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In this study, using the methods of spatial autocorrelation in geographic information systems (GIS), an analysis of the spatial distribution of mortality rates in Bosnia and Herzegovina was performed in order to identify high-risk areas with increased mortality and depopulation. Spatial analysis is based on the calculation of global (Global Moran’s I and Getis-Ord General G) and local (Anselin Local Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi*) statistical indices of spatial autocorrelation. The values of global statistical indices confirmed a clustering of high mortality values, while local statistical indices confirmed high mortality rates in the municipalities of northwestern and eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conducted research provides an insight into spatial patterns of demographic processes, while results obtained by this research are significant for demographic development and future spatial demographic research in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of this research is to analyze the spatial distribution of the population ageing in Bosnia and Herzegovina and identify areas of the country that are particularly vulnerable to negative demographic trends. To achieve the goal of the study, data on the ageing coefficient and ageing index for the period 2013-2020 were used. The geospatial analysis of these indicators was performed using global (Global Moran's I and Getis-Ord General G) and local (Anselin Local Moran's I and Getis-Ord G*) indexes of spatial autocorrelation. The research results confirmed the clustering of both indicators. Ageing coefficient values are clustered in municipalities in western, northwestern, Eastern, and central Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ageing index values are clustered in municipalities in central, western, northwestern, and northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina. This study provides insight into the research methods of spatial demographic trends and phenomena, and its findings can serve as a basis for future demographic research and development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sabahudin Smajić, M. Kovačević, D. Pavić

The paper researches the landscape transformation of the surface mines of the Đurđevik coal basin (northeastern Bosnia region), where 35.24 Mt of brown coal were produced in the past 74 years, and 227.40 Mm3 of overburden was excavated and disposed of. This type of coal exploitation caused the formation concave and convex of anthropogenic relief forms which ultimately led to significant landscape transformation. These transformations were identified and geovisualized on the basis of field research and comparative GIS analysis of archival maps, satellite images, Digital Elevation Models and plans of this area. As a result of the research, especially comparative GIS analysis of two prepared terrain models of surface mines, the transformation of hypsometry, slope and aspect, hydrographic network, pedological as well as vegetation cover were determined. Obtained geospatial data are geo-visualized in QGIS, and as a result, thematic maps were created to provide insight into the essence of transformations. Therefore, established indicators of landscape transformation can serve as a significant factor in planning the revitalization and land re-cultivation of devastated areas in the Đurđevik coal basin.

Alma Kadušić, Sabahudin Smajić, D. Pavić, V. Stojanović

The focus of this study is a spatial analysis of the industry distribution and concentration, on the example of municipality of Tesanj (Bosnia and Herzegovina), based on the application of GIS methods. Municipality of Tesanj is one of the most developed municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Tesanj?s industry significantly contributes to the economic development of this country. GIS analysis of industry was based on the field work, locating and georeferencing industrial companies, acquisition, adaptation, adjustment and validation of digital surface models and google satellite imagery, mapping of relief, hydrography and transport network. With the aim of geovisualization of spatial distribution of industry, spatial descriptive statistics and non-parametric density estimation analysis (Kernel Density Estimation) were performed. In order to determine the distribution of industry in relation to relief (elevation, slope, and aspect), hydrography and transport network, GIS techniques of reclassification, vectorization, count point in polygons, buffer and clip geoprocessing tools were used. Conducted research provided a new insight into the data mining and visualization based on principles of QGIS, the effects of geographic factors on industry distribution, and confirmed the importance of relief, hydrographic and transport network on the concentration of industry in municipality Tesanj.

Sabahudin Smajić, Alma Kadušić, Almedin Omerović, M. Kovačević

The authors analyze transformations of landscape topography of the open pit "Grivice" in Banovići basin (Northeastern Bosnia). This complex research is based on field screening and GIS analysis of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of researches terrain. Specifically, two DEMs of the Grivice area were prepared, a natural model based on a topographic map, scale 1:25000, issued in 1976 by the Military Geographical Institute (MGI) from Belgrade, while the Google satellite image from 2018 and the Digital Surface Model (DSM) were used for the anthropogenic model,issued in 2018 by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Using methods and algorithms integrated in QGIS, raster and vector values of treated transformation parameters(hypsometry, slope and aspect, hydrographic network, etc.) were obtained, and their analytical-synthetic interpretation and geovisualization were also performed. Finally, ten thematic maps,which illustrate the anthropogenic transformation of the landscape topography of the researched area, were created.

Sabahudin Smajić, Edin Hadžimustafić, Alma Kadušić

In this paper morphological-hydrographic changes in the area of the coal open pit "Turija" in Banovići basin (north-eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina) are researched. The study was based on the field data and comparative analysis of topographic maps, satellite images, Digital Elevation Model and situational plans of the open pit area. With conducted GIS analysis of natural and anthropogenic relief of open pit "Turija" the changes in the structure of hypsometric level, slope and aspect, and the changes in the surface hydrographical network etc. are determined. The general trend of ground levelling, decrease in altitude differences, gradual disappearance of physical micro relief, disappearance of geomorphologic boundaries on the surface, disorganization of hydrographical network, the development of positive and negative forms of relief, and greater presence of physical-anthropogenic processes and forms in relation to physical ones are determined. Reduction of territories with southerly, easterly and westerly aspects, and a significant increase in territories with northerly aspect is also determined. Geospatial data obtained by GIS after their analytical and synthetic processing are geovisualized. Ten thematic maps were made and they provide insight into resulted changes in the researched geographical area. The explored indicators can serve as a significant factor in the future planning and selection of the type of re-cultivation of degraded areas in the area of research.

The war during the period 1992-1995 has caused massive forced migrations of the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in this period about 1.2 million people fled beyond the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina while about 1 million were displaced inside the country. After the Dayton Peace Agreement, there started the process of return of refugees and displaced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, even after more than 20 years since the signing of the Agreement a significant number of refugees and displaced persons has not returned to their pre-war places of residence. This paper explores the number and the change in the status of the internally displaced Bosniaks of Srebrenica Municipality in the period 2005-2015, those who were residing in Tuzla Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the Federal Ministry of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Tuzla Canton, in 2005, the status of internally displaced persons had 2016 households with a total of 5549 members, and by 2015 this status has kept 1099 households with a total of 2867 members. The aim of this paper is to point out to some more significant factors that led to a reduction in the number of Bosniaks from the area of Srebrenica municipality who had the status of internally displaced persons in Tuzla Canton.

The coal exploitation on the territory of today’s Tuzla basin has lasted from the Austro-Hungarian period onwards. The underground mining gradually became unprofitable and the production in these mines was constantly decreasing. That was the reason why many mines with underground exploitation were closed. The main reasons for that were increasingly unfavorable mining and geological conditions of the exploitation due to the position of the carboniferous layers at increasing depth. This initiated the surface exploitation of coal in the Tuzla basin. This type of coal exploitation started in 1946 in Banovići and Đurđevik basins and in 1967 in the Kreka basin. The exploitation in these basins was organized on several dozens of open pits. Today, exploitation is organized on open pits “Šikulje” and “Dubrave” (Kreka basin), “Potočari” and “Višća” (Đurđevik basin) and “Grivice”, “Turija”, and “Čubrić” (Banovići basin). For comparison, at the beginning of the 1990s there were between 50 and 60 open pits in Scotland, England and Wales and only a few of them are still open (Hughes, Clarke, 2002). Since 1950, in the Rhine carboniferous basin the number of open pits has decreased from 22 to 5, while, in the same period, coal production has been increased by 100 percent (Goedecke, 1978). The above mentioned mining investment projects Abstract

Bosnia and Herzegovina is known as migratory dynamic state. Causes for this migration are mainly of political and economical nature. Intensity of migration through Bosnia and Herzegovina in second half of the 19th century and throughout 20th century was cicely intensifying at almost regular time intervals and was caused mainly with political, but also with economical factors. This paper is intended to examine migration streaming in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the last decade of 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. It examines the forced migration generated by war that was raging in the state in the period of 1992-1995, as well as the post-war migration caused by economical and political factors, but it also examines the return of displaced people to their homes after the war ending. By using all available domestic and foreign written sources in this field, authors will give consideration to entire series of questions that are intruding into these issues. Analysis of the consequences of former migration flows and probability of their reduction, that is, defining the vision of the state in these new conditions, certainly dominates this paper among all other things.

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