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Edina Kuduzović

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Benjamin Avdić, Edina Kuduzović

Savremeni trendovi u zapošljavanju kandidata na otvorenom tržištu rada podrazumijevaju sve veću zastupljenost menadžera ljudskih resursa i regrutera u kompanijama, potencijalnim poslodavcima, koji su koordinatori procesa pronalaska, intervjuiranja, selekcije i zapošljavanja radnika. Kako su oni, sve češće, prve karike u lancu zapošljavanja i za osobe s invaliditetom, cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati percepciju regrutera i menadžera ljudskih resursa o najprimjerenijim oblicima zapošljavanja i teškoćama pri zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku koji je sačinjavalo 18 ispitanika oba spola, s područja Hercegovačko-neretvanskog (33,3%), Tuzlanskog (11,1%) i Kantona Sarajevo (55,6%), primjenom Upitnika o mišljenju poslodavaca o radu i zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom (Kozjak i Lapat, 2018). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da regruteri i menadžeri ljudskih resursa uglavnom imaju pozitivna mišljenja i percepciju prema zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom. Najveće frekvencije percipiranih teškoća pri zapošljavanju osoba sa invaliditetom se odnose na pojedine varijable u područjima komunikacije s osobama s invaliditetom i prilagodbe radnog mjesta, dok se radna efikasnost osobe s invaliditetom i utjecaj osobe s invaliditetom na druge uposlenike ne percipiraju kao teškoće za zapošljavanje osoba s invaliditetom. Postojanje statistički značajnih razlika najviše je utvrđeno u odnosu na djelatnost kompanije u kojoj su zaposleni ispitanici. Rezultati također pokazuju da regruteri i menadžeri ljudskih resursa percipiraju zapošljavanje na otvorenom tržištu rada najprimjerenijim oblikom zapošljavanja osoba s invaliditetom, te da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u odnosu na djelatnost kompanije u kojoj su zaposleni ili prethodno osobno i profesionalno iskustvo s osobama s invaliditetom.

Adis Zukić, Dževad Hadžić, Edina Kuduzović, Dženana Radžo Alibegović, Azra Kurtić, Benjamin Avdić

The main goal of this paper is to determine the level of independence in performing daily activities in children and youth with cerebral palsy who are included in the regular education and rehabilitation program and to see their progress in relation to children and youth with cerebral palsy who are occasionally included or not included in the education and rehabilitation program. The research was conducted in the Center for Children with Multiple Disabilities "Koraci Nade (eng. Steps of Hope)" in Tuzla as well as in practice with the mobile team of the Centre. Total of 40 respondents were included. Respondents were divided into two groups: respondents who were included in the program and respondents who were occasionally or not at all included in the program. The results of the research indicate that the respondents who were included in the regular program of education and rehabilitation achieve better results in performing activities of everyday life in relation to the respondents who are occasionally or not at all included in the program. Key words: cerebral palsy, motor functioning, daily life activities, treatment

The aim of this study was to determine metric characteristics of the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD 3). The study included 146 children from Bosnia and Herzegovina, aged 3-10,4 (6,80 ± 2,23 years; 46,6% male; 53,4% females). Based on the obtained research results it can be concluded that Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-3) has satisfactory reliability and internal consistency for children aged 3 to 10 years. Mutual correlations confirm the homogenity of the scale. Based on results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Test of Gross Motor Development is not sensitive for subjects included in this study. The obtained results of the confirmatory factor analysis of this model show a partial agreement of the assumed model with the data ( h2 = 108.17, df = 64, h2 / df = 1.69, TLI = 0.86, CFI = 0.72, NFI = 0.72., RMSEA = 0.07 CI = 0.04-0.09). The data was analyzed with the SPSS 20 software (with the AMOS package). The limitations in the research are the respondents, because due to the epidemiological situation caused by COVID 19, a convenience sample of respondents was selected. Key words: Motor development, TGMD 3, childhood, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis.

Edina Kuduzović, Edin Muftić, Azra Kurtić, Adela Jahić

Reduced physical activity and an increase in sedentary habits, as one of the factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus and other diseases, are also present in the youth population. The increasing of sedentary lifestyle and the reducing of physical activity can have negative consequences for the health of both genders, including increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is believed that almost 50% of young people do not practice regular physical activity. Regular physical activity reduces the risk in adults of early death caused by coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, colon and breast cancer and depression. Studies investigating the sedentary lifestyle of young people in the United States show that the length of watching TV is directly proportional to the frequency of obesity. Daily moderate (medium-intensity) physical activity is beneficial for all people, regardless of age. The World Health Organization, within its "Health for All" strategy for the region of Europe, has set the goal for young people to be healthier and more capable to fulfill their roles in society in the year 2020 and that the psycho-social condition of people needs to be improved and help and service should be available to them, which will be better able to include and be more accessible to people with a mental health problem.


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