
Publikacije (22)

A. Šukalić, N. Ahmetović, S. Mačkić, A. Leto, A. Džubur, B. Antunović

Contamination of agricultural soils can present a signifi cant risk to human health through oral ingestion, particle inhalation, and dermal contact. Th e aims of this research were to determinate the concentrations, distribution and human health risk of various heavy metals in soil samples from three agricultural areas of South Herzegovina. A total number of 32 soil samples were collected and analyzed for Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), and Zinc (Zn). Th e Hazard Index (HI) was used to assess the human health risk of the study area. For the adult and children population, the HI value for dermal exposure to Cobalt (Co) was greater than one (HI>1), and non-cancerogenic eff ects are therefore considered as signifi cant for human health. Our fi ndings impose consideration of taking risk management measures in order to reduce risk for human health from Cobalt (Co).

B. Antunović, I. Kovaček, K. Gvozdanović, M. Grčević, V. Gantner, V. Poljak, M. Ostović, Ž. Pavičić et al.

This paper investigates differences in efficacy of isolating pathogenic bacteria Salmonella Enteritidis, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 between conventional cultivation (ISO method) and immunomagnetic separation (IMS method) related to the types of dairy products and initial numbers of bacteria. Different milk products (dairy pudding- vanilla or chocolate ; a mixture of yoghurt and pudding ; solid, liquid and fruit yoghurt ; AB culture - with or without fruit ; cheese spread) were intentionally contaminated with different numbers (≈10 and ≈30) of live cells of the observed bacteria per mL. The obtained results showed that the classical ISO procedure still represents an equally adequate method for the detection of S. Enteritidis and L. monocytogenes in dairy products as well as the IMS method. However, the ISO method was found to be inefficient for determination of E. coli O157:H7 when the initial contamination was low (≈10 live cells per mL). In such cases, even the IMS method appeared to be inefficient when used for fermented dairy products analysis. Fermented dairy products in contrast to the non-fermented ones, still represent a challenge for the development of routine detection methods, especially for S. Enteritidis, whilst the detection of L. monocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7 has improved by introducing the IMS method. The largest difference in the ability to detect bacteria in dairy product samples with reference to the initial number of bacteria by both methods was in the detection of E. coli O157:H7. The choice of broth (non- selective fluid broth vs. selective fluid broth) did not matter in the in the detection of S. Enteritidis and L. monocytogenes by applying the IMS procedure. However, for the detection of E. coli O157:H7 the application of modified tripton-soya broth with novobiocin (mTSB+Nb) has proved to be superior when compared to using the buffered peptone water (BPW). The presented results may be of importance as a scientific basis for future determination of standard methods related to laboratory detection of pathogens in dairy products.

N. Ahmetović, A. Hodžić, S. Mačkić, A. Čolić, Enida Karić, Amila Hodžić

The focus of this research is on beta-glucan, its health benefits and daily consumption of beta-glucan-containing foods and supplements among student population. Beta-glucan is an important soluble dietary fiber found in cereals, certain types of mushrooms and seaweed that has been associated with reduced presence of: insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and obesity due to its multiple functional and bioactive properties. This paper explores dietary habits and intake of beta-glucan among students in primary schools, high schools and universities on the area of Sarajevo Canton. The survey included a total of 100 participants. Food frequency questionnaire was used to estimate dietary intake of oat and barley products (breakfast cereals, meals, and crackers), baking products (bread), mushrooms and dietary supplements containing beta-glucan. Food frequency questionnaire consisted of questions about the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) and the amount of consumption of certain types of beta-glucan-containing foods and supplements. Statistical analysis (mean, standard deviation, chi-square test) was carried out using the Excel. The results of this research showed that five (19.23%) respondents from primary schools had inadequate dietary intake of beta-glucan, two (15.38%) respondents from high schools had inadequate dietary intake of beta-glucan, and seven respondents from universities had inadequate dietary intake of beta-glucan which is 20.59% of total examined population. Despite the fact that usual diet contains of foods rich in beta-glucan, insufficient intake of dietary fiber beta-glucan is evident among students on a daily basis. Continuously monitoring of beta-glucan intake through diet is essential in order to determine dietary habits of daily fiber consumption.

M. Grabež, V. R. Grujić, N. Ahmetović, B. Novaković

High dietary sodium intake is an important public health issue. A high level of sodium intake is a risk factor for stroke and cardiovascular diseases. High sodium consumption is also associated with risk of osteoporosis, kidney disease and stomach cancer. Knowledge about sodium consumption and food sources contributing most to sodium intake can be useful in reducing salt intake. There is no country-specific sodium reduction policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study was to determine sodium consumption in food, and to assess the most contributing sources of sodium in nutrition of student population in the city of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Students (n = 176) of the University of Banja Luka completed a questionnaire on their: gender, age, faculty attended, and the food frequency dietary recall. The sodium content in foods was calculated using the data obtained by analyzing salt content in foods (n = 55 food items). The salt content was analyzed by the Mohr method by titration with AgNO 3 . Contribution of different food groups to the total sodium intake was calculated. The mean estimated daily sodium intake from FFQ was 3,349 mg (95% CI, 3,231 3,469). The food groups that contributed the most to the total sodium intake of the students were processed meat products (29.37%), fast food (28.84%) and bread and bakery products (24.21%). The sodium intake among student population is higher than recommended. The most important source of sodium are fast food, bread and bakery products and cured meat products. The findings may be a call for organized and comprehensive public health interventions for reducing salt intake in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A. Šukalić, N. Ahmetović, S. Mačkić, A. Čolić, M. Hero

The aim of the paper was to determine the level of soil contamination with lead and perform risk assessment by calculating the Hazard Quotient Index (HQI). The research was carried out during 2015 and 2016 at three locations in Herzegovina (Mostar, Capljina, and Stolac), where nectarine cultivars ('Big Top' and 'Caldesi 2000') were cultivated. At the Mostar and Capljina locations, the total content of lead in the soil exceeded MPC values in both years of research. Estimated daily intake (EDI) and estimated weekly intake (EWI) values of lead in the studied nectarine varieties showed no acute or chronic risk for human health.

M. Hero, S. Mačkić, N. Ahmetović, A. Čolić, A. Šukalić, A. Hodžić, E. Brkić, Enida Karić

In this work, eight pesticides: azinphos-ethyl, carbofuran, chlorfenvinphos, chlorpyriphos, metazachlor, methoxychlor, propham and sulfotep were analyzed in 10 banana samples taken from the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Analyses were carried out by the QuEChERS approach, using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detection (GC-MS). To determine the risk, acute exposure assessment was performed according on International Estimation of Short Term Intake (IESTI) equation. In acute quantitative risk assessment, estimated dietary exposure was compared with the relevant toxicological reference values Acute Reference Dose (ARfD).

A. Čolić, S. Mačkić, N. Ahmetović, B. Antunović, A. Šukalić, E. Brkić, M. Hero, A. Hodžić et al.

Normal 0 21 false false false BS-LATN-BA X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; line-height:150%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman",serif; mso-ansi-language:BS-LATN-BA; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} The aim of this study was to determine the levels of cadmium in cattle meat and offal on the area of Central Bosnia Canton and to estimate the level of population exposure to cadmium through consumption of cattle meat and offal. Fifty samples were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, out of which twenty samples of kidney tissue, twenty samples of liver tissue and ten samples of muscle tissue. Determined cadmium levels in cattle kidney varied between 0.088 and 4.493 mg/kg, while cadmium levels in liver were determined in the range from 0.016 to 0.206 mg/kg. The mean value of cadmium in kidney was 0.750 mg/kg, while the mean value of cadmium in liver was 0.076 mg/kg. Cadmium levels in muscle tissue were less than 0.008 mg/kg in all analysed samples. In three samples of kidney (15% of the analysed) cadmium levels exceeded maximum permitted level, while no such case was found for liver and muscle tissue. Estimated weekly intake of cadmium due to the consumption of cattle meat is 1.74 x 10 -3 m g/kg body weight. Weekly intake of cadmium by consuming cattle kidney is 9.08 x 10 -3 m g/kg body weight, whereas weekly intake of cadmium via cattle liver is 1.23 x 10 -3 m g/kg body weight. The intake of cadmium due to the consumption of cattle meat and offal in the examined population is within the tolerable weekly intake. Exposure to cadmium from cattle meat in the examined population does not pose a risk for health.

H. Keran, N. Ahmetović, E. Imširović, Enida Karić, M. Hero

The aim of this research was to determine the residual levels of pesticides in citrus fruits, to assess the exposure and to determine the acute risk to consumers. In this work, eight pesticides: azinphos-ethyl, carbofuran, chlorfenvinphos, chlorpyrifos, metazachlor, methoxychlor, propham and sulfotep were analysed in 23 samples of citrus fruits, taken from the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Analyses were carried out by the QuEChERS approach developed for pesticide residue analysis in food, using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry detection. To determine the risk, acute exposure assessment was performed according on International Estimation of Short Term Intake (IESTI) equations. In quantitative acute risk assessment, estimated dietary exposure was compared with the toxicological reference values Acute Reference Dose (ARfD). In four samples of oranges the levels of pesticide residues were below detectable limit, in six samples determined levels of pesticide residues were at or below the MRL, while in one sample level of pesticide residues exceeded MRL. In six samples of grapefruits the levels of pesticide residues were below detectable limit, in five samples determined levels of pesticide residues were at or below the MRL, while in one sample level of pesticide residues exceeded MRL. In one sample of grapefruit where the level of chlorpyrifos residue of 0.61 mg/kg was found above MRL, an acute exposure risk assessment was performed and there was not a risk for health of adults and children, because the value of the calculated dietary intake was below the ARfD.

S. Mačkić, N. Ahmetović, B. Antunović, M. Miškulin, Enida Karić

Zearalenone may enter the food chain and lead to negative effects on the reproductive system of domestic and laboratory animals. Its estrogenic effects are proven: reduced fertility, increased embryo resorption, damage the reproductive tract, changes in serum levels of progesterone and 17β-estradiol, changes in weight of uterus, ovaries and mammary glands. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of zearalenone on the ovarian weight in female rats. Experimental controlled study included 63 female rats which were applied three test doses of zearalenone: 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mg/kg body weight and ovarian weight changes were observed during four observation periods of 7 days. Ovarian weight values are described in the measures of central tendency and variability measures. Kruskal-Wallis’s test and intergroup comparison of estimated significant differences in ovarian weight compared to applied dose and duration of the observation period were applied. Differences at p<0.05 were considered statistically significant or highly statistically significant at p<0.01. The test dose of 0.1 mg/kg after 14 days led to a statistically significant increase in ovarian weight, and then to a statistically significant decrease. Other test dose during all observational periods have led to a statistically significant decrease of ovarian weight. Intergroup differences ovarian weight, depending on the applied dose of zearalenone, were statistically significantly different after 14, 21 and 28 days, with less ovarian weight were statistically significantly associated with a higher dose applied zearalenone. Zearalenone modeled ovarian weight in rats depending on the dose and duration of application.

N. Ahmetović, H. Keran, Mirela Djakovic, Enida Karić, Sanja Brekalo-Lazarević, V. Hadžić, E. Imširović

The aim of this study was to estimate dietary intake of nitrite in meat products. The content of nitrite in various categories of meat products that are on the market of Tuzla Canton. Data on concentrations of nitrite are associated with individual data on food consumption. The study included 200 respondents, aged 19 years and over. Dietary intake of nitrite was estimated by semi-quantitative questionnaire that included questions about the frequency and quantity consumed of certain types of meat products. To estimate the intake, combined data on the average concentration of nitrite in meat products and information on individual consumption. The average concentrations of nitrite in meat products analyzed samples was 7.44 mg/kg (range 0.6 to 23.59 mg/kg). Respondents consume certain types of meat products by an average 52 days/year, and the average daily amount of all types of meat products consumed was 168.92 g per day (per individual categories of meat products is between 15.29 to 22.27 g). Determined the average daily intake of nitrite from meat products is low and amounts to 13.41% compared to the acceptable daily intake (ADI) (for certain categories of meat products ranged from 0.02 to 0.9% of the ADI). The results suggest that a daily intake of nitrite in meat products by the population of the limits of acceptable daily intake, and exposure to nitrites in meat products in the study population does not represent a risk to health.

V. Hadžić, Azra Bačić, N. Ahmetović

Milk is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and a large number of different species of fungi and other microorganisms. It represents food that easily and commonly gets contaminated with non-pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of this research was to determine the microbiological quality of sterilized and pasteurized milk immediately after opening the product, and to investigate the influence of temperature and storage time on the growth and development of microorganisms in the milk. Randomly taken 30 samples of commercially available milk were analyzed on presence of Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci, Salmonella sp., sulphite reducing clostridia, and the total number of bacteria. The samples were microbiologically tested immediately after opening the products, afterwards then they were left at 25 C and 4 C for 72 hours. Microbial analysis was performed according to the standard ISO methods. Statistical method was performed according to Student t-test. This study concluded out that pasteurized milk is more susceptible to deterioration at room temperature then sterilized milk. Presence of all tested bacterial strains except E. coli and sulphite reducing clostridia was recorded. Comparison of the number of microorganisms grown from samples stored at different temperatures showed statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05. Temperature as an important factor for the growth and development of microorganisms affected and the microbiota, stored at temperature of 25 C. Study results indicates that there is a difference in the presence of all bacterial species in sterilized and pasteurized milk after 72 hours storage at refrigerator and room temperature.

B. Antunović, V. Poljak, M. Baban, P. Mijić, Antonija Ronta, Ž. Pavičić, M. Ostović, S. Mačkić et al.

Kloniranje farmskih životinja otvara mogucnosti za brojne uzgojne prednosti, kao sto su jaca otpornost i ucinkovitija proizvodnost životinja. Posebice se koristi od kloniranja pronalaze u primjeni za proizvodnju lijekova ili u ocuvanju genetskih resursa ugroženih životinjskih vrsta. Ipak, kloniranje farmskih životinja jos uvijek je vezano uz određene teskoce koje se javljaju primjenom tehnika kloniranja. Kao najucestalije isticu se razvojne abnormalnosti, ugroženo zdravlje i dobrobit u perinatalnom i juvenilnom razdoblju, posebice u teladi i prasadi, sindrom velike mladuncadi, te problemi tijekom graviditeta zamjenskih majki. Cak i uz napredak znanosti i usavrsavanje metoda kloniranja, cime bi se smanjili navedeni problemi, ostaju eticke dvojbe, koje se narocito odnose na kloniranje životinja za proizvodnju hrane. U radu se analiziraju prednosti i nedostaci kloniranja farmskih životinja, eticke dvojbe, najnovije preporuke i zakonodavstvo Europske unije, kao i stavovi u Hrvatskoj u podrucju kloniranja farmskih životinja.

S. Mačkić, N. Ahmetović

Summary Mycotoxins are today considered one of the main contaminants of food and feed. Widespread zearalenone and its metabolites have potent estrogenic and anabolic activity, proven in numerous studies worldwide. Th e aim is to investigate infl uence of zearalenone on the uterine weight of rats depending on the applied dose and duration of the observation period. In a controlled experimental study, 63 adult female Wistar rats were divided into three groups, depending on the oral test dose of zearalenone applied: 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 mg / kg of body weight. At the end of each of the four observation periods of seven days, animals were sacrifi ced under general anesthesia with ether, and aft er an autopsy the mass of the uterus was determined. Zearalenone in the dose of 0.1 mg / kg of body weight has caused a signifi cant increase in uterine weight between the fi rst and fourth observation interval. Doses of 0.3 and 0.5 mg zearalenone / kg caused a decrease in uterine weight, which was at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg highly signifi cant between all observational intervals. Aft er 7 days of applying of the toxin, uterine weights did not diff er signifi cantly with respect to applied dose. Aft er 14, 21 and 28 days, diff erences in uterine weight were highly signifi cant, depending on the dose of zearalenone. Th e results show that prolonged application of large doses of zearalenone produced a signifi cant decrease in uterine weights in experimental animals.

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević, N. Ahmetović, Suad Sivić, Melita Lelić

The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between average monthly concentrations of sulfur dioxide and a rate of prescribed inhalation bronchodilator therapy in children aged under 6 years during 2011 in Zenica city. The average monthly concentration of sulfur dioxide of 231μg/m3 recorded in January, 82 μg/m3 in July and 296μg/m3 in December was noted. The monthly rate of prescribed inhalation bronchodilators in examined 100 children was 15.4% in January, 7.8% in July and 18.1% in December (r = 0.666; p less than 0.05). The increase in the average monthly concentration of sulfur dioxide in ambient air had an effect on the increase in the rate of applied inhalation bronchodilator therapy in children aged under 6 years.

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