
Publikacije (32)

Fahira Alibegović-Zečić, Slavica Piplica, Ć. Crnkić, D. Tahirović, Aida Kavazović, A. Gagić

Common feeds usually contain essential minerals but often in insufficient amounts or in suboptimal ratios. Beside basic feeds, animals require dietary mineral supplements in order to maintain good health and production, especially if kept in confinement permanently. Adequate mineral uptake together with food and water intake represents one of the basic requirements for successful animal production. Animal feeding practice uses numerous mineral supplements to provide calcium. Limestone (calcium carbonate) is the most widely used out of them all. The aim of this paper was to examine the variability in composition of limestone for animal feeds produced in B&H in relation to the current national Regulations on Animal Feed. Content of calcium (Ca) was determined in 71 samples of limestone, content of magnesium (Mg) in 56, and content of iron (Fe) in 29 samples. All samples originated from two B&H producers. Minerals Ca, Mg and Fe were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results showed that the composition of limestone for animal feeds varied widely in relation to the current Regulations on Animal Feed. Content of Ca ranged from 22,8% to 39,78%, and content of Mg from 0,13% to 12,28%. Key words: limestone, calcium, magnesium

A. Softić, Aida Kavazović, A. Gagić, V. Katica, V. Šakić, Maja Varatanović

The possibility of using different probiotic products primarily in animal food represents a special direction in the modern production of broiler meat. Intensive broiler production has been improved in the last few decades especially in the fields of genetics, nutrition and technology, in order to achieve maximum growth broilers, the optimal utilization of food and high yields, especially white meat. Considering the above mentioned research was conducted in order to examine the impact of commercial probiotic products on the body conformation of the carcasses of chickens after 42 days of fattening. In experiment was used a total of 30 chickens provenience Cobb divided into two groups (P and K). Chickens from both groups were vaccinated according to the plan and program of immunoprophylaxis, and selected technical and technological solutions of accommodation, as well as feeding and watering chickens were in accordance with the recommendations of the selectors for the floor system rearing. Chickens of experimental group (P) were given in drinking water, a commercial probiotic Probios ®, a soluble powder for poultry, product of a company Chr. Hansen A / S, Denmark. Probiotic treatment of experimental groups of chickens was conducted the first three days of life and three days during the vaccination of chickens (the day before, on the day and the day after vaccination). Measures of body conformation (the breast circumference, keel length, breast depth, drumsticks circumference, shank length and breast angle) were determined on carcasses after the fattening of 42nd day using standard tools in livestock breeding. The results obtained from this study suggest that the usage of commercial probiotics in broiler chickens in intensive fattening has proved to be statistically significant on tested measure of body conformation.

E. Šatrović, L. Krkalić, A. Ćutuk, T. Goletić, Aida Kavazović

Avian chlamydiosis is an infectious disease of birds caused by gram-negative bacterium Chlamydophila psittaci. However, this disease can occure among other mammals including humans. Chlamydiosis often presents as an inapparent infection, especially in older birds. During stressful conditions (deficient diet, transportation, great population density in small spaces, etc.) and comorbidity, however, the birds usually begin to either present with the clinical signs of chlamydiosis, or secrete many causative agents to the environment. Depending on the serotype of the causative agent, and the type and age of the host, the disease usually causes systemic disorders, and is often fatal. The affected birds present with lethargy, fever, typical yellow-green discharge from the eyes and nose, diarrhea, anorexia and the weight lost. Bearing capacity is reduced. Autopsy findings show hepatomegaly with necrotic foci, splenomegaly and fibrinous inflammation of the pericardium, peritoneum and air sacs. Pathohistological findings reveal elementary bodies in the intercellular space dyed red to reddish purple using the Gimenez technique. Key words: avian chlamydiosis, pathomorphological changes, histopathological changes

Ć. Crnkić, S. Muratović, Slavica Piplica, Aida Kavazović, Stanimir Kutlaca

The effects of an anionic versus cationic (control) diet on plasma mineral levels and health status were investigated in 24 dry pregnant Holstein-Friesian cows during the last 3 weeks of pregnancy. The cows were in their third or fourth parity, had a moderate level of milk production in their previous lactation, and did not have a history of milk fever. The anionic diet significantly improved plasma calcium status, as compared to the control (2.18 vs. 1.99 mmol L -1 ) and nonsignificantly reduced the incidence of subc linical hypocalcemia (1/12 vs. 5/12) without affecting other periparturient diseases. Other plasma mineral levels were unaffected, except chloride, which was higher in the anionic group. The results show that an anionic diet could improve calcium status around the time of parturition and reduce the incidence of subclinical hypocalcemia when fed to moderate producing dairy cows not predisposed to milk fever.

T. Goletić, A. Gagić, E. Rešidbegović, A. Kustura, Aida Kavazović, V. Savić, T. Harder, E. Starick et al.

Abstract In order to determine the actual prevalence of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in wild birds in Bosnia and Herzegovina, extensive surveillance was carried out between October 2005 and April 2006. A total of 394 samples representing 41 bird species were examined for the presence of influenza A virus using virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs, PCR, and nucleotide sequencing. AIV subtype H5N1 was detected in two mute swans (Cygnus olor). The isolates were determined to be highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus and the hemagglutinin sequence was closely similar to A/Cygnus olor/Astrakhan/Ast05-2-10/2005 (H5N1). This is the first report of HPAI subtype H5N1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A. Softić, A. Gagić, V. Katica, Aida Kavazović, V. Šakić, R. Ćutuk, Maja Varatanović

Our aim was to examine the influence of stocking density on the conformation in live broilers of Cobb provenance. A total of 120 chickens of Cobb 500 provenance are divided into three groups with 40 animals each (two experimental and one control group). At the end of the first week of feeding, 20 chickens were sampled and marked by random sampling. Chickens from the first experimental group (P1) represented the group with lower population of stocking density (12 chicks/m 2 ), chickens from the second experimental group (P2) represented the group of chickens with a higher population of stocking density (18 chicks/m 2 ), while the stocking density of the control group (K) chickens was in line with technological recommendations (15 chicks /m 2 ). During the experiment, marked chickens were monitored and measured for the chest circumference, drumstick circumference, length of keel (Crista sterni), breast depth and breast angle on a weekly basis. Measures conformations were taken in live chickens in hanging position with the use of appropriate instruments: millimeter measuring tape, caliper and protractor ZP-3. The results were statistically analyzed, statistically significant differences were noted, and correlation coefficient was determined. The longest circumference and depth of chest, drumstick circumference, and keel length were observed in the control group of chickens by the end of the experiment. The differences in comparison with the experimental groups were not statistically significant. The results indicate that compliance with the production technology can result in better production indicators and other factors including the success of intensive poultry production. Key words: stocking density, conformation, live broiler, Cobb provenance

Fahira Alibegović-Zečić, A. Gagić, Slavica Piplica, Aida Kavazović, Ć. Crnkić, E. Rešidbegović

Tijekom 2003-2004. godine pratili smo kretanje sadržaja olova u fitogenim, animalnim i mineralnim komponentama te kompletnim krmnim smjesama za hranidbu peradi. Za kemijsku analizu ukupno su prikupljena 123 uzorka i to: 61 uzorak fitogenih, 15 uzoraka animalnih, 20 uzoraka mineralnih krmiva i 27 uzoraka krmnih smjesa koje su proizvedene u TSH i MSH (mješaonica sto ne hrane) na podru ju Bosne i Hercegovine. Kemijske analize izvršene su u laboratoriju Katedre za hranu i ishranu životinja Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveu ilišta u Sarajevu. Sadržaj Pb odre en je metodom plamene atomske apsorpcijske spektrofotometrije – AAS prema A.O.A.C.-u. Dobiveni rezultati kemijske analize svedeni su na 88% suhe tvari i statisti ki obra eni. Prosje an sadržaj Pb (mg/kg) u fitogenim krmivima iznosio je: kukuruz 0,469, pšenica 0,569, lucerka 3,152, sto no brašno 1,332, sojina sa ma 1,652, suncokretova sa ma 1,808 uz varijacijski raspon od 0,354 do 4,006. U animalnim krmivima prosje an sadržaj olova (mg/kg) iznosio je: u kvascu 3,322 i ribljem brašnu 5,899 uz variacionu širinu od 2,113 do 7,036, a u mineralnim krmivima, u sto noj kredi 17,579 i DiCa-P 13,700 uz varijacijski raspon od 12.480 do 20,270. Sadržaj Pb u kompletnim krmnim smjesama za perad prosje no je iznosio 3,315 mg/kg, uz varijacijski raspon od 1,542 do 7,504 mg/kg.

T. Goletić, A. Gagić, E. Rešidbegović, A. Kustura, Aida Kavazović, V. Savić, T. Harder, E. Starick et al.

Important Findings In order to determine the prevalence of avian influenza viruses (AIV) in wild birds in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH), extensive surveillance was carried out between October 2005 and April 2006. A total of 394 samples representing 41 bird species were examined for the presence of influenza A virus. AIV subtype H5N1 was detected in 2 mute swans (Cygnus olor). The isolates were determined to be highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus. This is the first report of HPAI subtype H5N1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

E. Šatrović, E. Rešidbegović, Zijah Hadžiomerović, L. Krkalić, T. Goletić, Aida Kavazović, P. Džaja, M. Vegara

Between 2007 and 2008, we carried out a non-selective research of avian chlamydiosis in the wild and cultured pheasants. Of note is this was the first time avian chlamydiosis was diagnosed in the pheasants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The samples were provided through the hunting associations during the pheasants-hunting season, and from the pheasant farm in Orasje which is specialized in breeding and releasing pheasants into their natural environment. We examined a total of 19 samples of cloacal and oropharingeal swabs of the breed pheasants and 27 wild pheasants by the following diagnostic methods: bacteriological, ELISA test for the detection of antigen, EIA test, and rRT-PCR test. To avoid false-positive results, we first did bacteriological examination followed by testing cloacal samples by ELISA and EIA tests. Samples positive by ELISA and EIA tests were then sent to the reference laboratory in the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Jena (Germany) for the rRT-PCR detection of Cp. psittaci. Of the total of 46 cloacal swabs of the wild and breed pheasants examined by ELISA (IDEIA) and EIA (CW) tests for the detection of antigens, eight (17.4%) tested positive; breed pheasants 21.1% and wild pheasants 14.8%. Of the total of eight samples of the wild pheasants that tested positive on ELISA (IDEI) and EIA tests, none was positive by the rRT-PCR method. The aim was to investigate the presence of avian chlamydiosis in pheasants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Keys words: avian chlamydiosis, pheasants

E. Šatrović, E. Rešidbegović, Zijah Hadžiomerović, L. Krkalić, T. Goletić, Aida Kavazović, P. Džaja, M. Vegara

Between 2007 and 2008, we carried out a non-selective research of avian chlamydiosis in the ducks in the area with extensive population of birds where hunting is highly developed. Of note is this was the first time avian chlamydiosis was diagnosed in the wild ducks in BiH. The samples were provided through the hunting associations during the ducks-hunting season. We examined a total of 59 samples of cloacal and oropharingeal swabs of the wild ducks by the following diagnostic methods: bacteriological, ELISA test for the detection of antigen, EIA test, and rRT-PCR test. To avoid false-positive results, we first did bacteriological examination followed by testing cloacal samples by ELISA and EIA tests. Samples positive by ELISA and EIA tests were then sent to the reference laboratory in the Friedrich Loeffler Institute in Jena (Germany) for the rRT-PCR detection of Cp. psittaci. Of the total of 59 cloacal swabs examined by ELISA (IDEIA) and EIA (CW) method for the detection of antigen, seven (11.9%) tested positive. Of the total of seven samples that tested positive by ELISA (IDEIA) and EIA methods, two (28.6%) were positive by rRT-PCR method. The aim was to investigate the presence of avian chlamydiosis in the ducks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Key words: avian chlamydiosis, ducks

Dugogodisnje koristenja antibiotika u intenzivnoj peradarskoj proizvodnji, bilo kao stimulatora rasta ili u prevenciji oboljenja, rezultiralo je odlaganjem rezidua u jajima i mesu peradi, te pojavi bakterija specifi no rezistentnih na antibiotike. Iz navedenih razloga sirom svijetu je uo ljiv trend zabrane upotrebe pojedinih antibiotika u nutritivne ili profilakti ke svrhe, uz istovremeno traženje alternativnih i neskodljivih sredstava za zamjenu.

Fahira Alibegović-Zečić, Ć. Crnkić, Slavica Piplica, Aida Kavazović, Emina Rašidbegović

Tijekom 2000. godine, slu ajnim uzorkovanjem potpunih krmnih smjesa za pastrve u ribogojilištima na podru ju Bosne i Hercegovine prikupljen je i na kemijsku analizu dostavljen 31 uzorak i to: 16 uzoraka za mla i 15 uzoraka za rast i tov. Od ukupnog broja, 29 uzoraka vodilo je podrijetlo od inozemnih proizvo a a. Kontrola deklariranog sastava izvršena je kemijskom analizom u laboratoriju Katedre za hranu i ishranu životinja Veterinarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Utvr eno je da su krmne smjese za mla prosje no sadržavale: vlage 6,14%, bjelan evina 50,46%, masno e 16,92%, vlaknine 1,18%, i pepela 8,87%. Krmne smjese za rast i tov pastrve prosje no su sadržavale: vlage 6,97%, bjelan evina 43,86%, masno e 15,82%, vlaknine 2,25%, i pepela 7,43%. Prosje an sadržaj mineralnih elemenata u svim uzorcima iznosio je: kalcija 1,56%, fosfora 1,29%, magnezija 0,17%, natrija 0,51%, kalija 1,00%, željeza 247,45 mg/kg, mangana 53,79 mg/kg, bakra 10,39 mg/kg i cinka 147,17 mg/kg.

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