
Publikacije (72)

M. Mabić, Marija Lasić, Jelena Zovko

The objective of the study was to explore the barriers or the reasons behind the insufficient use of Web 2.0 technology in companies. The empirical research was conducted among managers in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2015. The results indicate that managers see information technology infrastructure (department size, technology implementation costs) and computer illiteracy as the main barriers to intensified use of Web 2.0 technology in business. The least relevant obstacles are related to the lack of support from, and the inability to protect the data privacy and integrity in an adequate manner. The results indicate that significant efforts to promote the benefits that Web 2.0 technology brings to the business are needed, which would, in turn, significantly affect the perception of their disadvantages.

The aim of this chapter is to research and present strengths and limitations of social media analytics tools used in the financial sector. Emphasis is on the business point of view that sees the social media analytics as a collection of tools that transform semi-structured and unstructured social data into noteworthy business insight. There are two main aspects of social media analytics: the technology aspect which covers identifying, extracting, and analyzing social media data using sophisticated tools and techniques; and the business aspect which interprets the data findings and aligns them with business goals. Namely, it is simply not enough to have a social media analytics tool; the tool should be strategically aligned to support existing business goals. The chapter offers a framework for easier adoption and implementation of these tools in the financial sector.

The paper presents the results of research related to students’ perception of enhancing their critical thinking during studies at higher education institutions (HEIs). The authors developed a questionnaire and conducted the research at the public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) in order to investigate students’ perception of enhancing their critical thinking during studies at the university. Namely, in a 21st century, the employability of fresh graduates highly depends on their soft skills, especially their ability to think critically in solving the problems. The aim of the presented research is to find if BH students are aware of the necessity to enhance their critical thinking abilities during their studies in order to be better prepared for their future jobs.

This article analyses the presence and activity on the field of social media in the countries that belonged to the same state in the past: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH), Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – these named as Western Balkan Countries (WBCs) – and, Slovenia and Croatia as EU member states. The authors have analysed the official profiles of the respective countries on social media and calculated the Facebook Assessment Index (FAI) for WBCs, and Croatia and Slovenia as a benchmark. The results show that Twitter and Facebook are the most used social media. In WBCs group, the FAI index could not be calculated for BIH and Serbia, while the other two countries had high index values. Benchmark countries have lower values but they are significantly highlighted by individual sub-indices. The governments of the researched countries mostly publish promotional information about their work. Consequently, they have a relatively small number of friends/followers/subscribers and comments/shares/likes on social media. Therefore, these countries fail to use the full potential of social media to increase visibility and transparency of their work and to ensure communication channel for idea and information exchange between government and citizens, making the public policies design more inclusive and increasing trust between government and citizens. The findings provide an insight into the nature of activity on social media in WBCs. While FAI scores show that WBCs do not lag far behind established benchmarks, the research proves that some of the weights proposed in the literature and used in the calculation of FAI index are too simplified to adequately evaluate posts on the Facebook pages. Hence, this article contributes above all to the awareness regarding further potentials and the interdisciplinary aspects of stately social media usage, in theory and practice alike.

The paper presents the research of the current state of the presence and activities of higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on social network sites (SNS). Although higher education institutions in BiH have recognized the necessity of using social networks for communications with their stakeholders, especially students, they still struggle with the content posted on SNS and its frequency. The authors use content analysis to examine SNS posts from BiH higher education institutions and engagement from their constituents on these posts. Results show that there are significant differences in engagement received on posts across institution type and according to content and type of posts. The aim of the paper is to analyze if HEIs in BiH use SNS and to what degree, as well as if there is any difference between public and private institutions related to the usage of SNS.

Popularity and adoption of social networks among young people, especially Millennials have been in full swing during the last decade. Many researches have shown that social networks, Facebook especially, can be successfully used for educational purpose, not just for leisure. The authors are interested in exploring the situation related to the use of Facebook in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Research is aimed to explore what students think about and whether they will accept and use Facebook in their education. The paper presents the results of research conducted among students of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results confirm that students do not have a negative attitude and aversion to the use of Facebook in education, although the educational usage of Facebook is not everyday practice at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Mostar. The findings show that Facebook is already in use for the exchange of materials and information and that the students are ready for active implementation of Facebook for educational purposes, especially in communication with teaching staff, which would benefit for both sides.

Miroslav Vasilj, M. Mabić, Marija Begić

Separating facts from attitudes in information genres is one of the basic preconditions for journalist objectivity and honesty. Žis paper deals with exploring to which extent that consensually accepted rule is broken in Bosnian and Herzegovinian and Croatian daily newspapers. Že first part gives the theoretical overview of importance of conducting this rule, reasons for its violation and possible steps in prevention as well as strategy for daily newspapers existence. Že second part is related to the research results and discussion about frequency of breaking the rule in information genres: news, report and review. Že sample is consisted of newspapers: Večernji list BiH, Dnevni avaz, Jutarnji list and 24 sata. In the period of alternative facts clear distinction of facts from attitudes in information genres can contribute to the existence and better positioning of newspapers in relation to other media taking into consideration that this rule significantly contributes to credibility.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country with complex and asymmetrical structure (two entities, District Brčko, and cantons with own government and ministries), The number of ministries in the BiH is enormous. Coordination between so many governments and ministries is demanding while most of the citizens are completely lost in that institutional labyrinth. One of the possible ways how governments and their institutions could help citizens, ensure direct communication with them and improve mutual coordination is more intensive use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter). Social networks have potential to increase visibility and transparency of the work of governments and their institutions. Also, they could make policy processes more inclusive and increase confidence between governments and citizens. The main goal of the paper is to explore presence and activity on social networks in BiH government institutions, to discuss major challenges and to propose potential options for better implementation of social networks in these institutions.

The paper presents analysis of the storage systems used by social network sites. Namely, the social networks are one of the main driving forces behind the NoSQL database development. Facebook and Twitter were, together with other the Big Data players like Google and Amazon, first faced with the limitations of relational databases in solving their needs related to unprecedented transaction volumes, expectations of low-latency access to massive datasets, and nearly perfect service availability while operating in an unreliable environment. The first NoSQL databases arose as internal solutions created out of necessity, and not with the intention to abandon relational databases. But the main question is if, after more than ten years of development, NoSQL databases proved that they could be valuable storage solutions for social networks’ data. The paper shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the use of NoSQL in social networks and provides some suggestions on how NoSQL databases can bring additional value to social network sites.

Ružica Zovko, Stipo Cvitanović, M. Mabić, Anka Ćorić, K. Vukojević, K. Goršeta, D. Glavina

OBJECTIVE The study was conducted to evaluate the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need based on the Dental Health Component (DHC). MATERIALS AND METHODS 300 students aged 12-15 years were included in this study. The examinations were performed in two elementary schools in the municipality of Prozor-Rama, using standard dental instruments. Children were ranked into five grades according to the DHC. RESULTS Only 12% of children were found not to have a need for orthodontic treatment. Of the others, 45.33% had a great, and 10% a very great need for orthodontic treatment. The rest of the children were found to have a need for minor or moderate orthodontic treatment. Slightly more girls than boys had a great or a very great need for treatment, although the difference by gender was not statistically significant. Analysis of the level of need by age of children showed no significant difference; children with a great need of orthodontic treatment prevailed in all age groups. About 85% of children with a great and a very great need for orthodontic treatment would agree to orthodontic treatment, while the rate of non-acceptance was about 5%. CONCLUSION The high rate of need for orthodontic treatment in the examined students is explained by the lack of programs for this type of health care, the insufficient number of qualified orthodontic specialists, and the very low percentage of allocations from the state budget for oral health.

M. Mabić, Zdenko Klepić

Objective of the study was to investigate what managers think about the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on business operations. The empirical research was conducted among top and middle managers in companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina during May and June 2015. The results show that, although all respondents do not use these technologies, they have a relatively positive opinion on the application of Web 2.0 technologies in business. According to their opinion, Web 2.0 technologies make the most important contribution to data and information sharing in company and have a significant impact on the quality of communication, both internal and external.These results encourage further research on the application of Web 2.0 technologies in business and the use of all the advantages and benefits they can provide to someone actively using them.

Ante Rakocija, Bojan Matijević, M. Mabić

Danasnji život se generalno opisuje rijecima dinamican i brz, sto od pojedinca zahtjeva kontinuiranu i konstantnu posvecenost poslovnim obvezama. Pod pritiskom obveza ljudi sve manje vremena posvecuju pravilnoj prehrani te je posljednjih dvadesetak godina konzumacija brze hrane iznimno porasla. U radu su prezentirani rezultati istraživanja ponasanje i stavova ispitanika u kontekstu brze hrane. Istraživanje je provedeno pocetkom lipnja 2017. godine u Karlovcu, a koristen je prigodno pripremljeni anketni upitnik. Slucajnim uzorkom je obuhvaceno 100 ispitanika. Deskriptivna statisticka analiza je provedena u Microsoft Office Excel-u 2007. Skoro 90% ispitanika konzumira brzu hranu, uglavnom kao međuobrok (38%) i rucak (35%), najcesce pizzu (55%), hamburgere (47%), pomfrit (46%) i cevape (46%). Brzu hranu najcesce kupuju u specijaliziranim restoranima brze hrane, a uz nju najcesce piju gazirana pica (51%) i vodu (47%). Skoro polovina ispitanika brzu hranu smatra ukusnom sto im je, uz cijenu, vrlo važan kriterij pri odabiru. Vecina ispitanika razumije rizike koje za zdravlje mogu imati lose prehrambene navike, a skoro polovina ne razmislja o promjeni nacina prehrane. Brza hrana je znatno zastupljena u svakodnevnoj prehrani te u buducnosti treba ulagati velike napore kako bi se promijenile navike ljudi s ciljem postizanja pozitivnog utjecaja na zdravlje i kvalitetu življenja.

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