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Isak Karabegović

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Mirha Bičo Ćar, Savo Stupar, M. Šestić, Elvir Šahić, I. Karabegović

Since the introduction of the concept of Industry 4.0 until today, the world is facing a series of changes resulting from intensive scientific, technical and technological innovations. Research, innovation and development changes are aimed at improving production, business and everyday life through the application of basic technologies of Industry 4.0. In order for individuals, organizations, communities and states to be able to use the benefits of these improvements, it is necessary to rapidly adapt to all innovative trends: developing the necessary skills of individuals and groups for the adoption and use of these technologies, the implementation of technologies in companies, organizations and institutions, and the development of appropriate strategies that these processes would be managed and directed. In the developed world, these I 4.0 implementation processes are already reaching their maturity: educational programs are adapted to the needs of monitoring technical-technological changes, companies deal with solving challenges related to these processes after the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies, and states and communities are working on devising further directions of development and a strategy that will further accelerate changes. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the processes are somewhat slower: educational programs partially follow the needs of education for Industry 4.0, companies struggle with the challenges of adopting and implementing Industry 4.0 without adequate institutional support, and strategies related to exploiting the opportunities of Industry 4.0 have not been developed, both due to the lack of initiative, as well as due to administrative restrictions related to the complex political system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Considering that, this paper presents the results of research on the representation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the economy and education of Sarajevo Canton. The sample on which the research was conducted included 105 companies and 239 respondents from the general population. The results show that the highest level of application of Industry 4.0 technologies exists in the part related to the advanced management of company resources using planning and management support systems, and in communications. These findings, as well as the results related to the established level of knowledge of Industry 4.0 technologies in the general population, speak in favor of the need for the urgent development of various educational programs that will accelerate the learning of Industry 4.0 among all members of the community, as well as the establishment of state programs to support the implementation of technologies in companies, so that the economy of the Canton and the country as a whole would not fall behind in relation to the world driven by the fourth industrial revolution.

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović, E. Husak, M. Mahmić

The implementation of disruptive technologies of Industry 4.0 is carried out in all segments of society, but we still do not fully understand the breadth and speed of its application. We are currently witnessing major changes in all industries, so that new business methods are emerging, as well as transformation of production systems, new form of consumption, delivery and transport. All this is happening due to the implementation of disruptive technological discoveries that include: the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced robotics, smart sensors, Big Data, analytics, cloud computing, 3D printing, machine learning, virtual and augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence, and productive maintenance. Advanced robotics is one of the most important technologies in Industry 4.0. The robotic application in the automation of production processes, with the support of information technology, leads us to ‘’smart automation’’, i.e., ‘’smart factory’’. The changes are so profound that, from the perspective of human history, there has never been a time of greater promise or potential danger. New generation robots have many advantages compared to the firstgeneration industrial robots such as: they work alongside with workers, workers perform their tasks in a safe environment, robots take up less space, robots do not need to be separated by fences, robots are easy to manipulate and cheaper to implement. The paper analyzes the trend of implementation of collaborative and service robots for logistics, which make the automation of production processes more flexible. Robotic technology is the basic technology of Industry 4.0, because without its application, the implementation of Industry 4.0 would not be possible. The trend of application of new generation robots will have an increasing character in the future, because the goals of the fourth industrial revolution cannot be achieved without collaborative robots. In other words, the objective is to achieve a ‘’smart production process’’ or ‘’smart factory’’.

Edisa Dreković, I. Karabegović, Nikola Stojić

Digital twins represent a new paradigm that brings fundamental changes to business and asset management. The proliferation of connected devices and sensors has generated vast amounts of data from physical assets and processes. Digital twins leverage this data to create a virtual counterpart that reflects the behavior, performance, and characteristics of their physical counterparts in real-time. The definition of digital twins encompasses a wide range of applications and contexts. This paper provides an overview of existing literature on digital twins, including their definition, key characteristics, and classification. Additionally, it highlights potential challenges and limitations associated with digital twins and identifies the technologies that enable their implementation. By understanding the fundamental concepts and technological advancements in the field of digital twins, organizations can harness their potential to enhance their business, optimize resources, and foster innovation. Numerous examples of digital twin applications in various industries are highlighted in this paper, with a particular focus on the elevator industry. Therefore, this paper serves as a comprehensive source of information for researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers who wish to explore the application of digital twins in different industries and domains.

A. Lymarenko, V. Kurgan, A. Bazhanova, V. Khamray, A. Ponomarenko, I. Karabegović

The article deals with modeling and calculations of volumetric machine-building structures with complex geometry. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that its methodology and results can help design massive structural elements complex in shape, including cylinders of powerful hydraulic presses. Attention is paid to the problems of reducing the metal content of machine-building products and the safe conditions of their operation. Theoretical and applied work is based on numerical methods using analytical solutions to assess the reliability of computer calculation results. The choice of research method is because analytical solutions for massive parts of such a configuration are too complex for numerical implementation. Experimental methods are too expensive and not so universal as to sort out possible variants of shapes and sizes. For the actual model of the press, the capabilities of the finite element method implemented in the ANSYS multipurpose complex were selected and rationally used. The results of the calculations are summarized in the table and shown on the graphs of the stress distribution. Based on the performed calculations (with a reliability check based on the formulas of the theory of elasticity for simplified calculation schemes), conclusions were made to ensure a more even distribution of stresses and a reduction in the metal content of the product.

I. Karabegović, E. Husak, E. Karabegović, M. Mahmić

Industry 4.0 has a significant impact on the automation of production processes, by causing numerous changes in three segments: companies, technology and workers. Developed countries worldwide have their own strategies on Industry 4.0, which offer guidelines on its implementation in production processes, with the aim of their complete flexible automation. The core technologies on which Industry 4.0 rests have led to a complete transformation in production processes, especially in the automotive industry. The basic technology of Industry 4.0 is robot technology, i.e., the implementation of industrial and service robots in production processes. The paper provides an analysis of the implementation of industrial robots and service robots in the automation of production processes in the automotive industry with a focus on China. The analysis of the automation of production processes of the automobile industry in China was carried out for two reasons. The first is that China has a growing middle-class population, so demographic trends are encouraging the growing demand for certain products, such as cars. Another reason is that in China (as in Japan, Russia and Western Europe) the average age of factory workers is increasing (the labor force is older), thus the performance of certain tasks becomes more difficult so greater efficiency is not achieved. The paper analyzes vehicle production in China, as well as the readiness of production processes in the automotive industry for the implementation of Industry 4.0.

Characteristics of the vibrations of rotational systems with misalignment and rotating looseness are well known and they are used for fault detection in the rotating machinery. For the better understanding and easier decision make in the fault removing process it is necessary to know how severe each fault is. Lack of procedures for quantification of this faults in rotational machinery is evident. In this paper is investigated the possibility for use of multiple regression analysis for determination of quantity of faults in vibration velocity signal. An experimental motor – coupling – rotor system is created and produced. These systems have capability of changing the values of misalignment and rotational looseness. Measurement of vibrational quantities were conducted on these systems by using piezoelectrical accelerometers for different combinations of fault values. All measurements were stored and processed digitally. All measurements have shown the presence of the main characteristics of introduced faults. It is confirmed that it is not possible to use RMS (root mean square) of vibration velocity, since there is a lot of other factors which has significant impact on the vibration quantity.

I. Karabegović, E. Karabegović, E. Husak, M. Mahmić

It is a well-known fact that the changes on the world industrial and digital scene were named the fourth industrial revolution at the WEF –World Economic Forum (held in Davos in 2016). Almost all developed countries in the world have designed their own programs to implement the fourth industrial revolution. Thus, the German government promotes Industry 4.0 (first appeared at the Hannover Fair in Germany), USA promotes Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC), the Japanese government established the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan in 2018, while the Chinese government adopted the strategy ‘’Made in China 2025’’.It is necessary to make a detailed assessment of the fourth industrial revolution in order to raise awareness of its breadth of influence, and increase its application. The current competitiveness that is present in the world is the reason for the rapid implementation of Industry 4.0 in almost all companies in the world. Robotic technology is the core technology of Industry 4.0, and its application accelerates its application. The number of installed units of robots, both industrial and service robots, is increasing every year in the world. The paper presents the analysis of the implementation of both industrial and service robots worldwide, including the trend of implementation of Industry 4.0. The paper provides an analysis of the implementation of robots in the countries that installed the most robots in 2019, as well as the number of robots per 10,000 workers in the manufacturing industry in the same year, based on which we have an insight in the automation process of each country.In the future, the implementation of robotic technology in the industry will increase in order to achieve greater representation of Industry 4.0, making it easier to come up with "smart manufacturing processes" or "smart factories"

I. Karabegović, Mirha Bičo Ćar, M. Šestić, Savo Stupar, E. Husak, E. Karabegović, M. Mahmić, Safet Isić, Samir Vojić et al.

Currently, the world is facing major changes. Research and development of innovations in new technologies, the rapid pace of implementation of these innovations and especially digitization and automation, play a major role in shaping the future world. Technological innovations promise the transformation of the world we live in all its dimensions. However, in order for the benefits of innovation to be adequately exploited, it is necessary for us as a society to adapt to the coming changes. We must also keep in mind that these changes come at a time previously marked by uncertainty, turbulent changes and hyper competitiveness. The development and implementation of new technologies in business is motivated by a number of technical and economic reasons: improving the quality of finished products (machining, etc.), increasing productivity and reducing the share of work (assembly process), increasing the degree of homogeneity of product quality in all production processes related to the application of robotic technology, increasing the level of safety, reducing labor engagement in routine and reproducible processes, minimizing total production costs and maintenance costs of the device in the production process, all with the purpose of adequate responses to competition challenges and increasingly stringent customer requirements. Although the concept of Industry 4.0 is already widely used in developed countries, it is a relatively new concept in the Western Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most company managers understand the benefits of "smart" production and are familiar with new trends in the industry, intend to gradually introduce smart solutions, methods and technologies, and only a small number of companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina currently implement the concept of Industry 4.0. The paper presents the results of research on the application of Industry 4.0 technologies in all branches of the economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and especially the representation of Industry 4.0 in small, medium and large enterprises. Detection of awareness of certain groups about the concepts of Industry 4.0 was performed, and the research method itself is based on an online survey.

I. Karabegović, Predrag Дашич

The world is currently at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0, whose ultimate goal is to make everything intelligent, both production processes in the industry and system maintenance. The environment around us has plenty of piping systems such as: water, gas, oil, sewage, etc., which need to be continuously maintained. In other words, they require periodic inspections to identify errors such as corrosion, cracks, deformations, or obstruction with obstacles. Service robots for inspection and maintenance are very convenient for the inspection of piping systems. In addition, they are a point of interest to many researchers in the field, so there are countless developed service robots that are currently in use. Service robots for inspection of piping system are used for inspection and provide visual information from inside the corresponding pipe. When the service robot moves through the pipe, it records the inside with a camera and provides us with visual information, i.e., provides a video of the inside of the pipe where we can locate the error. We can use the video later to establish the condition of the recorded piping system and make the right decision what to do. The paper presents the trend of application of service robots for inspection. A number of constructions of these service robots that are already in implementation are shown. Service robots effectively reduce all problems related to the maintenance, cleaning and inspection of piping systems. The growing trend of service robots application is due to the implementation of basic technologies of Industry 4.0 because its aim is to receive the information about the operation of a system all along. Various robotic systems have been developed for inspection and examination of piping systems and plants that are dangerous to workers' health. Service robots are controlled by camera, sensor or simple tools. Most service robots for inspection are intended for tanks, piping systems for all materials for inspection of ventilation openings and pipes of air systems, sewer systems, nuclear plants, or work in aggressive environments. It is expected that the development and application of service robots for inspection will continue to grow in the nearest future. Service robots effectively reduce all problems related to the maintenance, cleaning and inspection of piping systems.


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