
Publikacije (50)

Asija Začiragić, V. Muzika, A. Valjevac, A. Dervišević, Maja Mitrašinović Brulić, M. Fočak, E. Ćosović, S. Aličelebić et al.

The purpose of this study was to explore possible protective effects of vitamin D3 on serum glucose concentration, body weight and histopathology of pancreas and liver. Animals were divided into 3 groups: Control group (n=6), streptozotocin (STZ) group (n=6) and streptozotocin + vitamin D3 (STZ+D3) group (n=6). Rats in the STZ+D3 group starting from the 7th day of experiment were given vitamin D3 for 14 days. Glucose levels and body weight were measured on the 1, 7, 14 and 21st day of experiment. Qualitative histological analysis of pancreas and liver was done using the light microscope with a digital camera. Differences between the groups were tested by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett's posttest. Differences in repeated measures were tested using paired t-test. On day 14 and 21, blood glucose level in STZ+D3 group was significantly higher compared to the control group of animals but significantly lower than the glucose level registered in STZ group of rats. On day 14 and day 21, body weight in STZ rats was significantly lower compared to weight in STZ+D3 and control groups of rats. Morphological changes, such as shrinkage of islets, vacuolation of both endocrine and exocrine cells, were observed in pancreas of STZ group of animals but were nearly absent in STZ+D3 rats. Similarly, STZ+D3 group of rats showed preserved liver histoarchitecture. Obtained results suggest that vitamin D3 treatment reduces hyperglycemia, exerts beneficial effects on body weight and alleviates histopathological changes in pancreas and liver in STZ-induced diabetic rats.

Aldijana Čaušević, E. Hasković, Izet Eminovic, M. Fočak, A. Mesic, Ismar Lutvikadić, L. G. Pokvic, A. Badnjević

ABSTRACT Endangerment of fish habitats worldwide is a global problem. Breeding fish in restocking hatcheries is important for bioconservation of many fishes. Analysis of biochemical and hematological parameters provides important information on spawning performance and fish health. Variations of different serum biochemical constituents and increase in body length and mass of West Balkan trout were analyzed during spawning and postspawning. High body weight deviations of males were found in both periods. The body length and weight of males is higher compared to females. After spawning, higher growth was observed in males. Biochemical values are higher in females in relation to males. Low values of glucose, chloride, and potassium are present in the spawning phase. Decreases in protein, triglycerides, cholesterol, AST, sodium, and calcium levels were found in postspawning. Serum biochemical constituents of females vary significantly compared to males. Serum markers indicate a strong association with metabolic processes, which allows for better nutritional control and management of environmental factors, especially the presence of organic particles in the broodstock.

Damir Suljevic, Nejira Handžić, Filip Filipić, M. Fočak

This study represents the first data for size, morphology, surface area and a number of haemocytes in European hornet ( Vespa crabro ). Circulating haemocytes were microscopically characterized and their surface was determined by software for image analysis. Three types of haemocytes have been identified: granulocytes, basophilic haemocytes and plasmatocytes. Granulocytes are the dominant type of haemocytes with smallest surface area (54.10±2.42; A =25.79 μm 2 ), plasmatocytes are the largest circulating haematocytes (41.70±2.41; A= 123.56 μm 2 ), and basophilic haemocytes are the least represented (4.20±1.03; A= 49.35 μm 2 ). In addition to circulating haemocytes, we recorded two types of “giant” haematocyte, representing the first data in insects. These cells undergo various transformation stages and mature into large cells. The morphology of these haemocytes and the developmental stages indicate that they may originate from plasmatocytes and basophilic haemocytes. “Giant cell type I” probably originates from plasmatocyte and has a surface area A= 3664.62 μm2. „Giant cell type II“  is formed by the transformation of basophilic haematocyte and has surface area A= 8411.66 μm 2 . Phagocytosis was found in giant cells type II. The developmental stages of giant haematocytes are presumably result of physiological processes related to phagocytosis and their role in immunity. Future studies should provide more information about types, developmental stages of haemocytes including larval hemocytes and phagocytosis which will contribute to the understanding of many physiological and immune processes in these insects.

Abstract Methadone eliminates heroin use, reduces death rates and criminality associated with heroin use, and improves patients’ health and social productivity. This study included long-term addicts who completed a methadone therapy program as well as relapsed patients. Liver and renal markers important for methadone metabolism were analyzed. Renal markers included urea and creatinine, while hepatic markers included total bilirubin, AST, ALT, γGT, and LDH as nonspecific but significant parameters of liver metabolism. The study included 34 male and 6 female heroin-dependent patients undergoing a rehabilitation program with methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). During therapy, average values of all parameters remained within the reference interval but individual parameters in some patients were very high. Significant differences for urea (0.00) and very high individual variations in all parameters, especially γGT and LDH, were found in patients who were in relapse. Age of the patients did not show a correlation with the presence of significant differences in serum biochemical parameters during therapy. Prolonged use of methadone therapy stabilizes high variations of liver and renal markers. MMT achieves a stabilization of serum indicators relevant for methadone metabolism that correlates with the duration of consumption and the type of opioid substance. The most important hepato-renal markers as indicators of therapy success are γGT, LDH, and creatinine. The validity of former enzymatic tests (AST, ALP, and ALT) should be seriously reconsidered in terms of MTT treatment success and monitoring the health of heroin addicts.

Damir Suljevic, Erna Islamagić, Anida Čorbić, M. Fočak, Filip Filipić

Abstract Cadmium is a heavy metal, toxic even in trace amounts and its biological function in the human body has not been described to date. It is assumed that cadmium manifests in dose-dependent genotoxic and cytotoxic effects on many organs and tissue types. In this study, we have analyzed the biochemical parameters in the serum of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica) after chronic in vivo exposure to cadmium. Adult animals were exposed to cadmium in the form of CdCl2 dissolved in water (0.20 mg/L) for 20 days. Significant differences between controls and exposed animals were found in 12 out of 13 analyzed biochemical parameters. Total bilirubin concentrations did not show any significant differences between the two groups. Exposure to cadmium has resulted in a significant increase in lactate dehydrogenase activity, sodium and chloride concentration, as well as significant reductions in total proteins, albumins, globulins, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, calcium concentration, and alkaline phosphatase activity. In this sense, chronic in vivo exposure to low doses of cadmium has induced severe changes in the levels of observed biochemical parameters and enzyme activity. Additionally, evident cytogenetic changes in the liver were also noted, where hepatocyte damage and even lack of organized nuclei, including nuclear fragmentation, clearly indicated ongoing apoptotic processes.

M. Fočak, Subha Džafić, Damir Suljevic

The main circulatory medium of echinoderms is the coelomic fluid. Biochemistry of coelomic fluid is very complex and slightly different from seawater. The main aim of this research was to analyse concentration of electrolytes (potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and sodium), heavy metals (lead, chromium, cadmium and cobalt) and iron in coelomic fluid of sea urchin, Arbacia lixula as an indirect indicator of seawater contamination. After precise statistical evaluation it was observed that electrolyte concentrations were; Na 189.20±11.41 mmol/l, Cl 134.06±37.08 mmol/l, Mg 4.24±1.08 mmol/l, Ca 3.04±0.84 mmol/l. Biochemical content of heavy metals in coelomic fluid was; Co 1.292±0.879 ppm, Pb 0.644±0.131 ppm, Cr 0.116±0.055 ppm, Cd 0.031±0.017 ppm and iron 0.259±0.058 ppm, and it depends on the potential accumulation level in the organism. The composition of electrolyte and heavy metal content varies depending on the composition of seawater. Obtained values are within the range of values most commonly found in low polluted areas of the Adriatic sea. Similar models may be applied for monitoring of heavy metal contamination in marine environment.

Hemolymph of snail Helix pomatia was analyzed in this study to determine the presence of neurons. The animals were sampled at different localities from April to June 2018. Locations differ in many ecological features, especially in insolation, humidity and altitude. Neurons were recorded in snail's hemolymph from one locality (neurone presence in hemolymph in 40% of specimens). Two types of neurons were identified: unipolar and multipolar. This physiological phenomenon is characterized by the presence of different forms of neurons, both individual and related, as well as the formation of a neuronal network. Neurons are very heterogeneous both in terms of number and size, as well as morphological characteristics. Some neurons did not have dendrites or had short axon, while some had giant axons. The presence of neurons in hemolymph still does not have physiological explanation, but the interaction of hemolymph and nervous system as well as seasonal influences may have great significance for this physiological phenomenon which opens up a significant topic for future research.

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