
Publikacije (74)

D. Rukavina, Damir Suljevic, M. Fočak, D. Hadžijunuzović-Alagić, N. Hadžimusić, A. Zahirović

Several haematological parameters in Herzegovinian donkeys based on gender and age were analysed in this study. The study included 30 clinically healthy donkeys (12 males and 18 females), between one and twenty years of age. Donkeys were grouped in three age classes: young (1-2 years, n=10), adult (3-6 years, n=12) and old donkeys (7-20 years, n=8). A total of seven haematological parameters were analysed. In both genders and in all age groups, the mean values of MCHC were slightly above the recommended reference intervals for donkeys in general. The mean values of HCT in females and in adult donkeys were lower than the reference intervals. The PLT mean values in female, and in young and old Herzegovinian donkeys were lower than the reference intervals. Gender significantly affected HCT and Hb values (p=0.049; p=0.046, respectively), which were significantly higher in males. Age significantly affected WBC and LYM count, which were lowest in young donkeys.

A. Alijagic, Erna Islamagić, M. Fočak, Damir Suljevic

Trivalent chromium is an essential trace element for humans and animals and it is the final product of hexavalent chromium reduction in the cell. It is an integral part of the glucose-tolerance factor, which increases the systemic impact of insulin. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of trivalent and hexavalent chromium on selected biochemical parameters in Japanese quails. Birds were divided into three groups: group I (control group, n=12), group II (treated with trivalent chromium, n=12) and group III (treated with hexavalent chromium, n=12). During 20 days of follow-up, control and experimental groups of quails had identical diet; chromium was added daily into the food (5 mg/kg) and water (5 mg/L) of the experimental groups. Glucose concentrations were the highest in Group III, while lowest glucose concentrations were obtained in Group I. There were higher differencies regarding blood biochemical parameters between control group and quails treated with Cr(VI). Our results showed that hexavalent chromium had negative effects on biochemical parameters in quails, while treatment with Cr(III) showed minor fluctuations in concentrations or activities of blood biochemical parameters.

M. Fočak, E. Hasković, Damir Suljevic, A. Zahirović

Abstract Urinary tract infections can be uncomfortable, painful and even dangerous for most dog breeds. Clinical signs are often nonspecific and insufficient for diagnosis. Urinalysis in combination with biochemical parameters and urine culture is the best combination of clinical findings for diagnosis of urinary tract infections. The incidence of urinary tract infections in dogs population is growing and 27% of dogs develop an urinary tract infection through their life. Urinary infections occur more often in the elderly than in younger dogs. More than 70% of all urinary tract infections are infections with one bacterial species. Biochemical profile is important aspect for diagnosis establishment, but due to the nature of action infection by different agents may be considered as individual case. The main aim of this research was to analyse biochemical parameters of Maltese and Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) dog breed, who were affected by urinary tract infections. Urea concentration was elevated in Malinois, while urea, phosphates, albumins and alkaline phosphatase activity were elevated in Maltese dogs. Statistical analysis showed differences in concentrations of urea, creatinine, phosphates, so as alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and amylase activity between compared breeds during acute urinary infections. Maltese dogs are less resistant to bacterias, that causes urinary tract infections, and have lower chance to maintain homeostasis of biochemical parameters in blood during urinary bacterial infections, in comparison to Maltese dogs.

Damir Suljevic, A. Alijagic, Erna Islamagić

Suljević, D., A. Alijagić and E. Islamagić, 2017. Temporal infl uence of spawning on serum biochemical parameters in brown trout Salmo trutta (Teleostei: Salmonidae). Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 23 (3): 485–490 In this study were analyzed biochemical parameters in a serum of brown trout (Salmo trutta) during and post spawning. For this purpose 25 fi sh in the spawning (Group I), 21 fi sh post-spawning (Group II) and 33 control fi sh (Group III) were used. Research has shown that during spawning signifi cant reduction in growth occurs, as well as mass loss, particularly in females. Signifi cant positive correlation between the total length and mass has been found. For all biochemical parameters between the three groups signifi cant differences were found (p<0.05). We have not found signifi cant differences in the values of serum glucose, cholesterol and chloride between Group I and II; however, protein, triglycerides, AST, sodium, potassium and calcium values were statistically signifi cant (p<0.05). For glucose, AST and calcium values no signifi cant differences between Group I and Group II were established. During spawning glucose, AST and calcium values were lower, while other biochemical parameters were increased.

E. Fejzić, A. Šahović, Sanela Šišić, A. Alijagic, Damir Suljevic

Objectives This study aims to analyze human leukocyte antigen A (HLA-A), human leukocyte antigen B (HLA-B), human leukocyte antigen C (HLA-C), HLA-DRB1*, HLA-DRB3*, HLA-DRB4*, HLA-DRB5*, HLA-DQB1* loci expression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Patients and methods Deoxyribonucleic acid was isolated from peripheral blood of 48 RA patients (22 males, 26 females; mean age 36 years; range 2 to 63 years) and 104 healthy control individuals (52 males, 52 females; mean age 43 years; range 2 to 76 years). Deoxyribonucleic acid samples were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific primers and sequence specific oligonucleotides methods. Results The most frequent allelic groups in RA patients were HLA-DRB1*01 (odds ratio=2.795; 95% confidence interval: 1.441-5.421; p=0.004) and HLA-DRB1*04 (odds ratio=2.573; 95% confidence interval: 1.214-5.453; p=0.023). Among RA patients, the most frequent genotype for the allelic group HLA-DRB1*, in the light of the common epitopes theory, was observed for DRB1*01/DRB1*13. This genotype indicates an increased incidence and relative risk (odds ratio=11.09). Conclusion The most common genotype in our RA patients was DRB1*01/DRB1*13, which showed increased frequency and a high relative risk. This genotype variant may be considered a predisposing factor for the development of RA.

Damir Suljevic, Adelaida Martinović-Jukić, M. Fočak, A. Alijagic, D. Rukavina, A. Zahirović

Abstract Adaptation mechanisms as response to water content, oxygen level and pollutants are very important and they can be interpreted by hematological analysis. The aim of this study was the analysis of hematological and immune adaptations of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) to thermal stress. All specimens were divided into a control and experimental group. The control group of fish was exposed to a constant water temperature of 10°C. We induced thermal stress in experimental fish by gradually heating water to 28°C, held for 30 minutes and then comparing the obtained results with the control fish. Short-term hyperthermia lead to an increase of the number of leukocytes, especially pseudoeosinophilic granulocytes and monocytes, while the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes was reduced. The analysis of the leukocyte number and differential blood count in the control group showed high individual variation of segmented granulocytes, monocytes and pseudoeosinophilic granulocytes. Statistically significant differences (p=0.00) were found for the white blood cells, nonsegmented neutrophils and pseudoeosinophils between the control and experimental group. The experimental group of males had an increased number of white blood cells, monocytes and pseudoeosinophils, where significant differences were found for nonsegmented and total neutrophils and also for pseudoeosinophils (p=0.00), lymphocytes (p=0.01) and monocytes (p=0.03). Females had an increased total number of white blood cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and pseudoeosinophils, while significant differences (p=0.00) were obtained in the number of white blood cells, nonsegmented and total neutrophils and pseudoeosinophils between the control and experimental group. Adaptation mechanisms in carp after water temperature heating are mostly reflected in the increase of pseudoeosinophils and the decrease of neutrophils.

E. Fejzić, J. Karamehić, Izet Eminovic, Damir Suljevic, A. Alijagic, Semir Bećirević, A. Šahović, Sanela Šišić

AIM: The research was conducted by genotyping two Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) gene classes. The main objective of this research was to investigate distribution and frequency of the allelic groups, genotypes and haplotypes in the gene loci of HLA class I (HLA-A*, -B*, -C*) and HLA class II (HLA-DRB1*, -DQB1*) in patients included in the program of cadaveric renal transplantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our study covered 186 blood samples of patients who are registered on the list for cadaveric renal transplantation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and included 59 control, healthy unrelated individuals. For the HLA typing, we have used three different methods: micro lymphocyte cytotoxicity test (MLCT), Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) – Sequence Specific Primers (SSP) and PCR – Sequence-Specific Oligonucleotides (SSO) or Luminex technology. All patients and cadaveric donors were tested using the three methods because the system is polymorphic. RESULTS: Analysis of the results of genotyping HLA class I gene loci identified dominant HLA-A*02, HLA-B*35, HLA-C*07 allelic groups. Analysis of the HLA class II gene loci genotyping showed that HLA-DRB1*11 and HLA-DQB1*03 loci had the highest incidence in HLA class II. CONCLUSION: Based on our results and previous research, there were no observed differences between allelic frequencies and genotypes of healthy people and people with ESRD. Differences between allelic groups occurred, but they were not statistically significant, except HLA-C*01 (p = 0.020).

A. Hamzić, A. Omerbašić, Izet Eminovic, Marija Vladušić, Damir Suljevic

In this research, we examined the influence of low voltage (9 V) electric current frequencies (1.4 and 17 Hz), laser irradiation (648 and 532 nm) and combined treatment (one frequency and one laser beam) on the viability of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Each treatment was conducted using modified methods and equipment in air-filter equipped working chamber. Staining was performed by a non-vital/vital staining technique that has shown an increase in viability of all samples. Counting of yeast cells in 1 ml of sample gave us several positive results in terms of different treatments, cell viability and increase in the number of healthy cells. Treatment with electric current at higher frequencies (4 and 17 Hz) showed increased cell death counts and, although compensating by an increase in viability, the 17 Hz frequency was considered more hazardous. The most adequate treatments (both increased viability and cell count) were the combined treatments (1 Hz/4 Hz + one of the two laser beams). Although, all electric treatments show certain increases in cell viability, combined treatments (1 or 4 Hz coupled with green or red laser beam) show the most promise in achieving both increased cell viability and increased cell counts. Acta Biol Szeged 60(2):139-144 (2016) KEy WoRdS cell viability electrical current laser irradiation Saccharomyces cerevisiae Submitted October 2, 2016; Accepted December 5, 2016 *Corresponding author. E-mail: alen_hamzic@hotmail.com

Damir Suljevic, A. Hamzić, M. Fočak, A. Zahirović, Andi, Alijagic

This research provides the first data on the morphological identification of the leukopoietic lineages (leukopoies) in the bone marrow of the Wistar rats. Seven types of cells were identified: myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), metamyelocytes and band granulocytes. It was necessary to apply standard staining by using Pappenheim and cytochemical peroxidase method protocol for the proper cellular identification. Because of the consistency of the tissue, bone marrow isolation is not possible by the standard methods, it is only possible by the use of the touch technique. Mature neutrophils had high prevalence in the bone marrow, followed by the neutrophilic myelocytes. The largest among observed cells were the myeloblasts and promyelocytes. Identified cells showed great resemblance to human bone marrow cells, which is very important for any future experimental research.

A. Alijagic, Damir Suljevic

The aim of this study was to detect the correlation between the change in the ambient temperature and adaptation of the pronephros – the main haematopoietic organ in fish, which so far has not been subject of research. Compared with other teleosts and their number of blood cells in peripheral blood, tench (Tinca tinca L. 1758) showed the corresponding trend of changes in number of pronephros haematopoietic cells after exposure to increased water temperature. The number of all haematopoietic cell lines was changed during the conditions of thermal stress (P<0.01; P<0.05). The number of erythroblasts was significantly reduced due to shift of haemoglobin curve of dissociation to the right. Leukopoietic cells were increased significantly as a response of pronephros to stress and all endocrine mediators of the stress (cortisol, leukine, etc.). The number of prothrombocytes was slightly decreased due to mobilisation into peripheral blood as in the case of cell precursor of monocytes. Eosinophilic and basophilic granuloblasts were not found in tench pronephros. Correlation (R) between body mass and total length was 0.526. Sex-specific variation of haematopoietic cells number in the same group was not observed (P>0.05), but it was significant between males or females among different groups (P<0.01; P<0.05 respectively).

M. Fočak, E. Hasković, Damir Suljevic, A. Zahirović

1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Department of Internal diseases, Veterinary Faculty, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina ABSTRACT. Urinary tract infections can be uncomfortable, painful and even dangerous for most dog breeds. Clinical signs are often nonspecific and insufficient for diagnosis. Urinalysis in combination with biochemical parameters and urine culture is the best combination of clinical findings for diagnosis of urinary tract infections. The incidence of urinary tract infections in dogs population is growing and 27% of dogs develop an urinary tract infection through their life. Urinary infections occur more often in the elderly than in younger dogs. More than 70% of all urinary tract infections are infections with one bacterial species. Biochemical profile is important aspect for diagnosis establishment, but due to the nature of action infection by different agents may be considered as individual case. The main aim of this research was to analyse biochemical parameters of Maltese and Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) dog breed, who were affected by urinary tract infections. Urea concentration was elevated in Malinois, while urea, phosphates, albumins and alkaline phosphatase activity were elevated in Maltese dogs. Statistical analysis showed differences in concentrations of urea, creatinine, phosphates, so as alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and amylase activity between compared breeds during acute urinary infections. Maltese dogs are less resistant to bacterias, that causes urinary tract infections, and have lower chance to maintain homeostasis of biochemical parameters in blood during urinary bacterial infections, in comparison to Maltese dogs.

E. Hasković, Melina Pekić, M. Fočak, Damir Suljevic, Lejla Mešalić

Abstract Glyphosate is a pesticide that influences many blood parameters if taken orally or subcutaneously. This pesticide causes important changes in the metabolic activity which can be measured by organospecific enzyme activity such as liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT), while glucose acts as a stress, energy and metabolism indicator after acute glyphosate exposure. In this research, glyphosate was applied subcutaneously to rats, administrated each 24 hours for a 15 days period. The concentration of the applied glyphosate was 2.8 g/kg. The experimental rats were 13 weeks old. The concentration of serum glucose, the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and liver transaminases (AST and ALT) were observed as indicators of metabolic changes after treatment. It was observed that glyphosate led to a statistically significant decrease of serum glucose level. Statistically significantly increased (p<0.05) AST, ALT and LDH activities are indicators of hepatocyte damage while LDH activity demonstrates damage of other tissues.

D. Rukavina, A. Ajanović, D. Hasanbašić, A. Hodžić, Damir Suljevic, Kemal Beganović, A. Zahirović

Herzegovinian donkey is a very important animal resource of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There have been no works attempted at determining the normal values of hematological parameters of Herzegovinian donkey. For this reason, the objective of the present study was to investigate some hematological parameters in Herzegovinian donkey. The research was performed on 30 apparently healthy donkeys (18 female and 12 male) of ages from 1 to 20 years. Blood samples (3 ml) were obtained by jugular vein puncture (vena jugularis externa) in vacuum tubes with EDTA. The mean value of hematocrit was 29.19 %, hemoglobin concentration 10.6 g/dl, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 36.33 g/dl, white blood cells 9.33 x109/L, granulocytes (109/L) 5.45 x109/L, granulocytes (%) 59.47%, lymphocyte/monocyte (109/L) 3.89 x109/L, lymphocyte/monocyte (%) 40.53% and platelet cells 148.97 x109/L. Parameters were determined using an automated analyzer IDEXX QBC VET AutoRead. Data were analyzed by SPSS V 15. All hematological parameters (except platelet cells) were consistent with the recommended reference ranges for donkeys, and the values found in literature so far. Platelet cells values were much lower than in the literature for the other donkey breeds and the recommended reference ranges for donkeys. The slight differences found between our results and those reported in the previous works confirm the need for further studies to investigate the reference values of hematological parameters of Herzegovinian donkey. This work is a contribution to the study of hematological parameters of Herzegovinian donkey, and we expect these data to be applied to the further studies.

Damir Suljevic, A. Alijagic, M. Mitrašinović-Brulić, M. Fočak, Erna Islamagić

Studies based on biochemical and hematological parameters in fish are significant in monitoring of health and early detection of pathological conditions. This research obtained values of serum electrolytes and hematological parameters in crucian carp (n = 15) and common carp (n = 13). Significantly different values of K, Cl and Ca concentration were detected. In serum of common carp there were significantly higher concentration of K and Cl and lower concentration of Ca, compared to the crucian carp. Hematological parameters differ in these two species. In blood of common carp significantly lower PCV, hemoglobin concentration, RBC and MCV and notably higher MCHC and WBC were obtained, compared to crucian carp. This preliminary research is important in establishing referential range of biochemical and hematological parameters in cyprinid fishes.

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