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Safet Velić

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In the field of science, human rights and environmental protection are multidisciplinary fields. Hence different approaches to their interaction. In the context of the historical development of human rights, the right to a healthy environment belongs to the third generation of human rights. Due to the increase in industrialization around the world and the use of technologies which main feature is the easy availability and low cost of raw materials and processes, a number of global environmental problems have appeared (ozone depletion, global warming, climate change, etc.) which required a global response. The previous approaches (Stockholm Conference, etc.) were not enough, a new concept was needed that prevents the emergence of problems. A new concept, called sustainable development, implies economic development without permanent impact on the environment. Through the principle of sustainable development, the last UN concept for environmental protection and improvement of society in all segments was formulated, called Agenda 2030. BiH is a signatory to the agenda, but main driver of progress in the field of environmental protection and human rights is BiH’s aspiration to join the EU. One of the key meeting points of human rights and environmental protection should be the rights of activists for environmental protection, resolving their legal status through a law that will recognize their importance. The EU is specifically working on this, so it is expected that BiH will also make progress in the field of better status of activists for environmental protection, through the process of joining EU.

Ajka R. Aljilji, Omer Mahmutovic, N. Prazina, Sejfopapic, Safet Velić

Dried apples improve your health owing to their mineral contents. The main function of packaging dried apples is to protect the packaged product from external factors that may affect the contents' physicochemical, mechanical, and sensory changes during the storage period. The study investigates the sensory characteristics and content of hydroxymethyl-furfural and polyphenols in dried apples and health-related considerations. To gratify that aim, the mixed apple sample was calibrated (precise sorting according to the size and color of the apples), selected, washed, and cut into slices. The product is sulfurized with SO2, the procedure takes several hours, and it is immediately introduced into the dryer. The mass is dried in a dryer "Iverak" (Valjevo, Serbia) with warm air at a temperature of max 65 ° C for 15-18 hours. Packaging materials used in the study are: 1. Monomaterial, polyethylene (PE), thickness 95μ m (PE (95) μ m); 2. Combined packaging material, oriented polypropylene metallized (OPP), thickness 20 μ m (OPPmet (20) μ m); 3.Combined packaging material, oriented polypropylene (OPP) / polyethylene (PE) thickness 20 / 50μ m (OPP / PE (20/50) μ m); 4.Combined packaging material, oriented polypropylene metallized (OPPmet) / polyethylene (PE) thickness 20 / 50μ m (OPPmet / PE (20/50) μ m); 5.Combined packaging materials, polyester (PET) / oriented polypropylene metallized (OPP) met / polyethylene thickness 12/38/30 (PET/OPPmet/PE(12/38/30) μ m). The study presents the results of testing in changes of content of hydroxymethyl-furfural (HMF), polyphenols and sensory properties, dried apples packed in different combinations of packaging materials, including PE (95) μ m, OPP met (20) μ m, OPP / PE (20/50) μ m, OPP met / PE (20/50) μ m, PET / OPP met / PE (12/38/30 μ m), considering health issues. The article's findings can make a notable contribution to the knowledge of the thermal kinetics of antioxidant impacts and phenolic content over the production of apple chips.

Naim Salkić, Zulfo Ahmetović, Safet Velić, N. Prazina

Sensory integration is the organization of the senses for their use. It is a neuro-biological activity that allows the reception and processing of sensory information, which in large quantities from the senses come to the brain, at all times. The aim of the study is to examine the prevalence of sensory integration difficulties of the tactile sensory system of children with developmental disabilities, and to establish the statistical significance of differences in relation to the type of difficulty. The total sample of respondents (N=60) consisted of four subsamples of 15 respondents, namely; children with autism, children with Down syndrome, children with hearing impairment and children with sight impairment. The Mann-Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon W test at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05 were used to test the statistical significance of the differences between the subsamples of the subjects. The results of the study show that 86.67% of children with autism, 66.67% of children with Down syndrome, 20% of children with hearing impairment and 40% of children with sight impairment have difficulties with sensory integration of the tactile system. Children with hearing impairment (Rank M 43.97), children with sight impairment (Rank M 35.03), children with Down syndrome, and children with autism (Rank M 14.93) show the least difficulty in sensory integration of the tactile sensory system. There is a statistically significant difference in the difficulties of sensory integration of the tactile sensory system between children with autism, children with Down syndrome, children with hearing impairment and children with sight impairment at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05.

Naim Salkić, Zulfo Ahmetović, Safet Velić, Lara Krnojelac

Sensory integration represents the organization of the senses for their use. It is a neuro-biological activity that allows the reception and processing of sensory information, which in arrive from the senses in huge quantities into the brain, at any time. The ability of the brain to successfully process tactile information allows the child to feel safe and develop a connection with those around it. An autistic child is not able to register many stimuli from their environment, so insufficient or poor sensory processing can contribute to the image of autism. Children with autism spectrum difficulties have specific difficulties in touch perception. The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of sensory integration difficulties of the tactile sensory system of children with autism spectrum disorders, and to establish the statistical significance of differences in relation to children without developmental difficulties. The total sample of subjects (N=30) consisted of two subsamples. The first subsample of subjects (N=15) consisted of children with difficulties from the autism spectrum, and the second subsample of subjects (N=15) consisted of children without developmental difficulties. The measurement instrument was the „Questionnaire for testing tactile sensory sensitivity“ with 11 variables and the offered answers of possible sensory response was applied. The Mann-Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon W test at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05 were used to examine the statistical significance of the differences between the subsamples of the subjects. The results of the study showed that 86.67 % of children with autism have difficulties in sensory integration of the tactile sensory system. The hypersensitive type of sensory response has 26.67 %, and the hyposensitive sensory response 20 % of children with autism. 40.00 % of children with autism have a mixed type of tactile sensory. There is a statistically significant difference between children with autism and children without developmental difficulties on 4 variables.

Naim Salkić, Zulfo Ahmetović, Safet Velić

. The intercultural competence of Syrians who reside in Germany was assessed in order to shed light on patterns and behaviours that are practiced by them in a different culture. In total, 308 respondents completed the questionnaire, of which 54 (17.5%) were female and 254 (82.5%) were male. The mean age of the respondents was 30.5 years (SD = 7.5.). The respondents’ level of private self-awareness, particularly self-reflection and insight, and their level of well-being (depression, anxiety and aggression) were assessed. Intercultural competence was measured using APTOC, a 15-item scale that consists of 3 main subscales, namely Openness to Other Cultures, Global Mindset, and Narrow Mindset. Private self-awareness was measured with the Self-reflection and Insight Scale. Well-being was measured with three subscales of the Brief Symptom Inventory, namely Depression, Anxiety and Hostility. Openness to other Cultures, Global Mindset and Narrow Mindset were found to have a significant impact on Self-reflection and the well-being determinants (except Anxiety). There was a significant negative correlation between Narrow Mindset and Insight. Conclusively, Intercultural competence was found to have a positive impact on Private Self-awareness (Self-reflection and Insight) and Well-being of Syrians who reside in Germany.

Kvalitet Otkovka, U. F. Postojanosti, Alata Pri, Obradi Rukavaca Točkova, Motornih Vozila, Sejfo Papić, Fuad Klisura, Safet Velić

Paper accepted: 20.03.2019. Stručni rad REZIME Imajući u vidu da su rukavaci točkova motornih vozila izloženi jakim dinamičkim opterećenjima, te znajući da su to veoma odgovorni dijelovi konstrukcija, nameće se potreba za permanentnim istraživanjima uticaja pojedinih varijabli na proces izrade istih. Važnu ulogu ima pripremak koji se, u ovom slučaju dobija kovanjem iz odgovarajućeg čelika. Sam process kovanja, podrazumijeva pojavu određenih grešaka koje se mogu manifestovati na više načina. Takve greške, i pored rigorozne kontrole, teško je eliminisati u potpuinosti. U radu su tretirani pripremci sa greškama i njihov uticaj na postojanost alata, kao i analiza uticaja promjene procenta nekih elemenata na istu.

Safet Velić, Sejfo Papić, Samra Isić

13 www.wjrr.org  Abstract — This paper deals with the application of information technologies in the teaching of technical culture in the elementary school education system. The structure of the problem is the computer literacy of teachers and insufficiently developed IT infrastructure, ie. insufficient equipment of the cabinet of technical culture in regard to information technologies. The subject of research in this paper is the improvement of the teaching process using modern information technologies in the teaching of technical culture, and the aim of the research is to examine the application of modern information technologies in the teaching of technical culture in order to improve the teaching process. The paper uses the results of research on the application of modern information technologies in the teaching of technical culture in order to improve the teaching process which showed that the cabinets of technical culture in the majority of elementary schools in Canton Sarajevo are not equipped with IT equipment sufficiently. The teachers' survey contains a quantitative technique that answers the question of how often modern information technologies are used and also a qualitative technique we used to determine which modern information technologies are applied, why and how. For the scale of the assessment of the opinions of students, a quantitative technique was used for a scale of 1-5 for each assertion made. The sample includes 114 respondents, 100 of which are students in the eight and ninth grades of elementary schools "Kovačići" and "Grbavica I" in Sarajevo and 14 of which are teachers of technical culture in elementary schools in Sarajevo Canton

Safet Velić, Sejfo Papić, Zulfo Ahmetović

Full standardization that is adequate to the goal and function of teaching technical contents in primary schools still hasnrsquot been done in the educational system of Bosnia amp Herzegovina. An equipped classroom in accordance with the pedagogical standards for primary education and norms of school space in schools of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and which is the case in all of Bosnia and Herzegovina, doesnrsquot come even close to the accepted standards and norms. Classrooms, in which a systematic, non-experimental observation of the degree of readiness to hold a class in has been held, have shownnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp a disturbing lack of tools and equipment needed to holdnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp a successful lecture. For a more detailed and all-encompassing work in the field, several changes have to be made: material-technical basis of work (equip schools with teaching aids, materials, adequate tools and machines for specialized work), teaching plans and programs (reduce the comprehensive curricula, and adjust it to the age of the pupils), didactic-methodic basis of work, and the stands in most important factors in educational work (students and teachers). Curriculum and syllabi for this subject need adjusting with the psycho-physical age of the learner and in that way allow them to follow trends in technology, and in return theyrsquod be more included in the process of realization of the subject. It is necessary to modernize the class, focus the teaching onto the learner, and secure constant learning opportunities to the teachers through seminars and education on various techniques and technologies that can be applied in teaching. Keeping in touch with the times we live in, following the latest technological advancements and applying them in the teaching process is the path that education has to follow.


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