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Mirsad Kurtović

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J. Hasanbegović, Semina Hadizabulic, M. Kurtović, F. Gaši, S. Ercişli, B. Dorbić, Melekber Sulusoglu Durul

The main morphological and genetic characterization of seven introduced almond cultivars in Bosnia & Herzegovina was conducted. The almond cultivars included three from Italy (Tuono, Genco, Supernova), two from France (Ferragnes and Ferraduel), and two from the USA (Texas and Nonpareil). Genetic characterization was utilized by using 10 microsatellite markers, with nine markers from Prunus persicae and one from Prunus armeniaca. The results of genetic characterization revealed an average of 5.40 alleles per primer per locus. The average number of effective alleles for the 10 SSR loci of introduced cultivars was 3.92. The Shannon Information Index averaged 1.41. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) averaged 0.53 and 0.69, respectively. Morphological analyses of the fruit of introduced almond cultivars in Bosnia & Herzegovina indicated favorable agroecological conditions for their cultivation and spread. The results suggest that these introduced almond cultivars could be utilized in breeding programs to enhance the genetic diversity of the local almond population in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Apple accessions, currently maintained within the two main ex situ collections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), have previously been genotyped using microsatellite markers. The obtained molecular data provided insight into mislabeled accessions and redundancies, as well as the overall genetic structure of the germplasm. The available dataset enabled the creation of a core collection consisting of 52 accessions. The reliability and usefulness of microsatellites has made this low-density marker system a norm in studies on apple germplasm. However, the increased access to medium- and high-density SNP arrays, developed specifically for apples, has opened new avenues of research into apple genetic resources. In this study, 45 apple genotypes consisting of 33 diploid core collection accessions from B&H and 12 international reference cultivars were genotyped using an Axiom® Apple 480 K SNP array in order to examine their genetic relationships, population structure and diversity, as well as to compare the obtained results with those calculated on previously reported SSR profiles. The SNPs displayed a better ability to differentiate apple accessions based on their origin, as well as to cluster them according to their pedigree. Calculating identity by descent revealed 16 pairings with first-degree relationships and uncovered the introgression of ‘Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ into the core collection.

This study was conducted with the aim of developing fruit spirits by utilizing old (autochthonous) apple and pear cultivars that can be attractive to both consumers and producers. Consumers of spirits could enjoy the unique flavor, and producers could gain an opportunity for brand development. In total, eight old apple cultivars (Sarija, Žuja, Samoniklica, Prijedorska zelenika, Bobovec, Masnjača, Lijepocvjetka, and Šarenika) and three pear cultivars (Budaljača, Krakača, and Kalićanka) from Bosnia and Herzegovina were used for the spirits production and for characterizing the flavor of distillates. Golden Delicious was used as a representative of commercial apple cultivar. The aroma profile was conducted through the identification of minor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the sensory perception of spirits. Analysis of the VOCs was performed by gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) techniques after enrichment via solid-phase microextraction (SPME). Sensory evaluation was performed by 12 trained panelists. Overall, 35 minor volatile compounds were found in spirits: 13 esters, 7 alcohols, 6 acids, 5 terpenes, and 4 aldehydes. Significant differences were detected in the distribution and quantity of the VOCs, which were fruit cultivar-dependent. Spirits made from Šarenika apple cultivar showed the largest amount of all acids, especially short- and medium-chain fatty acids; however, this richness was not correlated with pleasant sensory attributes. Spirits obtained from Prijedorska zelenika and Masnjača apple cultivars had the best sensory attributes. Budeljača and Krakača pears are promising cultivars as flavoring in spirits production.

J. Hasanbegović, S. Hadžiabulić, M. Kurtović, F. Gaši, B. Lazovic, B. Dorbić, Azra Skender

Jasna HASANBEGOVIC*, Semina HADZIABULIC, Mirsad KURTOVIC, Fuad GASI, Biljana LAZOVIC, Boris DORBIC, Azra SKENDER Department of Agriculture, Agromediterranean Faculty, Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Department of Agriculture, Biotechnical Faculty Podgorica, Center for Subtropical Cultures Bar, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Department of Agriculture karst, Mrko Marulic, Polytechnic of Knin, Knin, Croatia Department of Agriculture, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Bihac, Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Azra Skender, M. Kurtović, P. Drkenda, D. Bećirspahić, A. Ebrahimi

: The main objective of this study was to examine the characteristics and the relationship between walnuts in the Una-Sana Canton based on phenotypic properties. This is the first study of preselection of walnut variability in this area. In this study, we evaluated the phenological and morphological characteristics of 75 selected genotypes during 2014 and 2015. Twenty-four phenotypic traits were monitored throughout 2 years on different sites. The results of the PCA analysis showed a very high heterogeneity of walnut seedlings on the examined sites, from the aspect of observed parameters. A limited number of superior genotypes were found, but individual genotypes with high nut and kernel weight, as well as the colour of the kernel were determined, which would classify them as high-ranked parents in hybridization programs. Certain number of genotypes with high values of traits such as: nut weight, kernel weight and a high percentage of kernel were selected for future studies. Amongst the selected trees, genotype G25 had the highest weight of nuts and kernel, as well as a satisfactory color of the kernel. This genotype could be used as a superior tree for further breeding programs in the future. A highlevel of phenotypic variability in this studyrevealed the existence of a rich genetics pool of nuts variation. The genetic diversity of walnuts obtained from our studies will represent a valuable source of information for breeding programs of Persian walnut in future.

Three commercial apple cultivars ('Jonagold', 'Granny Smith' and 'Idared') and the local apple cultivar ('Prijedorska Zelenika') from Bosnia and Herzegovina were analysed by HPLC-MS for the content of phenolic compounds in peel and pulp as well content of individual sugars and organic acids. Catechin, (-)-epicatechin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, quercetin 3-O-xyloside, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside, quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, quercetin 3-O-galactoside and quercetin 3-O-glucoside were identified in apple peel and (-)-epicatechin, chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in apple pulp at all observed cultivars. The total sugars content of analysed apple cultivars ranged between 91.61 and 105.45 g kg-1 FM, while the total organic acids content was from 5.70 to 15.05 g kg-1 FM. The levels of total organic acids and sugars, glucoce/fructose ratio and sugar/acid ratio were affected by cultivars. The mean content of total phenolic compounds was between 427.92 and 1457.95 mg kg-1 FM in peel and from 113.58 to 439.83 mg kg-1 FM in pulp and depending upon the cultivars. The presented data clearly demonstrated that traditional apple cultivar ('Prijedorska Zelenika') had significantly higher individual phenolic compounds in pulp in comparison to the commercial cultivars, i.e., 'Idared', 'Jonagold' and 'Granny Smith' and with respect of that 'Prijedorska Zelenika' is recommended as raw material for cloudy juice processing.

Azra Skender, M. Kurtović, S. Ercişli, D. Bećirspahić

Some physicochemical characteristics of black and white mulberry genotypes from and Herzegovina.-Genetika, Vol 51, No.3, Recently, Therefore, the focus of this research is to determine some physicochemical properties of mulberry fruits from the area of northwest Bosnia, where significant amount genetic resources of mulberries are available. In total, six genotypes of black and eight genotypes of white mulberries were analyzed. From physical properties, the fruit mass, fruit height, fruit width and length were determined. Black mulberries are found richer than white mulberries for most of the searched parameters. The average water, soluble solids, total acidity, total sugar, ash, vitamin C, total phenol and total anthocyanin of black mulberry genotypes were 86.46%, 14.88%, 0.08%, 7.30%, 0.68%, 45.84 mg/100 g FW (fresh weight), 50.67 mg GAE/100 g FW and 562.42 cyanidin-3-glucoside mg/g. These values were 82.49%, 17.51%, 0.09%, 7.34%, 0.78%, 43.79 mg/100 g FW and 29.49 mg GAE/100 g FW for white mulberries. The obtained results can serve for future steps in the breeding of these species, and because of the high quality fruit characteristics, they can affect the conservation of these species due to the increasing genetic erosion of this species. PC3 PC4


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