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UNLABELLED Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) represents a delayed response to stress events, which are catastrophic and likely to cause pervasive distress to almost everyone. This disorder is frequently associated with other psychiatric disorders. PTSD can be caused by many traumatic events, but the war related events are very important and significant. WHO assess that a million of BiH population suffers from one of the stress related disorder. The aim of this research is to show sociodemographic characteristics of PTSD patients during 2007. MATERIAL AND METHOD This research was conducted at the Psychiatric Clinic KCU Sarajevo. The study is epidemiological and retrospective analytical-descriptive. The final results show that there were 343 patients with PTSD admitted in Psychiatric Clinic. PTSD is the most common among male population in 45-64 age group. Majority (74%) had high school education. Most of them, that is 206 (60%), were unemployed and 274 (80%) were married.

A. Redžić, J. Hadžihalilović

The impact of certain exogenous factor (socio-economic, ecological) has been investigated with special attention paid to the parents' living standard, and number of family members on some anthropometric parameters like: body height, body mass, chest circumference, upper leg circumference, upper arm circumference, sitting height, arm length, leg length, pelvis width, shoulders width, lenght of head and with of head on the sample of 698 boys aged 11 to 16 (17) years in the Tuzla region (the northeastern Bosnia, Western Balkan peninsula). Anthropometric measurements have been carried out using methodology proposed by the International Biological program (IBP). The results of these investigations have shown that there is a certain impact of the socio-economic conditions on the growth and development of boys. Children from families that have better living standard are, as a rule, taller, which is indicated by the statistical significant differences (P > 0.01). This trend indicates also value of Body Mass Index (BMI), which is in younger children from the families with lower living standard 16, while in the same category in the children from the families with better living standard it has value 18.5. The real impact of living conditions on the dynamics of development could be the best seen in the period of puberty. The number of children in the family has negative relationship with anthropometric features. Statistically significant differences (P > 0.001) have been detected in numerous analysed features in families with one or two children in comparison with families with three, four, or five children. Therefore, BMI has been significantly lower (16) in children from families with several children, while in the families with one child in the same growth class (11 years) it was significantly higher (17.4). Similar value of BMI (17.9) have children from the families with five children and which are 17 years old. Besides socio-economic conditions, high level of environmental pollution which is typical for Tuzla region for a long time, has also significant impact on the growth and development of children.

A. Biščević, M. Biscevic, D. Smrke, A. Redžić, J. Žiga

Obesity is risk-factor for the most common nowdays diseases, as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, some carcinomas, degenerative diseases of weight bearing joints (spine, hips, knees), and present a huge medical and social problem, as well. It causes not only somatic but mental problems as well, especially in females and younger persons. Some of them undergo risky weight reducing methods, surgical procedures, etc, to reduce their body weight and to release mentally stressing body deformities. Aim of the work is to quantify negative impaction of obesity on functionality of the knee, the key joint in everyday body activities (rising, standing, walking, and climbing). Study has analyzed 22 randomly chosen patients (5 male, 17 female) with strong degenerative alteration of the knee (osteoarthritis), who were treated on the Department for orthopedic and traumatology, Clinical center Sarajevo during 2005 and 2006. Average age was 63.6 +/- 10.6 (54-76) years, with Body Mass Index (level of obesity) 31.1 +/- 3.5 (27-38) points, and average duration of symptoms 9.1 +/- 7.4 (1-25) years. The knee functionality was assessed by Knee Society Knee Score (KSKS). Completely healthy knee has 200 points--50 points for pain free knee, 25 points for stabile knee, and forfull extension-flexion arch, both, 50 points for normal walking and stairs climbing, both. Average value of KSKS was 118.1 +/- 35.0 points. As it was expected, there were strong significant correlation between KSKS and age (r = -0.50, p = 0.015). The duration of disability correlated with KSKS (r = -0.5, p = 0.02), and level of pain (r = 0.60, p=0.00). The obesity has significantly increased level of pain in the knee (r = -0.44, p = 0.04), all patients were obese persons. Persons with reduced functional abilities avoid body activity, it causes increasing of obesity, and one makes other worse. Concerning on incidence of described problem and its impaction on society in general, it is necessary to make every effort in prevention and treatment of obesity, as important risk factor and consequence of reduced functional abilities and risk factor of most common nowadays diseases.

BACKGROUND During Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) induced osteoblastogenesis and bone formation, strong vascularization is observed at the transition of preosteoblasts to mature osteoblasts. The cellular and molecular mechanisms that determine autonomous hematopoietic competence in the BMP induced osteoblastogenesis and angiogenesis have not been characterized yet. AIMS In the present study we investigated, whether rhBMP-7 in collagen as carrier (ACS) stimulates osteoblastogenesis have effect on the physiologic autonomous hematopoetic system and clinical condition on animal model. MATERIAL AND METHOD Study was' performed in the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery University Clinic Center Sarajevo from 2003 to 2004. Mandible hemiresection non-critical size created defect were treated with rhBMP7/ACS on 7 rabbits, and on other group of 7 defects were treated with autologues bone graft iliac crest. Biochemical and hematologist tests were performed measurement Alkaline Phosphates enzyme (ALP) activity and Erythrocytes (Er), Leukocytes (Le), Hematocrit(HCR) and Hemoglobin(Hg) count extracted from the periphery blood preoperative, 5, 14, 21, 30 day. RESULT ALP activity showed strong osteoinductive effect rhBMP-7 determinate with day 21 significance increased activity and on bone graft sites day 30. All hematologist values were in physiologic range on both groups. CONCLUSION Strong osteoinductive response rhBMP/ACS construct determinate by the higher value of the ALP enzyme didn't affect hematopoetic competence determinate by the Er. Le, HCR and Hg. counts parameters. Result indicated that BMP-inducedangiogenesis may thus be the result of BMP-induced secretion some angiogenetic factor locally from osteoblasts named Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF).

I. Licanin, A. Redžić, E.I. Ibrahimagic

It is well known that drug abuse is common in early adolescence with almost the same epidemiological characteristics in economically developed and undeveloped countries. Alcohol abuse is a problem worldwide, which destroys ones social, economical and family life. Our country is in a transition period and consists of postwar society. Therefore, all risk factors for alcohol and other substances abuse are present such as social, economical and medical risk factors. Parents and peers seem to have strong impact on adolescent's behavior. Youngsters like to experiment with a risky life style without adequate knowledge about long-term health damages and risks. Finding risk factors related to alcohol abuse among early adolescents is necessary for appropriate prevention approach. Research covers 600 adolescents (400 in rural and urban part of Sarajevo and 200 in urban and rural part of the Canton Tuzla, as well). Adolescents are of equal gender and age distribution. We used Q 2000 as research tool. Study design is prospective, epidemiological and analytical. Results have been compared within groups, between cantons and among groups. Out of total number of adolescents 93 (15.55 %) were abusing alcohol, 62.4 % of them were from urban and 37.6 % were from rural areas. Results show numerous risk factors related to alcohol abuse among adolescents which could be used as base for preventive activities.

It is a well known fact that drug abuse is most common in early adolescence. The most popular substances among youth are cannabis products (made from Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae). The majority of heroin and cocaine addicts have started with marijuana. The aim of this study is to show some psycho-social characteristics of adolescents who abuse cannabis. Research conducted during the year 2001 was epidemiological and prospective. The study group included 600 adolescents of equal gender and age distribution. Q 2000 questionnaire was used, as a comprehensive tool for all aspects of adolescent life. The results show strong peer impact on one's behavior. Youth who use cannabis had 2-3 friends of the same behavior, compared to others who had none. We found positive correlation between life stressful events and cannabis abuse. We also noticed tendency to delinquent behavior related to cannabis abuse (35%).

E. Saracević, A. Redžić

CFTR protein (cystic fibrosis trans membrane conductance regulator) is expressed in multiple epithelial tissues, including upper and lower respiratory tracts, pancreas, sweat glands and gastrointestinal tract. More than 800 mutations and 100 polymorphic variants of DNA sequences were identified in patients with CF (Cystic fibrosis) and CFTR-diseases. In this study, genetic CFTR analysis of the children suffering from chronic lung disease (cystic fibrosis) is presented. They are treated and regularly controlled at the Pediatric hospital Sarajevo. CFTR analysis was done in 9 cases, 4 boys (44.4%) and 5 girls (55.55%). There are 3 children (33.3%) in the age group 1 to 3 years, 1 child (11.1%) in the age group 3 to 6 years, 3 children (33.3%) in the age group 6 to 9 years and 2 children (22.2%) in the age group 9 to 12 years. Genetic analysis was conducted at the Medical center for molecular biology, School of Medicine, Ljubljana. PCR method with PAGE and direct sequestration on ABI PRISM 31 was applied. The majority of children (7 children, i.e. 77.77%) had CFTR mutation Delta F 508 whilst one child had G542X mutation and one child R 1174 mutation. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the need for CFTR gene identification in the institutes of our country.

A. Smajilagić, A. Redžić, S. Filipović, B. Hadžihasanović

Bone matrix contents various development factors which control structuring and absorption and those factors play important role in bone and cartilage development. Bone morphological proteins are members of TGF-beta super family and their activity is certain becoming from the bone. This activity leads to the serial development processes which include chemo taxis, proliferation and differentiation which results in trans resistant formation of cartilage as well as production of life cells of a bone tissue. Biological activities of re combinative human bone morphogenetic protein 7 (rhBMP-7). induction bone formation of non critical size mandible defect of New Zealand rabbits were researched in the study. Markers of osteoblastic differential in the study included ALP specific activity. Histological analysis performed 7, 14, 30, 60 postoperative days, C-T analysis with determination Bone Mineral Density value of new structured tissue within the defect was done 30 days. Results indicate that ectopic bone formation has been inducted with rhBMP-7 and histological analysis shown mature bone with collagen and ostheociti 60th day. Early 7 day granulocyte tissue with angiogenesis was detected, and after 30 days ostheoblastsis shown with a lot of vascular and mezenhimal tissue. Ostheogenetic processes were characteristic for typical inter membraneous ossification without cartilage tissue. ALP activity was significantly increased 21 days. C-T and Bone Mineral Density value shown density of new structured tissue determinate as bone (413 mg/cm3 and 519 mg/cm3). Studies showed that concentration of 100 mg rhBMP-7 in collagen as career had strong ostheo inductive capacity. Conditions which module BMP depend ostheo induction should be considered in the future. Information could lead to improvements of rhBMP as substitution for bone graft in clinical practice.

OBJECTIVE To investigate adolescents who abuse drugs and to describe aspects of risk behavior among alcohol abusers. METHOD study was conducted on 598 adolescents, aged 12-17 years, with equal distribution in rural and urban areas. Study was based on self-reported questionnaire Q 2000. Study designed as prospective, epidemiological, analitical. Results have been compared within groups, between cantons and among groups. Evaluation of data was done using EPI-info software, with standard statistic methods. RESULTS Out of the total number of 598 adolescents 15.55% had abused alcohol (urban 62.4%, rural 37.6%); 6.69% tobacco (urban 67.5%, rural 32.5%); 3.34% cannabis (urban 70.0%, rural 30.0%). Results show various aspects of risk behavior among adolescents who consume alcohol such as: truancy 44.1%; low success at school 14.0%; suicidal thoughts 36.6%; unprotected sex 17.7%; drunken driving 10.0%; non use of seat belts 24.7%; deliquency (stealing) 22.2%; destructive behavior 18.9%. Adolescents who abuse drugs have planned to continue with similar behavior in the future: to abuse drugs 31.6%; to smoke 52.2%, to drink alcohol 44.4%, to fight 27.8%; to drive without seat belt 36.8%; to have unprotected sex 16.7%. Risk behavior related to cannabis abuse and tobacco smoking is also described. CONCLUSION Data suggests that major aspects of adolescents' risk behavior is related to alcohol abuse, what should be considered while designing prevention activities and programmes.

L. Berberović, A. Redžić, Bojan Šošić

Classical works dealing with the possibility of mother-child incompatibility with regard to basic ABO blood groups give contradictory conclusions. Bioreproductive and population-genetic indicators have been studied in a sample of live births and in two pregnancy samples with different "a priori" and "a posteriori" risk assessment. The analysis points out that ABO blood groups can influence fertility of different parental pairs, and consequently--assessment of the individual pregnancy risk.

A. Redžić, I. Licanin, J. Hadžihalilović

Cannabis is a plant whose consumption causes hallucinations soon after it has been inhaled. This study was conducted with 600 adolescents of age 12 to 17 with even gender distribution from two residence locations (rural and urban). Epidemiological-analytic study was prospectively conducted, whose results were analysed with standard statistical methods. The results showed that the use of cannabis is greater by the adolescents in high school (15-17 years old), than the adolescents in the elementary school (12-14 years old). The x2 test showed great significance. Among the tested adolescents the consumption of cannabis is more present in urban than in rural type of residency. However, gender structure did not show significant differences. It is obvious that the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances should be at its maximum.

J. Hadžihalilović, A. Redžić, R. Terzić, Fatima Jusupović, Amir Hadzihalilović, M. Osmić

Birth order and its effect on growth and development of children and youths have rarely been studied so far. The objective of this research was an analysis of the birth order effects on some anthropometric properties of the boys 11-16 years old. The sample consisted of 748 boys from the Tuzla region. As the sample included very few boys born as the third, forth, or fifth child, we decided to consider only the differences in the mean values for some anthropometric parameters between the groups of the first- and the second-born. Measurements were taken according to IBP and the following parameters were investigated: body height, body mass, chest circumference, upper arm circumference, upper leg circumference, sitting height, arm length, leg length, pelvis width, shoulders width, length and width of head. We established that in most generations the firstborn boys have larger mean values for most anthropometric variables in comparison to the second-born.

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