
Publikacije (34)


Control design for multi-rotor aerial vehicles (MAVs) is quite challenging problem due to their nonlinearitles, unknown dynamics, parametric uncertainties, an underactuated property, a nonlinear coupling dynamics and external disturbances. This paper introduces a first order sliding mode control (FOSMC) for robust stabilization of an under-actuated quad-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operating in the presence of external disturbances. The proposed FOSMC guarantees a finite time convergence of the system trajectories to the sliding surface. Obtained simulations show that the FOSM based approach improves robustness properties compared with the concurrent techniques, and enhance tracking performance of the quad-rotor UAV exposed to external disturbances.

Control design for trajectory tracking of multi-rotor aerial vehicles (MAVs) represents a challenging task due to the under-actuated property, highly nonlinear and cross-coupled dynamics, modeling errors, parametric uncertainties and external disturbances. This paper presents the design of the first order sliding mode control (FOSMC) algorithm for trajectory tracking of the octo-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the presence of various disturbances. The highly nonlinear octo-rotor UAV dynamics is considered via the generalized framework for MAVs modeling. The stability analysis of the closed-loop system is presented using the Lyapunov based approach. The developed FOSMC exhibits finite-time convergence of the octo-rotor trajec-tories to the sliding manifold and the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium in the presence of vanishing disturbances. Simulation studies show a superior tracking performance and robustness properties of the FOSMC in comparison with the concurrent techniques for trajectory tracking of the octo-rotor UAV in the presence of internal and external disturbances.

Maroua O Touhami, E. Sokic, Amer Smajkic, Andres Laso, N. Uzelac

Abstract This paper describes the advantages of using data acquisition systems and software modelling tools to support the assessment and therefore redesign of the existing medium voltage switchgear. A 38kV/630A load break linear puffer (LP) will be used as an example for this study. In house testing was conducted to capture important design parameters of the switch such as displacement, velocity of mechanical parts and gas pressure using various sensors and three different measurement setups. The first setup, which is primarily intended for no-load measurements, consists of a DAQ system equipped with different types of sensors - two rotational encoders, three laser-based distance sensors, six pressure sensors, contact separation measurement, and a high-speed camera integrated and synchronized with the measurement system. The second and third setups, which are suitable both for no-load and on-load measurements, are based on state-of-the-art DAQ systems, which use three piezo-electric based pressure sensors, two fibre-optic based pressure sensors, three laser-based distance sensors and a high speed camera synchronized with the measurement system. The data acquired by the measurement systems is used in combination with an in-house developed simulation software HV CB Simulation, which enables simulating and predicting various variables of switching devices. Moreover, high speed camera videos analysed with both commercial and in-house developed image processing software, visualize and reveal many otherwise inaccessible occurrences. In addition to a comprehensive analysis of the proposed data acquisition and simulation setups, three design improvements in the linear puffer design - increase of the opening speed, removal of the flexible conductors and the length increase of the puffer cylinder - are presented and discussed in this paper.

Ermin Omeragić, E. Sokic

Counting the number of objects that are transported on a conveyor belt is frequently encountered in production facilities, airports or post offices. Although most of these tasks may usually be solved by using common photoelectric or inductive sensors, there are cases when objects have to be counted using more complex sensing systems based on machine vision. In this paper, an image-processing algorithm for segmenting, detecting and counting rectangular objects which are being transported on a conveyor belt is presented. The method is specifically designed to detect rectangular objects that can be partly occluded. The application is implemented using OpenCV/C++ library. Two different test scenarios are analyzed in the paper. Experimental results suggest that the proposed method has promising accuracy and it is applicable in real-world applications.

Emina Alihodzic, E. Sokic

Car gates can be found in many private and business facilities. Typically, gates are controlled by commercially available electronic systems that allow users to remotely operate them. Most of those systems are based on robust RF 315/433MHz transmitters for remote control. These communication modules suffer from limited range and allow the user to establish only simplex communication. Today, with the rapid growth of the Internet of Things, not only that every driver has an Internet-enabled smartphone, but most modern cars are equipped with such systems as well. This paper proposes a prototype of an electronic gate control structure that allows users, in addition to the common gate-panel and an RF-based remote, to control and supervise the gate using an Internet connection (e.g. with a smartphone). Both hardware and software parts that are required to operate the gate are designed, developed, and presented in this paper. Experimental tests on the small-scale model are conducted to point out the device's advantages and disadvantages and propose guidelines for future work and development.

Abstract The magnitude-based Fourier descriptors (FD) are frequently used in shape-based image retrieval, due to their efficiency and effectiveness. Unlike the phase-preserving Fourier descriptors, the magnitude-based Fourier descriptors are inherently invariant under rotation and starting point change, but they discard all valuable information contained in the phase of the Fourier coefficients (FCs). In order to preserve the coefficients’ phase, the orientation and starting point of the shape must be determined. In this paper, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of different state-of-the-art methods for determining nominal shape orientation, which can be used to extract phase-preserving Fourier descriptors: the point of maximal radius, the axis of least inertia (moments), the phase of the first harmonic, the cross-correlation, the Procrustes distance and the pseudomirror points. The methods were compared in terms of sensitivity to non-rigid transformations, retrieval performance, computational complexity and computational time. The experimental results give insight into the pros and cons of all analyzed methods.

Abstract This paper presents the design and development of a distributed measurement system for measuring pressure in high voltage circuit breakers (HV CB) and other switching apparatuses, during no-load operations. Instead of using traditional pressure transducers which require significant installation space, additional data acquisition cards and often demand for complex wiring, an in-house solution of pressure measurement is proposed. The system consists of miniature sensors, accompanied with a suitable amplifier, microcontroller unit and communication module, which may be distributed inside the interrupter unit in convenient locations. Due to the fact that the measurement values are transmitted digitally, measurement noise is significantly reduced while the wiring of the system is additionally simplified. The proposed measurement system is tested using two different interrupters (HV CB and a load break switch). The experimental results have demonstrated that the developed system is applicable, accurate, cost-effective, flexible and simple to use.

Adnan Kreho, Jasmin Hadzajlic, E. Sokic

The trajectory of a moving object may be extracted from video using image processing algorithms. However, the quality of the extracted information largely depends on the frame rate and exposure time of the camera, thus it is difficult to capture fast movement using slower and less expensive cameras. To this end, we propose to use an active modulated light source for object tracking, interacting with exposure times and subsampling existing frames. A prototype of a multi-functional active visual marker is presented in this paper. The system is based on the ESP-WROOM-32 microcontroller, which is configured to use various communication protocols, namely WiFi 802.11, RF 2.4 GHz GFSK and RS485. The microcontroller controls the RGB LED, which is used as light source. In addition, the system can be synchronized with the external real-time clock. The experimental results have illustrated the advantages and disadvantages of the designed active markers and pointed out the directions for future work and development.

M. Muminovic, E. Sokic

Computer vision systems are frequently used for inspection and classification of products during manufacturing. Image processing and analysis allows non-invasive extraction of object features within an image and the classification of objects based on the extracted data. Shape, texture and color are typical features that can be extracted from an image and used for object recognition. In this paper, a method of detection, segmentation and classification of resistors captured in digital image, based on their nominal values, is presented. The process consists of the following steps: image segmentation, morphological image processing, representation and description of objects, object features extraction, classification of extracted data using support vector machines (SVM). Experimental results show that the proposed method exhibits solid performance and real-time operating capabilities.

Digital image processing techniques are commonly employed for food classification in an industrial environment. In this paper, we propose the use of supervised learning methods, namely multi-class support vector machines and artificial neural networks to perform classification of different type of almonds. In the process of defining the feature vectors, the proposed method has relied on the principal component analysis to identify the most significant shape and color parameters. The comparative analysis of considered classification algorithms has shown that the higher levels of accuracy in almond classification are attained when support vector machine are used as the basis for classification, rather than artificial neural networks. Moreover, the experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method exhibits significant levels of robustness and computational efficiency to facilitate the use in the real-time applications. In addition, for the purpose of this paper, a dataset of almond images containing various classes of almonds is formed and made freely available to be used by other researchers in this field.

Nermina Ahmic, E. Sokic, M. Ahic-Djokic

Individuality of handwriting is the reason why it is used as a common base element for detecting character traits of the writer. It is believed that dynamic information improve the accuracy of the analysis, but they are not contained in an offline handwritten text. In order to recover dynamic information, a novel approach for handwriting trajectory recovery is proposed in this paper. The procedure is based on computing the objective function, which depends on parameters such as the angle of movement, path length, air pen tip movements, etc. The analysis is performed in MATLAB program package, using the text samples from IAM-OnDB database. The experimental results indicate that the average effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is above 75%.

E. Sokic, Kenan Softie, Mina Ferizbegovic, Jasmina Zubača, M. Ahic-Djokic

This paper presents the work in progress on the design and testing of a distributed ultrasound-based sensory system for hybrid 1D and 2D environment visualisation. Many common sensors used in robotics, such as infrared and ultrasonic sensors, cameras and lasers mainly focus on quantifying distances and shapes, while rarely have the ability to differentiate among different sensed surfaces/materials. We propose an inexpensive prototype sensory system based on popular ultrasonic sensors which uses ultrasonic reflections to determine the acoustic reflection coefficients. This additional feature allows differentiating among sensed objects. Moreover, the developed ultrasonic cells are equipped with a microcontroller for basic signal processing and a communication link for integration into a sensor network. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of fusing obtained sensor array data and laser measurements.

Objective: This study was aimed to investigate the reliability of a computer application for assessment of the stages of cervical vertebra maturation in order to determine the stage of skeletal maturity. Material and methods: For this study, digital lateral cephalograms of 99 subjects (52 females and 47 males) were examined. The following selection criteria were used during the sample composition: age between 9 and 16 years, absence of anomalies of the vertebrae, good general health, no history of trauma at the cervical region. Subjects with lateral cephalograms of low quality were excluded from the study. For the purpose of this study a computer application Cephalometar HF V1 was developed. This application was used to mark the contours of the second, third and fourth cervical vertebrae on the digital lateral cephalograms, which enabled a computer to determine the stage of cervical vertebral maturation. The assessment of the stages of cervical vertebral maturation was carried out by an experienced orthodontist. The assessment was conducted according to the principles of the method proposed by authors Hassel and Farman. The degree of the agreement between the computer application and the researcher was analyzed using by statistical Cohen Kappa test. Results: The results of this study showed the agreement between the computer assessment and the researcher assessment of the cervical vertebral maturation stages, where the value of the Cohen Kappa coefficient was 0.985. Conclusion: The computer application Cephalometar HF V1 proved to be a reliable method for assessing the stages of cervical vertebral maturation. This program could help the orthodontists to identify the stage of cervical vertebral maturation when planning the orthodontic treatment for the patients with skeletal disharmonies.

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