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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Developmental process that leads to final forebrain shaping is a result of complex histogenetic and morphogenetic events. Comprehensions about brain development are based on observations carried out on onthogenetic successive stages. Microscopic analysis of brain together with analysis of serial sections gives information about shape the of some forebrain parts and basic relations between them. The aim of this study was to analyse morphogenesis in the earliest stages of rat's forebrain development. MATERIAL AND METHODS Rat brains used in this study were obtained from Fisher inbred rats with accurately timed pregnancies. The investigation was carried out on serial frontal sections of rat embryonic heads from the 12th (E12) to the 16th (E16) day of gestation. Gestation was considered to have begun early in the morning when sperm was found in the vaginal smear. Histological paraffin and plastic sections were systematically inspected with regard to morphogenetic changes of the forebrain parts telencephalon and diencephalon. RESULTS E12: neural tube is completely closed in its cranial part. Rostral part of forebrain shows telencephalons vesicles origins as slightly paired enlargements of neuroepithelial wall. Between telencephalic vesicles origin and in direction to caudal there is an origin of diencephalon. E13: rostral part of forebrain shows well expressed and divided areas of telencephalons vesicles as basal, basolateral, dorsal and medial telencephalon. Central area between paired vesicles is a telencephalon impar. In diencephalon optic vesicles appeared. Epithalamus, thalamus and hypothalamus origins are slight enlargements of its neuroepithelial wall. E14: telencephalic vesicles spread above telencephalon impar into rostral direction and above diencephalon in rostrodorsal direction. Their basolateral parts of are very thickened and become folded. Sulcus telodiencephalicus appears. E15: the main event is the appearance of the origins of plexus choroideus in the area of telencephalon impar as fingerlike processes. E16: all forebrain parts, especially telencephalic vesicles-origin of brain hemispheres and processes of plexus choroideus, are progressively growing and shaping. CONCLUSIONS Our morphologic analysis describes significant morphogenetic changes in the forebrain shape. The forebrain changes from a relatively simple tubular structure with thin walls surrounding a large ventricular system to a thick-walled brain with a highly convoluted but reduced ventricular system.

In this study for thirty (30) patients with alcohol withdrawal syndrome, the response to anticolvusant gabapentin was assessed. Thirty (30) patients with median age of 57.0 years and median body weight of 79.1 kg were treated with gabapentin 3 x 300 mg daily for up 30 days. The preliminary findings of this study suggest that gabapentin is very effective against tonic-clonic seizures in alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Gabapentin was safe and well tolerated. For twenty (20) patients no side effect were observed.

A. Rustembegović, Z. Kundurović, A. Sapcanin, E. Sofić

We evaluated the responses of 16 patients to preliminarily explore the spectrum of effectiveness and tolerability of the memantine, and NMDA antagonist, in the treatment of dementia in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. In this study, for the first time in dementia of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, the response to memantine was assessed. 16 patients with median age of 64 years and median body weight of 77 kg were treated with memantine 10 mg twice daily for up to 28 weeks. Clinical global impressions (CGI), and Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) were performed during the treatment period (after 2, 4, and 28 weeks). Efficacy measures also included the ADCS-Activities of Daily Living scale (ADCS-ADL). At 28 weeks, the ADCS-ADL showed significantly less deterioration in memantine treated patients compared with placebo (-2.3 compared with -4.3: p = 0.005). The results of MMSE demonstrate a significant and clinically relevant benefit for memantine relative to placebo as shown by positive outcomes in cognitive and functional assessments. Memantine (10 mg) was safe and well tolerated. The preliminarily findings of this study with 16 patients suggested that memantine is effective in the treatment of dementia in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Z. Kundurović, F. Dilberović, A. Kulenović

In this work the authors have researched ependyma of some parts of subcommissural organ of rats by optic microscopy. 4% formaldehyde was injected in vivo in carotid arteries. After immolation their brains were extracted together with brain meninges and embedded in celiodine. Celoidine blocks have been sliced and then coloured by Nissle's method. Horizontal and frontal brain dissections were performed with a purpose to acquire a good sight into the subcommissural organ. On the basis of optic microscopy of the examined material, numerous morphological variations in the size and appearance of subcommissural organ were determined as well as the presence of many layers of ependymal cells close to the posterior commissura.

In this work the authors investigated by qualitative and quantitative analysis of ultrastructural details of thyreocytes in irradiated rats with and without of melatonin treatment. On the basis histological qualitative and stereological analysis of materials and by the comparison of results in the animals who received and who didn't receive melatonin before irradiation it can conclude that melatonin modifies behaviour the thyroid glands in irradiation stress.

The respiratory system consists of morphologically and functionally distinct sub-divisions-the air-conditioning part and respiratory portion is were O2 and CO2 exchange actually occurs across the delicate, very thin walls of the pulmonary alveoli. The final bifurcation of bronchiole yields terminal bronchiole. The epithelium is gradually reduced from ciliated columnar in the larger bronchioles to ciliated or non-ciliated low cuboidal in the terminal segment. Here non-ciliated Clara cells are plentiful. Only under EM one can clearly identify the lining cells of the alveoli: type I are squamous pneumocytes, type II are large granular alveolar cells and macrophages (dust cells). The hallmarks of pneumocytes type II are the numerous osmiophilic, lamellated inclusion bodies. In TEM there is evidence connecting these bodies with the production of stabilizing surface active material, which prevents the collapse of the alveoli; colled surfactant, different from that of the Clara cells.

The authors were investigating the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the cells of the thyroid gland of pinealectomized and melatonin treated rats whose body irradiated with 8 Gy gamma rays. It was established that melatonin decreased height of the thyreocytes in peripherical and central part of gland, and nuclear volume of thyreocytes only in the central part of gland. The results suggest the role of melatonin in determination of the behaviour of thyreocytes upon Pinealeotomy and Radiation.

The volume density of the seminiferous epithelium, lumen of tubules and the testis interstitium in the shampinealectomized adult Wistar rats was determined after melatonin treatment and whole-body irradiation with 8 Gy of gamma rays produced by 60 Co. The solvent was injected to the control group of animals. By the comparison of stereological results, it was shown that melatonin modifies the quantitative characteristics of seminiferous tubules reducing the effects of irradiation originally produced.

Z. Kundurović, M. Sćepović, A. Čaušević, Z. Mornjaković

The authors were investigating the histochemical and electron microscopic characteristics of thyreocytes in pinealectomized rats treated with melatonin, prior to irradiation. They observed that the animals that did not receive melatonin show a higher degree of the destruction appearing at the level of all ultrastructural organelles and a very low expression of the DNA and RNA histochemical reaction. These results suggest the role of melatonin in the determination of the thyreocyte behaviour under given irradiation conditions.

The authors investigated histological characteristics of the thyroid gland in irradiated rats under the conditions of anepiphysia. Pseudo-epiphysectomized rats and epiphysectomized rats were irradiated in toto with a single dose of 8 Gy gamma irradiation. The animals were decapitated on the 121st day of the postoperative period, in other words, on the 6th day following irradiation. The animals with an intact epiphysis showed significant changes in the histological structure of the thyroid, but they were of a considerably lesser intensity when compared to the changes observed in epiphysectomized rats. On the basis of the differences observed in behavioural characteristics as well as the degree of mortality, we propose that pineal gland absence has determined the behaviour of the glandular parenchyma, as well as of the whole organism in the given conditions.

Z. Kundurović, M. Sćepović

The authors were investigating the histoenzymological reactions of the thyroid gland of melatonin-treated and untreated rats, in toto irradiated by 8 Gy gamma rays. Although both groups reacted positively, the reaction intensity of the melatonin-treated group was more intense. It is suggested that melatonin has radiothyreoprotective effects under given conditions.

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