
Publikacije (29)

A. Akšamović, Emina Huseinovic

This paper analyses the disposal problem of electronic waste in District Sarajevo (DS), Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). It provides a brief overview of electronics development including analysis of the quantity of electronics presented in the present market. This analysis is specially focused on explaining how far the electronic development has come and how far is it supposed to go, in the future. It is a fact that electronic devices are overflowing the everyday life of an average citizen and because of the speed of their production and development their numbers are reaching critical figures. Materials found in electronic waste can be divided into two categories: material suited for recycling and material harmful for its surroundings. This paper explains several methods of electronic waste recycling. The recycling itself is explained from various points of view: legislatives, technological procedures, economical parameters, ecological goals and the most important one, the conscientiousness of the community involving the problem of recycling and preserving our natural habitat. This paper presents the analysis of the state of the disposal system concerning electronic waste in the DS, B&H. This district has around 400.000 citizens and it represents a good candidate for this type of analysis. Research shows that amount of electronic waste is concerning, and numbers describing the amount keep increasing. The legislatives concerning this problem, together with the technology used, are not sufficient to resolve this constantly evolving problem. The biggest problem is that the community awareness of this issue is nearly nonexistent.

Kemal Korjenić, Eldar Kurtic, A. Akšamović

Considering that most faults in overhead power lines are transient, fast and reliable algorithms for determining types of faults are needed. Reliable algorithm allows design of adaptive system for improving service continuity by automatically restoring power to the line after a momentary fault. This paper describes the procedure for real-time adjustment of algorithm for detection of arc faults in overhead power lines. This adjustment refers to real-time implementation of algorithm on DSP microcontroller. Given the nature of the problem and strict requirements for testing algorithm in real experiment, procedure for testing hardware in simulation loop is developed. Hardware in the loop (HIL) technique is based on MATLAB/Simulink, NI CB-68LP data acquisition card and simplified simulation model of faults in overhead power lines.

The paper presents the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Simulator and its usage for designing the forest fire early detection system. The WSN Simulator is developed based on proposed Sensor model and WSN model. The WSN Simulator address important design issues as: coverage of the area under surveillance in relation to initial sensor deployment, number of sensors needed for targeted deployment, and coverage change as function of time. Simulator is scalable, and can be easily extended to include additional modeling provisions.

In the design of MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSN) it is necessary to fulfill some requirements such as low energy consumption, scalability, simplicity, etc. These requirements are not easy to fulfill from the viewpoint of implementation on FPGA or ASIC technologies. Therefore, in this paper we identify some challenges encountered during the design of MAC protocol for WSN. For some of these challenges, potential solutions are discussed. To illustrate the proposed solutions SMAC protocol is chosen. VHDL design of the S-MAC protocols is experimentally verified on the Altera EP2C5 FPGA development system.

Osman Musa, A. Akšamović

Digital protection systems rely on accurate phasor estimation. When a fault occurs in such systems, fault current contains non-fundamental frequency components and DC component in addition to the fundamental frequency component. A DC component has a significant impact on the performance of the Fourier filter. A lot of different algorithms have been proposed in the past in order to eliminate this component. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of the selected algorithms. Furthermore, we propose a new algorithm which combines different approaches and exploits their advantages. A performance evaluation of these algorithms is done by using a simple power system network model. Finally, the selected algorithms are compared using following criteria: the speed of convergence of the Fourier algorithm, the impact of non-fundamental frequency components, the impact of off-nominal frequency and computation burden. Our results have shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms previously proposed algorithms under a variety of negative effects encountered in a real power system.

Sanel Galijasevic, S. Masic, S. Smaka, A. Akšamović, Dinko Balic

The digital control of speed of a permanent magnet DC motor based on a digital computer is analyzed in this paper. Datasheet information about the DC motor was initially unknown. Therefore, the parameter identification and parameter estimation of the motor was done. A type of PID controller, which parameters were optimized (PI), was used in process of controlling the speed of the motor. DAQ acquisition card was used for the purposes of motor's parameter identification and realization of computer control of motor speed in closed feedback loop. Manipulations with the same DAQ card were done using Matlab/Simulink software package. Experimental results were compared with the results obtained by simulation.

Dada Delimustafic, Jasmina Islambegovic, A. Akšamović, S. Masic

This paper presents a concept design of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES). The proposed HRES design specifies the operation of the following units: a pumped-storage hydro power plant, a wind power plant and a solar power plant. Since the pumped-storage hydro power plant represents the most complex entity of the HRES, special emphasis is placed on its two control loops: the water tank level control loop and the load-depended frequency control loop. Models of these control loops provide the means for efficient controller design and implementation. In order to achieve effective energy distribution and reliable power supply of the consumers, a switch logic architecture has been developed. Since the HRES's final energy production highly depends on the process of energy conversion, the performances of three types of power converters are analysed. This includes the parametrisation, modelling and simulation of such converters. Finally, a graphical user interface (GUI) for purposes of data monitoring, control and supervision within the designed SCADA system, is presented. The proposed HRES design represents the foundation of the system implementation that aims at serving as a platform for research, education and a broad range of projects on renewable energy.

One of the main components that determines the status of the country in the world today, is its educational system. A good quality of education system guarantees high-quality new work force and energy of young people who are then trained to work in the area for which they are educated. Like many systems, the education system can be placed within the frame of Electrical Engineering as a science. In this paper the analysis of the educational system (higher education) in terms of adaptive control with reference model is carried out. For a better understanding of the educational system itself, it is considered from the aspect of social cognitive theory of career development.

Alvin Abdagic, O. Tanovic, A. Akšamović, S. Huseinbegović

A practical solution for counting traffic is analysed in this paper. The goal was to develop a solution that focuses on more CPU processing than on placing many complex sensors. This approach should reduce costs of both deployment and maintenance of such system. The proposed solution is to use video footage from a properly placed camera as input data. Vehicle movement is detected using optical flow algorithm. A great deal of post-processing is used to cope with problems that arise from this method of movement detection. Since the video of the entire crossroad is available, it is possible to fully analyse vehicle movement and produce turning movement counts and efficiently estimate (time varying) origin-destination trip tables if enough crossroads are monitored this way. The solution was developed in Simulink using Video and Image Processing Toolbox and custom blocks.

This paper presents a history of development of digital computers, PCs, and experimental mobile robots. Criteria for forming performance indexes of experimental mobile platforms are defined. A comparison of feature of development of digital computers and experimental mobile robots are given. Effects of applications of PCs in mobile robotics are stressed, and certain future development of mobile robotics have been discussed.

Jasmin Velagic, A. Akšamović

This paper proposes the usage of the fuzzy logic for both position control and stabilization of current pulsations. The aim is to ensure precise control of the joint motion position with very quickly joints movements. The block diagram of a control system involves controller, actuator, robot and appropriate sensors. Each of these components is described. The dynamic model of a manipulator is based on the Newton-Euler formulation that provides a description of the relationship between the joint actuator torques and the motion of the structure. The fuzzy logic controller Mamdani type contains two control inputs: position error and armature current. Input variable fuzzification, inference based on fuzzy rules and output set defuzzification are described. The same fuzzy control algorithm is used in all joint servo loops, requiring only multiplexing and proper scaling of the fuzzy controller inputs and outputs. The electric dc (direct-drive) servomotors were used for actuating the joints of a manipulator. The influence of nonlinear loads, gravitation-dependent load, viscous friction torque, Coulomb's friction and torque due by reducer on position tracking performance was also considered

This paper presents one method for measurement of phase shift between signals in electric power systems (EPS), such as voltages or currents. The presented algorithm is very simple and efficient, and it can be used for purposes of protection, control and measurement in EPS, as well. The algorithm is based on mathematically simple expressions, which do not require high processing power, so it is convenient for single chip applications. This algorithm is considered with high and low sampling rate, and proper pre-processing of signal in integrated data acquisition and control systems in EPS is proposed. It is shown that the achieved accuracy can satisfy requests of the intended application.

A. Akšamović, Z. Pašič, F. Imamovic

The paper presents the development of highly sophisticated numerical system for protection, measurement and control of the electric power system's (EPS) lines. The requirements to be fulfilled by the system are defined, and also the selection of the hardware base and necessary microcomputer's performance; structure of the realized hardware is given, together with the ambient for the program's development and also the results of the complete system's testing. The results obtained fully meet all requirements for the modern system of numeric protection.

A. Akšamović, Z. Pašič, F. Imamovic

In the paper, general classification of processors used in development of numerical systems for real time applications is discussed. For predefined application, key criteria for processor selection are given. Some advantages of easy access to the processors and of their acceptable price were pointed out.

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