
Publikacije (32)


The transition process from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources carries the risk of creating new environmental damages. Photovoltaic technology represents one of the alternatives with the least risk of harmful environmental impact. However, this technology has two important drawbacks: the significant land occupation for the installation of PV systems and the uncontrollability of production. By constructing floating photovoltaic plants on hydroelectric reservoirs, both of these problems can be reduced to an acceptable level. Some artificial reservoirs, originally built for hydroelectric power plants, have acquired a significant secondary function as recreational areas and fish breeding sites. Therefore, there is justified resistance from the local community to change the existing appearance and purpose of such reservoirs. This paper proposes a completely new concept of integrating the interests of the local community into such objects. In addition to preserving existing uses, the concept also offers new features. This can make the entire system environmentally friendly and sustainable. This paper details the technology behind the construction of floating photovoltaic power plants on artificial reservoirs and emphasizes their various advantages. These benefits include the non-utilization of cultivable land, the ease of assembly and construction, integration into existing power grids, and the potential to address electricity storage issues. For instance, Buško Lake, covering an area of 55.8 km2, may host 2.93 km2 of installed floating photovoltaic (FPV) facilities, enabling a total installed capacity of 240 MW. With an average of 5.5 h of daily sunshine, this totals 2007 annual hours, equivalent to a 55 MW thermal power plant. An analysis showed that, with losses of 18.2%, the average annual production stands at 302 GWh, translating to an annual production value of 18 million € at 60 €/MWh. The integration of this production into an existing hydroelectric power plant featuring an artificial reservoir might boost its output by 91%. The available transmission line capacity of 237 MW is shared between the hydroelectric power plant (HPP) and FPV; hence during the FPV maximum power generation time, the HPP halts its production. HPP Orlovac operates a small number of hours annually at full capacity (1489 h); therefore in combination with the FPV, this number can be increased to 2852 h. This integration maintains the lake’s functions in tourism and fishing while expanding its capabilities without environmental harm.

This research delves into the crucial role of solar energy, particularly photovoltaic (PV) conversion, in the global shift towards renewable sources. Focusing on the stochastic nature of PV power plants, the study emphasizes fault ride-through operations and their repercussions on electrical power systems. A detailed modeling approach is employed using Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) software to simulate a large-scale PV power plant connected to a high-voltage transmission network. The analysis encompasses various fault scenarios, shedding light on the resilience of PV systems and their broader impacts during faults. This investigation enhances the understanding of PV dynamics in fault conditions, providing valuable insights for sustainable energy systems.

Large-scale incorporation of new energy generation units based on renewable sources, such as wind and photovoltaic power, drastically alters the structure of the power system. Because of the intermittent nature of these sources, switching in grids (connection and disconnection) occurs much more frequently than with conventional sources. As a result, the power system will inevitably experience a large number of transients, which raises questions about the stability of the system and the quality of the electrical energy. Therefore, measuring various types of transients in power system is crucial for stability, power quality, fault analysis, protection design, and insulation design. Transient recorders that are currently used are generally expensive and only suitable for particular locations in power systems. The number of installed transient recorders is insufficient for a comprehensive analysis of problems that may occur. Hence, it is important to have inexpensive and efficient transient recorders that can be installed at multiple points in the power system on various types of objects. It is also essential to have a transient record database with open access, which can be used by researchers to develop new analysis techniques based on artificial intelligence. This paper proposes an inexpensive measurement and acquisition system designed to record transient phenomena on different objects within the power system. The system is designed to use autonomous power, a standardized data acquisition module, a low-budget system for transmitting recorded transient events to the server via mobile network, and a sensor system adapted to the object where transients are recorded. The proposed system is designed to be used for all types of objects in the power system where transients may occur, such as power lines, transmission towers, surge arresters, and transformers. All components of the system are described, and the system is tested under laboratory conditions. The modular nature of the system allows customization to the specifics of the location in power system by choosing appropriate components. The calibration method of the custom designed Rogowski coil is described. The cost analysis of the proposed system and power consumption analysis are performed. The results show that the system’s performance meets application requirements at a low cost.

S. Grebović, Ivo Uglešić, A. Xemard, Luis Diaz, Silvia Sinčić, L. Ćurin

Power system reliability is often threatened by lightning discharges causing the outages of the overhead lines. Surge arresters installed on high-voltage overhead transmission lines can improve their lightning performance. Studying lightning is a challenging task due to its stochastic nature and complex discharge mechanism. Lightning data based on lightning location systems has contributed to the recent improved understanding of lightning but there are still areas that require further research such as the parameters of the lightning current waveform. This paper describes the proposed line surge arresters' monitoring system for measuring lightning and line surge arrester currents as well as temperature and humidity. The proposed system is based on state-of-the-art measuring sensors, communication and information technologies. Software and hardware components of the system are described, including laboratory tests and results.

Nearby lightning strokes are often considered as a prime source of transient overvoltages in the substations. Lightning overvoltages can cause unreliable operation of power system and power supply interruptions. Calculation of expected lightning overvoltages is necessary to design appropriate protection system. This paper presents the analysis of the lightning overvoltage performance of real 400 kV overhead transmission line and gas insulated substation (GIS), considering various factors, such as lightning stroke locations, peak currents, front rise times, etc. EMTP-RV software was used to model transmission line and substation elements and conduct simulations, while transmission line lightning performance was determined using Sigma Slp software. The expected overvoltages and surge arrester currents are calculated and used to design lightning protection system of the considered substation. Obtained results also indicate the importance of proper modelling of power system elements and lightning strokes.

The increase in the number of wind farms and their share in the total electrical energy generation leads to the need for a different approach to this source in cases where the stability of the power system is potentially impaired. With the development of different types of wind power plants, equipped with power electronics devices, there is the possibility of quick power management and injection, in conditions when it is needed, where a huge amount of accumulated kinetic energy can also be used. This paper presents the influence of a wind power plant equipped with a full-scale converter on the transient stability in cases of close and distant short circuits, during the outage of a heavily loaded line. Special attention was paid to the Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) in the power system in cases with and without a wind farm where fast power injections were possible.

The contribution of renewable energy sources to the power system stability will have to be greater in the future. The problem will arise if the share of wind power plants in total production increases and large failures occur. Then, wind farms, which are often called inertia-less sources in the literature, will have to help maintain the frequency in a normal amount by changing the management method and based on fast PMU measurements. This can be done by using the synthetic inertia size, which is defined for sources that are derived from the system via energy converters and which do not participate in defining the total inertia of the system. This paper provides a better insight into the understanding of the concept of synthetic inertia, as well as insight into the current development of management and the application of synthetic inertia in maintaining the stability of the power system.

Lightning parameters are needed in different engineering applications. For the prediction of the severity of transient voltages in power systems, an accurate knowledge of the parameters of lightning currents is essential. All relevant standards and technical brochures recommend that lightning characteristics should be classified according to geographical regions instead of assuming that these characteristics are globally uniform. Many engineers and scientists suggest that better methods for lightning current measurements and analyses need to be developed. A system for direct lightning current measurements installed on Mount Lovćen is described in this paper. Observed data were analyzed, and statistical data on parameters that are of interest for engineering applications were obtained, as well as correlations between various lightning parameters. Furthermore, a novel approach for classifying and analyzing lightning data from direct measurements based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is proposed. Matlab was used as a tool for signal processing and statistical analysis. The methodology implemented in this work opens possibilities for automated analysis of large data sets and expressing lightning parameters in probabilistic terms from the data measured on site.

The method of power transformer neutral point grounding is very important for power distribution network operation because it strongly affect the shapes and values of overvoltages and fault currents. Many methods of grounding are used in medium voltage (MV) power distribution networks. The selection of grounding method largely depends on the characteristics of power network connected to the substation. It is also necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of various neutral grounding methods during selection process to find the best solution from a technical and economical point of view. The effects of grounding methods on the characteristics of single-phase short circuit fault are discussed in this paper on the example of 110/20 kV substation ′′Bugojno′′. Modeling and simulation of the considered substation, power transmission and distribution lines are implemented in EMTP-RV software.

This paper analyzes the problem of DC cable selection in photovoltaic (PV) plants. PV plants can have tens of kilometres of one-way cables that are important parts of the system. The currents flowing through these cables can reach values of several hundred amps. Losses incurred on DC cables are up to 1%, which can be significant when measuring power loss during the operating period. Reduction of these losses can be achieved by increasing the cross-section of the cable. The paper describes the requirements set by the standards for selecting cable cross-sections. An analytical criterion function that connects electricity losses and cable crosssection were deduced. This function depends on several parameters such as electricity price, cable price, the average number of sunny hours per year, average amount of electricity through cable, interest rate, loan repayment period, and plant operation period. Several cases with the analysis of the obtained results are presented.

The development of Floating Solar Photovoltaic (FPV) systems is a sign of a promising future in the Renewable Energy field. Numerous solar modules and inverters are mounted on large-scale floating platforms. It is important to design the system so that the inverter operates in its optimum range most of the time. In order to achieve this goal on the DC side, serial and parallel connections of solar modules are used. As a result, the cabling of the PV array architecture is an important issue. Modern electrical installation design requires reducing costs in cabling materials, equipment installation, and maintenance. The reduction of losses and the amount of time required to complete the design are also significant. Therefore, the main topic of this paper is DC cabling in large-scale FPV power plants (>1 MV). The serial-parallel (SP) connection scheme of solar modules and the percentage of power loss in DC cables are considered. Furthermore, a general method for determining cable lengths for FPV power plants is defined. The temperature influence on losses in DC cables is analyzed. A new method for determining the current at the maximum power point (MPP) as a function of temperature is proposed. A case study is conducted using a hypothetical 3 MW FPV power plant, and the obtained results are presented and analyzed.

Najla Delić, S. Grebović, S. Smaka, Harun Kartal

Overvoltages are unpredictable and extremely dangerous for the electric power system. The causes of overvoltages are different, but lightning is considered as one of the most serious causes of overvoltages. High voltage substations are one of the main parts of the power system whose faults caused by overvoltages can lead to outage of large part of power system. Therefore, overvoltage protection of a high voltage substation is very important. In order to protect the substation as much as possible from the effects of the overvoltages, it is necessary to implement elements that can help reduce these effects, for example surge arresters. This paper presents the effects of the use of surge arresters in high voltage, gas SF6 insulated substation, modeled in the EMTP-RV (Electromagnetic Transient Program-Restructured Version) software. An accurate representation of lightning surge incoming in the substation is very important because it strongly affects the design of overvoltage protection system. In this paper parameters of lightning strikes are determined using Sigma Slp software.

Transient events, especially those related to the short circuit faults, are the main causes of power distribution lines outages. This paper is dedicated to the analysis of three-phase short circuit fault and its impact to the real 20 kV power distribution lines. One of the most important parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina's power system was monitored and analyzed. Short circuit currents and voltages were obtained by using the power distribution lines numerical protection system measurements from the moment of fault occurrence to the moment when the faulty line was switched off. Part of the power system of interest was modeled in EMTP-RV (Electromagnetic Transient Program - Restructured Version) software which is standardized software for transient analyses. Several simulations were conducted to perform fault analysis. Measured data and simulation results were compared.

Short circuit faults are one of the most common disturbances in power systems that occur because of insulation failure due to a sudden overvoltage condition caused by lightning, switching operations, insulation contamination, etc. Medium voltage power distribution networks use different methods for grounding the neutral point. Influences of these grounding methods on the characteristics of single-phase short circuit fault are discussed in this paper on the example of substation “Bugojno”. Modeling and simulation are implemented in EMTP-RV (Electromagnetic Transient Program-Restructured Version) software. Data recorded by protection system during normal operation and three-phase short circuit fault in the substation are analyzed and used for comparison with simulation results to validate developed model of the observed part of power system. This validated model was then used to analyze the effects of neutral point grounding methods on the characteristics of single-phase short circuit fault.

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