In our previous population study, we have used twelve Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats loci incorporated in the PowerPlex Y System to determine Y-STR diversity in B&H human population. With intent to obtain additional verification of the previously obtained results as well as to establish specific reference for a local B&H population, we have decided to test DNA samples collected from 100 unrelated healthy male Canton Sarajevo residents (from Sarajevo region) for the same twelve Y-linked short tandem repeats loci. Qiagen DNeasy Tissue Kit (Qiagen, GmbH, Hilden, Germany) was used for DNA extraction from buccal swabs and PowerPlex Y System (Promega Corp., Madison, WI) has been used to simultaneously amplify Y-STR loci by PCR. PowerPlex Y System includes 12 STR loci: DYS19, DYS385a, DYS385b, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438 and DYS439. The total PCR reaction volume was 5 microL. PCR amplifications were carried out in PE GeneAmp PCR System Thermal Cycler (ABI). Electrophoresis of the amplification products was preformed on an ABI PRISM 310 genetic analyzer (ABI, Foster City, CA) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The raw data were compiled and analyzed using the accessory software: ABI PRISM Data Collection Software and Genemapper version 3.2. In addition, we have compared the obtained "Sarajevo" dataset with the data previously generated for the entire Bosnian and Herzegovinian population, as well as with the available data on geographically close (neighboring) European populations. The results of this study will be used as guidelines in additional improving of research into genetic relationship among recent local B&H populations, both isolated and open, which is a long-term project in our country.
To present joint effort of three institutions in the identification of human remains from the World War II found in two mass graves in Skofja Loka area, Slovenia.
Genetska varijabilnost određene vrste predstavlja važan izvor novih pozitivnih osobina u procesu oplemenjivanja. Najbolji nacin ocuvanja genetske varijabilnost kod vocaka postiže se podizanjem ex situ kolekcija gdje se osim konzervacije u nastavku vrsi karakterizacija, evaluacija i upotreba ovih resursa. Podizanje i održavanje ex situ kolekcionih zasada zahtjeva znacajne aktivnosti, te je stoga važno osigurati da kolekcije sadrže genetski divergentne, a ne genetski uniformne genotipove. U sklopu ovog istraživanja analizirano je devet autohtonih i tri referentna, moderna kultivara jabuke upotrebom 10 SSR markera, i to u cilju: identifikacije potencijalnih homonima, određivanja genetskih odnosa, izrade genetskog identifikacijskog kljuca za sve autohtone kultivare jabuke i detekcije potencijalne intruzije tj. neregistrirane introdukcije modernog sortimenta u autohtoni. Autohtoni genotipovi su uzorkovani iz kolekcionog zasada najvece BiH ex situ kolekcije jabuke u sklopu vocnog rasadnika „Srebrenik“, Spionica i sa on farm lokacija na podrucju opcine Stari Grad, Sarajevo. Podaci dobijeni analizom amplificiranih DNK fragmenata služili su za utvrđivanje genotipa za identifikaciju i izracun genetske udaljenosti na osnovu slicnosti između genotipova upotrebom koeficijenata slicnosti (Diceov koeficijent), te prikazani u vidu dendrograma upotrebom UPGMA algoritma. Svi autohtoni genotipovi su identifikovani kao genetski razliciti tj. potvrđeno je prisustvo homonima. Takođe, utvrđeni su odnosi unutar i između homonima, kao i ostalih genotipova. Izrađen je i genetski identifikacijski kljuc na bazi 10 SSR markera za sve kultivare, a intruzija modernog sortimenta u autohtoni detektovana je u jednom slucaju. Spram dobijenih podataka zakljuceno je da u postojecoj ex situ kolekciji u Srebreniku nisu adekvatno reprezentirani genotipove sa podrucja opcine Stari Grad, Sarajevo, te da postoji izraženo prisustvo homonima (sorti nepoznatog imena) unutar ovog BGR-a.
During the investigation of the Cave at Vrelo Mokranjska Miljacka, the bone remains of the cave bear ( Ursus spelaeus Rosenmuller & Heinroth, 1794) was found. This is the new Pleistocene fauna locality of this extinct species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Almost complete cranial skeleton belongs to a young adult male. Analyzed morphometric proportions completely fit within the variation range of the Pleistocene cave bear populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Key words: Ursus spelaeus , skull, teeth, Cave of Vrelo Mokranjska Miljacka
This study aimed to test the validity of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) in screening for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder (MDD), respectively, in primary healthcare centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Validating interviews were conducted with 180 randomly selected primary care patients in Middle Bosnia. Statistical analysis performed to assess diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic materials revealed an optimal cut-off points of 2.06 on the HTQ for the diagnosis of PTSD and 1.8 on the HSCL-25 for the diagnosis of MDD. The HTQ and HSCL-25 are accurate and useful for identifying PTSD and MDD in primary care centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Modern Bosnia and Herzegovina is a multi-ethnic and multi-religion country, with a very stormy history. Certain archaeological findings indicate continuous population of its territory since the Paleolithic. In time, vast number of different factors jointly influenced fascinating diversity of local human populations. A great number of small, more or less isolated, indigenous populations, make this area quite attractive for population-genetic surveys of different levels and approaches. Austro-Hungarian military physicians conducted the very first known bio-anthropological analyses of Bosnia-Herzegovina population at the end of the 19th century. Thus, the first step towards resolving the genetic structures of local B&H human populations was made. The studies that followed (conducted throughout most of the 20th century) were primarily based on the observation of various phenotypic traits. This stage was followed by the examination of various cytogenetic and fundamental DNA based molecular markers. The efforts undertaken over the last three centuries revealed "human genetic treasure" in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, even now, after all the studies that were conducted, many interesting features remain to be discovered and described within the existing local human populations.
Methods The remains of 27 individuals were found in two small and closely located mass graves. The DNA was isolated from bone and teeth samples using either standard phenol/chloroform alcohol extraction or optimized Qiagen DNA extraction procedure. Some recovered samples required the employment of additional DNA purification methods, such as N-buthanol treatment. QuantifilerTM Human DNA Quantification Kit was used for DNA quantification. PowerPlex 16 kit was used to simultaneously amplify 15 short tandem repeat (STR) loci. Matching probabilities were estimated using the DNA View program.
AIM To present the joint effort of three institutions in the identification of human remains from the World War II found in two mass graves in the area of Skofja Loka, Slovenia. METHODS The remains of 27 individuals were found in two small and closely located mass graves. The DNA was isolated from bone and teeth samples using either standard phenol/chloroform alcohol extraction or optimized Qiagen DNA extraction procedure. Some recovered samples required the employment of additional DNA purification methods, such as N-buthanol treatment. Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit was used for DNA quantification. PowerPlex 16 kit was used to simultaneously amplify 15 short tandem repeat (STR) loci. Matching probabilities were estimated using the DNA View program. RESULTS Out of all processed samples, 15 remains were fully profiled at all 15 STR loci. The other 12 profiles were partial. The least successful profile included 13 loci. Also, 69 referent samples (buccal swabs) from potential living relatives were collected and profiled. Comparison of victims' profile against referent samples database resulted in 4 strong matches. In addition, 5 other profiles were matched to certain referent samples with lower probability. CONCLUSION Our results show that more than 6 decades after the end of the World War II, DNA analysis may significantly contribute to the identification of the remains from that period. Additional analysis of Y-STRs and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers will be performed in the second phase of the identification project.
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