Aim of this study was to examine the existence of sexual dimorphism of the first permanent maxillary molars in the population of central Bosnia. The sample for the study comprised 94 subjects with intact crowns of the first permanent maxillary molars, without orthodontic anomalies. Mesiodistal and buccopalatal diameters were measured on the plaster models, based on calculated variables: robustness index or crown area (IRC) and sexual dimorphism (SD). Linear dimensions of the first permanent maxillary molars, as well as the IRC exhibited sexual dimorphism with larger values in males, except MD diameter on the left side. The greatest sexual dimorphism demonstrates IRC from the right. Linear dimensions of the first permanent maxillary molars and IRC can be used for sex determination in population of Central Bosnia.
Objective: The present study aims to investigate the influence of presence and shape of cervical lesions on biomechanical behavior of mandibular first premolar, subjected to two types of occlusal loading using three-dimensional (3D) finite element method (FEM). Materials and Methods: 3D models of the mandibular premolar are created from a micro computed tomography X-ray image: model of sound mandibular premolar, model with the wedge-shaped cervical lesion (V lesion), and model with saucer-shaped cervical lesion (U lesion). By FEM, straining of the tooth tissues under functional and nonfunctional occlusal loading of 200 (N) is analyzed. For the analysis, the following software was used: CTAn program 1.10 and ANSYS Workbench (version 14.0). The results are presented in von Mises stress. Results: Values of calculated stress in all tooth structures are higher under nonfunctional occlusal loading, while the functional loading is resulted in homogeneous stress distribution. Nonfunctional load in the cervical area of sound tooth model as well as in the sub-superficial layer of the enamel resulted with a significant stress (over 50 [MPa]). The highest stress concentration on models with lesions is noticed on the apex of the V-shaped lesion, while stress in saucer U lesion is significantly lower and distributed over wider area. Conclusion: The type of the occlusal teeth loading has the biggest influence on cervical stress intensity. Geometric shape of the existing lesion is very important in the distribution of internal stress. Compared to the U-shaped lesions, V-shaped lesions show significantly higher stress concentrations under load. Exposure to stress would lead to its progression.
Introduction: The purpose of the current study was to estimate the biocompatibility of endodontic sealers with different bases on L929 mouse fibroblasts permanent cell line using Multiscan EX Spectrophotometer. Materials and Methods: Endodontics sealers used in this study were GuttaFlow (Roeko) silicone based sealer, AH plus (De Tray-DENTSPLY) epoxy resin based, Apexit (Vivadent) calcium hydroxide based and Endorez (Ultradent) methacrylate based sealer. Sealer were tested trough time, freshly mixed 24 h, 48h and 7 days after setting. Biocompatibility was determinate on permanent cell lines L929 mouse fibroblasts trough cytotoxicity using MTT assay. Level of absorption was measured with multi scan EX spectrophotometer on length 420-600 nm. Results: Sealer based on calcium hydroxide Apexit Plus, GuttaFlow silicone based sealer and AH plus epoxy resin based sealer, have shown a low cytotoxicity through the all periods of time on culture of L292 mouse fibroblasts. Methacrylate based sealer, Endorez showed moderate cytotoxicity when freshly mixed and after 7 days. After 24 hours the visibility of the cells was 74,0% and after 48 hours 65,1%. which is slightly cytotoxic. Conclusions: According to results of this study there is a statistically significant difference among the groups p<0,05 for all the tested sealers. Apexit Plus, GuttaFlow and AH plus can be considered as biocompatibile. EndoREZ sealer which is based on methacrylate, after 7 days shows 50,1% of visible live cells which is considered as moderate cytotoxicity.
Introduction: An abfraction lesion is a type of a non-carious cervical lesion (NCCL) that represents a sharp defect on the cervical part of tooth, caused by occlusal biomechanical forces. The largest prevalence of the NCCL is found on the mandibular first premolar. The goal of the study is, by means of a numerical method – the finite element method (FEM), in an appropriate computer program, conduct a stress analysis of the mandibular premolar under various static loads, with a special reference to the biomechanics of cervical tooth region. Material and methods: A three-dimensional model of the mandibular premolar is gained from a µCT x-ray image. By using the FEM, straining of the enamel, dentin, peridontal ligament and alveolar bone under axial and paraxial forces of 200 [N] is analyzed. The following software were used in the analysis: CT images processing–CTAn program and FEM analysis–AnsysWorkbench 14.0. Results: According to results obtained through the FEM method, the calculated stress is higher with eccentric forces within all tested tooth tissue. The occlusal load leads to a significant stress in the cervical tooth area, especially in the sub-superficial layer of the enamel (over 50 MPa). The measured stress in the peridontal ligament is approximately three times higher under paraxial load with regard to the axial load, while stress calculated in the alveolar bone under paraxial load is almost ten times higher with regard to the axial load. The highest stress values were calculated in the cervical part of the alveoli, where bone resorption is most commonly seen. Conclusion: Action of occlusal forces, especially paraxial ones, leads to significant stress in the cervical part of tooth. The stress values in the cervical sub-superficial enamel layer are almost 5 times higher in relation to the superficial enamel, which additionally confirms complexity of biomechanical processes in the creation of abfraction lesions.
Introduction: Impaction may be defined as the failure of complete eruption into a normal functional position of one tooth within normal time due to lack of space in the dental arch, caused by obstruction byanother tooth or development in an abnormal position. The mandibular third molar is the most frequently impacted tooth. The incidence varies from 9.5% to 68% in different populations.Methods: The study was conducted in Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University in Sarajevo. Study represents retrospective analysis of panoramic radiographs (orthopantomograms) of patientsreferred to Department of Oral Surgery from January 2010 to February 2013 with indication for surgical removal of impacted third molars.Results: Of the 2000 radiographs, 761 presented with at least one impacted third molar (38%). A total of 1034 impacted mandibular third molars were present (51.7%). The most common age group was thirddecade (61.2%). Signifi cant statistical difference in incidence of third molar impaction was found between females and males (p<0.05), but there was no statistical difference in incidence in urban and suburbanpopulation (p=0.374). Vertical angulation was the most common pattern of impaction (65%). Frequency of third molars erupted into their normal position (class IA) was 42%. Impacted mandibular molars wereassociated with periodontal pockets in 134 (6.5%) cases and with dentigerous cysts in 5 cases (0.2%).Conclusion: The present study provides useful data regarding the clinical status of third molars in population of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Adresa za dopisivanje Samra Korać DMD, MSc Sveučilište u Sarajevu Stomatološki fakultet Zavod za restorativnu stomatologiju i endodonciju Bolnička 4 a 1000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina Sažetak Svrha istraživanja bila je izmjeriti i usporediti unutarnju stabilnost boje triju svjetlosnopolimerizirajućih materijala i jednoga kemijski stvrdnjavajućeg nakon njihova ubrzanog starenja. Materijali i metode: Testovi za stabilnost boja obavljeni su na svjetlosnopolimerizirajućim kompozitima – nanopunjenju Filtek Supreme XT (3M ESPE), nanohibridu Tetric Evo Ceram (Ivoclar Vivadent) i mikrohibridu Herculite XRV (Kerr) te na samopolimerizirajućem kompozitu Bisfil II (Bisco). Svi uzorci bili su uronjeni u destiliranu vodu (37°C) i držani u tamnoj posudi 24 sata. Nakon toga podijeljeni su u tri skupine. Postupak ubrzanog starenja proveden je prema dvama protokolima – u vodenoj kupelji na 60°C i prema ISO-u 7491. Uzorci iz kontrolne skupine držani su u destiliranoj vodi 30 dana na temperaturi od 37°C. Razlike u boji – ∆E, računale su se iz koordinata CIE L*a*b* izmjerenih spektrofotometrom nasuprot bijeloj pozadini prije postupka starenja uzoraka i poslije njega. Razina osjetljivosti boje postavljena je na 1, a prihvatljivi šum na 3,5. Statistička analiza obavljena je uparenim t-testom i ANOVA-om (p≤0,05). Rezultati: Svi ispitani materijali pokazali su klinički neprihvatljive promjene boje nakon ubrzanog starenja u vodenoj kupelji, a fotostarenjem nastala je vidljiva promjena boje kod svih svjetlosnopolimerizirajućih kompozita. Nanokompozitni materijali značajno su promijenili boju i u kontrolnoj skupini. Zaključak: Unutarnja stabilnost boje testiranih materijala ovisi o uvjetima starenja i vrsti dentalnog kompozita. Kemijski stvrdnjavajući kompoziti pokazali su tijekom fotostarenja bolju stabilnost. Ključne riječi kompozitne smole; starenje; materijali, testiranje; boja 1 Katedra za restorativnu stomatologiju i endodonciju Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Sarajevu Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo 2 Odjel za ispitivanje dentalnih materijala Akademskog centra za stomatologiju, Amsterdam (ACTA), Nizozemska Dental Materials Science Department, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) 3 Katedra za pretkliničku stomatologiju Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Sarajevu Departmet of Preclinical Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo
Svrha: Svrha istraživanja bila je pronaci poveznicu između eruptivnih stadija trecih maksilarnih i mandibularnih kutnjaka s lijeve i desne strane celjusti. Materijali i metode: Uzorak istraživanja ci- nilo je 529 ortopantomograma (OPG-a) – 264 (49, 9 %) pripadalo je muskom spolu, a 265 (50, 1 %) ženskom spolu u dobi između 8 i 25 godina. Sudionici su bili prema Olzeovoj metodi podijeljeni u sest dobnih skupina. Rezultati: Dobivene su visoke vrijednosti Spearmanova koeficijenta pove- zanosti između eruptivnih stadija lijevih i desnih maksilarnih i mandibularnih trecih molara. Izme- đu spolova nisu pronađene statisticki znacajne razlike u eruptivnim stadijima. Zakljucak: Prema dobivenim rezultatima za procjenu dentalne dobi u bosansko-hercegovackoj populaciji, preporu- cujemo Olzeovu metodu i trece mandibularne molare. Treba istaknuti da su moguce razvojne asi- metrije i da svaki dentalni antropolog mora biti svjestan te cinjenice. Svaka strana celjusti treba- la bi se posebno procjenjivati.
Aims: In this study, a sample of 28 patients followed the clinical functionality and durability of inlay fiber-reniforced composite (FRC) bridge restorations, laboratory fabricated, for a period of 7 years. Materials and Methods: Patients with the loss of a first molar in the posterior region were selected for the study. Fabrications of FRC structures were made of longitudinal and woven fibers and ceramic optimized polymer material was used for veneering. Statistical Analysis Used: The restorations were evaluated using the modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) parameters system for the clinical evaluation of dental restorative materials. Kaplan-Meier survival test was used for analyzing the data. Results: During the evaluation period, no fracture of the FRC construction was found. At all tested restorations, significant color change of the Ceromer veneering material was observed. During the investigation time, the color of the restorations became slightly lighter, with loss of gloss. In two patients, a chip off from the veneered material was noticed after 4 years, in three patients over 5 years and in three patients after 6 years. Conclusions: FRC-Ceromer inlay fixed prosthetic restorations for a period of 7 years showed acceptable clinical durability and functionality. Clinical Relevance to Interdisciplinary Dentistry Fiber reinforced composite inlay restorations for a period of seven years showed exceptional durability and functionality with minimal preparation of the abutment teeth. FRC restorations present an acceptable alternative to the classical construction of the metal ceramic or full ceramic bridge which needs to make preparation with extensive reduction of the abutment teeth.
Specificity of marketing in dentistry comes from the difficulty of defining the services, due to a combination of tangible, concrete, visible work of the dentist and the intangible, additional service, experienced by patient. Dental care cannot be separated from the subject of service–provider or object–user. Additionally, each service performance is unique and cannot be identically repeated. Services have many characteristics of the experience, which can be determined after use, and beliefs, which cannot be determined, even after use. Marketing tools and techniques are used to render the intangible tangible, to keep the quality of services and affect the movement of demand. In fact, the vast difference in patients’ satisfaction, which can be related to the physical enviroment or the process performed by dentist proffesional, can affect the credibility of particular dental practice. In this study, a field study has been conducted through a survey of one sixth of all private dental practitioners’ offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a view to understand their approach towards implementation of elements of services marketing and what obstacles and opportunities there can be in the transformation of dental services.
A non-carious cervical lesion ( NCCL) is defined as loss of dental hard tissue in the cervical part of the tooth, not caused by caries, multicausal and insufficiently clarified etiology. Identification of specific etiological factors NCCL is a key in making decisions about treatment. The authors conducted a study to evaluate the prevalence and distribution of noncarious cervical lesions in adults. Material and Methods: The sample of 210 respondents, were divided into three age groups. Clinical inspection has determined the distribution of NCCL within the respondents in relation to their age, teeth groups, vestibular and oral surfaces of the teeth, sides of the jaws and expression of NCCL according to the tooth wear Smith– Knight Index. Results: This research points to a very common finding NCCL within our respondents. Cervical lesions were diagnosed in 78.6% respondents in the first, 91.4% in the second and 97.2% in the third group. It has been shown that the number and expression of cervical lesions increases with age of respondents. Noncarious cervical lesions are usually the most visible on premolars, furthermore the first molars and canines, the second molars and then incisors. The minimum number of lesions were diagnosed in the third molars. Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of NCCL’s, there are reasonable grounds for introducing the tooth wear Index to the wider clinical practice, recording noncarious cervical lesions in dental records, creating specific prevention strategies and effective treatments.
Throughout the history of the dentistry, dental amalgam represents the most often used restorative material. However, the fact that one of its main components is mercury is the cause of the intensive discussions about the safety of these restorative materials and during the last 150 years polarizes the professional and scientific circles. Proamalgamists consider amalgam safe and useful material, but antiamalgamists mark it as cause of the whole spectrum of diseases. The wish of the authors was that, through the presentation of the literature published from the nineties of the last century to date, present the review of this very issue, which still causes the dilemma in the modern dentistry.
Estimation of age is standard procedure during forensic exa-mination. Dental methods can be used to estimate age. There is a wide range of such methods. The oldest dental method of age esti-mation in adults was described by Gustafson in 1950 (1, 2, 3, 4). This is the first method that proposed using statistical methods in cal-culating age on the basis of teeth. In 1994 and 1995, Kvaal and Sol-heim worked on using dental ra-diography to estimate age. These non-sectioned or non-destruc-tive methods of age estimation are highly regarded in archaeological studies and in identifying living persons where we cannot afford to “sacrifice” a tooth (5, 6, 7). The main focus of method proposed by Kvaal and Solheim is on regres -sive changes that are visible on ra -diographs. For example, deposi-tion of secondary dentin results in decrees of pulp cavity. Measuring the dimensions of the pulp cavity on radiographs can indirectly give an estimate of the quantity of sec-ondary dentin (5, 6, 8). One have to have in mind that radiographs are part of standard dental pa-tients records, so it is important to search for different ways of exami-nation in order to obtain more an -te-mortem and post-mortem in-formation.There are many ongoing re-search projects in the world to-day dealing with issues of age es-timation. Most are based on Gus-tafson’s criteria, individual or variously combined and in con-junction with different statistical methods. It is believed that dif-ferent techniques, new methods and using statistical methods pre -vents subjective judgments by re-searchers and enables more pre-cise age estimation. The VSC 5000
The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiographs in control period with Corel Photo Paint software. The research was carried out on one root teeth of 11 patients with periapical lesions. After the endodontic treatment, radiographs before treatment, after treatment, 6 months after treatment and 1 year after treatment were compared for evaluation of repairing process. The graphic evaluation of radiographs was completed using Corel Photo-Paint. Results were analyzed by Duncan test, Dunett-c test and Dunett-t test. The used endodontic procedure reduced the causes of the chronic periapical process in control period. This was confirmed with by statistically significant difference between all combinations with Health bone, except in combination of Health bone and One year after the treatment where statisticall significance was not found. In this investigation, endodontic treatment improved healing of the periapical tissue. Computerized graphic procedure for data processing of the radiographs was a satisfactory additional aid for evaluation of radiographs.
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