
Publikacije (47)

A. Kulo, N. Mulabegović, J. Kusturica, Hasija Hadzić, L. Burnazović-Ristić, M. Rakanovic-Todic, A. Mehmedović, O. Lepara

Due to heightened risk for thromboembolic complications, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) presents an absolute indication for long-term oral anticoagulation therapy. This was an observational, analytical, randomised, one-year clinical study, conducted in the Blood Transfusion Institute Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. The aim of this study was to present the oral anticoagulation treatment in terms of International normalised ratio (INR) monitoring and warfarin/acenocoumarol dose titration in 117 patients with NVAF. INR values, the doses of warfarin and acenocoumarol, as well as the tendency and adequacy of their changes were monitored. Percentages of the therapeutic INR values were 51,77% and 53,62%, subtherapeutic 42,84% and 35,86%, and supratherapeutic 5,39% and 10,53% for the warfarin and acenocoumarol treatment, respectively. The average total weekly doses (TWD) which most frequently achieved the therapeutic INR values were 27,89+/-12,34 mg and 20,44+/-9,94 mg, for warfarin and acenocoumarol, respectively. The dose changes with the INR values 1,7 or lower/3,3 or higher were omitted in 13,46% and 15,63%, and with the INR values 1,8-3,2 were noted in 8,62% and 13,48% of all the check-up visits in the warfarin and acenocoumarol group, respectively. The annual dose changes were noted in 24,65% and 31,41%, and the daily dose changes in 74,43% and 73,36% of all the check-up visits of warfarin and acenocoumarol group, respectively. We can conclude that the management of the oral anticoagulation treatment in our country is in accordance with the relevant recommendations, but with the present tendency toward underdosing and unnecessary frequent dose changing.

J. Huskic, N. Mulabegović, F. Alendar, L. Ostojić, Z. Ostojić, D. Šimić, R. Milicevic, Mladenka Naletilić

Recent evidence suggests that the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is present in skin. The real value of the determination of ACE activity as a clinical-biochemistry test for the diagnosis of psoriasis has not been attained. Serum and tissue ACE were measured in 60 patients with psoriasis, 20 patients with lichen planus, 20 patients with seborrhoic dermatitis and in 20 healthy individuals. The serum and tissue ACE activity was determined before and after therapy, using the spectrophotometric method and hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine as a substrate. The results showed that serum ACE activity before therapy was significantly increased in both groups--patients with psoriasis (p < 0.001) and patients with lichen planus (p < 0.001) in comparison to healthy individuals. However, there were no significant differences in serum ACE activity among patients with seborrhoic dermatitis and healthy individuals. After therapy, serum ACE activity significantly decreased in both groups of patients with psoriasis and patients with lichen planus comparing it to the level found in the control group. The values in both were similar. The tissue ACE activity in altered skin was significantly increased only in the patients with psoriasis in comparison to uninvolved skin of these patients, as well as the skin of healthy individuals. After therapy, there were no significant differences in tissue ACE activity between the treated skin and the healthy skin. In conclusion, determination of tissue angiotensin converting enzyme activity can be used in the differential diagnostic of indistinct clinical forms of psoriasis.

J. Huskic, F. Culo, S. Dautović, N. Mulabegović

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and nitric oxide (NO) have been suggested to be involved in the regulation of fluid homeostasis. In the present investigation, ACE activity and NO levels were determined in serum of 20 patients (10 men and 10 women) with dehydration caused by gastroenterocolitis and 20 healthy individuals (10 men and 10 women). Serum and tissue ACE activity was determined by spectrophotometric method using hippuryl-l-histidyl-l-leucine (Hip-His-Leu) as a substrate. NO synthesis was determined by measuring the products of NO, nitrite and nitrate. The concentration of nitrites was determined by classic colorimetric method using Griess reagent. Nitrate concentration was determined indirectly by their reduction with elementary zinc into nitrite. Results have shown that serum ACE activity in patients with dehydration (36,46+/-2,74 U/L) is statistically higher then in healthy individuals (28,71+/-1,77 U/L, p<0,05). The average level of nitrites/nitrates in serum of patients with dehydration (30,57+/-1,05 microM; mean +/- SEM) is also statistically higher then in healthy individuals (12,44+/-0,60 microM, p<0,0001). There was no correlation between ACE activity and NO production. The results indicate that ACE and NO may participate in the regulation of the alteration in blood flow and in the regulation of the water balance in patients with dehydration.

N. Mulabegović, M. Rakanovic-Todic

ENKORTEN is newly registered drug in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It consists of two peptide components: met-enkephalin and alpha 1-13-corticotropine (alpha-ACTH 1-13), previously called alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-like (alpha-MSH-like) Met-enkephalin and alpha-MSH exhibited cytoprotective effects individually and statistically significant additive effect was registered when both peptides were applied in combination on the model of ethanol induced gastric lesions in rats. Combination has immunomodulatory effects. Method of selective immunomodulation with antigens and peptides in immunological mediated diseases and malignant tumors is directed towards long-term remission without so many adverse effects characteristic for immunosuppressive drugs. Adverse reactions registered for so long with ENKORTEN were mild, reversible and usually developed during and immediately after drug application.

N. Loncarević, M. Tirić-Čampara, N. Mulabegović

INTRODUCTION Neurological findings are the main criteria for making the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, including head and spine MRI, CSF findings and evoked potentials. OBJECTIVE Investigate and observe correlation in SSEP especially wave P22 in group of healthy examiners, as well on those suffering multiple sclerosis. Present Evoked potentials clinical application benefits in Multiple sclerosis diagnostic procedures used in Neurological Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. EXAMINES AND METHODS: Examination is prospective and clinically applicable. Examination involved one hundred examinees in total, divided in two group where 50 examinees where confirmed with Multiple sclerosis diagnosis, and 50 others made up control group of healthy volunteers. Examination is made based on neurological findings, questionnaires for EP and MS, and SSEP done for all examinees. Statistical assessment is based upon percentage, standard deviation, Chi square test and Student t test. RESULTS average age of patients in control group is 35.28, and at the same time 34.90 in experimental group and do not have statistical significance. In both group females were dominant gender and there was no statistical significance of gender ration between two group. Wave P22 was statistical significantly extended in group of MS diagnosed patients compared to the group of healthy examinees. CONCLUSION our studies dominantly affected female gender. Studies presented statistically significant increase of SSEP abnormalities in MS diagnosed patients group compared to the group of healthy examinees, in term of extended latency of waves P22 as cortical responses. These figures shows significance of SSEP clinical use in MS diagnostically procedures, to additionally confirm definite diagnosis.

Asija Začiragić, J. Huskic, Almira Hadžović-Džuvo, A. Valjevac, N. Avdagić, N. Mulabegović

We investigated serum concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) and measures of adiposity in 30 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (15 male, 15 female) and 30 age and sex-matched apparently healthy subjects. CRP concentration was determined by laser nephelometry (BN II Analyzer) and CardioPhase high-sensitivity CRP (DADE BEHRING) was used as reagent which consists of polystyrene particles coated with mouse monoclonal antibodies to CRP. Results have shown that serum CRP concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus was statistically significantly higher compared to control group of healthy subjects (p<0,05). Body mass index (BMI) correlated significantly with serum concentration of CRP in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (r=0.614; p<0.001). Statistically significant positive correlation was also found between waist to hip ratio and serum CRP concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (r=0.426; p<0.05). Elevated serum CRP concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is probably caused by the presence of chronic low-grade inflammation in these patients. It is possible that determined increase of CRP concentration reflects activation of innate immune system components in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Implications of established association between measures of adiposity and serum CRP level in type 2 diabetes mellitus remain unclear.

Maida Todić, N. Mulabegović, F. Becic, J. Kusturica

PURPOSE Combination FAR4 consists from two peptide components: met-enkephalin and alpha adrenocorticotropine 1-13 (ACTH 1-13) named before as alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-like (alpha-MSH-like). Met-enkephalin and alpha-MSH exhibited cytoprotective effects individually and statistically significant additive effect was registered when both peptides were applied in combination on the model of ethanol induced gastric lesions in rats. We performed subacute toxicity study with subcutaneous application. WORK METHOD Wistar rats were randomized in 3 test groups (treatments) consisted of 10 male and to female rats and one control group consisted of 20 male and 20 female rats. One daily dose was applied 3 days a week. Three dose ranges as multiplication of expected maximal human therapeutic dose (10 mg of met-enkephalin and 2 mg of alpha-ACTH 1-13) were estimated: equivalent dose, dose that was 5 times higher and 10 times higher dose. Animals were treated during 4 weeks with 10-days long observation period without the treatment after. After the planned scarification at the end of study, necropsy with histopathology examination was performed. RESULTS No lethality, toxic signs or histopathological changes were observed during the subacute toxicity testing. Variation of laboratory animals body mass was observed through six terms of body mass deternimation. Increase in body mass was noted in all test and control groups. Statistical analysis with Kruskal Wallis single variance test showed statisticaly significant difference in the number of respirations between the groups of ma-. les for the first measurement (p = 0.040332) and second measurement (p = 0.016852), but multiple comparation with control group showed statisticaly significant difference. Afterthe planned scarification at the end of the study, necropsy did not reveal changes in macroscopic structure of organs and tissues. Histopathology examination was performed on the samples of liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, brain, spleen and thymus and no pathological changes were noted, while microscopic structure of tissues was perserved. The changes regarding postmortem organ mass as percentual ratio towards total group mass were not noted nor for males, nor for females. DISCUSSION Study was conducted following the rules of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals made by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Methodologicaly our study complys with rutine design of thistipe of studies. Subacute toxicity studies usually last for fourweeks and the way of test substance application to laboratory animals should comply to future way of application in human use. In our study no lethality was registered and low toxicity

Nitric oxide (NO) level in serum and renal tissue has been examined in 15 male Wistar rats, body weight 200-250 g, 7 days after unilateral nephrectomy. All rats were ether-anaesthetized and the kidneys were removed by dorsolateral approach. NO concentration in serum and renal tissue was determined by classic colorimetric Griess reaction. Conversion of NO(3)(2-) into NO(2)(2-) was done with elementary zinc. Results have shown that NO concentration in renal tissue is statistically higher in rats 7 days after unilateral nephrectomy then in control renal tissue before compensatory kidney growth (p<0,02). There is no difference between NO concentration in serum before unilateral nephrectomy and 7 days after nephrectomy. These findings suggest that NO may play an important role in mediating the hemodynamic changes associated with reduced renal mass.

M. Aščerić, N. Mulabegović, S. Nuhbegović, Alma Nadarević, Muamera Mujcinagić-Vrabac

Arterial hypertension is a common finding in patients with end stage renal disease (80% patients are hypertensive). Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in haemodialysis. The present study was performed to asses' successful treatment in hypertensive chronic haemodialysis patients by ultra filtration only and ultra filtration combined with medics. We studied 80 hypertensive adult patients who had been on regular haemodialysis treatment for at least 12 months (average duration of 41 months). All subjects were divided in two different antihypertensive treatment groups including 40 subjects each. The first group of patients were treated with trandolapril and ultra filtration, and the second group of patients were only treated with ultra filtration (control group). Blood pressure measurements before and after HD sessions were performed for each patient. Blood pressure control was defined using World Health Organization criteria 140/90 mm Hg. Average systolic blood pressure levels, after haemodialysis, were in the first group of patients 146.33 +/- 9.7 mm Hg, and in the control group 157,86 +/- 10.33 mm Hg. Average diastolic blood pressure was 87.83 +/- 8.11 mm Hg in the first group of patients and, in the control group it was 91.03 +/- 10.67 mm Hg. There were significant differences between systolic blood pressure level in the first group of patients and the control group of patients as well as in diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05). We conclude that an antihypertensive therapy by trandolapril is more effective than ultra filtration alone in hypertensive patients on chronic haemodialysis.

Experimental studies of burns require the use of different animal models. The aim of this work was to establish experimental model of thermal injuries and to evaluate the effects of topical agents on healing of the burn wounds. Forty female Wistar rats were randomly classified in 4 groups and isolated for 2 weeks before the onset of experiment. Animals were primarily anaesthetized with pentobarbital-sodium and then shaved (skin area of their back with diameters 5 cm x 5 cm). A round metal stamp with contact area of 5 cm2 and total weight of 100 g was heated up to 80 degrees C and then applied without additional pressure on the depilated skin of the back for 14 seconds. This procedure produced a standardized burn wound. Induced burn wounds were immediately drowned in the 4 degrees C- water for 3 s in order to maintain microcirculation. After the inducement of thermal injures, all rats were treated with 1% silver sulfadiazine cream, herbal topical preparations or were not treated at all. Burn wounds were treated twice a day until the healing completion. The result of treatment application was a significant reduction of burn wound diameters. Herbal topical preparations expressed positive therapeutic effects on the parameters of burn wounds. The efficiency of silver sulfadiazine cream in burn wound healing was significantly more expressed in comparison to healing process in control group of animals (p < or = 0,001). We conclude that herbal topical preparations efficiently caused the completion of burn wound healing process without scar formation.

S. Loga-Zec, I. Zulić, N. Mulabegović, S. Loga, S. Fišeković, J. Kusturica

The aim of this study were to determine which antipsychotic are currently in use, to establish which doses are administrated to patients, to find out is there a practice of proscribing simultaneously more then one antipsychotic drug, to determine whether antipsychotic are proscribed in divided doses, to establish whether there is, besides antipsychotics, treatment with other medicaments (co-administration), especially with antiparkinsonics. The research (study) is epidemiological-clinical prospective, descriptive and analytical and it was conducted at University hospitals in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Mostar. Criteria for inclusion, non-inclusion and exclusion from the study were precisely defined as a mean for formation of sample. Based on this hypothesis were established, zero and alterative. According to zero hypothesis in the treatment of schizophrenia at University hospitals in FBiH new antipsychotic drugs are in use, small doses are proscribed (up to 20 mg), not more then one antipsychotic drug is used simultaneously, antipsychotics are administrated once a day and alongside with antipsychotics other medicaments are not co-administrated, especially antiparkinsons. The results of our study are showing that majority of patients are treated with classical antipsychotics. Minority of patients is treated with atypical neuroleptics like olanzapine, which is proscribed only in Sarajevo. Use of risperidone and ziprasidone is registered also only in Sarajevo, but only small number of patients is treated with these drugs. Most frequent antipsychotics were promazine and haloperidol. The range between minimal and maximal daily dose of promazine was from 50 to 450 mg/daily, and for haloperidol from 1 to 75 mg/daily. Above-mentioned drugs were administrated in an average from two to three times a day. Alongside with antipsychotics, other drugs were used. Most frequent was the use of biperidine in oral and parenteral formulation, as well as nitrazepam and diazepam. The importance of this study is following: data are useful for the current mental health care reform in FBiH, results will point out place and position of FBiH in contemporary world trends in the treatment of schizophrenia, they will contribute to rational use of antipsychotic therapy, they will point out possible ways in reduction of side effects, often dangerous adverse effects of antipsychotics, and they will give contribution to faster rehabilitation of schizophrenics with the reduction of financial means for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia.

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