
Publikacije (9)


In the field of science, human rights and environmental protection are multidisciplinary fields. Hence different approaches to their interaction. In the context of the historical development of human rights, the right to a healthy environment belongs to the third generation of human rights. Due to the increase in industrialization around the world and the use of technologies which main feature is the easy availability and low cost of raw materials and processes, a number of global environmental problems have appeared (ozone depletion, global warming, climate change, etc.) which required a global response. The previous approaches (Stockholm Conference, etc.) were not enough, a new concept was needed that prevents the emergence of problems. A new concept, called sustainable development, implies economic development without permanent impact on the environment. Through the principle of sustainable development, the last UN concept for environmental protection and improvement of society in all segments was formulated, called Agenda 2030. BiH is a signatory to the agenda, but main driver of progress in the field of environmental protection and human rights is BiH’s aspiration to join the EU. One of the key meeting points of human rights and environmental protection should be the rights of activists for environmental protection, resolving their legal status through a law that will recognize their importance. The EU is specifically working on this, so it is expected that BiH will also make progress in the field of better status of activists for environmental protection, through the process of joining EU.

Ajka R. Aljilji, O. Mahmutović, Hazim Bašić, N. Prazina

One of the important mechanical properties of packaging materials is its tensile strength. The good tensile strength is essential for materials and their mobility, packaging and for correctness when forming packing units. In this paper, stability of mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) was tested, for five types of plastics used as packaging material. The tested materials are made of single and combined packaging materials: PE 95 μm, OPP 20 μm, PE/OPP 20/50 μm, OPPmet 20 μm and PET/PE/OPP 12/38/30 μm. Testing of tensile strength and elongation of the material during tearing of the packaging material was performed with the following dynamics: 0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 days. The packed contents were dried apples. All materials showed good insulating properties and stability of the welding site. The quality of packaged dried apples, based on the test results, was assessed as good for the technology and product characteristics. In terms of strength PET/OPPmet/PE, OPPmet and OPP proved to be the best materials. In case of exposure of the package to mechanical loads it is recommended to use some of these three materials.

M. Memić, M. Vrtacnik, B. Boh, F. Pohleven, O. Mahmutović

ABSTRACT White-rot and brown-rot fungi degrade structural components of wood. The possibility of PAHs degradation by these fungi is based on their structural similarity with lignin (primary degraded by white-rot fungus) and hemi-cellulose and cellulose (degraded by brown-rot fungus). This study compares biodegradation level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using the two ligninolytic fungi Hypoxylon fragiforme (HF) and Coniophora puteana (CP). The biodegradation of ten PAHs was performed in liquid media (2% w/v in water, of malt extract and 0.5% w/v in water, solution of glucose). After 3 weeks of incubation, non-degraded pollutants were extracted by benzene and determined using the GC/MS technique. Both fungi completely degraded 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methynaphthalene. 1-methylfluorene was also completely degraded by HF while about 62.7% of it was degraded by CP. The remaining PAHs were degraded by HF and CP fungi, respectively, in the following percentages: 82.0 and 79.0 for acenaphthene; 90.3 and 80.0 for acenaphthylene; 17.8 and 41.3 for anthracene; 5.8 and 53.8 for 1,2-benzanthracene; 0.0 and 20.3 for benzo(k)fluoranthene; 50.5 and 15.8 for byphenil; 85.8 and 74.8 for fluorene; 65.5 and 47.5 for phenanthrene; 42.5 and 50.5 for pyrene.

O. Mahmutović, I. Tahirović, Amira Copra, M. Memić, Saida Ibragić, L. Karić

Aims: This study explores the total quantity of sulfur secondary metabolites in the plant organs of garlic and ramsons, the content of total phenol and their correlation to the antioxidant capacity (AOC). There are different reports about correlation of secondary

O. Mahmutović, A. Bahto, M. Pucarević, Saida Ibragić, E. Sofić

Aims: Study investigates relation of sulfur compounds content in garlic and different type of manures that were used for rearing of this vegetable. Measured parameter was total sulfur which could be a valid parameter of content of aromatic and medicinal sulfur compounds in garlic (alliin etc.). Study Design: Quality of garlic mainly depends from content of sulfur compounds, there are articles related to influence of mineral fertilizer on the quality of garlic bulbs but effect of manures hasn’t been enough investigated. This research should give an estimation of effect of some manures on the quantity of sulfur compounds in garlic.

M. Memić, A. Selović, O. Mahmutović

UDK 582.28:547.56          630*81:582.28 Disposal and incineration or recycling of old and waste wood represents an environmental problem. In most cases, agents on the basis of chlorinated phenols were used for wood preservation. These substances penetrate deeper into the wood and because of their chemical stability it remain for decades. This is an environmental problem since chlorinated phenols are among the most acute and chronic toxic contaminants. One of the promising methods to resolve this problem is biodegradation of chlorinated phenols by microorganisms and by fungi, lately. The toxicity of chlorinated phenols against ligninolytic fungi Hypoxylon fragiforme (Hf) and Coniophora puteana (Cp) has been investigated in this paper. Results showed that the maximum concentration of chlorinated phenols, that allows the growth of Hp and Cp fungi, is 2.5 mmol/L. Testing the impact of eight chlorinated phenols on the growth of fungi, it was determined that chlorinated phenols show less antifungal activity to Hp fungus. Antifungal activity to both fungi increases with the number of substituted chlorine atoms. Also, an important role in antifungal activity, have a physico-chemical properties of chlorinated phenols, primarily LogKow, pKa and the Henry constant. Position of chlorine atoms in the molecule also has a certain influence.

S. Muradic, D. Karačić, O. Mahmutović, F. Mutovic, E. Sofić, G. Kroyer

DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264590 Total sulphur and organosulphur compounds in garlic and ramsons plant organs at the end of vegetative period S Muradic , D Karacic , O Mahmutovic , F Mutovic , E Sofic , G Kroyer 4 1 Karl-Franzens University, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Universitatsplatz 3, 8010 Graz, Austria 2 University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Zmaja od Bosne 3335, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina 3 Pedagogical faculty, Skenderija 72, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina 4 Technical University of Vienna, Technical Chemistry, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria

The aim of this study was to compare total phenols and sulfur content in ramsons and two garlic species, autumn- and spring-garlic. Harvesting time for ramsons was May and for garlics was June. Total phenol content was determined by the Singleton-Rossi method, which is based on phenol oxidation using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and spectrophotometric quantification of reduced blue-colored products. For total sulfur analysis, all sulfur molecular species were oxidised to the stable sulfate form, which was quantified by ion chromatography (HPIC). The quantity of phenolic compounds (mg phenols/g fresh sample) was the highest for the leaves of autumn-garlic (1.97mg/g), followed by leaves of spring-garlic (1.49mg/g) and ramsons (1.28mg/g). A lower phenol content was found in the bulbs: spring-garlic bulb (0.80mg/g), autumn-garlic bulb (0.48mg/g) and ramson bulb (0.46mg/g). The highest sulfur level (mg sulfur/g fresh sample) was found in spring-garlic leaf (1.10mg/g) while the quantity of sulfur for other samples were: ramsons bulb (0.93mg/g), ramsons leaf (0.74mg/g), spring-garlic bulb (0.70mg/g), autumn-garlic leaf (0.66mg/g) and autumn-garlic bulb (0.63mg/g). Levels of sulfur compounds and total phenol content in the bulbs and leaves correlated with the age of the plant. Garlic leaves can be used as a significant source of organosulfur compounds for middle to late spring.

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