
Publikacije (506)

I. Licanin, E. Musić, Erdes Laslo, K. Berg‐Kelly, I. Masic, A. Redžić, Anesa Vejzagic, Sanja Krosnjar

The enquiry of suicide is of particular importance. According to WHO statistics suicide in people aged from 15 to 24 years has shown the greatest increase of relative mortality. In the group of suicidal adolescents, depression, behavioural disorders, abuse of different substances and personality deviations are frequent factors in presence. The aim of our investigation was to determine the correlation between psychoactive substance abuse and the occurrence of suicidal thoughts in adolescents. The specific "Q 2000" test was used to question 600 adolescents, from Tuzla and Sarajevo Cantons, with the same gender and age distribution and rural-urban ambient. The more prevailing suicidal idea occurrence was observed in cannabis abusers (50.0%) and alcohol abusers (36.6%) in comparison to non-abusers regardless gender and/or living ambient (settlement types) (19.5% and 17.6% per each, x2 = 17.184 p = 0.00001). The augmentation in number of suicidal ideas was not observed in tobacco smokers.

By the Federal programmee of health care protection in B&H was approached by the reforms of the primary health care protection, by which the special accent was given to the development and implementation of the family medicine. There is the series of projects which get realized in this segment by the teens of the various state or expert nongovernment association, but unfortunately the official marks of the effect of the realization of these projects in the practice in the written documents or in the published papers published in the journals. It is evident that in the mentioned projects, how much it is to authors from before there are the valid experiences about that from the projects which in its time lead the Institute for social medicine of the Medical faculty of Sarajevo. It is the fact too, that still always there is no unique approach which the model of the family medicine adopted as the future concept of the organization of this segment of the primary health care protection, and the responsible carries of making decision and the projectants and the realizators which have offered the financial resources for its concept which momentary get being tested in B&H. The authors give their seeing of the future concept of the organization of the family medicine, from the aspect of the optimal programme of the health care protection by the team of the family medicine, and in accordance with the existing nomenclature and standards of the services at the level PHC.

I. Masic, D. Nikšić

Quality in healthcare and healthcare protection represents one from the most complex characteristics of the state and functioning of healthcare system. In fact, the quality represents the responsibility of all the components/participants of the system: inhabitants, actual patients, the potentional patients, decisions makers, purchasors and the performers of services. The quality of the healthcare protection is that level of the insured healthcare services to the individuals or the inhabitants who satisfies the probability of the desired outcome for health in relation quality of the healthcare protection is that level of the insured healthcare services to the individual or the inhabitants who satisfies the probability of the desired outcome for health in relation to the standards of the healthcare protection. The estimations of the actual degree of quality of the corrective action in aim that the noticed defects get removed. The quality estimation is the first step in the quality insurance and includes the analysis of the structural, process and outcome variables. In the majority of countries of the world estimation I insurance of quality mostly are represented at hospitals, and one from the reasons is that the hospital protection is very expensive I required the strict control of the resources of cost. In the other hand in the primary healthcare protection was performed significantly lesser number of the research of the estimation I insurance in this segments of the health care protection significantly are more complex, in our country are being performed the pilot studies in this domain. And that at the chair for the medical informatics of the Medical faculty of Sarajevo, and in future will be intensified the activities thanks to the insurance of the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Accreditation FB&H in the performing of the strategic aims of the reforms of the healthcare by the competent ministaries of health.

I. Masic, E. Pasic, H. Pandza, M. Kudumovic

INTRODUCTION The medical informatics as the separate medical discipline very quickly gets developed, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In our country, the medical informatics is a separate subject for the last ten years, regarding to the Medical curriculum at the biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in accordance with the project of the education related to Bologna declaration and the project EURO MEDICINA. This year the Chair of the Medical Informatics of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo celebrates ten years of its existence. WORK METHOD By the descriptive method of the research which included the questionnaire of about 400 students of the biomedical faculties, we established the attitudes and we took into consideration opinions of the students of these faculties about the validity of the contents of the subject of the medical informatics, the availability of the adoption of the material by the theoretical and practical performance of the teaching process and the suggestions and recommendations of the students about the contents that have to be throwned out from the curriculum and the teaching material that needs to be included. WORK RESULTS The research was performed using the separate questionnaire pattern data carriers with the defined characteristics for the quality assessment of the performed course. The total attitude of the assessed students speaks about dominantly expressed satisfaction with the majority of the parameters that are important for assessment of the quality and the tuition contents that was evaluated during the questionnaire. The results are shown in the tables and graphs, and they are describing the program of the tuition and the contents of the methodical units, and the system of the examination for the students using the method of "multiple choice". CONCLUSION The education in the field of the medical informatics is based at the concept which is used in the developed countries of the world, and according the recommendations of the working groups of the European and world association of the medical informatics. The theoretical and practical teaching and training performance in the wholeness is performed by use of the computer equipment, and the final knowledge check of the students also is performed using the Data Base Management System MSAccess specifically designed to cover full teaching and training material by using questions set in the data base which encircled nearly 1500 questions combinations.

A. Kučukalić, A. Bravo-Mehmedbašić, I. Masic

AIM To investigate and define the consequences of the torture in civilian survivors of state sponsored violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to point out that torture is not solely medical and psychological problem but also a social problem requiring various interventions of the society at large. METHODS The study included 50 subjects who were survivors of torture. For registration of psychopathological symptoms, the Multidimensional Instrument for Symptoms Assessment SCL 90-R comprising 90 items divided in 9 subscales, (L.R. Derogates 1986) was used. The Mississippi Questionnaire containing 35 items, (Kean. et al. 1988) for the registration of the symptoms of the posttraumatic stress disorders, was used and Sociodemographic questionnaire for the registration of the sociodemographic characteristics of the subjects, was used. RESULTS Our research indicates statistically significant decline in social position of the survivors of the torture compared with their life situation before surviving the atrocities of the war their economic position is weaker, unemployment rate in this population reaches 82% compared with the rate of 24% before the war. They also survived the loss of a great number of family members. The subjects also presented with a variety of somatic and psychological symptoms. CONCLUSIONS Torture survivors comprise the most vulnerable group in the society after the war and they require multidisciplinary program for their psychosocial rehabilitation. This, comprehensive approach includes social and legal guarantees in order to protect their rights and interests.

O. Ibrahimagić, I. Masic, Amela Ibrahimagic, E. Tupković, D. Smajlović, Selma Jakupović

Bajerova, Keckova, Krajevska and Olsevska--female physicians pioneers which worked in B&H. Born in Czech Republic and Poland, they began her medical work far from B&H, and full affirmation of her job received in this area.

I. Masic, A. Ahmetović, Safet Jakupović, Z. Masic, Lejla Zunić

Internet, is the greatest world net by by means of which nowadays the planet communicates, rapidly goes forward. The last years of the university in USA the commonly develop the more progressive concept of the net (Internet 2), thanks to the constant growing technologies, with the goal to answer the needs of the scientific and the educational institutions, but also the commercial institutions and the organizations. Almost the there is no more significant institution in the world which has not developed their web pages and data bases with the most actual contents available to the wider circle of the users. In this paper we have given the section of the most actual web pages. However, Internet is not immune to those users who are not benevolent and who have developed the different tools in the goal of the destroying or unabling of the normal use of all the Internet conveniences. The authors is considering the protection problem and the data security which get distributed by Internet.

INTRODUCTION The medical informatics as the separate medical discipline very quickly gets developed, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In our country, the medical informatics is a separate subject the last ten years, regarding to that the Medical curriculum at the biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina is accorded with the project of the education in accordance with Bolonjski declaration and the project EURO MEDICINA. This year the Chair for the medical informatics of the Medical faculty in Sarajevo celebrates ten years of its existence. WORK METHOD By the descriptive method of the research which comprehended the questionnaire about 400 students of the biomedical faculties we established the attitudes and opinions of the students of these faculties about the adequacy of the contents of the subject the medical informatics, the availability of the adoption of the material by the theoretical and practical performance of the process of the tuition and the suggestions and the recommendations of the students which contents would throw out from the curriculum and which new contents include. WORK RESULTS The research was performed by means the separate questionnaire patterns data carriers with the defined characteristics for the quality estimation of the performed tuition. The total attitude of the questionnaire speaks about dominantly expressed satisfaction of the students with the majority of the parameters about the quality and the tuition contents which were evaluated during the questionnaire. The results are shown tabelararly and graphically, and descriptively is described the program of the tuition and the contents of the methodic units, and the system of the examination of the students by the method of the "multiple choice". CONCLUSION The education from the medical informatics is based at the concept which use the developed countries of the world, and according to the recommendations of the working groups of the European and world association of the medical informatics. The theoretical and practical tuition performance in the wholeness is performed by the help and at the computer, and the final knowledge check of the students also is performed at the computer specially by the concepted questions set in the basis which encircled nearly 1500 questions combinations.

I. Licanin, S. Loga, I. Cerić, I. Masic, Ranka Mataija, E. Suljić, E. Musić

It is well known that drug abuse is common in early adolescence with almost the same epidemiological characteristics in economical developed and undeveloped countries. Aim of this study is to compare drug abuse among adolescents in the urban and rural areas. Research covers 600 adolescents equal gender and age distribution. Distribution of participants regarding to the rural and urban type of areas, was equal, as well. It was used Q 2000 questionnaires, which was comprehensive tool for all aspects of adolescents life. Results shows that drug abuse is much more common in urban areas (alcohol 62.4%; and cannabis 70.0%; in rural areas alcohol 37.6%; and cannabis 30.0%). Regarding to age, drug abuse is the most common among adolescents aged 15-17. Alcohol is much more related to boys, but regarding to cannabis there is almost no differences.

Expert systems are the software systems developed by the application of the various intelligence, which could successfully compete to peoples-experts, and have the consultant function with the characteristics of the explanations and the advices in some specific domain. These are, in essence, the intelligent information systems, which consists several thousands of the rules from the definite problem field and which are capable to explain their decisions. The knowledge systems are lesser software systems, also developed by means of the technique of the artificial intelligence which are usually less successful in some field of knowledge of the experts. In the paper are presented the basic characteristics three most often applied expert systems in gastroenterology: Quick Medical Reference (QMR), HEPAT, ILIAD.

Z. Sabanovic, I. Masic

DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) classification system requests much of medical and financial data from patients record. We also need comprehensive Clinical Information System with computer database to manage such system. In our research we were using HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration) and AN-DRG (Australian National-DRG) methodology for DRG classification. We also used ICD 10-Revision for diagnosis coding. We have chosen ORL Clinic for DRG classification because of two reasons: 1) They treat two basic types of patients medical and surgical and 2) They had pretty good sorted patients' records. Our base for DRG classification was 1997 year. During our research we found many deficiencies in patient records in both its parts: medical and financial. Since all records were processed and stored manually, financial data didn't exist. So we had to use other ways for direct and indirect costs allocation (for Prospective Payment System purpose). In 1998 we processed 680 patient records (treated in 1997), and made DRG classification putting all 680 patients' records into 183 DRG: 47 medical and 136 surgical. This is so called CASE-MIX of the ORL Clinic for year 1997. DRG classification we made at Tuzla ORL Clinic was identical with HCFA DRG classification system in 92%.

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