
Publikacije (19)

Ranko Mirić, Nusret Drešković, Boris Avdić

Many modern countries have significant problems with disparities in development between core and periphery. Municipality of Kupres in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one typical example of peripheral area, which is located within the sparsely populated region of Dinaric Karst Highland. It is taken for the case study in this paper, because it shows certain signs of economic activation in the field of tourism. However, its mainstream tourism offer is of seasonal character, and it is not sufficient for sustainable economic growth and significant progress in socio-economic sense. That is why tourism offer need to become more diversified. Methodology in this paper is focused on analysis of all potentials and motives that wider area of Kupres possesses, which can be valorized through systematic approach of institutions and local community. It is intended to emphasize a significance of geographical expertise in these kinds of problematic. Field research and GIS analysis are used for exploration of study area.

Branislava Drašković, N. Drešković, Ranko Mirić

The city of East Sarajevo is a newborn city, formed twenty years ago, after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the area of the former southern and eastern Sarajevo municipalities. Changes that oc-curred in this area were not only administrative-political.Thepopulation moved from one area to anoth-er place, and changed in number and structure, which has resulted in significant changes in land use and land cover types. The aim of the paper is to analyze the types of land cover in the area of East Sarajevo using methods based on remote sensing, in order to find out the degree of these spatial changes in the period from 2000-2012, and also to define spatial development trends. Within the European project of remote research of land cover types and forms of land use, namedCO-RINE Land Cover (CLC),spacious facilities were identified from middle and large scale spatial resolution, with 5 first-level classes, 15 subclasses, and 44 subclasses of the third level of cover. Analyzing the area of East Sarajevo there are identified 3 of the first-class level, 10 second-class, and 16 third-class level types. Geodataare related to three observation periods: 2000, 2006, and 2012, comparing the situation at the beginning of the period with the situation after 12 years.

Ranko Mirić, Boris Avdić, Amra Banda, Amina Sivac

The social development of Bosnia and Herzegovina largely depends on the level of success in overcoming the existing political problems, which are originated in the recent or more distant past. The structure of political subjects and election results within the country clearly reflects a post-conflict state in society that is primarily divided by ethnical, and secondarily by ideological, regional and social lines, generated in the ambience of an extremely complex political-territorial structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a branch of political geography which among other things studies ways to define electoral units and spatial models of variations of voters behavior, electoral geography has emphasized competency in explaining these phenomena. This paper is thematizing a geographical component of the factual political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. spatial differentiation of voting affinities towards existing political options through the analysis of a complicated electoral system and election results for the highest government level – Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Considering that electoral geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina was completely neglected so far, results of this research can be used as a foundation for its further development. The selected data from the results of political subjects at the recent general elections were analyzed from the aspect of their election results at the local level, in municipalities and cities. In this way, territorial distribution of voter preferences and its general patterns are clarified.

N. Drešković, Ranko Mirić, Alma Pobric, Boris Avdić

Contemporary research and presentation of regional geographic contents in primary and secondary schools are almost entirely based on application of adequate GIS databases, which are organized according to the structure of education process. Geographic databases are sets of digital geospatial data systematized at the level of related thematic spatial features that are organized in accordance to an adequate regional geographic fields contained in subject of Geography in primary and secondary schools. Geobases attributes should be adjusted to educational contents in specific teaching lessons. Structurally they are dominantly numerical. Textual and other attribute forms are aplicable only in the specific cases, when content and presentation of teaching lesson have such character. Especially important aspect in content and geobase structure organization is possibility of creation of new geospatial data on the basis of existing attributes, which are based on application of adequate geoprocessing models. Geovisualization of an adequate attributive contents is based on structural GIS models for visualization, thereby putting thematic geobases contents into an adequate cartographic form, which enables automatic editing of all map elements. The tools for functional exploration of cartographic features are providing all the necessary prerequisites for achieving didactic objectives of contemporary geographic education process in primary and secondary schools.

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