The success of the entire supply chain largely depends on the selection of suppliers. This process is one of the most important factors and it has a direct impact on the organizations performance. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different suppliers of furniture production company using methods of multi-criteria decision making. Most of the methods that are used in the suppliers selection fieldare AHP method (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method. In this research AHP based on rough numbers is presented to determine each evaluation criterion weight. Then a TOPSIS based on rough numbers is proposed to evaluate the alternatives. Stability of the obtained results was checked through sensitivity analysis, which shows that the obtained results are very stable, because of using three different combinations of methods (Rough AHP - Rough TOPSIS, Fuzzy AHP - Fuzzy TOPSIS, Fuzzy AHP - TOPSIS), identical results are obtainedfrom the aspect of supplier ranking.
Supply chain presents a very complex field involving a large number of participants. The aim of the complete supply chain is finding an optimum from the aspect of all participants, which is a rather complex task. In order to ensure optimum satisfaction for all participants, it is necessary that the beginning phase consists of correct evaluations and supplier selection. In this study, the supplier selection was performed in the construction company, on the basis of a new approach in the field of multi-criteria model. Weight coefficients were obtained by DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method, based on the rough numbers. Evaluation and the supplier selection were made on the basis of a new Rough EDAS (Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution) method, which presents one of the latest methods in this field. In order to determine the stability of the model and the applicability of the proposed Rough EDAS method, an extension of the COPRAS and MULTIMOORA method by rough numbers was also performed in this study, and the findings of the comparative analysis were presented. Besides the new approaches based on the extension by rough numbers, the results are also compared with the Rough MABAC (MultiAttributive Border Approximation area Comparison) and Rough MAIRCA (MultiAttributive Ideal-Real Comparative Analysis). In addition, in the sensitivity analysis, 18 different scenarios were formed, the ones in which criteria change their original values. At the end of the sensitivity analysis, SCC (Spearman Correlation Coefficient) of the obtained ranges was carried out, confirming the applicability of the proposed approaches.
The rationalization of logistics activities and processes is very important in the business and efficiency of every company. In this respect, transportation as a subsystem of logistics, whether internal or external, is potentially a huge area for achieving significant savings. In this paper, the emphasis is placed upon the internal transport logistics of a paper manufacturing company. It is necessary to rationalize the movement of vehicles in the company’s internal transport, that is, for the majority of the transport to be transferred to rail transport, because the company already has an industrial track installed in its premises. To do this, it is necessary to purchase at least two used wagons. The problem is formulated as a multi-criteria decision model with eight criteria and eight alternatives. The paper presents a new approach based on a combination of the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method and rough numbers, which is used for ranking the potential solutions and selecting the most suitable one. The rough Best–Worst Method (BWM) was used to determine the weight values of the criteria. The results obtained using a combination of these two methods in their rough form were verified by means of a sensitivity analysis consisting of a change in the weight criteria and comparison with the following methods in their conventional and rough forms: the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Ordering Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and MultiAttributive Border Approximation area Comparison (MABAC). The results show very high stability of the model and ranks that are the same or similar in different scenarios.
Research presented in this paper is primarily focused on the theoretical model of transportation routes' optimization, by means of using an innovative approach, projected to countries in transition. This paper presents part of the research, whose main parameters are directly related to basic research hypothesis, and are result of author's stay in vocational training in the Japanese city of Osaka, in the period 12.01. 07.03.2015. Based on the transport routes' calculations, we came to an answer set in the research problem of this paper, as well as to the optimization of costs and avoiding a "downtime" during the collection of waste conducted by utility companies, who will be the beneficiaries of this model. The primary goal of the work is to, on the base of knowledge and experience acquired in Japan, create an Optimization Model of Transport Routes adjusted to countries in transition (Bosnia and Herzegovina and others), which will, in the long run, be of benefit to these countries, in terms of a sustainable waste management.
Location theory is very important and popular in different areas. German agricultural economists Thun and Weber are considered the pioneers for the development of location theory. While in terms of mathematical formulations, it is believed that Ferma was the first to consider location problems [1]. In this research, we will provide locations of Emergency Medical Service EMS in Misurata city, using Location Set Covering Model.
Logistics subsystem of procurement causes high expenses with significant influence on supply chain management (SCM). Therefore, it is necessary to optimise first phase of logistics in order to reach operational efficiency. To take into account these aspects this paper proposes methodology for defining the most important criteria for the supplier evaluation and selection. From a set of twenty criteria that were established i.e. four sets of criteria: finances, logistics, quality and communication and business which containing its sub-criteria we allocated the most important for supplier selection. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on rough numbers is presented to determine the weight of each evaluation criterion. For criteria evaluation we used knowledge from the expert from the field. The efficacy of the proposed evaluation methodology is demonstrated through its application in the company for the production of wire. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can provide significantly influence the reduction of costs, increase competitiveness and satisfaction of end users, which is the goal of each participant in the supply chain.
By using the methods of multi-criteria analysis it is possible to make decisions which have significant influence on companies' business. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different suppliers using the integrated model that recognizes a combination of fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and the COPRAS method. Based on six criteria, the expert team was formed to compare them, so determination of their significance is being done with fuzzy AHP method. Expert team also compares suppliers according to each criterion and on the base of triangular fuzzy numbers. Based on their inputs, COPRAS method is used to estimate potential solutions. Suggested model accomplishes certain advantages in comparison with previously used traditional models which were used to make decisions about evaluation and choice of supplier. It is vital to make the right decision when selecting a supplier, because the optimal choice ensures lower cost and higher quality of the product itself, and therefore more competitiveness in the market.
In today's modern supply chains, the adequate suppliers' choice has strategic meaning for entire companies' business. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different suppliers using the integrated model that recognizes a combination of fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and the TOPSIS method. Based on six criteria, the expert team was formed to compare them, so determination of their significance is being done with fuzzy AHP method. Expert team also compares suppliers according to each criteria and on the base of triangular fuzzy numbers. Based on their inputs, TOPSIS method is used to estimate potential solutions. Suggested model accomplishes certain advantages in comparison with previously used traditional models which were used to make decisions about evaluation and choice of supplier.
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