Ronald Barber, Peter Bendel, Marco Czech, Oliver Draese, Frederick Ho, Namik Hrle, Stratos Idreos, Min-Soo Kim, Oliver Koeth, Jae-Gil Lee, Tim Li, Guy M. Lohman, Konstantinos Morfonios, Rene Mueller, Keshava Murthy, Ippokratis Pandis, Lin Qiao, Vijayshankar Raman, Richard Sidle, Knut Stolze, Sandor Szabo, Franz Färber, Norman May, Wolfgang Lehner, M. Grund, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, Jens Krueger, Samuel R. Madden, H. Plattner, D. Lomet, Brian Frank Cooper, M. Mokbel, Wang-Chiew Tan
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Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering Special Issue on Column Store Systems Editorial Board Editor-in-chief and Tc Chair

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