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Nenad Rađević

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Filip Kukić, Nemanja Zlojutro, Darko Paspalj, S. Bajić, Saša Kovačević, Lazar Vulin, N. Rađević, Nenad Koropanovski

Background: This study assessed the effects of two distinct RAMP (Raise, Activate, Mobilize, Potentiate) protocols, mobility-focused and reactiveness-focused, on change of direction speed in police students (i.e., tactical athletes). Methods: A longitudinal design with two experimental and one control group was employed. The study sample consisted of 39 police students (aged 19.2 ± 0.2 yrs) who were randomly allocated into three equal groups of 13 participants (7 females and 6 males). Experimental groups were labeled as the mobility group or reactiveness group based on the type of RAMP protocol they performed. During the tactical physical education classes, the mobility group performed four complex mobility exercises, while the reactiveness group performed four exercises for trunk reactiveness. After the specific warm-up, both groups continued with syllabus activities. The control group performed only regular activities based on the study syllabus. All participants performed the Illinois Agility test unloaded (IAT) and loaded (10 kg vest [IATL]) and Functional Movement Screening (FMS) before and after 8 weeks of the applied protocols. Results: In general, improvements were observed across all participants in the IAT (p < 0.001), IATL (p < 0.001), and FMS (p < 0.001). The mobility protocol had a more substantial impact compared to the reactiveness protocol on the IAT (d = 0.55 vs. d = 0.40), IATL (d = 0.44 vs. d = 0.38), and FMS (d = 0.88 vs. d = −0.42). Additionally, the control group, which did not follow either RAMP protocol, did not show significant improvements. Conclusions: These results underscore the importance of incorporating targeted mobility training in the limited time available for strength and conditioning programs, as it improves occupationally relevant movement qualities such as change of direction speed ability. Prioritizing mobility training in young tactical athletes may offer broader benefits compared to reactiveness training.

Darko Paspalj, N. Rađević, Lazar Vulin, Saša Kovačević

Abstract The aim of the work was to determine the connection between morphological characteristics and the effectiveness of the throwing technique by kicking the legs from behind from the program of Special Physical Education (SPE). The sample of respondents consisted of 84 students (male), first year of the Faculty of Security Sciences from Banja Luka. The variable sample was composed of 17 tests for the evaluation of morphological characteristics, which were the independent variables and the dependent variable OSOTOG, which was the average grade of the performance of the kicking technique from the SPE program. The regression analysis did not establish a statistically significant connection between the efficiency of performing the throwing technique by striking the landing leg from behind and the selected set of predictor variables for the assessment of morphological characteristics. Only the elbow diameter variable (ADIJLA) gave a statistically significant contribution to the explanation of the criteria variable OSOTOG. Based on the value of the Beta coefficients, we can see that the variables: body weight (ATETJ) and leg length (ADUZNO) have significant positive partial correlations with the criterion variable, while negative correlations were achieved by the variables: elbow diameter (ADIJLA), body height (AVISTJ) and length hands (ADUZRU). The obtained results could be used in terms of improving the quality of the performance of certain program contents of the SPE, when choosing the appropriate technique within the motor program when solving certain problem situations from the SPE program. Keywords: students, interconnection, morphological characteristics, throwing by kicking out the leg from behind

This study is established on the aim to analyse a game and determine differences in a shot efficacy in an offence the woman’s handball national teams at the Olympic games in Tokyo 2021. Four national teams were analysed: France, Russia, Norway and Sweden. To analyse a game in the offence, 12 variables were used: total number of shots (sut_uk), efficient number of shots (sut_usp), total number of shots from 6 meters (sut_m6_uk), efficient number of shots from 6 meters (sut_m6_us), total number of shots from wings (sut_kril_uk), the efficient number of shots from wings (sut_kr_us), total number of shots from 9 meters (sut_m9_uk), efficient number of shots from 9 meters (sut_m9_us), total number of shots from 7 meters (sut_m7_uk), efficient number of shots from 7 meters (sut_m7_us), total number of fast centres (brzc_uk) and total number of efficient fast centres (sut_brzc_us). All national teams had the approximal number of efficient shots on a goal. The highest number of efficient shots from 6 m had the French and Norwegian national teams. From the wing position, the highest number of efficient shots had the Norwegian national team, while the lowest number of efficient goals from the wing position had the Russian national team. The Norwegian and French national teams were approximately efficient in the shot’s realisation from 9 m. In a realisation of the fast centre, the Russian national team stands out with the highest number and the French national team had the lowest number of efficient shots. Key words: cumulative analysis, handball, woman, shooting accuracy, efficiency,Olympic games

Darko Paspalj, N. Rađević, Lazar Vulin, Saša Kovačević

On a sample of 147 students (78 male and 69 female), in the first year of the Faculty of Security Studies from Banja Luka, research was conducted with the aim of determining the differences between the achieved grade and the selfassessment of motor skills between male and female students, based on the results obtained by applying adequate tests for assessment and self-assessment of students motor status. Assessment of the motor abilities was performed through a battery of six tests: the maximum number of push-ups performed in 10 seconds (MSKL) - used to assess the dynamic strength of the arms and shoulder girdle, the standing long jump (MSDM) - used to assess the explosive power of the lower extremities, agility with with a club (MOKP) - used to assess the coordination of the whole body, the maximum number of trunk lifts performed in 30 seconds (MPTR) - used to assess the dynamic strength of the trunk, hand tapping (MTAR) - used to assess the frequency of arm movements, forwardroll – back roll - running (MKNT) – used to assess the motor ability of agility. For the self-assessment of motor skills, a constructed questionnaire with six answers was used: excellent (5), above average (4), average (3), below average (2), bad (1) and very bad (0). The respondents showed a good self-assessment of motor skills, where a statistically significant difference between male and female students was recorded only in the variable for self-assessment of dynamic arm and shoulder girdle strength. Male students showed better self-assessment in the variables for assessing dynamic arm and shoulder girdle strength, dynamic trunk strength, body coordination and hand movement frequency, while female students showed better self-assessment in variables for assessing explosive leg strength and agility. The authors recommendation is that the method of self-assessment of motor skills be implemented in the teaching process, when teaching the subject Special Physical Education 1, in order to improve awareness of the role and importance of the anthropological status of students and to encourage them to exercise regularly.

This study aims to ascertain the significance of the basketball game parameters which discriminated between winning and losing teams in matches played. The study sample comprises matches played at the men’s basketball tournament at the XXXII Olympic Games in Tokyo. Four regression models were formed. Due to the size of the sample, the number of explaining variables was reduced using factor analysis, followed by stepwise regression to ascertain the statistical significance of the obtained models summarily, which were then broken down into individual parameters. This study indicates: (1) one of the four set regression models was summarily highly statistically significant; (2) out of the remaining models, two were eliminated due to the presence of multicollinearity, and one model did not exhibit high statistical significance; (3) the final score was most influenced by the variables of two- and three-point shot percentages, number of three-point shots, turnovers, defensive rebounds, and true shooting percentage. The results of the study corroborated the results of other studies which were carried out in recent years, that the game of basketball is trending towards three-point shots and lay-ups, reduction of turnovers when passing, and defensive rebounds have been confirmed to be greatly significant.

N. Rađević, Darko Paspalj, Lazar Vulin, Saša Kovačević

The research sample consisted of 43 first-year male students at the Faculty of Security Studies Banja Luka. This study was conducted to with the aim of determining the relationship between student self-assessment of motor skill performance and the results of the same obtained based on the application of appropriate tests for the assessment of students' motor status. The assessment of motor skills was performed through a battery of seven tests: maximum number of push-ups in 10 seconds (MSKL) - used to assess the dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder girdle, standing long jump (MSDM) - used to assess the explosive power of the lower extremities, agility with a stick (MOKP) - used to assess coordination, the maximum number of trunk lifts in 30 seconds (MPTR) - used to assess the dynamic strength of the trunk, hand tapping (MTAR) - used to assess the frequency of hand movements, forward roll - backward roll - running (MKNT) - used to assess agility, and the Cooper's 12-minute running test (MKUP) - used to assess aerobic endurance. For the self-assessment of motor skills, a constructed questionnaire with six responses was used: excellent (5), above average (4), average (3), below average (2), poor (1), and very poor (0). The obtained results showed a positive transfer of the Special Physical Education (SPE) curriculum to body coordination, agility, and the dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder girdle. Students' self-assessments of motor skills in the test for the assessment of trunk dynamic strength, dexterity and agility were excellent. The students provided poor self-assessments regarding the test for the assessment of explosive power of the lower extremities, speed, and the frequency of movement, the dynamic strength of the arm and shoulder girdle and body coordination. The students provided overestimated self-assessments in the aerobic endurance test. The obtained results indicate the need to enrich the teaching content of SPE, primarily in the area of motor skills aimed at the development of aerobic endurance, as well as the implementation of the self-assessment method in the same.

N. Rađević, Mersad Čuljević

The aim of this research is to determine the differences in attitudes toward physical exercise of students of Academy of Dramatic Arts in Banja Luka and Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, and their interests in certain sports and recreational activities. The study included a total of 59 students of Academy of Dramatic Arts in Banja Luka and Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo. Given the requirements in terms of physical ability and physical appearance that contemporary theater and film production has for future actors, we believe that physical exercise should be their daily needs. The results of research have confirmed our opinion and pointed to a satisfactory level of physical activity of drama students. There was no significant difference in the attitudes of students toward physical exercise in relation to gender and place of study. The research results are encouraging, showing the awareness of students on the importance of practicing physical exercise in terms of improving the quality of life, as well as work and artistic creativity.

S. Vukadinović, N. Rađević

This study is focused on getting feedback on positive and negative aspects of coach-athletes relationship and defining the quality of this relationship, as well as their implications to both coaches' and athletes' work. The multivariate analysis of variance shows that the interaction between athletes' gender and type of sport is significant for all three subtests (social support, depth and conflict) of the Quality Relationship Inventory questionnaire. Significant differences are noticed with young athletes receiving social support by their coaches, while individual athletes have shown a higher level of social support than their peers from team sports. The results of this study suggest that male individual sports athletes shows tenacious connection (depth) with their coaches, while the situation for the team sports is reversed. Also, female athletes have shown a higher level of conflict with their coaches in individual sports, whilst the level of conflict with male athletes is more common in team sports. Coach's support is of a high importance due to a significantly weakened relationship between athletes and parents in the age of adolescence. The coach is a person who has to play more active role in overall young athletes' personality development and thus the qualification of the staff working with younger age categories has to be at the highest level of their competences.

N. Rađević, S. Vukadinović

Contemporary theatre and film production require actors with extraordinary physical abilities, harmonious physical appearance and good looking body, which is a cult propagated by Hollywood – the dream factory. Today, theatre and film repertoire require a cast with extraordinary body skills, quick reflexes and acrobatic flexibility. Whether it is done as a part of regular curricular or as extracurricular activities, there is no doubt that regular physical exercise has a very important role in training young students of dramatic arts for their top-quality achievements. In order to determine the students’ attitudes on the importance of physical exercise and their interest for certain sports, there has been a survey among 27 first, second and third-year students of the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Banja Luka, Acting course. In accordance with the requirements set by the modern theatre and film production, this survey confirmed a very positive attitude and interest of students towards physical exercise and sports activities. Therefore, there is need for creating a clear concept of physical training of students, as a long-term project, which will contribute to raising quality of life as well as work and artistic creativity with students at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Banja Luka.

N. Rađević, Osmo Bajrić, Igor Božić

Research was conducted on a sample of 121 respondents in total-sportsmen aged 14-16 years old from five different sports (skiing, boxing, swimming, volleyball and basketball), trough a questionnaire containing 19 representative indicators – qualities that the coach should possess. Examined are the attitudes of young and promising sportsmen of the desirable characteristics of a good coach. It’s about the selected young and promising sportsmen, whose quality is determined on the basis of achieved results at official championships in of Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and international competitions. The survey questionnaire was administered in which any claim has 5 replies as follows: always, often, sometimes, rarely did I ever. It’s about five-point Liker scale. The survey contains questions related to gender, length of training period and type of sport. In order to determine the latent structure of the appropriateness of indicators was used factor analysis with Varimax rotation in solution. Given results of the factor analysis with Varimax rotation in solutions showed stable set of four isolated latent dimensions that can be described as: (1) technical quality of the trainers (2) the general human traits coaches (3) external characteristics of trainers and (4) the ratio of coaches to the sportsmen. The results point to the fact that the qualities that a coach has to exhibit the work of young and promising sportsmen in training and competition is of great importance for the formation of the whole personality and versatile young sportsmen in his sport promotion.


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