Željko Stević, Ibrahim Badi, I. Tanackov, G. Miličić
7 17. 11. 2017.

Supplier Selection in Furniture Production Company Using Rough AHP and Rough TOPSIS

The success of the entire supply chain largely depends on the selection of suppliers. This process is one of the most important factors and it has a direct impact on the organizations performance. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different suppliers of furniture production company using methods of multi-criteria decision making. Most of the methods that are used in the suppliers selection fieldare AHP method (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method. In this research AHP based on rough numbers is presented to determine each evaluation criterion weight. Then a TOPSIS based on rough numbers is proposed to evaluate the alternatives. Stability of the obtained results was checked through sensitivity analysis, which shows that the obtained results are very stable, because of using three different combinations of methods (Rough AHP - Rough TOPSIS, Fuzzy AHP - Fuzzy TOPSIS, Fuzzy AHP - TOPSIS), identical results are obtainedfrom the aspect of supplier ranking.

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