
Publikacije (25)

A. Valjevac, B. Mehić, E. Kiseljaković, S. Ibrulj, Agnieszka Garstka, G. Adler

Factor V is the liver-synthesized multidomain glycoprotein encoded by a gene localised on chromosome 1q23. The point mutation 1691G>A in this gene results in formation of an altered protein of V Factor resistant to activated protein C (APC) cleavage. This mutation alone is the most frequent cause of inborn thrombophilia and the most widely acknowledged genetic risk factor for venous thrombosis in a Caucasian population. This study was designed to provide the first estimate of the frequency of the allele 1691A FV in the Bosnian female population. The 1691G>A FV mutation was examined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, in a group of 67 women, mean age of 58.6 years with no history of cardiovascular incident. Our findings revealed an absence of the mutated allele 1691A FV in the studied group. This is the first report on the 1691G>A FV mutation in a population from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Further research is needed to establish prevalence of the mutated allele in the population from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Azra Metović, Mirela Mackic-Djurovic, S. Ibrulj

INTRODUCTION The invention and use of antibiotics in treating infections is one of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century medicine. Antibiotics are one of the categories of pharmaceuticals with a broad and increasing application. GOAL The goal of this paper is to analyze the influence of different set of test concentrations of ceftriaxone antibiotics on the occurrence of chromosome aberrations after in vitro treatment with concentrations: 0.15 mg/ml, 0.25 mg/ml and 0.50 mg/ml. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the study was used the blood of healthy donors in vitro, treated with different concentrations of ceftriaxone. Ceftriaxone is a semisynthetic cephalosporine third generation antibiotic, with broad spectrum of activity and with specific characteristics (Nerlove et al. 1996). As a biomarker of genetic damage are used the methods of cultivation of peripheral blood lymphocytes and analysis of chromosome aberrations. Cytogenetic analysis of ceftriaxone genotoxicity was performed in 48-hour culture of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by test of standard chromosome aberration analysis according to Moorhead, with certain modifications. Insight into the frequency and type of chromosome aberrations is obtained by analyzing 100 metaphases per sample. RESULTS By the analysis of 100 metaphases per sample was determined that the relative frequency of metaphases with chromosome aberrations is increased with increasing concentrations of ceftriaxone in lymphocyte culture. The increase in the frequency of structural aberrations was also positively correlated with the applied ceftriaxone concentrations. Metaphases with numerical and structural aberrations are registered in lymphocyte cultures treated with ceftriaxone concentration of 0.25 mg/ml and 0.50 mg/ml, but this increase was not significant compared to the control cells cultures. CONCLUSIONS Significantly increased frequency of metaphases with structural chromosome aberrations in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes treated with concentrations of 0.25 mg/ml and 0.5 mg/ml compared to the control confirming clastogenic potential of this drug. Ceftriaxone also expressed aneugenic activity at the highest test concentration (0.50 mg/ml), confirming a statistically significant difference in the frequency of numerical aberrations in cultures treated with doses of 0.5 mg/ml.

First trimester pregnancy loss as well as infertility is a very common issue among many couples and the main reason they investigate is their chromosomes in that case. two hundred and sixty-six couples came to Center for Genetics of Medical Faculty-University of Sarajevo, for chromosomal cytogenetic analysis due to infertility or larger number of spontaneous abortions. To each couple, karyotype has been made, using GTG technique from cultures of lymphocytes from peripheral blood. The overall incidence of chromosomal abnormalities was 15 out of 266 couples (9%). They were divided by primary diagnose as: couples with recurrent spontaneous abortions 107 and infertility couples 159. In the first group it has found chromosomal changes at four males and one female whereas in the second group it has found chromosomal changes at seven females and three males. Structural and numerical chromosomal changes did not differ from relevant updated references from other countries, and were the main cause for infertility and recurrent spontaneous abortions. This study illustrates the incidence and distribution of chromosomal abnormalities among couples with recurrent miscarriage and infertility, and how genetic testing and counseling is important for couples with an abnormal karyotype before deciding about further reproductive options.

Cytogenetic biomarkers, such as micronuclei in peripheral blood or oral mucosa, are widely used for evaluation of exposure to genotoxins or carcinogens. Tobacco is one of the strongest carcinogens, responsible for development of different types of cancers. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxicity of cigarette consumption in young smokers and to correlate results of cytogenetic analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes and exfoliated buccal cells. The study was conducted on samples taken from 43 smokers and 44 non-smokers, young individuals from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Significantly higher frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes was observed in smokers (p < 0.05). No significant correlations were found for age, duration and intensity of smoking, and frequency of micronuclei in lymphocytes. Significantly higher frequency of degenerated (apoptotic) buccal cells was also revealed in smokers (p < 0.05). The frequency of apoptotic cells in smokers was significantly influenced by the age of participants (F = 8.649; p < 0.01) and duration of smoking (F = 5.389; p < 0.05). Results of cytogenetic analysis conducted in peripheral blood and exfoliated buccal cells are in significant positive correlation, indicating complementarities of those analyses.

Standard cytogenetic assays used in genotoxicology usually include chromosome aberrations analysis and micronucleus cytokinesis-block assay. Both tests originate on standard protocol for lymphocyte culture and can be used as complement or substitute to each other. Aim of this study was to evaluate complementarities between results of chromosome aberration analysis assay and results of micronucleus cytokinesis-block assay in representative sample of inhabitants from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim was achieved by calculating Pearson correlation coefficient and simple linear regression.

Paracetamol is a common analgesic and antipyretic drug. It has been recognized as one of the most ordinary medications taken in overdoses. We examined the possible genotoxic effects of high paracetamol concentrations expected to occur after overdose. Paracetamol was added to the cultures at the beginning of the cultivation period. Separate cultures for three tested concentrations of paracetamol (50 μg/mL, 100 μg/mL, and 200 μg/mL) were set. Effects of paracetamol were evaluated by micronucleus cytokinesis-block assay, chromosome aberration analysis, and nuclear division index. Results demonstrate that paracetamol concentration of 200 μg/mL expresses certain genotoxic effects in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.

S. Ibrulj, S. Haverić, A. Haverić, A. Durmić-Pašić, D. Marjanovic

During the 1992-1995 siege, as well as after the war activities, citizens of Sarajevo were most probably exposed to various potential genotoxic agents. The effects of those potential genotoxins were evaluated by micronucleus-cytokinesis blocked assay. The study included 30 individuals who resided in the area of Sarajevo during the war and the postwar period. Point bi-serial coefficient analysis did not reveal any relationship between the frequencies of binuclear cells with micronuclei as well as total number of micronuclei and smoking habits or gender. Simple linear regression revealed statistically significant positive correlation between the age and micronuclei formation. Due to the war related environmental contamination more extensive study is recommended.

Anja Krunić, S. Haverić, S. Ibrulj

One of the negative environmental impacts of the last armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the use of radioactive ammunition containing depleted uranium. The United Nations Environment Programme measurements detected higher radioactivity at several examined sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of those places is in the area of Hadzići, close to Sarajevo. This research included an evaluation of genetic load in human lymphocytes due to exposure to depleted uranium. The study included individuals who were located in the area of Hadzići and who were directly exposed to depleted uranium. The control blood samples were taken from individuals who lived in West Herzegovina which is considered environmentally uncontaminated. The results of the micronucleus cytochalasin-B test in peripheral blood lymphocytes showed increased micronuclei frequencies in the exposed group.

A. Haverić, S. Haverić, M. Hadzic, N. Lojo-Kadrić, S. Ibrulj

: Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of curcumin and sunset yellow were tested by the chromosome aberration analysis and cytokinesis-block micronu - cleus cytome assay in human lymphocyte culture. Water solutions of food dyes, in concentrations of 1, 2, 4 and 8 mM, were added to the cultures at the beginning of the cultivation period. Concentrations of 4 and 8 mM of sunset yellow induced significant increase in frequencies of cells with chromosome aberrations. Tested concentrations of sunset yellow significantly associated with frequencies of structural aberrations, chromatid-type aberrations, total aberrant cells and micronuclei showing considerable dose dependent clastogenic activity. In higher analyzed concentrations, curcumin significantly increased only nuclear buds frequency, sug - gesting its potential genotoxicity, while sunset yellow showed dose-dependent genotoxic potential. Obtained results point toward favorization of natural coloring agents in food consumption and emphasize the need of controlled use of food colorants

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