Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a severe infectious disease of the respiratory system with clinical signs of severe acute respiratory syndrome. The causative agent is coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Common symptoms of COVID-19 pneumonia are fever, cough, shortness of breath, myalgia, expectoration of sputum and sore throat. The X-ray image of COVID-19 pneumonia has its own characteristics and changes with the evolution of the disease. At the beginning of the disease, the radiological finding in the lungs may be normal or changes may be visualized in the lungs in the form of multiple hazy vaguely delineated shadows, which occur gradually, discreetly and modestly, and in the later stage confluence into larger first irregular patch formations, then they grow into a massive irregular shadow of the intensity of the frosted glass, only to diffusely cover the whole lung. Inflammatory changes are usually bilateral, less often unilateral localization, predominantly in the middle or lower lung field, on the periphery along the chest wall and / or supraphrenic. The aim of this paper is to present an X-ray image of COVID-19 pneumonia and our experiences in the X-ray diagnosis of this disease. The material of the paper consists of selected digital radiographs of the lungs and heart and CT of the lungs with pneumonia COVID-19 in 220 patients, which are during the COVID-19 pandemic from April to July 2020. were examined in covid rendgen CC Niš. The results are presented illustratively. Conclusion: The X-ray examination methods in the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia are sovereign, dominant and unrivaled, and the knowledge of the authors and collaborators and the experience gained through many years of work in the profession and co-X-ray are of crucial importance.
Folic acid (FA) supplementation is recommended for all women of childbearing age and pregnant women. Still, women’s adherence to these recommendations is often low. This crosssectional survey aimed to assess FA supplementation among pregnant women in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) since no such data exist to date. Data were collected by a voluntary, anonymous, self-administered internet-based questionnaire. The inclusion criteria were current pregnancy, BiH origin, and BiH residence for at least the past 5 years. The vast majority (82.1%) of women reported inadequate periconceptional FA supplementation, and only 26.9% reported supplementation during the critical period for neural tube closure. The use of a high dose (≥5 mg/day) FA beyond the first trimester was reported by 9.0% of women. Women’s age was significantly associated with adequate folic acid use for the prevention of neural tube defects (OR=1.207, p<0.05). The periconceptional FA supplementation in the studied population is suboptimal. These preliminary data call for action, especially because BiH is a lower-middleincome country without mandatory FA food fortification program. Further research on folate dietary intake and folate status in the target group, as well as possible predictors of the low prevalence of supplementation, is recommended.
In this work, both farm milk samples (n=3), as well as samples of milk from Bosnia and Herzegovina market (n=7), were analyzed to quantify the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls. The PCB content (as Aroclor 1254) was determined in the fat extracts using the PCB ELISA kit, according to the procedure provided by the manufacturer. The total PCB concentrations (as Aroclor 1254) in individual milk sample ranged from <LoD to 787.74 μg/kg lipid weight (l.w.). The calculated Ʃ6PCB were ranged from <LoD to 187.72 μg/kg l.w. In one out of ten analyzed samples the presence of PCB higher than maximum limit (ML) was found. However, the absorbance measured for this sample is out of the linear range. In this case the sample can be considered as a suspect and should be analyzed with the quantitative confirmatory method. In other milk samples the concentration of PCB was in the acceptable range, and far below the ML.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are chemicals of global concern due to their potential for long-range transport, persistence in environment, ability to biomagnify and bioaccumulate in ecosystems, as well as their significant negative effects on human health and the environment. In this study, seven targeted polychlorinated byphenils (PCBs, IUPAC Nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180) and the organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, cis-chlordane, trans-chlordane and oxy-chlordane were quantified in European date mussel (Lithophaga lithophaga L., 1758.) collected from the Sarajevo fish market (Bosnia and Herzegovina). This slow-growing species is widespread along the whole Mediterranean rocky coastline. In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), this species has not been protected by law and the date mussel harvested in the area of the Neum bay (Adriatic sea) could be found in free sale on BiH market. Applied gas chromatography and tissue extraction methods were validated in the NIVA laboratory. Our samples (n=61) were 4.5-8.4 cm in length. Total OCPs in the analyzed samples were low (ranging from non-detectable to 0.419 µg kg-1 w.w.), while Σ7PCBs was ranging from 20.26 to 135.37 µg kg-1 w.w.. PCBs 101, 118, 138 and 153 were dominant congeners in all samples.
Fish is the main single source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure in men. Anecdotal reports suggest high wild fish consumption rates among sport fishermen in Sanski Most area, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Presence of PCBs in the environment in BiH was previously documented. The main objective of this work was to estimate the magnitude of PCBs exposure and assess the potential health risk in sport fishermen in Sanski Most. The fishing pattern and magnitude of fish consumption were estimated in the questionnaire survey conducted during April 2012 among members (n = 60) of the local sport fishermen association in Sanski Most. Calculated median and high-end (90th percentile) fish consumption rates were 31 g d−1 and 126 g d−1, respectively. The PCB concentrations (as Aroclor 1254 equivalents), determined by ELISA immunoassay in 28 fish fillets ranged from undetectable to 208 μg kg−1. Two different exposure scenarios were used: (a) median exposure, calculated from the median fish consumption rate and median PCB concentrations, and (b) “worst case” scenario, calculated from the high-end fish consumption rate and mean PCB concentrations. The results suggest negligible lifelong cancer and non-cancer risks in case of low to moderate fish consumption rate, but possibly unacceptable risk levels in high-end consumers.
Dr Josif Pancic je rođen 17. aprila 1814. u selu Ugrine, na padinama Velebita, a preminuo 25. februara 1888. u Beogradu. Diplomirao je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Pesti 1842. godine odbranom doktorske disertacije "Taxilogia botanica". Promovisan je za doktora medicine 7. septembra 1843. godine. Jedan je od osnivaca Srpskog lekarskog drustva. Bio je prvi predsednik Srpske kraljevske akademije (danas SANU). U sest mandata bio je rektor Velike skole u Beogradu. Osnovao je i uredio Botanicku bastu u Beogradu. Napisao je 42 naucna i strucna rada, od kojih se 28 odnose na botaniku. Proucavao je floru Srbije, Crne Gore, Bugarske, Austrije, Rumunije i Italije. Otkrio je 121 vrstu, 47 varijeteta i 7 formi biljaka, među kojima su najpoznatije Panciceva omorika (Picea omorika; staniste Tara i Kopaonik) i srpska ramondija (Ramonda serbica; staniste – Jelasnicka i Sicevacka klisura). Osnovao je prvi srpski herbar "Herbarium Pancicianum". Ucesnik je oslobodilackih ratova koje je Srbija vodila protiv Turske i Bugarske. Nosilac je mirnodopskih i ratnih odlikovanja. UNESCO je 2014. godine obeležio dvesta godina od rođenja dr Josifa Pancica, kojem se i mi ovim nasim radom prikljucujemo. Acta Medica Medianae 2015;54(2):71-75.
Many athletes use supplements in their diet as part of regular training or competition, thus enabling more intense training by encouraging faster recovery between workouts, minimizing interference caused by disease or injury and increasing competitive performance. These supplements, unlike medications, are not subject to rigorous efficiency and safety checks and tests. There is a risk with regard to those supplements which include positive doping test result as a consequence of presence of the prohibited substances not listed in the declaration of the preparation. The aim of this study was to examine the use of supplements among elite athletes by analyzing the forms for doping control, issued by the Agency for Anti-doping control of Bosnia and Herzegovina, performed in the period from 2010 to 2012. The study includes supplements whose use was reported by athletes in the period of the last 7 days (prior testing). The study results indicate the frequency of dietary supplements use of 34.5%. The most dominant group among users of dietary supplements were men aged between 18 and 29 years. From 152 users of dietary supplements 62.3% of them have used more than one product. The number of used supplements was an average of 2.9±2.8 products. Amino acids and proteins are the most commonly used dietary supplements. This study confirmed excessive use of dietary supplements among elite athletes and pointed to the need of necessary education and ensuring the availability of scientific and unbiased information, about the benefits and risks of dietary supplements use, to athletes..
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, magnetic resonance tomography - MRT, nuclear magnetic resonance - NMR, English: Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI) is a modern non-ionizing, non-invasive radiological methods of examination which visualize and diagnose anatomical, morphological and functional state of the organs of the human body. MRI is the only one of the important radiological information system. The work of MR is based on the application of a strong homogeneous magnetic field and modern computer technology. This paper presents the basic MRI, history of MRI, magnetic field strength in MR, MR physical principles, principles of MR and MR sequences. Conclusion: MRI is a sovereign, dominant and non-ionizing radiological examination method, which are enriched radiological imaging techniques of pathological states authority, and whose work requires appropriate knowledge of physics, medicine and computer science.
Budweiser has decided to cunningly infiltrate the Canadian market with a powerful gimmick that will appeal to most if not all of those maple-syrup-collecting-beaver-huggers in the northern part of the Americas. Being a Canadian myself, I can honestly say that I find the idea of a real red hockey siren, one that goes off any…
The one beer out of three that went through a nationwide, crowd sourced taste test and come out victorious has been dubbed the Budwieser Black Crown. “Project 12” is an initiative created by Anheuser-Busch InBev to activate the public in their search for a new molt that would help promote the brand and win back…
African spurred tortoise shaped cupcakes are in order since the world’s favorite educator in all things geographical turns 125 this year. To celebrate this special occasion, the franchise has decided to launch a number of initiatives that revolve around the theme “A New Age of Exploration” in partnership with the creme de la creme of…
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