
Publikacije (16)


This study aims to ascertain the significance of the basketball game parameters which discriminated between winning and losing teams in matches played. The study sample comprises matches played at the men’s basketball tournament at the XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo. Four regression models were formed. Due to the size of the sample, the number of explaining variables was reduced using factor analysis, followed by stepwise regression to ascertain the statistical significance of the obtained models summarily, which were then broken down into individual parameters. This study indicates: (1) one of the four set regression models was summarily highly statistically significant; (2) out of the remaining models, two were eliminated due to the presence of multicollinearity, and one model did not exhibit high statistical significance; (3) the final score was most influenced by the variables of two- and three-point shot percentages, number of three-point shots, turnovers, defensive rebounds, and true shooting percentage. The results of the study corroborated the results of other studies which were carried out in recent years, that the game of basketball is trending towards three-point shots and lay-ups, reduction of turnovers when passing, and defensive rebounds have been confirmed to be greatly significant.

Goran Grahovac, Bojan Guzina, Milomir Trivun, Goran Pašić

The subject of the research is impact of creatine monohydrate on a mass of swimmers. The test was performed on a sample of 60 swimmers among members of the Academic Swimming Club „22. April“ divided into two groups aged between 21 and 25. All respondents are male and in good health. The respondents belonging to this population are at the zenith of morphological and motor development and are well motivated to advance in swimming. The measurement was carried out at the end of May and half of June 2008 at the premises of the Recreation Center Srpske Toplice (water temperature 28°C). The respondents were measured for body mass at baseline and after 21 days of taking creatine. The main objective of the paper is to determine whether taking creatine for three weeks shows significant differences in a mass gain of swimmers. The results of the research show that the differences in body mass between the two measurements have statistical significance.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Guzina, Z. Pajić, Tamara Karalić, Goran Pašić

Evaluation in women's basketball is keeping up with developments in evaluation in men’s basketball, and although the number of studies in women's basketball has seen a positive trend in the past decade, it is still at a low level. This paper observed 38 games and sixteen variables of standard efficiency during the FIBA EuroBasket Women 2019. Two regression models were obtained, a set of relative percentage and relative rating variables, which are used in the NBA league, where the dependent variable was the number of points scored. The obtained results show that in the first model, the difference between winning and losing teams was made by three variables: true shooting percentage, turnover percentage of inefficiency and efficiency percentage of defensive rebounds, which explain 97.3%, while for the second model, the distinguishing variables was offensive efficiency, explaining for 96.1% of the observed phenomenon. There is a continuity of the obtained results with the previous championship, played in 2017. Of all the technical elements of basketball, it is still the shots made, assists and defensive rebounds that have the most significant impact on the final score in European women’s basketball. It can be noted that, unlike with the previous championship, inside play is no longer dominant, but there is a balance between inside and outside play, which has already been established as a developing trend in men’s basketball. The emergence of the offensive efficiency variable indicates that it is becoming significant in top-tier competitions as well but is still a challenge for coaches to grasp the causes of this multicomplex issue based on this indicator.

Bojan Guzina, M. Marković

Cilj istraživanja je proučavanje efekata modela vježbanja na funkcionalne sposobnosti učenika srednjih. Uzorak ispitanika odnosio se na učenika srednjih škola u Kruševcu, uzrasta 15 i 16 godina, obuhvaćenih redovnom nastavom fizičkog vaspitanja i trenažnim procesom u dodatnoj nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja. Ukupan uzorak od 112 ispitanika bio je podeljen je na dva subuzorka: Prvi subuzorak od 56 ispitanika obuhvaćen redovnom nastavom fizičkog vaspitanja i trenažnim radom tri puta nedeljno za realizaciju modela motoričkih vežbi (fleksibilnosti) u procesu kondicione pripreme u dodatnoj nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja čini eksperimentalnu grupu. Drugi subuzorak od 56 ispitanika obuhvaćen samo redovnom nastavom fizičkog vaspitanja čini kontrolnu grupu ispitanika. Uzorak varijabli činili su; vitalni kapacitet pluća,, frekvencija pulsa posle opterećenja, anaerobna sposobnost margarija testom. Analizom rezultate T-testa funkcionalne sposobnosti između inicijalnog i finalnog merenja ispitanika. Nakon analize dobijenih rezultata zaključuje se da postoji statistički značajna razlika u frekvenciji pulsa posle opterećenja (FPPOP .000) i Margarija testu (FMARG .000).

Goran Grahovac, Bojan Guzina, Goran Pašić

The subject of the study is the effect of creatine on swimming speed. In previous studies, creatine monohydrate was thought to be an effective nutritional supplement currently available related to improving exercise results. Almost 70% of these studies report a significant improvement in exercise capacity, while in the other studies, no significant improvement in results was generally observed.The test was performed on a sample of 60 swimmers, members of the Academic Swimming Club "April 22" divided into three groups and ages from 21-25. All examinees are male and in good health. Examinees belonging to this population are at the zenith of their morphological and motor development and are well motivated to advance in swimming. The subjects were divided into three groups and engaged in recreational swimming until the application of this research.All three groups of swimmers performed a specific amount of swimming, which was accompanied by the plan for the development of swimming in recreation, with the first group of swimmers taking creatine in addition to swimming, the second group of swimmers doing fitness in addition to swimming, and the third group only swimming. The measurement was carried out at the end of May and half of June 2008 at the premises of the Recreation Center SrpskeToplice (water temperature 28 degrees C).Variablessemple referred to swimming speed at 50 m freestyle technique (both measurements and time differences) were used. Descriptive statistics indicators were used. The main objective of the study is to determine whether, with creatine ingestion, with a duration of three weeks, there are significant differences in the increase in swimming speeds compared to the training of strength and swimming training models. The results of the study, analyzed by t-test, show that the difference in swimming time of 50 m freestyle technique is statistically significant.

Goran Grahovac, Bojan Guzina, Goran Pašić

Predmet istraživanja je uticaj kreatina na brzinu plivanja. U ranijim istraživanjima smatralo se da je kreatin monohidrat efikasan nutritivni suplement koji je trenutno dostupan vezano za poboljšanje rezultata vježbanja. Skoro 70% ovih studija izvještava o značajnom poboljšanju kapaciteta vježbanja, dok u ostalim studijama generalno nije zabilježeno značajno poboljšanje rezultata.Ispitivanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 60 plivača članova Akademskog plivačkog kluba „22.april“ podjeljenih u tri grupe i uzrasta od 21-25 godine. Svi ispitanici su muškog pola i dobrog zdravstvenog stanja. Ispitanici koji pripadaju ovoj populaciji nalaze se u zenitu morfološkog i motoričkog razvoja i dobro su motivisani za napredovanje u plivanju. Ispitanici su bili podjeljeni u tri grupe i bavili se rekreativnim plivanjem do primjene ovog istraživanja.Sve tri gupe plivača su odrađivale tačno određen obim plivanja koji je pratio i sam plan za razvoja plivanja kod rekreativaca, s tim da je prva grupa plivača pored plivanja uzimala kreatin, druga grupa plivača je pored plivanja radila i fitnes, a treća grupa je samo plivala. Mjerenje je izvršeno krajem maja i polovinom juna 2008. Godine, na objektu Rekreativnog centra Srpske Toplice (temperatura vode 28 stepeni C).Uzorak varijabli se odnosila brzina plivanja na 50 m tehnikom kraul ( oba mjerenja i razlike u vremenima) korišćeni su pokazatelji deskriptivne statistike.Osnovni cilj rada je utvrditi da li sa uzimanjem, kreatina, dužine trajanja od tri sedmice, ima značajnih razlika na povećanje brzina plivanja u odnosu na modele treniga snage i modele treninga plivanja. Rezultati istraživanja analizirani t-testom pokazuju da su razlike u vremenu plivanja 50 m tehnikom kraul statistički značajne.

Bojan Guzina, M. Marković

The aim of the research is to study the effects that exercise models have on the functional abilities of secondary students. The sample consisted of high school students in Krusevac, ages 15 and 16, enrolled in full-time physical education and the training process in additional physical education classes. A total of 112 subjects was divided into two sub-samples: The first sub-sample of 56 subjects comprised the experimental group. Here, students are enrolled in regular physical education classes and training three times a week to realize a model of motor exercises (flexibility) in the process of conditioning in additional physical education classes.The second sub-sample of 56 subjects, included in regular physical education classes only, constitutes the control group of respondents. The sample of variables consisted of: a vital lung capacity, pulse rate after load, Margaria test of anaerobic capacity.We analyzed the results of the T-test of functional ability between initial and final measurement of subjects. After analysis of the obtained results, it is concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the pulse rate after loading (FPPOP .000) and Margaria test (FMARG .000).

Bojan Guzina, Goran Grahovac, Milomir Trivun

Na uzorku od 25 vaterpolista različitog kvalitativnog nivoa izvršena je procjena značaja kvaliteta „škara“ na jačinu bacanja vaterpolo lopte u uslovima optimalnog stanja aktuelne muskulature, kao i nakon pojave lokalnog zamora te procjena maksimalne sile ispitanika ostvarene prilikom simulacije suta primjenom klasicne dinamometrije. Tehniku ispitanika vrednovala je grupa eksperata dodjelom ocjena u rasponu od 5 do 10. Na osnovu ekspertskih ocjena uzorak je podjeljen u tri kvalitativne grupe: uslovno majstori (4 ispitanika), prosječni vaterpolisti (16 ispitanika) i uslovno početnici (5 ispitanika). Uvidom u dobijene rezultate statističke analize u potpunosti je potvrđena pretpostavka da zamor manje posledice ostavlja kod najkvalitetnijih takmičara. Realizovani nivoi značajnosti, naime, bili su niži od teorijskog limita (Sig.<,05) samo u subuzorcima tehnički prosječnih i najslabijih vaterpolista, dok su u grupi najkvalitetnijih ispitanika razlike izostale. Iako je i kod najjače grupe preciznost u prosjeku opala gotovo za jednu petinu (za oko 19%), ta promjena nije bila dovoljna da bi se proglasila i statistički signifikantnom. U grupi prosječnih i grupi početnika, relativni pad dužine bacanja je bio čak i niži nego u najjačoj grupi (15,99% u srednjoj grupi i 18,4% u najslabijoj), ali je ta promjena, zbog značajno nižih početnih vrijednosti (dobijenih u pretestu) bila ocjenjena kao statistički značajna.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Matković, Z. Pajić, Bojan Guzina

Background: Many papers have been published on the topic of basketball players’ performance. Most of them have come from authors covering the field from USA and Europe, whereas the number of papers from the rest of the world, particularly Asia, has so far been small in numbers. Objectives: Evaluate the significance of the observed parameters in relation to the game outcome (winning/losing) at the last continental championship, 2017 FIBA Asia Cup. Methods: The sample of entity consisted of 40 games played at 2017 FIBA Asia Cup. The sample of variables consisted of 13 variables registered in the manner as set out by FIBA regulations and 15 derived (relative) variables. Accordingly, two basic models of regression were formed, i.e. absolute and relative, and they had the number of total points scored as their dependent variable. The correlation between the two models was performed by means of regression and correlation analysis of the two models - stepwise regression. Results: The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that winning and losing performance was heavily influenced in the absolute model, by the following: ΔFGM, ΔMFT, and ΔM3, accounting for 95.9% of difference. The second model extracted: ΔFG%, ΔTO%, ΔDR%, ΔPTS3%, and ΔFT%, accounting for 90.7% of difference between winning and losing teams. Conclusions: Considering the significance of shooting and defensive rebounding, basketball coaches have been strongly advised, in this and many previous works, to pay special attention to these segments of the game.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Guzina, Z. Pajić, Milenko Vojvodić

The research papers investigating the game-related parameters and phenomena of women's basketball matches are relatively smaller in size and number than the similar ones treating the same issues in men’s basketball - there has been some changes in that respect in recent years though. This paper’s sample of entity consisted of 40 games and thirteen variables of standard efficiency recorded at FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017 . The research had two basic models of regressions formed, i.e. the absolute and the relative one, each of which had total numbers scored as the dependent variable, and was performed by means of regression and correlation analysis - stepwise regression, as a gradual method of fitting regression models in order to define predictive variables. The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that the winning or losing performance was heavily influenced by both field goal efficiency and defensive rebounding, all of which has been corroborated in many other similar pieces of research. Also, the variables as turnovers and personal fouls were extracted as significant in terms of differentiation between the winning and losing team. When we take a closer look and see the observed parameters from the point of view of either First or Final rounds of the competition - since these rounds were played in different formats - it is noticeable that it is becoming more and more evident, of course besides the shot efficiency, the efficiency of free throws and the quality of defense.

Slobodan Simovic, J. Komić, Bojan Guzina, Z. Pajić, Milenko Vojvodić

Research papers investigating the game-related parameters and phenomena of women's basketball matches are relatively smaller in size and number than similar ones treating the same issues in men’s basketball – although, there have been some changes in that respect in recent years. This paper includes a sample of 40 games and thirteen variables of standard efficiency recorded at FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017. The research had two basic models of regressions formed, i.e. an absolute and a relative one, each of which had total numbers scored as the dependent variable, and was performed by means of a regression and correlation analysis – a stepwise regression, as a gradual method of fitting regression models in order to define the predictive variables. The obtained regression models and partial correlation indicate that the winning or losing performance was heavily influenced by both field goal efficiency and defensive rebounding, all of which has been corroborated in many other similar research. Also, variables such as turnovers and personal fouls were extracted as significant in terms of the differentiation between the winning and losing team. When we take a closer look and see the observed parameters from the point of view of either First or Final rounds of the competition since these rounds were played in different formats it is noticeable that the difference is becoming more and more evident, of course besides shot efficiency, the efficiency of free throws and the quality of defense.

Bojan Guzina, Milomir Trivun, Miloslav Marković

Na uzorku ispitanika od 30 dječaka prvog razreda banjalučke Gimnazije, uzrasta 15 godina +/_ 6 mjeseci, i 28 učenika prvog razreda srednje Tehničke škole u Gradišci primjenjeno je sedam testova iz Euro fit baterije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se primjenom Eurofita utvrde razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima učenika prvog razreda, između dvije srednje škole, a u svrhu procjene njihovog trenutnog motoričkog statusa i daljeg programiranja rada na osnovu dobijenih rezultata. Rezultati su pokazali da testovi skok u dalj iz mjesta i trbušnjaci za 30 sekundi najviše diskriminišu rezultati između dvije škole.Takodje se može zaljučiti da su učenici iz Gimnazije u većini testova imali bolje rezultate.

Bojan Guzina, Milomir Trivun, M. Markovic

Content specific and appropriately developed martial art course learning outcomes are the foundation of robust and relevant sport management courses in higher education. Course learning outcome development in sport management is a structured and specific process that will enhance student learning. The suggested development of course learning outcomes in sport management courses is rooted in, 1) identifying the specific sport management skills and competencies, 2) course content to support the skills and competencies, 3) assign level of difficulty to sport management course content based on Bloom’s taxonomy and action verbs, and 4) academic collaboration to ensure the relevance, accuracy, and measurability of the outcomes.

Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje utjecaja motorickih sposobnosti nogometasa/fudbalera (kao prediktorskog skupa varijabli) na situaciono-motoricku spremnost nogometasa/fudbalera (kao kriterijskog skupa varijabli). Problem koji se tretira u ovom istraživanju odnosi se na utvrđivanje utjecaja nekih latentnih antropoloskih dimenzija bazicno-motorickih sposobnosti (brzine, eksplozivne snage i agilnosti) na situaciono-motoricke sposobnosti nogometasa (baratanje loptom, brzina vođenja lopte i snaga udarca po lopti). Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 64 nogometasa iz cetiri nogometna kluba sa podrucja Tuzlanskog kantona koji se takmice u Drugoj ligi FBiH, grupa „Sjever“. Za utvrđivanje utjecaja sistema bazicno-motorickih sposobnosti na rezultate situaciono-motorickih sposobnosti nogometasa primijenjena je multipla regresiona analiza. Rezultati istraživanja govore: Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata vidimo da su se kao znacajni prediktori pokazale varijable MBFTAP – taping rukom, MAGOSS – osmica sa sagibanjem i MFE20V – trcanje na 20 m visokim startom. Varijable segmentarne brzine i agilnosti su pokazale znacajan utjecaj. Ti prostori cine i osnovu motorike, i ovi prostori motorike su vrlo bitni za adekvatno izvođenje bilo kakvih kretnih struktura kako u nogometu tako i u ostalim kinezioloskim aktivnostima. Varijabla MFE20V – trcanje na 20 m visokim startom, koja se također pokazala kao znacajan prediktor, a u kriterijskom skupu varijabli imamo varijable za procjenu snage udarca po lopti, i za ostvarenje boljih rezultata u ovim situaciono-motorickim sposobnostima je bitna eksplozivna snaga. Na osnovu rezultata dobivenih primjenjenim statistickim metodama za multivarijantnu analizu podataka (regresiona analiza), možemo konstatovati da je utjecaj osnovnih bazicno-motorickih sposobnosti (brzine, eksplozivne snage i agilnosti) na situacono-motoricke sposobnosti (baratanje loptom, brzina vođenja lopte i snaga udarca po lopti) znacajan.

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