
Publikacije (7)

Adela Jahić, Meliha Bijedić, Lejla Kuralić Čišić, Almedina Hrnjić, Emina Suljkanović-Đedović

Cilj rada je utvrditi razlikuju li se srednjoškolci u gradu Živinice u izraženosti kognitivnih stilova uvjetovanih kockanjem s obzirom na spol, dob i vrstu škole. Istraživanje je provedeno u na uzorku od 340 učenika oba spola (170 učenika i 170 učenica) u srednjim školama na području grada Živinice. Zastupljeni su učenici od 1-4 razreda, a dob ispitanika se kreće od 16 do 18 godina. Za potrebe istraživanja korištena su dva mjerna instrumenta: Zambardov upitnik vremenske perspektive eng. Zimbardo TimePerspective Inventory (ZTPI), (Zimbardo i Boyd, 1999), Međunarodni fond varijabli ličnosti (eng. Internacional personality item pool-IPIP) (Goldberg, 1999). Podaci su prikupljeni putem samoiskaza. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je prosječna starosna dob muških ispitanika koji nisu igrali neku od igara na sreću 16,74 godine, dok su oni koji su igrali neku od igara na sreću u prosjeku stari 17,01 godinu. Od ukupno 112 učenika koji su se izjasnili da su igrali neku od igara na sreću, njih 85 ili 68,00% su učenici četverogodišnje strukovne škole, dok je 27 ili 60,00% učenici gimnazije. . Između ženskih učenika sklonih i onih koji nisu skloni kockanju dobivena je statistički značajna razlika u ekstraverziji, jednoj od petofaktorskih dimenzija ličnosti (P<0,05).

Emina Suljkanović Đedović, Lejla Kuralić Čišić, Adela Jahić, Meliha Bijedić

Cilj rada je utvrditi povezanost zastupljenosti pojedinih faktora rizika i učešća nastavnika u ostvarivanju preventivnog djelovanja škole. Uzorak ispitanika u ovom istraživanju čine 450 učenika osnovne škole, oba spola. Istraživanje je realizovano u Općini Doboj Istok i Gračanica, i to u osnovnoj školi Klokotnica, Brijesnica, Lukavica i Hasan Kikić. Primijenjena su tri upitnika, dva standardirirana: ASEBA Youth Self-Report - YRS (Achenbach, 2007.) i Modificirani upitnik za procjenu nivoa rizičnosti/potreba (YLS/MCI) autora Andrews i Hoge (1994) i jedan kreiran za potrebe istraživanja. Za obradu podataka korišteni je statistički program SPSS 20.0. za operativni sistem Microsoft Windows. U dokazivanju metrijskih svojstava skala korišten je Cronbach alfu koeficijent. U odradi podataka korištene su metode deskriptivne statistike, t-test, ANOVA, diskriminacijska funkcija i regresijska analiza. Rezultati regresijske analize pokazuju da su značajni prediktori: slab školski uspjeh, ponavljanje razreda, velik broj neopravdanih izostanaka, neprimjeren odnos prema nastavnicima/autoritetima, neprimjereno ponašanje prema vršnjacima u školi. S obzirom na predznak koji je vezan uz pojedine koeficijente može se zaključiti da je učešće nastavnika u ostvarivanju preventivnog djelovanja škole veoma važna stavka, kada je u pitanju djelovanje na rizične faktore na nivou škole.

Poslednjih decenija sve je prisutnija pojava porasta problema u ponašanju kod djece i adolescenata. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi razlike u porodičnoj orijentaciji i strukturi porodice između adolescenata sa eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima i tipično razvijenih adolescenata. Uzorak ispitanika čini 587 adolescena oba spola. Istraživanje je realizovano u petnaest osnovnih škola na području Tuzle tako što je iz svake škole uključeno po dva odjeljenja, jedno sedmog i jedno osmog razreda. Uzorak je namjerni (samo sedmi i osmi razredi), a unutar njega metodom slučaja su izabirani razredi. U istraživanju su korištena dva mjerna instrumenta: Youth Self-Report – YRS (Achenbach, 2007) i Skala porodičnog okruženja, verzija za adolescente (Family Envinoment Scale – FES, Moos, Moos, 2009). Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na postojanje razlike između adolescenata koji žive sa oba roditelja i onih koji su iz nepotpune porodice. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su na skalama Agresivno ponašanje (t = - 2,23; p < 0,00), Ponašanje kojim se krše pravila (t = -3,22; p < 0,00) i dimenziji Eksternalizacije (t = -2,82; p < 0,00). Kod porodične orijentacije je također prisutna statistička razlika. Dovodeći u vezu strukturu porodice porodice sa internaliziranim problemima uočeno je da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike.

Edina Kuduzović, Edin Muftić, Azra Kurtić, Adela Jahić

Reduced physical activity and an increase in sedentary habits, as one of the factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and other diseases, are also present in the youth population. The increasing of sedentary lifestyle and the reducing of physical activity can have negative consequences for the health of both genders, including increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is believed that almost 50% of young people do not practice regular physical activity. Regular physical activity reduces the risk in adults of early death caused by coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, colon and breast cancer and depression. Studies investigating the sedentary lifestyle of young people in the United States show that the length of watching TV is directly proportional to the frequency of obesity. Daily moderate (medium-intensity) physical activity is beneficial for all people, regardless of age. The World Health Organization, within its "Health for All" strategy for the region of Europe, has set the goal for young people to be healthier and more capable to fulfill their roles in society in the year 2020 and that the psycho-social condition of people needs to be improved and help and service should be available to them, which will be better able to include and be more accessible to people with a mental health problem.

The school is an institution that represents an important link in the social care chain for children and young people, which also involves taking various measures to prevent the occurrence of undesirable behaviors. The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of risk factors between adolescents with externalized and internalized problems and typically developing adolescents, and to determine in which segment, in the opinion of teachers, early social-pedagogical intervention is most needed. The research sample is made up of 450 students (233 male and 217 female) of the seventh and eighth grades of primary school. The results show that the highest risk factors are present in the group of students with externalized behavioral problems, slightly less in the group with internalized problems, and the least in students without behavioral and emotional problems. When it comes to early social-pedagogical interventions, in the opinion of teachers, they should be comprehensive and implemented by a competent expert.

Edin Muftić, Adela Jahić, R. Kovačević

The aim of the research is to determine the characteristics of the prosocial behavior of primary and high school students in terms of the structure of leisure time. The sample of respondents consists of 230 students of the final grades of primary and high schools, both genders, aged 14-19. The research was conducted in the area of Tuzla during the school year 2017/2018. years. The survey used the measuring instrument "Scale of self-assessment of juvenility behavior YSR". Mann Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis of data. When analyzing the prosocial behavior of primary and high school students in terms of the structure of leisure time, statistically significant differences at the level of p≤0,05 were established in such a way that students with structured leisure time compared to students whose leisure time is not structured more often : are fairly honest, they do things better than most children, they can be pretty friendly, they are skillful with their hands, they fight for their rights, enjoy being with other people, they like to make others laugh, they like to help others.

Anxiety occurs as a most common issue at children and adolescents. Anxiety is the basic symptom of all forms of social nonconformity and emotional damage.The complexity of issues at chronically ill and hospitalized children and adolescents comes from the need for a permanent contact with medical personnel, frequent stay in the hospital, being subject to various medical treatments and rehabilitation programmes which can affect the healthy attachment with the family and the peers. The objective of the research is to determine the presence of anxiety at chronically hospitalized children and adolescents and to detect it’s relation to the adjustment issues.In accordance with the objective the hypothesis has been set up and proven by statistical methods. The research has been conducted at The Clinic for Children’s Diseases, University Clinical Center Tuzla on the sample of 120 subjects. The data was collected during 2014. The research proved that there is a connection between adjustment disability and anxiety at chronically hospitalized children and adolescents. In relation to the adjustment areas, the descriptive statistical parameters were shown for: antisicial behaviour, anger control issues, emotional difficulties, positive attitude towards oneself and the overall adjustment.

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