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Senad Bajrić

Društvene mreže:

Vladan Pelemiš, S. Pavlović, Danimir Mandić, Milan Radaković, D. Branković, Vladimir Živanović, Zoran Milić, Senad Bajrić

Background: The primary goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between body composition and motor coordination performance, and the secondary goal was to determine sex differences in body composition and motor coordination of preschool children. Methods: Forty-eight children (23 boys and 25 girls) underwent assessments for body composition and motor coordination using the Köperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK). Results: Linear regression analysis revealed significant associations between body composition and motor coordination in boys (p < 0.05) but not in girls. In boys, Body height (p = 0.01), Total muscle mass (p = 0.03), Total fat (p = 0.03), and Total water (p = 0.02) show statistically significant influence on single-leg jumps. Similar results were obtained for lateral jumps where there was a statistically significant influence of Body height (p = 0.01), Total muscle mass (p = 0.03), and Total water (p = 0.02). Interestingly, predictive variables showed no statistically significant influence on KTK overall score in boys (p = 0.42) nor in girls (p = 0.90). Conclusions: The predictive system of morphological variables demonstrated significance only among boys in this age group and sample. Girls outperformed boys due to early maturation, resulting in better average KTK scores.

Senad Bajrić, Velibor Srdić, Osmo Bajrić

The research was conducted on a sample of 266 respondents of preschool age, aged 4-6 years of both sexes in Preschool Institution “Zvjezdica” Banja Luka. Out of the total number of respondents, the male population consisted of 137 respondents, while female population consisted of 129 respondents. Disorders of the knee joint, X - legs, O - legs and hyperextension of the legs were used to assess the presence of lower extremity deformities. The main goal of the research was to determine the actual state of frequency and structure of lower extremity deformities in preschool subjects in relation to gender and age. The frequencies and structure of deformities of the lower extremities are shown in tabular relation to the sex and age of the subjects. The results of the research indicate a slightly higher frequency of lower extremity deformities in boys compared to girls, and the highest frequency of presence was found in subjects of both sexes aged 4 years, and slightly lower in subjects aged 5 years. It is surprising that the presence of deformities was not determined in subjects of both sexes aged 6 years. However, these results also oblige us to be careful and constantly and continuously monitor the postural status of children in order to timely identify physical disorders and take adequate activities in preventive and corrective work. The obtained results should initiate activities in order to timely diagnose, control and undertake effective programs of corrective exercise in preschool children.

Omer Špirtović, Senad Bajrić, R. Hadžić

This research was conducted in order to determine whether and what to extent the three-month fitness program affect changjes in body composition on a sample of 42 exercisers, recreational athletes, ages between 21 and 35. The measurement was performed using a Tanita scale, model BC-543, and the following variables were applied: body weight, muscle mass and percentage of fat. After the initial measurement, a three-month fitness exercise program was applied, and then the final measurement in order to determine the achieved effects of training. Trainings were performed three times a week and were adjusted to each recreational athlete in proportion to the age and current state of training. In the process of statistical data processing, descriptive and comparative statistics procedures were used. The basic statistical parameters for each subject were calculated individually and it was determined that there are statistically significant differences between the initial and final measurements.

Osmo Bajrić, Branimir Mikić, Senad Bajrić, E. Mirvić, S. Goranović

The research was conducted on a sample of 70 respondents-swimmers aged 13-15 years of swimming clubs from Sarajevo Canton/Federation of BiH, with the aim of determining the significance and magnitude of the impact of selected basic motor skills on the implementation of specific motor tasks in swimming (navigability in place, sliding length with reflection from water, start from starting block, parallel). The study used 10 variables to assess basic motor skills, which were the input or predictor set of variables, and three variables to assess the efficiency of specific motor tasks in swimming as a criterion, each variable from the battery of specific motor tasks was considered as a criterion on the predictor set of basic-motor variables. Three mini regression analyzes were applied to determine the statistical significance and relative influence of basic motor skills on the realization of specific motor tasks in swimming (buoyancy in place, length of sliding with reflection from water, start from the starting block, parallel). The results of regression analyzes indicate that the greatest influence on the overall efficiency in the implementation of specific motor tests in swimming, looking at all criterion variables together, from the set of basic-motor variables, as a predictor set, show the following variables: stick twist-MFLISK MFLPRK, plantar flexion-MFLPL, long jump from place-MFESDM, agility on the ground-MKOKNT and shelter in lying-MRCZTL. The results obtained in this research can be useful for teachers and swimming trainers who work with younger age categories for the purpose of better programming of training work and selection of training content.

Branimir Mikić, Senad Bajrić, Ivana Čerkez-Zovko, Miran Pehar, Zorica Stankovska

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of programmed kinesiological treatment on transformation of postural spinal status in the sagittal plane kyphosis and fl at feet pes planus, in IV to VI grade pupils (second triad of nine-year elementary school). The study was conducted on a 290 pupil sample. Eight (8) variables were applied in the study to evaluate postural spine status kyphosis and fl at feet pes planus. The research had a longitudinal character. The use of contingent tables shows the frequencies and the corresponding percentages increase the deformity of the spine kyphosis and fl at feet pes planus. The results of the study indicate the statistical signifi cance of the percentage of deformity of the kyphosis and fl at feet pes planus. Changes in the arch of the feet and spine are mainly in the fi rst stage of deformation, which also enabled the correction of the condition with the application of programmed kinesiological treatment. Therefore, in the global assessment of the quality and justifi cation of the use of programmed kinesiological treatment for one school year, we must state that it contributed to the improvement of the deformity of the kyphosis and the fl at feet of the research sample of pupils.

Slobodan Goranovi, Senad Bajri, Osmo Bajrić, Senad Bajrić

The study was conducted on a sample of 102 respondents (teachers / professors) employed in the elementary schools of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main objective of the research is to determine the teachers / professors views on sport talent and any differences in attitudes on the students who pass from class to subject teaching, in activities that engage the student in terms of gender, working status, age and level of education of teachers. The total number of respondents was 102 teachers / professors permanently employed in the elementary school of the Zenica-Doboj Canton of the Federation of BiH. A fi ve-level Likert scale questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument in the research, in which each statement has 5 answers (completely disagree, disagree, don’t have opinion / neutral, agree, completely agree). The questionnaire contains 4 indicators for declaring the sporting talents of children-students, as well as questions related to gender, job / position, age and level of education. LSD Post Hoc tests of success were applied for determination of the statistically signifi cant differences between these group of subjects, the results of the test and analysis of the variation of the different groups. The results obtained indicate that there are no statistically signifi cant differences in the attitudes of teachers / professors or sports talents (above-average achievements) in activities that engage the student in terms of gender, working status, age and level of education.

The aim of the study was to determine the differences in ventilation parameters between boys and girls in the 10-15 year age group (aged 10-15). The study was conducted on a sample of N = 1857 subjects divided into 2 subunits taken from the boys (n = 968) and girls (n = 889) from the area of the City of Mostar. The sample variables consisted of 3 variables for the assessment of anthropometric measures, 24 variables were used for the evaluation of the ventilation parameters using Spirovit SP1 of the company Schiller AG. Results processing was performed in SPSS 21.0. To determine quantitative differences between groups, a canonical discriminatory analysis was applied. A discriminatory analysis found that there are statistically significant quantitative differences between groups of boys and girls on a global level. One function is isolated which explains 100% of the total variance and has a statistically significant high value (Can.Corr.=.948). The value of Wilk’s lambda is low (.101) indicating high discrimination between groups. In quantitative terms, at the multivariate level, the greatest discrimination between groups in an isolated function is the variables of the Tiffen index (FEV1/FVCPRED), FEF50PRED, FEF75PRED and the percentage of the Tiffene index for respondents (FEV1/FVC%). This is also supported by the value of the centroid position in an isolated discriminatory function, where we can see the great distance between the centroid that is represented by groups of boys and girls in the space.

Senad Bajrić, Osmo Bajrić, Velibor Srdić, I. Bašinac

The research was conducted on a sample including 166 participants - students of 'Combined Technical High School" of male sex from Travnik, who attended physical education classes regularly during the school year. In the research five variables were used to assess morphological status and nine variables to assess motor status of the participants according to the Eurofit Fitness Test Battery. The main aim of the research was to determine quantitative changes in morphological and motor status of secondary school students during one school year under the impact of programme content of regular physical education classes through a longitudinal study. Quantitative changes in morphological and motor status and analysis of differences between the initial and final measurements were determined by analysis of changes under the model of differences and SSDIF analysis (Bonacin, 2004). A hypothetical measurement matrix was defined by projecting the measurement data, and explicating a set of linear shifts on the association matrix resulted in obtaining structural vector describing quantitative changes, while taking into account relations of the initial variables. Results of the SSDIF analysis indicate that a one-year curriculum of physical education has caused statistically significant changes at global level (p = 0.0000) in both investigated areas, but the changes that have occurred are mild and without dramatic changes. Significant quantitative changes in the motor space occurred in body height and weight, and in the triceps skinfold, as well as in the following variables in the motor space: running 105 m (sideways), lifting the trunk from the lying on back position and the hand dynamometry, and the biggest and most statistically significant global quantitative changes occurred in the 20 m test run sideways with progressive acceleration (ATL20 0.8439). Key words: quantitative changes, morphological characteristics, motor skills, Physical and Health Culture Analiza kvantitativnih promjena morfoloko-motoričkih obilježja učenika srednje kole pod uticajem redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku ispitanika koji je obuhvatio 166 ispitanika - učenika Mjeovite srednje tehničke kole mukog spola iz Travnika koji su u toku kolske godine redovno pohađali nastavu tjelesnog odgoja. U istraživanju je primijenjeno 5 varijabli za procjenu morfolokog statusa i 9 varijabli za procjenu motoričkog statusa ispitanika prema programu Eurofit baterije testova. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se longitudinalnom studijom u trajanju jedne kolske godine utvrde kvantitativne promjene morfolokog i motoričkog statusa učenika srednje kole pod utjecajem programskih sadržaja redovne nastave tjelesnog odgoja. Kvantitativne promjene morfolokog i motoričkog statusa i analiza razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja utvrđeni su analizom promjena pod modelom razlika i SSDIF analizom (Bonacin, 2004). Projekcijom podataka mjerenja definisana je hipotetska matrica mjerenja, a eksplikacijom skupa linearnih pomaka na matricu asocijacije dolazi se do strukturnog vektora koji opisuje kvantitativne promjene, uvažavajući relacije inicijalnih varijabli. Rezultati SSDIF analize ukazuju da je jednogodinji nastavni program tjelesnog odgoja izazvao statistički značajne promjene na globalnom nivou (p = 0.0000) u oba istraživana prostora, ali su nastale promjene blage i bez dramatičnih promjena. Do statistički značajnih kvantitativnih promjena u motoričkom prostoru dolo je u tjelesnoj visini i težini, te kožnom naboru tricepsa, a u motoričkom prostoru u varijablama: trčanje 105 m (tamo-ovamo), dizanje trupa iz ležanja na leđima i dinamometrija ake, a najveće i statistički najznačajnije globalne kvantitativne promjene desile su se u testu trčanje na 20 m tamo - ovamo sa progresivnim ubrzavanjem (ATL20 0.8439). Ključne riječi: kvantitativne promjene, morfoloke odlike, motoričke spsosobnosti, tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura

S. Jovanović, D. Fulurija, Senad Bajrić

The aim of this research was to establish a relationship between motor skills and performance of gymnastic elements on the floor routine and vault. A battery of 22 motor skills tests was assessed on the sample of 36 male subjects, students of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, all of whom took the course “Sport Gymnastics 1”. The subjects were evaluated by an expert commission in the performance of the selected elements on the floor routine (side-to-side and front-to-back cartwheel, roundoff, front and back handspring, forward and backward flip) and the vault (squat through on the vault and straddle vault with pre-flight, front handspring on vault, roundoff vault). The overall results of the canonical correlation analysis indicated to the evaluation of the applied canonical model on motor tests in relation to the performance of gymnastic elements, to the canonical correlation value of 0.998 with the Chi-Square test value of 320.11, and to statistically significant correlation of used variables on level p .00280. Through further analysis, 10 canonical roots were extracted, out of which only the first one was statistically significant (p .002). Through observation of data on the correlation between motor variables and canonical roots, it can be concluded that the standing triple jump variable and the lying medicine ball throw variable have the highest projection on the canonical factor, and thus are also most significant in conditioning the results achieved. Variables of coordination, figure eight running drill with bending under rope, lateral shuffle, agility on the floor, and agility in the air, all indicate to negative projection on the first isolated canonical factor, as do the two flexibility tests, shoulder and chest opener with rod and standing shoulder extension, pointing to the fact that the subjects with lower degree of those motor skills have also had lower performance of specific gymnastic elements. Regarding the criterion variables, the results show that the front-to-back cartwheel variable had the biggest projection, while the variables side-to-side cartwheel, back handspring, backward flip, squat through on the vault with pre-flight, and roundoff vault had almost the same projection on the first canonical root, indicating the need for greater engagement of motor skills in performing the aforementioned elements.


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