Aims & Objectives: Early crestal bone loss has been described in the crestal region of successfully oseointegrated implants, regardless of surgical approaches, and can range from loss of marginal bone to complete failure of the implant. The aim of the study was to analyze the amount of crestal bone loss of the mandible around 73 implants type Bredent blueSKY® of different diameters. Methods: Dental panoramic radiographs were made before surgery, immediately after surgery and after one year of functional loading, using Ortopantomograph type Kodak 8000 c, XJAM530. The measurements were performed using software Kodak dental software Results: The difference between the mesial and distal resorption around implant diameter 3.5 x 10 mm in mandible on the right side was not statistically significant (p = 0.638) and also on the left side was not statistically significant (p = 0,523). The difference between mesial and distal resorption around implant size 4.0 x 8 mm in mandible on the right side was not statistically significant (p = 0.196) and also on the left side was not statistically significant (p = 0,456). Conclusion: Crestal bone resorption was greater mesially than distally, although the differences were not statistically significant.
Objective: To analyze the amount of crestal bone loss in maxilla and mandible around Bredent Sky Blue implants of different dimension a year after implantation. Material and Methods: 36 implants diameter 3.5 x 10 mm were inserted in the maxilla and 12 in the mandible. 52 implants diameter 4.0 x 8 mm were inserted in the maxilla, and 61 in the mandible (two-stage implant surgery). The data were analysed using the IBM SPSS v.17 software package (descriptive statistics, ANOVA -test). Results: No statistically significant differences were found between maxilla right, maxilla left, mandible right and mandible left side at implant sites regarding distal and mesial bone losses. Statistically significant differences were found between maxilla front, maxilla posterior, mandible front and mandible posterior at implant sites regarding distal and mesial bone losses. Conclusion: This study showed more bone loss for anterior implants compared to the posterior ones, but there was no significant different bone loss between maxillary and mandibular implants regarding sites.
Objective: To compare the prevalence of signs and symptoms of TMD in PTSD and non-PTSD matched control patients using RDC/TMD protocol. Material and Methods: The study sample consisted of 30 patients with PTSD and 30 patients without PTSD. Data was collected using the Croatian versions of the RDC/TMD protocol. Data were analyzed using PASW Statistics 18.0. The significance of the differences between groups (PTSD patients and control group) was tested using Chi-Square test, Independent Samples test and Mann-Whitney U test. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: A comparison of the frequency of individual symptoms in both groups revealed significant differences in the following symptoms: pain in face, jaw, temple, in front of the ear or in the ear in the past month; jaw locking or catching; jaw clicking or popping; jaw grinding noise; jaw aching or stiffness in the morning; noises or ringing in the ears; uncomfortable or unusual bite; headaches or migraines during the last six months. Independent Samples test revealed a statistically significant difference between subjects with / without PTSD for the maximum assisted opening (p < 0.024) and measurement of the opening click on the left side (p < 0.014). Only in the posterior attachment on the left side (inside the ear), statistically significant difference in pain between patients with PTSD and without PTSD was detected (p < 0.008). Conclusion: There are significant differences between PTSD patients and control group in terms of RDC/TMD protocol.
Introduction: An abfraction lesion is a type of a non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL) that represents a sharp defect on the cervical part of tooth, caused by occlusal biomechanical forces. The largest prevalence of the NCCL is found on the mandibular first premolar. The goal of the study is, by means of a numerical method – the finite element method (FEM), in an appropriate computer program, conduct a stress analysis of the mandibular premolar under various static loads, with a special reference to the biomechanics of cervical tooth region. Material and methods: A three-dimensional model of the mandibular premolar is gained from a µCT x-ray image. By using the FEM, straining of the enamel, dentin, peridontal ligament and alveolar bone under axial and paraxial forces of 200 [N] is analyzed. The following software were used in the analysis: CT images processing–CTAn program and FEM analysis–AnsysWorkbench 14.0. Results: According to results obtained through the FEM method, the calculated stress is higher with eccentric forces within all tested tooth tissue. The occlusal load leads to a significant stress in the cervical tooth area, especially in the sub-superficial layer of the enamel (over 50 MPa). The measured stress in the peridontal ligament is approximately three times higher under paraxial load with regard to the axial load, while stress calculated in the alveolar bone under paraxial load is almost ten times higher with regard to the axial load. The highest stress values were calculated in the cervical part of the alveoli, where bone resorption is most commonly seen. Conclusion: Action of occlusal forces, especially paraxial ones, leads to significant stress in the cervical part of tooth. The stress values in the cervical sub-superficial enamel layer are almost 5 times higher in relation to the superficial enamel, which additionally confirms complexity of biomechanical processes in the creation of abfraction lesions.
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are among the most challenging diseases of modern populations in diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic terms. Diverse symptomatology requires teamwork and a multidisciplinary approach to this problem, therefore many researchers and clinicians in dentistry, otolaryngology, orthopaedics, neurology, radiology, rheumatology, and other areas deal with this disorder. Temporomandibular disorders is the common name for a number of pathological conditions that can have similar signs and symptoms, which lead to an imbalance of the normal functions of the stomatognathic system (1). Many epidemiological studies have examined the incidence of temporomandibular disorders in certain populations. It is now known that 60-70% of the population has at least one sign of temporomandibular disorder and that the ratio of temporomandibular disorders prevalence between women and men is Uvod
Adresa za dopisivanje Alma Kamber-Ćesir Sveučilište u Sarajevu Stomatološki fakultet Zavod za protetiku Bolnička 4a, Sarajevo, B&H Sažetak Svrha istraživanja bila je odrediti utjecaj dentalnog statusa, dobi i spola na mentalni (MI) i mandibularni kortikalni indeks (MCI). Oba su određena na temelju 120 ortopantomograma. Rezultati: Srednja vrijednost indeksa MI bila je najviša kod pacijenata s potpunom denticijom, niža kod onih s djelomičnom ozubljenošću (Kennedyjeva klasa I), a najniža kod potpuno bezubih. Post-hoc testovi pokazali su statistički značajnu razliku za indeks MI na objema stranama između Kennedyjeve klase I i potpuno ozubljenih pacijenata (p≤0 ,001) te između potpuno ozubljenih i bezubih pacijenata (p≤0,001), ali ne i između Kennedyjeve klase I i potpuno bezubih pacijenata (p=0,470). Potpuno ozubljeni pacijenti ujedno su bili i najmlađa skupina pacijenata. Pacijentice su imale mnogo niže vrijednosti indeksa od pacijenata. Chi-square test pokazao je statistički značajnu razliku za indeks MCI između skupina pacijenata različitog dentalnog statusa, ali ne i između onih grupiranih prema spolu. Zaključak: Dentalni status i godine mogu utjecati na MI i MCI. Ključne riječi DMF indeks; zdravstveni status, pokazatelji; zubne proteze, djelomične, mobilne Zavod za stomatološku protetiku, Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Sarajevu Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry University of Sarajevo
This paper presents non-surgical resolution of an extensive periapical lesion-like-cyst of endodontic origin associated with lower central incisors. Endodontic treatment was performed through full crowns, since patient had circular metal-ceramics bridges in lower jaw. This article is a case report of combined endodontic treatment of multiple periapical lesions at 29 years old male, followed by prosthodontic rehabilitation. Intraoral examination revealed a symptomatic, sore bony hard and soft tissue swelling, mainly confined in lower intercanine sector. Trepanation and apical patency obtained 2 ml of bloody serous exudates. After through biomechanical preparation, a calcium hydroxide/CPMC root canal dressing was applied and periodically renewed for 4 months. The exudates were almost eliminated at treatment onset and significant bone formation was observed at the periapical region in the following months. We can report unexpectedly good bone healing of a large periapical lesion-like- cyst in teeth 31 and 41, following non-surgical root canal treatment, as well as smaller lesions on teeth 34 and 43. After complete root canal treatment, patient was prosthetic rehabilitated additionally. Complete radiographic resolution of the periapical lesion was not observed six months after the root canal filling, but the lesion is obviously smaller. Thus, non-surgical treatment of this supposedly cystic, extensive periapical lesion provided favorable clinical and radiographic response. Este trabalho apresenta uma resolucao nao cirurgica de uma extensa lesao periapical como se fosse uma lesao cistica, de origem endodontica, relacionada com os incisivos centrais inferiores. O tratamento endodontico foi executado atraves da coroa total em metalocerâmica.O paciente tinha uma ponte de metalocerâmica inferior. E um relato de caso que combina tratamento endodontico de lesoes multiplas periapicais em um paciente masculino de 29 anos de idade, em sequencia de uma reabilitacao oral protetica. O exame intraoral revelou uma lesao ossea e inflamacao do tecido mole, confinada a regiao do intercanino inferior. Com trepanacao e permeabilidade apical foram obtidos 2 ml de sangue e exudato seroso. Depois por meio de preparacao biomecânica, o canal foi forrado com hidroxido de calcio CPMC e foi aplicado CPMC periodicamente e renovado a cada 4 meses. O exudato foi quase todo eliminado no tratamento e uma neoformacao ossea foi observada na regiao periapical nos meses seguintes. Foi observada boa reparacao ossea de uma grande lesao de aparencia cistica nos dentes 31 e 41 e seguido de tratamento de canal radicular nao cirurgico, bem como em pequenas lesoes nos dentes 34 e 43. Apos completar o tratamento do canal radicular, o paciente teve, alem disso, a reabilitacao protetica. A resolucao radiografica completa da lesao periapical nao foi observada 6 meses apos a restauracao do canal radicular, mas a lesao tornou-se menor. Assim sendo, o tratamento nao cirurgico deste suposto cisto com extensa lesao periapical, proporcionou uma resposta clinica e radiografica favoravel.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess patient's satisfaction with retention, aesthetics, chewing, speech and comfort of wearing removable partial de...
Objective: To examine process inside plaque after application of three topical fluoride solutions: 1% TiF4, 1% NaF and Aminfluorid soluti on. Efficiency of t...
Resumen pt: Objeti vo: Determinar a incidencia de carie de radiacao em pacientes com câncer de cabeca e pescoco na populacao Bosnia. Metodo: Trinta pacientes com dia...
Adresa za dopisivanje Dr. Muhamed Ajanović Sveučilište u Sarajevu Stomatološki fakultet Zavod za stomatološku protetiku Bolnička 4, 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina Tel: 00387 61134522 Sažetak Svrha: U ovom radu željeli smo ispitati postoji li razlika između eksperimentalnih (nosača krunica) i kontrolnih (homolognih) zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal–akrilatnim krunicama i onoj s metal–keramičkima, te ima li razlika između tih dviju vrsta krunica kad je riječ o indeksu plaka, gingivalnom i retencijskom indeksu, CPITN-u, retrakciji marginalne gingive i resorpciji kosti. Željeli smo doznati i utječe li duljina nošenja metal–akrilatnih i metal–keramičkih krunica na navedene indekse. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 80 pacijenata obaju spolova u dobi od 20 do 65 godina s fiksnim protetskim radovima (solo krunicama). Svi potrebni parametri dobiveni su kliničkim pregledom i analizom retroalveolarnih snimki. Rezultati: Dokazana je statistički znatna razlika između eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal-akrilatnim krunicama za gingivalni indeks, CPITN, retencijski indeks i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a za ostale praćene indekse nije pronađena. Osim toga rezultati su pokazali da je statistički velika razlika i između eksperimentalnih te kontrolnih zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal-keramičkim krunicama za indeks plaka, gingivalni i retencijki indeks, CPITN i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a nema razlike kod resorpcije kosti. Ustanovljeno je da između metal-akrilatnih i metal-keramičkih krunica postoji statistički znatna razlika samo kao je riječ o indeksu plaka. Zaključak: Duljina nošenja fiksnoga protetskog rada (do pet godina) u skupini pacijenata s metal-akrilatnim krunicama utječe na indeks plaka, dubinu periodontalnog sulkusa i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a kod onih s metal-keramičkim krunicama ne djeluje na praćene indekse. Ključne riječi metalkeramičke slitine; kompozitne smole; zubni plak, indeks; alveolarna kost, gubitak; krune Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Sarajevu School of Dental Medicine University of Sarajevo
Objective: To check and compare the retenti on of cast posts cemented with three diff erent kinds of cement. Method: Forty fi ve 45 human permanent maxillary...
Introduction Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) denotes diseases of the muscles and the mandibular joint, muscular and skeletal diseases, and frequently also parts of systemic diseases of a generalized fibromy-algia, or a form of rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, fear, tension and stressful situations contribute to the overall condition of the masticatory system. (1) Some authors believe that TMD includes pathological diseases primarily affecting the function of muscles and the mandibular muscle, with a possible alteration to the tooth surface. (2) After a cause has crossed the level of individual physiological tolerance of the masticatory system, the system itself starts to respond with certain signs of change. Changes usually happen on the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), supportive tooth structures, and the teeth themselves. (3) The most frequent symptoms of TMD are found in the area of the temporomandibular joint, a sensation of fatigue in the jaw area, a sensation of stiffness of the jaw upon waking up or when opening the mouth, luxation or locking of the mandible when opening the mouth, pain when opening the mouth, and pain in the region of the temporomandibular joint or in the area of the masticatory muscles (cheeks). The most frequent signs of TMD include restricted mandibular movement , lower TMJ function, painful mandibular movement , muscle pain, and pain in the TMJ. (4) TMD causes are complex and multi-factori-al. Numerous factors may lead to TMD. The influence of psychosocial stressors, parafunctions and other psychological and behavioral processes onT-MD pain has been examined in a number of studies. For example, war-related stress has been linked to TMD (5), and stressors as mild as performing mental arithmetic and solving five-letter anagrams can also increase masticatory muscle activity thought to be associated with TMD. (6, 7) Similar relationships between stress and TMD have been reported in children, adolescents and adults. (8, 9, 10) The American Psychiatric Association (11) defines post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a form of pathological response to stress, in which the patient, through intrusive thoughts and dreams, regularly experiences the trauma suffered, and is consequently placed in a state of permanent increased tension. As a result of increased motor activity and the neu-rotransmitter disruptions which accompany PTSD, particularly with regard to noradrenalin, serotonin, endogenic opiates, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (12, 13, 14), marked manifestations of symptoms and signs of TMD can be expected. (5)
The temporomandibular joint is the only moveable joint in the head. It comprises the upper and lower articular surfaces, the articular disc, the articular capsule and the ligaments. The physiologically optimal skeleton relation of the articular surfaces implies that the condyles are located in the highest anterior position in the articular fossae with regularly interposed discs between the articular surfaces. The X-ray analysis was used to determine the inter-relation between the upper and lower articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint in the totally edentulous patients with the symptoms of the temporomandibular dysfunction. The patients who came for treatment at the Clinic for Dental Prosthodontics of the School of Dentistry in Sarajevo were included in the research. The sample involves edentulous patients of both sexes at the age of 50-60 with eugnate relation of the jaws. The patients with complete edentia in the upper and lower jaws were divided into two groups–the totally edentulous patients with the symptoms of the temporomandibular dysfunction and the totally edentulous patients being free of symptoms of the temporomandibular dysfunction. All the patients included in this research underwent the following : anamnesis, a detailed clinical examination, X-ray examination of the right and the left temporomandibular joint, X-ray analysis and linear measurements of the range of the articular surfaces on the X-rays. X-rays of the temporomandibular joint were taken in the position of central occlusion. The totally edentulous patients with the symptoms of the temporomandibular dysfunction in the position of the central occlusion have the non-physiological position of the condyles in the mandibular fossa in relation to the totally edentulous patients who did not suffer the aforementioned symptoms.
The aim of this research was to determine the correlation between values of Helkimo anamnestic dysfunction index (symptoms) and values of Helkimo clinical dysfunction index (signs) within a group of subjects suffering from PTSD and a control group. The subjects were divided into two groups, the first comprising 38 subjects of both sexes, aged 30 to 60, who had been professionally diagnosed with PTSD. The control group comprised 32 subjects of both sexes. All patients had their histories taken in compliance with the Helkimo anamnestic dysfunction index (Ai), and a clinical examination was performed in compliance with the Helkimo clinical dysfunction index (Di). Anamnestic data provided the information on TMD symptoms, and clinical examination confirmed signs of the TMD. A Pearson’s correlation was calculated in order to compare values of the Helkimo anamnestic (Ai) and clinical dysfunction index (Di). In the control group, it was found that there is no statistically significant relationship between the two indices. The relationship between the two indices proved to be statistically significant for the PTSD group. It is concluded that the Helkimo anamnestic (Ai) and the Helkimo clinical dysfunction (Di) indices have no joint variables in the control group, whereas there was a joint variation of the two indices among the group of subjects suffering from PTSD.
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