Morphological and cytochemical characterization of the sternal leukopoietic cell lineages in wistar rat
This research provides the first data on the morphological identification of the leukopoietic lineages (leukopoies) in the bone marrow of the Wistar rats. Seven types of cells were identified: myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils), metamyelocytes and band granulocytes. It was necessary to apply standard staining by using Pappenheim and cytochemical peroxidase method protocol for the proper cellular identification. Because of the consistency of the tissue, bone marrow isolation is not possible by the standard methods, it is only possible by the use of the touch technique. Mature neutrophils had high prevalence in the bone marrow, followed by the neutrophilic myelocytes. The largest among observed cells were the myeloblasts and promyelocytes. Identified cells showed great resemblance to human bone marrow cells, which is very important for any future experimental research.