 21,9 mmHg was found in 83 patients. Conclusion: Glaucoma is a disease that affects visual acuity and gradually leads to blindness. It occurs in all age groups in both sexes and in all races. Early detection of disease and proper treatment can prevent permanent loss of vision. Detection and early treatment of glaucoma must become one of the leading public health programs in B&H.

S. Loga-Zec, M. Aščerić, Nataša Loga-Andrijić, B. Kapetanović, E. Zerem

Objective: To determine types and frequency of side effects of antihypertensive drugs in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 and hypertension. Subjects and Methods: We performed a prospective study of 79 patients with DM type 2 and hypertension, randomly selected by systematic sampling, who were followed over a period of six months. Patients were assessed at baseline and once a month measuring following parameters: types of used antihypertensive drugs and frequency of side effects, the values (mmHg) of systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Results: Out of 79 patients, 48/79 (60.8%) were males and 31/79 (39.2%) were females. The median age in males was 53 years (IQR=48 to 55 years), in females was 53 years (IQR=49 to 56 years). There was no statistically significant difference in median age between males and females (P=0.368). There is a statistically significant difference in the values of SBP [χ2(5)=312.296, P<0.001] and DBP [χ2(5)=216.051, P<0.001] over a period of six months follow-up. The drug side effects were noted in 9/79 (11.4%) patients between 1-2 months, in 6/79 (7.6%) between 2-3 months, in 1/79 (1,3%) between 3-4 months. The most common side effect was cough (11/79 or 13.9%) associated with the combination of ACE inhibitor and thiazide diuretics. In 5/79 (6.3%) patients there were reports of: flushing, palpitations, headache, dizziness and leg edema associated with Ca blockers. Conclusion: The most common side effect of antihypertensive treatment was cough (13.9%) associated with the combination of ACE inhibitor and thiazide diuretic.

Edisa Trumić, N. Pranjić, L. Begić, F. Becic, M. Aščerić

GOAL Inappropriate prescribing of a multiple therapeutic agents to patients with chronic conditions is very common in everyday practice. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are still considered as one of the main problems of drug therapy. We investigated idiosyncratic symptoms and signs of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of the most frequent used combination of drugs among hospitalized patients prescribed polypharmacy. METHODOLOGY A cross sectional study (design) was performed in Pharmacies "Eufarm Edal" in Tuzla from 2010 to 2011. Polypharmacy was defined as using > or =4 drugs. The total study sample of 166 examiners was interviewed with a questionnaire about ADRs which was developed special for study. Linear regression analyses was used to evaluate predictors of idiosyncratic signs of adverse drug reactions of the most prevalent drug combinations; using length of drugs in cases polypharmacy more than 6 months as independent variable. Age, sex, index of cumulative morbidity, drug number in polypharmacy, type of drug combination related pharmacological effects, type of hospital clinics were used as possible confounders. RESULTS The most common exposures to various drug combinations were: medication for high blood pressure and heart (62%), psychotropic drugs (59%), antacids (47%) and antibiotics (46%) among hospitalized patients with polypharmacy. Our results indicated that from 9.6% to 90.4% of hospitalized patients with polypharmacy had at least one suspicious long-term idiosyncratic drug combination use symptoms. The ADRs prevalence often used psychotropic drug combination was initiated suspected idiosyncratic adverse reactions: confusion, depression, anxiety, decreased libido and insomnia. Linear regression analyses also showed that it remains a very strange, and negative idiosyncratic and lacking therapeutic effects of use of antacids in conditions of polypharmacy. CONCLUSION The toxicity of some drug combinations may sometimes be synergistic and be greater than the sum of the risks of toxicity of either agent used alone. In order to recognize and to prevent ADRs (including drug interactions), good communication between pharmacist and patient and/or physicians and patient is crucial, and prescribers should develop an effective therapeutic partnership with the patient and with fellow health professionals.

Elvedin Osmanović, M. Aščerić, Esed Omerkić

Introduction: Antibiotic prophylaxis is defined as the use of antimicrobials in the absence of symptoms of infection, with the aim of preventing or reducing the incidence of infection after surgery. We analyzed the incidence of surgical wound infection in patients in whom a protection of hemoprophylaxis conducted using cefazolin and gentamicin, and determine the frequency of surgical wound infection in patients in whom there was a deviation in the implementation of hemoprophylaxis protection.Methods: This retrospective-prospective study included 100 patients surgically treated at the The Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, University Clinical Center in Tuzla from December 2007 to February 2010, which examined the incidence of surgical wound infection after surgical treatment of fractures or degenerative changes in the hip, thigh and lower leg fractures.Results: In the first group, in patients who were treated with cefazolin were detected in 2 cases (5.7%) while the length of hemoprophylaxis was 7 days, patients who were treated with cefazolin and gentamicin were detected in 1 case (2.8%) and duration hemoprophylaxis was 7 days. In another control group tah was found 9 cases of wound infection (30%), and hemoprophylaxis duration was 10 days.Conclusion: The combination of cefazolin and gentamycin for a period of 5 days significantly reduces the incidence of infection and significantly shortened the time of antibiotics in group that is respected application protocol in accordance with international recommendation.

Suzana Pavljašević, M. Aščerić

The aim of this paper was to prove the relation between serum lipid values (cholesterol, triglyceride, low density cholesterol, high density cholesterol and primary open -angle glaucoma. The study includes two patient groups: 50 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and 50 patients without this disease. However, all 100 patients were tested for serum lipid values. The research covered a period of six months (from May to December 2007.). Primary open-angle glaucoma was diagnosed with intraocular pressure values (between 20,1 and 25,6 mm Hg) measured with Schiotz tonometry. The visual field changes were confirmed with Goldmann perimetry. The gonioscopies were done for diagnosis confirmation. The serum lipid values were confirmed with enzymatic colorimetry in vitro method. U-test (Mann-Witney-Wilcox test) and t-test, as nonparametric tests, were used for statistical evaluations. The cholesterol mean value in the test group was 6,14 mol/dm (3) (3,20-8,10 mol/dm (3)) whereas in the control group it was 5,96 mol/dm(3) (2,70-8,80 mol/dm(3)). U-test was with negative ranks (z=-0,83 AS=0,678). The triglyceride mean value in the test group was 2,38 mol/dm (3) (0,84-11,73 mol/m (3)) and in the control group it was 2,04 mol/dm (3) (0,63-5,89 mol/dm(3)). U-test was with positive ranks (z=0,950 AS=0,342). High density cholesterol was average in the test group with 1,45 mol/dm (3) (0,71-3,40 mol/dm (3)) and in the control group 1,40 mol/m (3) (0,80-3,20 mol/dm (3)). Low density cholesterol in the test group was 3,98 mol/m (3) (1,82-6,49 mol/m (3)) and in the control group 4,08 mol/m (3) (2,69-5,69 mol/m (3)). These results had positive ranks according to U-test. Serum lipid values could be one of predictable factors in primary open-angle glaucoma diagnosis. Due to the patient age, cholesterol values, as common factors in primary open-angle glaucoma and atherosclerosis genesis, could be concern in the same aetiology based on dyslipidaemia as well.

A. Čustović, Vesna Zulcić-Nakić, M. Aščerić, Sadeta Hadžić

Intrahospital infections (IHI) and antibiotics resistance are the problems which exist in virtually all hospitals in the world. The main aim of the present research is establishing of epidemiological surveillance over occurrence of IHI at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the University Clinical Center Tuzla and thus identifies: types of bacteria which cause IHI, types of infection according to anatomical localization and research resistance organisms causing of IHI on antimicrobial drugs. A study was implemented on all patients admitted to Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics during the period of one year and who subsequently developed infection. Determination of intrahospital infections was done according to criteria defined by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention from the United States. The results of our work have shown that both urinary tract infections and surgical site infections are the most frequent. As IHI causers the most found are gram-negative organisms (73,7%), such as Escherichia coli (29,8%), right after that Klebsiella pneumoniae (24,6%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (14%) and Proteus mirabilis (5,3%) (p<0,05). Gram-positive organisms as causers of IHI are registered in 26,3% cases. Out of that Streptococcus species are isolated in 10,5% cases, Staphylococcus aureus (8,8%) and coagulasa negative staphylococci (7%) (p>0,05). High percent resistance of bacteria was evident to beta-lactams, aminoglycosids and cephalosporin's of third generation. Gram-positive organisms were 100% sensitive to vancomycin, while gram-negative organisms manifested the high percent of sensibility to imipenem and cefepime.

Mugdim Bajrić, Fahir Baraković, Z. Kusljugic, N. Salkić, Elmir Jahić, M. Aščerić, F. Ljuca, D. Mršić et al.

We aimed to evaluate levels of amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptid (NT-proBNP) in prediction of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in heart failure patients. Prospective study on 60 consecutive patients with symptoms and signs of heart failure was performed. Blood samples for NT-proBNP analysis was taken from all test subjects and echocardiography was also done in all of them. According to LVEF value, patients were divided into four groups; those with <or=30%, 31 to 39%, 40 to 49% and >or=50%. NT-proBNP values correlated with LVEF value. Regression analysis was used to evaluate how well NT-proBNP values predict LVEF. We used Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve calculation to evaluate diagnostic performance of NT-proBNP in estimation of LVEF. Average value of NT-proBNP in test group was 3191.69+/-642.89 pg/ml (p<0.001). Average value of NT-proBNP decreased with higher LVEF categories with significant (p<0.001) and high negative correlation (r= -0,75). Stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis showed that logarithmic value of NT-proBNP was excellent predictor of LVEF value (p<0.05). Model equation based on regression analysis was LVEF=88.645-15.311 x log (NT-proBNP). Predictive model for LVEF yielded from regression analysis had sensitivities of 98% and 81%, specificities of 20% and 90%, positive predictive values of 86% and 78% and negative predictive values of 67% and 92% for predicting patients with LVEF<50% and LVEF<40%, respectively. There was negative linear correlation between NT-proBNP and LVEF. NT-proBNP was excellent predictor of LVEF value (p<0.05).

Vesna Hadžiavdić, Izet Eminovic, M. Aščerić, R. Komel

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant illness with the highest risk for appearance of colorectal cancer's disease. In our study, we have used Bethesda criteria that define colorectal cancers which can be tested on microsatellite instability. The aim of our study is make an analysis of microsatellite instability (MSI), appearance of RER+ phenotype, genetic alteration of tumor suppressor genes as like as one of responsible factor for genesis of adenomatous polyposis. The base for this study were shown families with clinical diagnosed FAP. In this study two families with clinical diagnosed adenomatous polyposis were involved. Our study of both families showed that three tumor tissues belonged to RER negative phenotype, but only one belonged to RER positive phenotype. Microsatellite analysis showed instability of mononucleotide marker Bat 40 at 4 samples and Bat 26 at 2 samples, but Bat 25 and in 1 sample. Dinucleotide marker TP 53 did no show any microsatellite alterations. Genetic alteration of tumor suppressor gene APC appeared at 4 samples, p53 at 3 samples, RB1 at 2 samples and NM23 only at 1 sample, but tumor suppressor genes DCC1 and DCC2 were homozygote. Our results are agree with results of earlier studies and also the got results confirm the fact that loss of heterozygosity of tumor suppressor gene APC and p53 are responsible for genesis of adenomatous polypose and it also represents the characteristic of genetic changes FAP's patients in our region.

M. Aščerić, Alma Nadarević, Sevleta Avdić, Muamera Vrabac-Mujčinagić, Sabrija Nukić, Z. Mujcinović

Hexagon TB is intended for the rapid diagnostics of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a contagious and epidemic disease. According to the data published by WHO, 3-4 millions of patients are diagnosed with this disease annually. In 2004, 107 new cases were discovered in the area of Tuzla Municipality. Annual incidence of this disease is 62,9 per 100 000 inhabitants in Bosnia and Herzegovina; 28,9 in Slovenia; 33,2 in FYRM; 48,5 in Croatia; 41,8 in Serbia and Montenegro. Western European countries have a rather low rate of the disease--5-10 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. Efficiency of Hexagon TB examination method was tested on 100 patients. The subjects were patients with clinical symptoms of active TBC infection, persons who were in contact with TBC patients and persons earlier cured of TBC. All the subjects were tested with Hexagon TB, and the results were compared against lungs X-rays and sputum test for BK and LOW. Hexagon TB is intended for rapid, qualitative detection of IgG, IgA, IgM antibodies against M. tuberculosis and mycobacterium in human serum, plasma or whole blood as an aid in the early diagnostics of tuberculosis infections for professional use. Hexagon TB was positive in 11 of the examined patients. 10 patients had changes suggesting TBC. 1 patient was directly positive for BK and 3 patients were positive for LOW. Of all the examined patients, 3 were positive for all tests positive. According to our results, Hexagon TB has significant importance in practice of rapid TBC diagnostics compared to lungs X-ray and examination of sputum for BK and LOW.

M. Aščerić, Sevleta Avdić, Sabrija Nukić, Muamera Vrabac-Mujčinagić

In this work we are going to show results of intensive observation of adverse reactions of cyclosporine therapy during 18 months. The research was applied on 30 patients with kidney transplant. The medium time of kidney transplant survival was 9,7+/-2,3 years, with time span of 6 to 15 years. All the patients were subjects to several years' cyclosporine treatment, which was applied on a daily basis with a dosage of 2 to 5 mg/kg of body weight. The concentration of cyclosporine in blood was measured once a month. The concentration of cyclosporine in blood in 19 patients was in referent values of 122,50 nag/ml up to 280,50 nag/ml of blood. In 4 of the patients the concentration was heightened up to 370 to 538 nag/ml (X=766,37 nag/ml), and in 7 patients cyclosporine was below normal dosage down to 30,78 to 96,30 nag/ml in blood (x=77,12 nag/ml). We noticed these toxic side effects: increased values of systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure in 5 patients, neurotoxic tremor effects in 4 patients, hyperplasia gingival and hirsute in 1 patient each.

Sevleta Avdić, Z. Mujcinović, M. Aščerić, Sabrija Nukić, Z. Kusljugic, Elnur Smajić, S. Arapcić

T Diastolic dysfunction is very frequent and is actually sign of manifest heart weakness. Over 40% of patients with heart weakness have isolated left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD). New diagnostics methods as Doppler Echocardiography with close monitoring enables precise and early LVDD diagnose. In all diastolic phases artery hypertension weakens relaxation and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) weakens compliance also. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate importance of all LVDD. Doppler echocardiography parameters usage and its important echocardiography characteristic in case of hypertensive patients. This study represents 64 patients with essential hypertension - random sample. Three patients had atrial fibrillation. Besides anamnestic data collection, echocardiography evaluation was undertaken on all patients. For LVDD diagnose following parameters were used: isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT), peak early filling velocity (E), peak atrial filling velocity (A), E/A ratio, DT (deceleration time), left ventricular (LV) mass. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was verified for 57 patients. Seven hypertensive patients didn't have verified LVH. Comparing patients with LVH with those without LVH differences were observed: patients with LVH had a longer IVRT, lower E/A ratio, A wave growth, IVRT directly correlates with LV mass increase and backward correlation LV mass with E/A was noticed. Among patients with LVH with E/A ratio =or> 1-1,5 and based on transmitral flow we used IVRT duration and pulse Doppler with volume sample over lateral mitral annulus measuring mitral annulus velocity. It appeared that it corresponds with IVRT duration in LVDD evaluation. Patients with atrial fibrillation had considerably extended IVRT that indicates LVDD existence. Patients with left ventricular hypertrophy were older and they have higher left ventricular mass comparing with patients without left ventricular hypertrophy. In case of patients with essential hypertension all above mentioned LVDD parameters have to be defined, specially IVRT duration for determination of LVDD existence in case of all patients with essential hypertension with and without LVH and in case of associated atrial fibrillation presence. It is necessary to tend to, as early as possible, detect LVDD and it's prevention with improved essential hypertension monitoring.

M. Aščerić, N. Mulabegović, S. Nuhbegović, Alma Nadarević, Muamera Mujcinagić-Vrabac

Arterial hypertension is a common finding in patients with end stage renal disease (80% patients are hypertensive). Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in haemodialysis. The present study was performed to asses' successful treatment in hypertensive chronic haemodialysis patients by ultra filtration only and ultra filtration combined with medics. We studied 80 hypertensive adult patients who had been on regular haemodialysis treatment for at least 12 months (average duration of 41 months). All subjects were divided in two different antihypertensive treatment groups including 40 subjects each. The first group of patients were treated with trandolapril and ultra filtration, and the second group of patients were only treated with ultra filtration (control group). Blood pressure measurements before and after HD sessions were performed for each patient. Blood pressure control was defined using World Health Organization criteria 140/90 mm Hg. Average systolic blood pressure levels, after haemodialysis, were in the first group of patients 146.33 +/- 9.7 mm Hg, and in the control group 157,86 +/- 10.33 mm Hg. Average diastolic blood pressure was 87.83 +/- 8.11 mm Hg in the first group of patients and, in the control group it was 91.03 +/- 10.67 mm Hg. There were significant differences between systolic blood pressure level in the first group of patients and the control group of patients as well as in diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05). We conclude that an antihypertensive therapy by trandolapril is more effective than ultra filtration alone in hypertensive patients on chronic haemodialysis.

The authors investigated renal damage in 46 chlorine-alkaly plant workers (mean age was 38.8 +/- 5.7 years) under conditions of continued occupational exposure to metallic mercury vapour. The mercury unexposed control group consisted of 32 workers who works in the plant area. Significantly low of serum globulin level was found in exposed evaluated group compared with control subjects (P < 0.001). The serum globulin level was in correlation with urine mercury level (P < 0.001). Analyses of urine chemistry indicated that exposed workers had cell death produces in sediment urine as the most common signs (P < 0.001). The proteinuria was found in 4 out 32 and high level of gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase in 8 out 32 exposed workers to high mercury level workers. Additionally, disuria and ejaculatory pain as symptoms occurred without evidence of urological disease. Mercury induced nephropathy usually associated with proteinuria, but is not with renal insufficiency.

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