
Publikacije (52)

H. Osmanovi'c, M. Hadžimehmedović, R. Omerovi'c, J. Stahov, V. Kashevarov, M. Ostrick, L. Tiator, A. Švarc

University of Tuzla, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Urfeta Vejzagića 4, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina European University ”Kallos”, Maršala Tita 2A-2B, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz,Germany P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, 119991 Moscow, Russia Rudjer Bošković Institute, Bijenička cesta 54, P.O. Box 180, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia Tesla Biotech, Mandlova 7, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia (Dated: July 15, 2021)

Klf Collaboration Moskov Amaryan, M. Bashkanov, S. Dobbs, J. Ritman, J. Stevens, I. Strakovsky, S. Adhikari, A. Asaturyan et al.

We propose to create a secondary beam of neutral kaons in Hall D at Jefferson Lab to be used with the GlueX experimental setup for strange hadron spectroscopy. The superior CEBAF electron beam will enable a flux on the order of $1\times 10^4~K_L/sec$, which exceeds the flux of that previously attained at SLAC by three orders of magnitude. The use of a deuteron target will provide first measurements ever with neutral kaons on neutrons. The experiment will measure both differential cross sections and self-analyzed polarizations of the produced $\Lambda$, $\Sigma$, $\Xi$, and $\Omega$ hyperons using the GlueX detector at the Jefferson Lab Hall D. The measurements will span CM $\cos\theta$ from $-0.95$ to 0.95 in the range W = 1490 MeV to 2500 MeV. The new data will significantly constrain the partial wave analyses and reduce model-dependent uncertainties in the extraction of the properties and pole positions of the strange hyperon resonances, and establish the orbitally excited multiplets in the spectra of the $\Xi$ and $\Omega$ hyperons. Comparison with the corresponding multiplets in the spectra of the charm and bottom hyperons will provide insight into he accuracy of QCD-based calculations over a large range of masses. The proposed facility will have a defining impact in the strange meson sector through measurements of the final state $K\pi$ system up to 2 GeV invariant mass. This will allow the determination of pole positions and widths of all relevant $K^\ast(K\pi)$ $S$-,$P$-,$D$-,$F$-, and $G$-wave resonances, settle the question of the existence or nonexistence of scalar meson $\kappa/K_0^\ast(700)$ and improve the constrains on their pole parameters. Subsequently improving our knowledge of the low-lying scalar nonet in general.

Klf Collaboration Moskov Amaryan, M. Bashkanov, S. Dobbs, J. Ritman, J. Stevens, I. Strakovsky, S. Adhikari, A. Asaturyan et al.

We propose to create a secondary beam of neutral kaons in Hall D at Jefferson Lab to be used with the GlueX experimental setup for strange hadron spectroscopy. The superior CEBAF electron beam will enable a flux on the order of $1\times 10^4~K_L/sec$, which exceeds the flux of that previously attained at SLAC by three orders of magnitude. The use of a deuteron target will provide first measurements ever with neutral kaons on neutrons. The experiment will measure both differential cross sections and self-analyzed polarizations of the produced $\Lambda$, $\Sigma$, $\Xi$, and $\Omega$ hyperons using the GlueX detector at the Jefferson Lab Hall D. The measurements will span CM $\cos\theta$ from $-0.95$ to 0.95 in the range W = 1490 MeV to 2500 MeV. The new data will significantly constrain the partial wave analyses and reduce model-dependent uncertainties in the extraction of the properties and pole positions of the strange hyperon resonances, and establish the orbitally excited multiplets in the spectra of the $\Xi$ and $\Omega$ hyperons. Comparison with the corresponding multiplets in the spectra of the charm and bottom hyperons will provide insight into he accuracy of QCD-based calculations over a large range of masses. The proposed facility will have a defining impact in the strange meson sector through measurements of the final state $K\pi$ system up to 2 GeV invariant mass. This will allow the determination of pole positions and widths of all relevant $K^\ast(K\pi)$ $S$-,$P$-,$D$-,$F$-, and $G$-wave resonances, settle the question of the existence or nonexistence of scalar meson $\kappa/K_0^\ast(700)$ and improve the constrains on their pole parameters. Subsequently improving our knowledge of the low-lying scalar nonet in general.

J. Briscoe, M. Hadžimehmedović, A. Kudryavtsev, V. Kulikov, M. Martemianov, I. Strakovsky, A. Švarc, V. Tarasov et al.

The γn → π 0 n differential cross section evaluated for 27 energy bins span the photon-energy range 290–813 MeV ( W = 1.195 – 1.553 GeV) and the pion c.m. polar production angles, ranging from 18 ◦ to 162 ◦ , making use of model-dependent nuclear corrections to extract π 0 production data on the neutron from measurements on the deuteron target. Additionally, the total photoabsorption cross section was measured. The tagged photon beam produced by the 883-MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI was used for the π 0 -meson production. Our accumulation of 3 . 6 × 10 6 γn → π 0 n events allowed a detailed study of the reaction dynamics. Our data are in reasonable agreement with previous A2 measurements and extend them to lower energies. The data are compared to predictions of previous SAID, MAID, and BnGa partial-wave analyses and to the latest SAID fit MA19 that included our data. Selected photon decay amplitudes N ∗ → γn at the resonance poles are determined for the first time.

H. Osmanovi'c, M. Hadžimehmedović, R. Omerovi'c, J. Stahov, M. Gorchtein, V. Kashevarov, K. Nikonov, M. Ostrick et al.

High precision data of the $\gamma p \to \pi^0 p$ reaction from its threshold up to $W=2$~GeV have been used in order to perform a single-energy partial wave analysis with minimal model dependence. Continuity in energy was achieved by imposing constraints from fixed-$t$ analyticity in an iterative procedure. Reaction models were only used as starting point in the very first iteration. We demonstrate that with this procedure partial wave amplitudes can be obtained which show only a minimal dependence on the initial model assumptions.

W. Briscoe, M. Hadzimehmedovi, A. Kudryavtsev, V. Kulikov, M. Martemianov, I. Strakovsky, A. Švarc, V. E. Tarasov et al.

The γn → π 0 n differential cross section evaluated for 27 energy bins span the photon-energy range 290–813 MeV ( W = 1.195 – 1.553 GeV) and the pion c.m. polar production angles, ranging from 18 ◦ to 162 ◦ , making use of model-dependent nuclear corrections to extract π 0 production data on the neutron from measurements on the deuteron target. Additionally, the total photoabsorption cross section was measured. The tagged photon beam produced by the 883-MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI was used for the π 0 -meson production. Our accumulation of 3 . 6 × 10 6 γn → π 0 n events allowed a detailed study of the reaction dynamics. Our data are in reasonable agreement with previous A2 measurements and extend them to lower energies. The data are compared to predictions of previous SAID, MAID, and BnGa partial-wave analyses and to the latest SAID fit MA19 that included our data. Selected photon decay amplitudes N ∗ → γn at the resonance poles are determined for the first time.

W. Briscoe, M. Hadžimehmedović, A. Kudryavtsev, V. Kulikov, M. Martemianov, I. Strakovsky, A. Švarc, V. E. Tarasov et al.

The γ n → π 0 n differential cross section evaluated for 27 energy bins span the photon-energy range 290–813 MeV ( W = 1.195 –1.553 GeV) and the pion c.m. polar production angles, ranging from 18 ∘ to 162 ∘ , making use of model-dependent nuclear corrections to extract π 0 production data on the neutron from measurements on the deuteron target. Additionally, the total photoabsorption cross section was measured. The tagged photon beam produced by the 883 MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI was used for the π 0 -meson production. Our accumulation of 3.6 × 10 6 γ n → π 0 n events allowed a detailed study of the reaction dynamics. Our data are in reasonable agreement with previous A2 measurements and extend them to lower energies. The data are compared with predictions of previous said, maid, and BnGa partial-wave analyses and to the latest said fit MA19 that included our data. Selected photon-decay amplitudes N ∗ → γ n at the resonance poles are determined for the first time.

A. vSvarc, H. Osmanovi'c, M. Hadvzimehmedovi'c, R. Omerovi'c, J. Stahov, V. Kashevarov, K. Nikonov, M. Ostrick et al.

It has recently been proven that the invariance of observables with respect to angle dependent phase rotations of reaction amplitudes mixes multipoles changing also their relative strength [1]. All contemporary partial wave analyses (PWA) in $\eta$ photoproduction on protons, either energy dependent (ED) [2-5] or single energy (SE) [6] do not take this effect into consideration. It is commonly accepted that there exist quite some similarity in the $E0+$ multipole for all PWA, but notable differences in this, but also in remaining partial waves still remain. In this paper we demonstrate that once this phase rotations are properly taken into account, all contemporary ED and SE partial wave analysis become almost identical for the dominant $E0+$ multipole, and the agreement among all other multipoles becomes much better. We also show that the the measured observables are almost equally well reproduced for all PWA, and the remaining differences among multipoles can be attributed solely to the difference of predictions for unmeasured observables. So, new measurements are needed.

A. Anisovich, V. Burkert, M. Hadžimehmedović, D. Ireland, E. Klempt, V. Nikonov, R. Omerović, A. Sarantsev et al.

A. Anisovich, V. Burkert, M. Hadžimehmedović, D. Ireland, E. Klempt, V. Nikonov, R. Omerović, H. Osmanovic et al.

Data on the reaction γp→K^{+}Λ from the CLAS experiments are used to derive the leading multipoles, E_{0+}, M_{1-}, E_{1+}, and M_{1+}, from the production threshold to 2180 MeV in 24 slices of the invariant mass. The four multipoles are determined without any constraints. The multipoles are fitted using a multichannel L+P model that allows us to search for singularities and to extract the positions of poles on the complex energy plane in an almost model-independent method. The multipoles are also used as additional constraints in an energy-dependent analysis of a large body of pion and photoinduced reactions within the Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis. The study confirms the existence of poles due to nucleon resonances with spin parity J^{P}=1/2^{-}, 1/2^{+}, and 3/2^{+} in the region at about 1.9 GeV.

H. Osmanovi'c, M. Hadžimehmedović, R. Omerovi'c, J. Stahov, V. Kashevarov, K. Nikonov, M. Ostrick, L. Tiator et al.

Partial wave amplitudes of meson photoproduction reactions are an important source of information in baryon spectroscopy. We investigate a new approach in single-energy partial wave analyses of these reactions. Instead of using a constraint to theoretical models in order to achieve solutions which are continuous in energy, we enforce the analyticity of the amplitudes at fixed values of the Mandelstam variable $t$. We present an iterative procedure with successive fixed-$t$ amplitude analyses which constrain the single-energy partial wave analyses and apply this method to the $\gamma p \to \eta p$ reaction. We use pseudo data, generated by the EtaMAID model, to test the method and to analyze ambiguities. Finally, we present an analytically constrained partial wave analysis using experimental data for four polarization observables recently measured at MAMI and GRAAL in the energy range from threshold to $\sqrt{s}=1.85$ GeV.

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