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Salih Kulenović

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Amra Kožarić, Salih Kulenović

Regional policy of European Union promoted a long time ago uniformly regional development as one of its own integration priority, and each phase in integration process of individual states monitoring appropriately growing distribution of the financial assets, which helps them to accomplish those developing goals. However, in regional Europe are also present disintegrations, which are solving by upgrading already accomplished self-determination of few regions by cultural, political and economical model of government. Therefore, pro-European regionalism architects primary present the citizen as active social subject. In Southeast Europe, with big political and economical diversity, and territorial dispersion of nations, the discussion about different aspects of regionalism are becoming more and more significance. This area is characteristic by cultural diversity, disbelief, political barriers, stereotype, which are crowded by centuries. The escalation of the abduct ethno-nationalistic polities, at the end of the last century, lead here to the wars and "ethnic cleaning". All that, complicate the realization of the euro-regional concept, and also threat further fragmentation of this area and don't conduce to developing mutual identity of this region. Regionalization and balanced regional development are here main criterion for incorporation in European economical structure, but also for democratization and society development. The object of this research is to examine the possibilities of regionalization and balanced regional development of geo-area Southeast Europe, in context existing euro regional standards. To this end, it is necessary, throw complexly analysis of EU experiences in this area, which can be also useful, instructive and applicative, determined for rational solutions in this countries. It could be a contribution for affirmation of regional development in this part Europe, which is serious and inevitable duty (mission) that follows. Keywords: region, regionalization, Southeast Europe, euro-integrations.

The coal exploitation on the territory of today’s Tuzla basin has lasted from the Austro-Hungarian period onwards. The underground mining gradually became unprofitable and the production in these mines was constantly decreasing. That was the reason why many mines with underground exploitation were closed. The main reasons for that were increasingly unfavorable mining and geological conditions of the exploitation due to the position of the carboniferous layers at increasing depth. This initiated the surface exploitation of coal in the Tuzla basin. This type of coal exploitation started in 1946 in Banovići and Đurđevik basins and in 1967 in the Kreka basin. The exploitation in these basins was organized on several dozens of open pits. Today, exploitation is organized on open pits “Šikulje” and “Dubrave” (Kreka basin), “Potočari” and “Višća” (Đurđevik basin) and “Grivice”, “Turija”, and “Čubrić” (Banovići basin). For comparison, at the beginning of the 1990s there were between 50 and 60 open pits in Scotland, England and Wales and only a few of them are still open (Hughes, Clarke, 2002). Since 1950, in the Rhine carboniferous basin the number of open pits has decreased from 22 to 5, while, in the same period, coal production has been increased by 100 percent (Goedecke, 1978). The above mentioned mining investment projects Abstract

Bosnia and Herzegovina is known as migratory dynamic state. Causes for this migration are mainly of political and economical nature. Intensity of migration through Bosnia and Herzegovina in second half of the 19th century and throughout 20th century was cicely intensifying at almost regular time intervals and was caused mainly with political, but also with economical factors. This paper is intended to examine migration streaming in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the last decade of 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. It examines the forced migration generated by war that was raging in the state in the period of 1992-1995, as well as the post-war migration caused by economical and political factors, but it also examines the return of displaced people to their homes after the war ending. By using all available domestic and foreign written sources in this field, authors will give consideration to entire series of questions that are intruding into these issues. Analysis of the consequences of former migration flows and probability of their reduction, that is, defining the vision of the state in these new conditions, certainly dominates this paper among all other things.

Izet Ibreljić, Salih Kulenović

In wide region of South-Eastern Europe it has been notice even long ago that special attention must be given to a faster making of new creative and innovative regional structure of energetics which will made it possible for this geo-space to get incorporated in the energy structure of EU soon.However, in many documents done by foreign experts and institutions it is point out for that to happen it will take a long time. This topic is especially actual in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country with the biggest reserve of coal in the region as well as with the biggest problem in a sphere of mining and energetics. In the paper that will be presented the mentioned task will be viewed in wider context of global development trends and process of restructuring not just energetics but also the entire economy in South-Eastern Europe and current process of rationalization of the European internal market of energy products. Certainly, in the focus of this paper will be environmental problem, which always follow these processes.

Izet Ibreljić, Salih Kulenović

Territorial borders of the future European Union imply an integration of the South-East Europe into the EU political and economic structures. Such “map of the European Union” should represent the “European perspective” to the countries of the South-East Europe. At the present time, no-one can foresee when exactly shall countries of the South-East Europe join the EU, however the conditions that must be met are more-less well known and harmonized within the European Commission. Given the political and economic structure of the South-East Europe area, it is primarily “attractive market” for many European producers, as well as for future European investors. To achieve that, it is necessary to create the pre-conditions in the countries of the South-East Europe. Thus, it is necessary to intensify the regional cooperation between the countries in this region, wither by establishing the “classic free-trade zone” or by liberalization of trade through the network of bilateral contracts on free trade. The cross-border cooperation programs should link up all assistance that would be, for this purpose, coming from the EU. The primary goal of this paper is to research the possibilities and priority-areas of the economic-regional and cross-border cooperation in the South-East Europe in the context of its faster integration in the EU, as well as from the perspective of the optimal synchronization of this cooperation with political and economic strategy fo the EU toward these countries. As it is well known, re-unification of the continent is the joint goal of all citizens of the Europe. Key words: cooperation, South East Europe, European Union

Izet Ibreljić, Salih Kulenović

Including the part of geospace of southeastern Europe in the region of western Balkan, EU experts had certain goal. This is as it is known specific part of european economical-political space of cca 265.000 km2 with close to 25 millions inhabitans where the politicians still do not have strategy which is determined or the vision of the future. It is one of the reason why for this part of the continent will take longer to be included in EU. First of all the goal of this paper is that, on the base of the available empiric data to perceive development limitations of western Balkan (low level of development, slow down transition, insufficient FDI, demographical problems etc) and then analyze in details priority goals of development in western-balkan (macroeconomical stability, liberalisation, the restructuring of economy, integration in the process of globalisation) and broad european (european benefit or costs due to faster or slower development of this part of eurospace) context. Of course, at the end it will be necessary to determine real possibilities of realisation these defined goals of development in the time that is coming.

EU experts had a particular objective classifying a part of geo area of the South East Europe into Western Balkan region. The point is about a specific part of European economic and political area of cca 265 000 km2 with approximately 25 million inhabitants, where political actors still have neither defined strategy nor the future vision. That is one of the reasons due to which this part of the continent was given another waiting period for inclusion into EU. The objective of this paper is to, first of all, on the basis of available facts, recognise developmental units of the Western Balkan (low development, slowed transition, insufficient FDI influx, demographic problems, etc.), and analyse in detail the prior developmental aims in Western Balkan ( macro economic stability, liberalization, economy restructuring, institution building, integration into globalizational processes, etc.) and broader European context (European looses and gains due to the faster or moderate development of this part of Euro region). In the end, it wil,l of course, be necessary to establish the real possibilities and optimal realization of such defined developmental objectives in the time that comes.

Salih Kulenović, Izet Ibreljić

Migration phenomenon from the region of South-East Europe has a character of long lasting process which intensity is changing depending on different circumstances. That process is a result of differences in development between the EU countries and countries in transition. In the last decade of the 20th century this process was specialy intensived and became a subject of great importance for scientific and political research. The goal of this paper is that on the base of available data view the consequences of previous migration flows from South-East Europe and analyze major couses of this process in the dimension of time and space. Beside that, this research needs in accordance with estimation of expected migration flows to indicate the possibilities of their slowing down so that some exact activities from the government of the european South-East countries could be taken. Of course, in the focus of this research is Bosnia and Herzegovina in which the migration process has been most intense.

Salih Kulenović, Izet Ibreljić

Phenomenon of migration from the area of SouthEast Europe has a character of the long-term process whose intensity changes depending on different circumstances. It has been resulted in, developmental disproportions between countries of European Union and transitional countries before all. In the last decade of the past century, this process has been specially intensified and it becomes a very actual theme for scientific and political investigation. The aim of this research is to, on the basis of available data, look through consequences of earlier migration flows from SouthEast Europe and analyze the most important causes of this process in time and area dimension. Besides, this research should, on the basis of estimation of expected migration flows, point to the possibility of its slowing down even, as well as taking certain actions towards that end by governments of foreign countries of European South East. In focus of research is Bosnia and Herzegovina, of course, in where migration processes are the most intensified.


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