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Senad Mehmedinović

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Senad Mehmedinović, Midhat Čaušević, M. Zildžić, Renata Salihovic, Benjamin Avdić, Mirza Sitarević, N. Salihefendic, Samir Sinanovic

Background: In December of 2019, SARS-CoV-2, a new type of coronavirus, appeared, and it turned into an international epidemic. The consequences of the pandemic, especially the isolation measures, fear of infection and bad economic trends, as a result of the crisis, threaten people's basic psychological needs. Objective: The objective of this research was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and perceived social support of persons with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: The research included a total sample of 232 respondents with different types of disabilities. The Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) was used to verify the research objective, which assessed three dimensions: somatization, depression and anxiety. Also, in order to verify the research objective, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support was applied, which consists of 12 statements that measure the perceived social support of family, friends and other people. The research data was processed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The basic statistical parameters were calculated, while the t-test was used for an independent sample of respondents to verify the set objective. Results: The results of the research showed that persons with disabilities, who were infected with the SARS-Cov-2 virus, had a significantly higher level of somatization, anxiety and depression compared to those who were not infected with the virus. The results in relation to social support did not prove to be statistically significant. Conclusion: The obtained results lead to the conclusion that, in the future, interventions by experts of various profiles must be planned to preserve the mental health of persons with disabilities, which is why it is important to invest in the emotional, psychological, social, physical and spiritual well-being of the individual.

Amela Teskeredžić, Sadmela Bratanović, Senad Mehmedinović, H. Begiç, Hana Nurković

The motor development of the child, especially motor coordination, is important for performing purposeful activities. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of individual educational and rehabilitation treatment on motor coordination in students with visual impairment. The sample included one student, male, aged 9 years, with a diagnosis of nystagmus, amblyopia and astigmatism. The initial and final assessment was done with the student, and the Beery-Buktenica developmental test of visual-motor integration (VMI) fifth edition was used for the same, which is intended for the assessment of visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination. For the purposes of this research, the subtest Motor Coordination was used, which consists of 30 tasks. After the initial assessment, an individual educational-rehabilitation treatment lasting 2 months was conducted. Survey data was processed by frequency analysis. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that there has been an improvement in students in the field of motor coordination. The results of the research indicated the importance of recognizing students with motor coordination difficulties as early as possible, as well as the importance of conducting educational and rehabilitation treatment, with a positive effect on motor coordination. Keywords: visual impairment, motor coordination, educational-rehabilitation program.

Senad Mehmedinović, Farzad Mohammadi, H. Begiç, Edina Šarić, Naida Morić, Amela Sinanović

The aim of the study was to assess gross motor skills between boys and girls of preschool and primary school age. The study included a total sample of 83 respondents (49.3% boys) with an average chronological age of 6.14 ± 2.25 years. The Test of Gross Motor Development–3rd Edition (TGMD-3) was used to verify the set research goal. Research data were analyzed by the method of parametrical statistics. To determine the differences in gross motor skills between boys and girls, t-test was used for an independent sample of respondents. Based on the obtained research results, it can be concluded that there are no statistically significant differences between boys and girls on the locomotor and “Ball skills” subtest. Although no statistically significant differences were recorded, generally, boys achieve better results on the subtest “Ball skills” compared to girls. It is suggested that intervention programs be designed to improve girls' performance in ball skills. Key words: Children, TGMD-3, Locomotor, Ball skills, Gender.

The aim of this study was to determine metric characteristics of the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD 3). The study included 146 children from Bosnia and Herzegovina, aged 3-10,4 (6,80 ± 2,23 years; 46,6% male; 53,4% females). Based on the obtained research results it can be concluded that Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-3) has satisfactory reliability and internal consistency for children aged 3 to 10 years. Mutual correlations confirm the homogenity of the scale. Based on results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Test of Gross Motor Development is not sensitive for subjects included in this study. The obtained results of the confirmatory factor analysis of this model show a partial agreement of the assumed model with the data ( h2 = 108.17, df = 64, h2 / df = 1.69, TLI = 0.86, CFI = 0.72, NFI = 0.72., RMSEA = 0.07 CI = 0.04-0.09). The data was analyzed with the SPSS 20 software (with the AMOS package). The limitations in the research are the respondents, because due to the epidemiological situation caused by COVID 19, a convenience sample of respondents was selected. Key words: Motor development, TGMD 3, childhood, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis.

The aim of the study was to determine the psychological characteristics of mothers of children with cerebral palsy. The study included a sample of 30 respondents. The sample consisted of mothers of children with cerebral palsy, chronologically aged 25 to 60. The research was conducted at the Centre for Children with Multiple Disabilities “Koraci Nade”. For the purpose of checking the set research aim, Symptom Checklist-SCL-90-R, consisting of a list of 90 particles (problems), was applied, and the task was to assess the respondent's anxiety about each of the aforementioned problems over the past week (e.g., headaches, tension or anxiety, excessive worrying). The survey data were processed using the parametric statistics method. Central tendency measures, dispersion measures were calculated, and a tabular presentation of the results was done. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the mothers of children with cerebral palsy have the most pronounced problems in areas of somatization, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, as well as anxiety.

Alma Dizdarevic, Zulfo Ahmetović, D. Malec, Amila Mujezinović, Melika Ahmetović, Fata Zilić, Senad Mehmedinović

Since the development of the original Support Intensity Scale—Adult Version (SIS-A) and the Support Intensity Scale—Child Version (SIS-C), the interest in supporting people with intellectual disabilities (ID) has changed. Resource allocation, better quality of resource utilization in the rehabilitation process, the development of support systems, and redefining the roles of organizations that support people with ID are just some of the changes. The aim of this study was to determine the factor structure of the SIS-C conducted on a sample of Bosnian–Herzegovinian (B&H) children (SISC B&H). The study included 377 children ID in B&H, aged 5-16. The data was analyzed with the SPSS 21 software (with the AMOS package). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to examine the factor structure of the SIS-C. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied to determine the factor and constructive validity of SIS-C B&H. The CFA results indicated a poor fit of both the theoretical and empirical models even after modifications were made. The EFA showed the opposite results. This could be explained by the fact that within the factor solutions obtained from the EFA, various aslope or orthogonal models, linear or hierarchical, can be constructed. Among these models, some exhibited good fit to the data. Thus, data from the current study could be used to generate new hypotheses and deliver more conclusive answers.

Alma Dizdarevic, Vesna Bratovčić, Senad Mehmedinović, Amila Mujezinović, S. Porobič, Bahira Demirović

This study describes validation of a screening model for Referrals to Support with Hidden Disabilities in Higher Education. A screening model describes the screening procedures implemented by HEIs in all 8 public universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the study, 5073 bachelor students were participated. There were 1371 (27%) male and 3702 (73%) female participants. In this research, the questionnaire for students in higher education was used. In order to validate the screening model, a multivariate method of exploratory factor analysis was applied. The intercorrelation of manifest variables was calculated, and on the basis of the obtained coefficients, the variables were selected for further analysis. The variables were subjected by calculating the coefficient of the inner consistency of the Cronbach alpha, and an estimate of the reliability of the variables was made by calculating the interstellar statistics. On the basis of the obtained results of factor analysis, a set of 28 manifest variables have been reduced to 15 variables that have satisfactory reliability and internal agreement, and it is justifiable to use them as a screening model. Findings support the requirement for a reliable and valid standardized assessment procedure for HEIs, which would provide equitable access to an initial diagnosis.

Vesna Bratovčić, Branimir Mikić, Senad Mehmedinović, Edina Šarić, Žarko Kostovski

IntroductionSitting volleyball is sports activity which gives evident positive effects during rehabilitation and general resocialization of persons with physical disabilities. Motorical abilities (handiness, agility, flexibility, endurance, strength, speed and similar are developed through this game) (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999). Sitting volleyball is extremely dynamic game in which all persons with physical disability give maximum of its possibilities thereby achieving positive transformations from any aspect (physiological, psychological, sociological, motor etc) (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999). The movements of the body in sitting volleyball are specific, unnatural and learned, and differ significantly from natural forms of movement. The movements in sitting volleyball have sports purposes and they are most commonly used for activities on the ball (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999). Specificity of the game is such that players "must" sit on the ground during the game or in the course of playing of game elements their gluteal part must be in contact with the ground (Mahmutovic & Turkovic, 1999).Sitting volleyball is a game that involves rally of two teams made up of a maximum of twelve, and at least six members in each. Twelve players participate in game, six in each team. The game is played in three won sets on principle of tie-breaks up to 25 points with a difference of two points in first four sets, and in the fifth set, tie-break is played up to 15 points with a difference of two points. Three balls whose colour, shape and weight is determined per rules of the World Organisation Volleyball for Disabled (WOVD) is used during the game.The rules of the sitting volleyball are structured in a way so that they enable the players to show the best of their abilities, spirit, creativity and aesthetics during the competition. With a few exceptions, sitting volleyball enables all players to play on attack (game on the net) and in defence (in background) and to serve.Like other games with net, it has certain elements such as: service, rotation, attack, defence, but it is exceptional in that the ball must constantly remain in the air and in that it allows certain degree of internal switching of the ball among the players of one team.The introduction of specialized defence player (sweeper) into sitting volleyball allowed for the game to additionally gain on dynamics. Today, there are twenty registered teams in sitting volleyball in Bosnia and Herzegovina which compete in two leagues and which are: First Federal league and Second Federal league. Each league has ten teams. Sitting volleyball is a sport in Bosnia and Herzegovina with most trophies. National team of sitting volleyball has on international level in period from 2001-2013 won 11 gold and two silver medals on international competitions, out of which 7 gold medals were from European Championships, two gold medals and one silver medal on World Championships and two gold and one silver medal on Paralympic Games. Optimal physique is apparently an advantage to volleyball performance. Only when a volleyball team is collectively equipped with all the ideal anthropometric characteristics can the team win the dominance in a game (Chen, 2005). However, as opposed to standing up volleyball, the players in sitting volleyball are recruited from population of persons with disabilities, regardless of morphological and motor predispositions usually preferred with volleyball players, such as longitudinal dimensionality of skeleton, explosive strength, coordination and above all agility. Characteristic which has negative impact on the success of the game is subcutaneous adipose tissue (Cabral, B., Cabral, S., Miranda, Dantas & Reis, 2011; Dopsaj, Nesic & Copic, 2010; Marelic, Ðurkovic & Resetar, 2007). Sitting volleyball can be played by male and female players with damaged movement system which includes classification of International Organisation of Sports for the Disabled (IOSD) for persons with amputations and classifications for other damages of musculoskeletal system (les autres), such as: cerebral palsy, damage to the spinal column, dwarfism, dysmelia, hip and knee arthroplasty with permanent disabilities and similar. …

Factor analysis is one of multivariate data processing methods, which studies the causal relationships of phenomena, that is, the cause of integration. In the introductory part of the paper, the basic definitions and interpretations regarding the factor analysis and the terms of multivariate methods, and some examples have been given in defining the manifest and latent, as explorative and confirmative examples. The justification for the application of factor analysis is elaborated in the main part of the paper with reference to the various authors who have dealt with this issue. Also, the paper presents the procedures of factor analysis, and presents tables and graphs showing the results necessary for interpretation. Given that for special education and rehabilitation a biopsychosocial approach is fundamental, factor analysis can be a powerful tool when studying interconnections of different phenomena. Its proper application by educatorsrehabilitators, who act to this problem, may help in understanding the causes of connections of phenomena, and as such it helps in the development of a treatment for the prevention, education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.


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