
Publikacije (35840)

Maja Erceg Tušek, Ljiljana Vukota, Antonela Vrljičak, J. Murgić, Blanka Jakšić, M. Prpić, A. P. Sečan, D. Huić et al.

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This research aims to reduce dropout rates in higher education by developing a machine learning model to predict churn early, enabling timely interventions. The most important research findings of the thesis are summarized as follow: - The overall dropout rate at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was nearly half of enrolled students between the 2007/08 and 2018/19 academic years, with rates showing an increase over time. - Half of the student churn occurs within the first year of enrollment, with significantly higher rates in three-year study programs compared to four-year programs. - The results suggest that at least one-third of student churn could potentially be prevented, as it is attributable to institutional factors. - The findings indicate that it is possible to predict student churn at the earliest stages of education, even when using a challenging dataset with missing data and limited pre-academic, academic, and socioeconomic features. - The use of the Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Classifier (HGBC) in the educational data field, for the first time, resulted in an attrition classification accuracy of 75% at the beginning of the first academic year and 83% by the end, outperforming other widely used models. - To validate the effectiveness of HGBC, the model was tested under varying conditions and consistently demonstrated high performance. - The application of pre- and post-hoc interpretability techniques can enhance the credibility and reliability of machine learning models in predicting student discontinuation. - The most significant predictors of churn include gender (female), student cohort, accumulated ECTS credits, scholarship status, age at enrollment, the number of successfully passed courses, program duration, and whether the student attended a Gymnasium. - Certain variables, such as gender (female) and student cohort, consistently maintained a high level of significance across the models over time. - Models with lower performance and quality exhibited a similar ranking of feature importance to those of the best-performing models.

L. Alagić-Džambić, Dženana Ćosić, M. Dacić, Minela Hukić, M. Džambić

In this paper, tests of benzoic acid synthesis, melting point test, benzoic acid content test and determination of benzoic acid identification by IR technique were performed. The results showed that the tested samples meet the specified quality requirements of official pharmacopeial monographs [5]

Dorsaf Mzoughi, F. Rabhi, M. B. Slimane, Kahena Jaber, Mohamed Abderraouf Dhaoui, Pradeep Kumar, Prabhat Kumar, Hrishikesh Chandran et al.

N°: 3 Dermoscopy of Hailey-Hailey disease : A case report

Iva Janković, Mirna Kapetina Radović

For predicting cardiovascular diseases, mathematical modelling of the cardiovascular system has been proven to be a powerful asset. The governing idea is to analyse it through compartments as multiple connected subsystems with inputs and outputs. In this paper, models were identified for four subsystems of input-output sequence (left ventricle - left atrium - ascending aorta - descending aorta - left common carotid artery) by modelling frequency response. The data set used for model identification consisted of blood pressure during four consecutive heart contractions of four circulatory segments from clinical trials performed on a pig. The goal is to discover a linear model with a non-integer order that succinctly represents the process, outperforming high-order autoregressive exogenous input (ARX) integer models. This model identification occurs non-parametrically, aiming to achieve the best smooth fit in the frequency domain by minimizing the difference between real measurements and model predictions using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm.

Ronald Barber, Peter Bendel, Marco Czech, Oliver Draese, Frederick Ho, Namik Hrle, Stratos Idreos, Min-Soo Kim et al.

Sabina Jaˇsarevi´c-Hrusti´c, Zehra Nurkanovi´c, M. R. Kulenovi´c, E. Pilav

By using the KAM theory, we investigate the stability of the equilibrium solu-tion of a certain difference equation. We also use the symmetries to find effectively the periodic solutions with feasible periods. The specific feature of this difference equation is the fact that we were not able to use the invariant to prove stability or to find feasible periods of the solutions.

Nusret Imamović, Emina Kadušić, Vehid Birdahić

The Bukva-Vila Business Zone is a place for various business activities and it was created as a result of preliminary spatial planning and organized development concept of the enterprising local population, in a unique area with developed infrastructure and proximity to the center of Tešanj . The development of the Zone caused the increase of the noise levels in this area. This paper presents the development of industrial noise map using data from previous monitoring of companies to determine the impact of an industrial noise on total environmental noise, and as well as, the development of a conflict noise map using results of own measurements.

Omar Kopčić, S. Ekinović

SUMMARY This paper shows optimization by using the Monte Carlo method, the mathematical model of roughness, or the mean arithmetic deviation of the profile. Optimization means finding the best of all possible solutions. According to the experiment plan, an experiment was previously performed. Based on the results of the experiment and the plan matrix, the coefficients of the mathematical model were determined. An adequate and nonlinear mathematical model, suitable for optimization, gives the dependence of the mean arithmetic deviation of the profile from the number of main spindle revolutions, feed rate, tool diameter and cutting depth. The Monte Carlo method simulates action or proces by performing number of fictitious experiments using random numbers. The application of Monte Carlo method in optimization is not original. However, using MS Excel as a technique shown in this paper is original, reliable and simple. The disadvantage is imprecision. It is recommended to use Monte Carlo method as a control method in relation to some other method.

I. Karabegović, R. Turmanidze, P. Dašić

Development and surveillance in the world brings us from the third industrial revolution to the fourth industrial revolution, i.e. Industry 4.0. This is due to the fundamental technologies of Industry 4.0, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), smart sensors, additive technologies, artificial intelligence, big data (Big Data), virtual and augmented reality (AR), information and communication technologies, today there are over forty-eight technologies of Industry 4.0, and the most deserving is robotic technology, which has been constantly researched and developed in recent years, which is explained in the paper. From the implementation of the first industrial robot in the automotive industry until today, the automotive industry remains among the leaders in the number of implemented robots in the world, and next to automotive technology, the electrical/electronic industry is the second in the number of applied robots in the world. The paper provides an analysis of the use of industrial robots in the world in the last twelve years, and a special review is given of the use of industrial robots in the automotive and electrical/electronic industries. The leading countries in the application of industrial robots in these two technologies were also analyzed. In the coming years, the use of both industrial and service robots in the world will increase year by year, especially in these two technologies due to the fact that companies are implementing Industry 4.0 with the aim of being competitive on the global market, and they are unable to achieve this without the implementation of robots.

E. Ekinović, Amel Karić, Adnan Barlov, Kenan Šabanović

exhibits elastic behavior under oscillating loading, keeping its integrity. While deficiencies in 3D modeling affect stress distribution, natural frequencies in software coincide with analytical calculations. Following loading, the structure settles as expected, indicating well-established dynamic analysis. Despite challenges in stress localization, the study confirms the validity of the conducted analysis, considering the complexity of the structure.

Muhamed Ajanović, A. Lončarević, Lejla Dautović Kazazić, Benjamin Bejtović, Sanela Strujić, N. Smajkic, Acta Stomatologica, Croatica Ascro Www et al.

Introduction Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) denotes diseases of the muscles and the mandibular joint, muscular and skeletal diseases, and frequently also parts of systemic diseases of a generalized fibromy-algia, or a form of rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, fear, tension and stressful situations contribute to the overall condition of the masticatory system. (1) Some authors believe that TMD includes pathological diseases primarily affecting the function of muscles and the mandibular muscle, with a possible alteration to the tooth surface. (2) After a cause has crossed the level of individual physiological tolerance of the masticatory system, the system itself starts to respond with certain signs of change. Changes usually happen on the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), supportive tooth structures, and the teeth themselves. (3) The most frequent symptoms of TMD are found in the area of the temporomandibular joint, a sensation of fatigue in the jaw area, a sensation of stiffness of the jaw upon waking up or when opening the mouth, luxation or locking of the mandible when opening the mouth, pain when opening the mouth, and pain in the region of the temporomandibular joint or in the area of the masticatory muscles (cheeks). The most frequent signs of TMD include restricted mandibular movement , lower TMJ function, painful mandibular movement , muscle pain, and pain in the TMJ. (4) TMD causes are complex and multi-factori-al. Numerous factors may lead to TMD. The influence of psychosocial stressors, parafunctions and other psychological and behavioral processes onT-MD pain has been examined in a number of studies. For example, war-related stress has been linked to TMD (5), and stressors as mild as performing mental arithmetic and solving five-letter anagrams can also increase masticatory muscle activity thought to be associated with TMD. (6, 7) Similar relationships between stress and TMD have been reported in children, adolescents and adults. (8, 9, 10) The American Psychiatric Association (11) defines post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a form of pathological response to stress, in which the patient, through intrusive thoughts and dreams, regularly experiences the trauma suffered, and is consequently placed in a state of permanent increased tension. As a result of increased motor activity and the neu-rotransmitter disruptions which accompany PTSD, particularly with regard to noradrenalin, serotonin, endogenic opiates, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (12, 13, 14), marked manifestations of symptoms and signs of TMD can be expected. (5)

Yang Chen, Jay Jorgenson, Luis Lopez, L. Smajlovic

: Let G be a finite, weighted graph, and let T be a time-scale with a fixed point t 0 such that sup T = ∞ . In this paper, we construct the heat kernel on G in time-scale T in terms of a certain convolution series involving the heat operator acting on a parametrix, which is a fairly general function depending on the vertex set of G and the time variable t ∈ T . We develop some applications by choosing different parametrices and various time-scales. The results we obtain here extend, in part, aspects of the recent articles in that the time-scale considered in this paper is arbitrary.

L. Dizdarević-Hudić, Dušica Plavšić, S. Brkić, F. Numanović, M. Gegić, Igor Hudić, Zerina Suljić, Denis Mršić et al.

Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has rapidly progressed from an outbreak to a global pandemic, with new variants emerging rapidly. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, can lead to multiorgan damage. Due to the highly contagious and fatal nature of the virus, the priority of medical research has been to find effective treatments. Amid this search, the role of vitamin D in modulating various aspects of the innate and adaptive immune system has been debated

I. Vukotic, SnT, Vincent Rahli, Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo

Byzantine fault-tolerant state-machine replication (BFT-SMR) is a technique for hardening systems to tolerate arbitrary faults. Although robust, BFT-SMR protocols are very costly in terms of the number of required replicas (3 f + 1 to tolerate f faults) and of exchanged messages. However, with łhybridž architectures, where łnormalž components trust some łspecialž components to provide properties in a trustworthy manner, the cost of using BFT can be dramatically reduced. Unfortunately, even though such hybridization techniques decrease the message/time/space complexity of BFT protocols, they also increase their structural complexity. Therefore, we introduce Asphalion, the first theorem prover-based framework for verifying implementations of hybrid systems and protocols. It relies on three novel languages: (1) HyLoE: a Hybrid Logic of Events to reason about hybrid fault models; (2) MoC: a Monadic Component language to implement systems as collections of interacting hybrid components; and (3) LoCK: a sound Logic of events-based Calculus of Knowledge to reason about both homogeneous and hybrid systems at a high-level of abstraction (thereby allowing reusing proofs, and capturing the high-level logic of distributed systems). In addition, Asphalion supports compositional reasoning, e.g., through mechanisms to lift properties about trusted-trustworthy components, to the level of the distributed systems they are integrated in. As a case study, we have verified crucial safety properties (e.g., agreement) of several implementations of hybrid protocols.

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