
Publikacije (10)


The authors analyze and explore the directions and perspectives of critical infrastructure protection in the B&H system. Since a threat to critical infrastructure threatens the local community, the state, the territories of multiple states, the region or even the continent, it is necessary to approach organized prevention, response and assistance, and to overcome the resulting consequences. Any modification or compromising of the critical infrastructure function potentially creates a threat to the civilian population, endangers the economy of the state, raises issues of national security and causes adverse environmental impacts.  The question of interdependence and coordination between institutions and organizations sharing responsibilities in solving crisis situations in the context of critical infrastructure protection is in continuity with the subject of scientific and practical research because the dynamic relationship and the need to improve the security and protection system really condition new developmental forms of policies to protect the critical infrastructure with specific conditions and communication among all actors. A group of authors attempt to answer the feasibility of applying new models and concepts of critical infrastructure protection, but also to the B&H paradigm of a defragmented system by identifying key actors that should maximally contribute with active participation and influence a higher level of awareness in order to achieve the safety of nationally relevant facilities and the system.

Adnan Bukvić, D. Džibrić, Admir Hadžikadunić, Rijad Novaković

One of the main accompanying parts of the growth and development of students is their systematic monitoring of certain anthropological dimensions. This research, which is of a transversal character, had a goal to determine differences in morphological characteristics, basic-motor and functional abilities between students from different grades of high school. The population from which the sample of 349 respondents was taken is defined as the population of the first, second, third and fourth grades students from Zavidovići high schools, male, 15 to 18 years old ± 6 months. The sample of variables consisted of a set of 20 (twenty) tests for the assessment of anthropological dimensions, as follows: morphological characteristics (4 variables), basic-motor abilities (15 variables) and functional abilities (1 variable). A univariate analysis of variance with multiple comparisons was used to determine the differences in the study spaces between students of different grades of high school, with the applied Bonferroni post-hoc test. The obtained results showed that there are statistically significant differences in three of the four morphological variables (body height, body weight and body mass index), in eight of fifteen motor abilities (ball rolling with nondominant hand, direction switch on training ground, side stepping, figure eight with crouching, running transmission, forward bend on the bench, standing long jump and sit-ups) and one functional variable (1000 m run) between the treated groups at the significance level (p≤0.05). The obtained results can be subject to a critical analysis of the physical and health education teaching process in order to more efficiently organize and rationalize the teaching of physical and health education. This data may show certain shortcomings of year-round application of funds as part of the realization of the high school plan and program.

Admir Hadžikadunić, Elmedin Muratbegović, Ajlina Jaganjac

Inspiracija za rad: Vannastavna aktivnost djece i mladih je nova kvaliteta u promisljanju skole i razvoja koje imaju za osnovni cilj doprinijeti odgojnoj funkciji skole, povezati je sa drustvenom sredinom, razvijati kod ucenika samostalnost, interesovanja, slobodu izražavanja i organizirano i kulturno provođenje slobodnog vremena. Danas se savremena skola ne može zamisliti bez razvijenog sistema ucenickih slobodnih aktivnosti. Vannastavna aktivnost je specifican vid organizacije i izvođenja odgojnih i obrazovnih sadržaja u heterogenim podrucjima ljudske djelatnosti. Ukljucivanjem djece i mladih u organizirane i pedagoski vođene sportske aktivnosti izvan nastavnih i izvan skolskih aktivnosti doprinosimo organiziranom koristenju slobodnog vremena djece i mladih i njihovom svestranom izgrađivanju licnosti u kognitivnom, afektivnom i psihomotoric- kom podrucju. Ciljevi rada: Cilj ovoga rada je uticaj sportskih aktivnosti na razlicite pojavne oblike devijantnih ponasanja djece i mladih, kao posljedice unutrasnjih i vanjskih faktora koji dovode do pojave drustveno neprihvatljivog ponasanja. metodologija / dizajn: Za potrebe ovoga rada izvrsili smo analizu stavova i misljenja ucenika srednjih skola sa podrucja Kantona Sarajevo. Ukupan uzorak cinio je 250 ucenika/ca iz 5 srednjih skola sa podrucja Kantona Sarajevo. Ogranicenja rada / istraživanja: Organizacija vannastavnih aktivnosti privlaci pažnju mnogih istraživaca, najcesce pedagoga, ali i onih iz oblasti medicine, psihologije, pa i kineziologije. Obzirom da je dostupnost istraživanja o uticajima sporta kao modela organizacije slobodnog vremena djece i mladih, i njegovog uticaja, prevencije na drustveno neprihvatljivo ponasanje veoma oskudna ili cak nepostojeca, za potrebe pisanja ovog rada bili smo u mogucnosti konsultovati samo neka dosadasnja istraživanja koja upucuju na opstu problematiku organizacije slobodnog vremena, odnosno  sadržaje, koja djeca preferiraju u toku vremena koje im ostaje nakon svakodnevnih skolskih, po- rodicnih i drugih obaveza. r e z ultati: Na temelju izvrsene analize dosli smo do saznanja da sport kao vannastavna aktivnost može biti sredstvo rane prevencije drustveno neprihvatljivog ponasanja na nacin da se organizovane sportske aktivnosti mogu iskoristiti u poboljsanju odnosa između djece i mladih i njihovom odnosu prema drustvu i okolini. Generalni zakljucak: Postivanje normi i vrijednosti drustva od kljucnog je znacaja za napredak drustvene zajednice. Sport kao vannastavna aktivnost djece i mladih, zasigurno može pomoci u tome, s obzirom na cinjenicu da u svakom sportu postoje pravila koja se trebaju postovati. Stoga, postivanje pravila u sportu doprinijet ce postivanju pravila u drustvu. Mladi ljudi bavljenjem sportom, mogu upoznati druge mlade ljude slicnih stavova, sto ce doprinijeti boljoj socijalizaciji u drustvu. Upoznavanje ljudi istih stavova i razmisljanja, utjecat ce na mlade ljude u kontekstu da kao i njihovo drustvo razmisljaju pozitiv- no i postuju drustvene vrijednosti i norme. Opravdanost istraživanja / rada: Ovim radom pokusat cemo ponuditi neka rjesenja u cilju rjesavanja problema drustveno neprihvatljivog ponasanja djece i mladih, kao i problema maloljetnicke delikvencije sa osvrtom na bavljenje sportom i sportskim aktivnostima. Aplikativna vrijednost ovog rada, ogleda se u cinjenici da ce ovaj rad moci poslužiti za dalja istraživanja na istu ili slicnu temu. -------------------------------------------------------- Spo r t a s an extracurricular activity in function of prevention of the socially unacceptable behavior of children and youth Reason for writing and research problem(s): Extracurricular activity of children and youth is a new quality in the contemplation of school development. Its primary objective is to contribute to the educational function of school and connect it with the social environment. Extracurricular activities develop the students’ independence, interests, freedom of expression, organized and cultural leisure. Today, the modern school can not be imagined without a developed system of students’ extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activity is a specific type of organization and performance of educational content in heterogeneous areas of human activity. The involvement of children and young people in organized and pedagogically guided sports activities, outside of teaching and outside of school activities, contribute to the organized use of children and youth free time. Also, it contribute their versatile building personalities in the co- gnitive, affective and psycho-motor area. Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The aim of this paper is the impact of sporting activities on various forms of juvenile delinquency, as a result of internal and external factors that lead to the emergence of socially unacceptable behavior. Methodology/Design: For the purposes of this paper we analyzed the attitudes and opinions of secondary schools students in the Sarajevo Canton. The total sample consisted of 250 students of 5 secondary schools in the Sarajevo Canton. R esearch/Paper  limitation: Organization of extracurricular activities attracted the attention of many researchers, mostly pedagogues, but also those from the fields of medicine, psychology, and even kinesiology. Considering that availability of research on the impacts of sport as the organization model for children and young people free time, and its influence, and prevention of socially unacceptable behavior is very scarce or even nonexistent, for the purpose of writing this work we were able to consult only a few previous studies that point to general organizational issues of free time, that children prefer during the time that remains to them after school, including family and other obligations during the day. R esults/Findings: Based on the analysis, we have found that sport as an extracurricular activity may be an instrumentality of early prevention of socially unacceptable behavior, in a way that organized sports activities can be used to improve relations between children and youth, and their relation to society and the environment. General Conclusion: The respect of society norms and values is crucial for the progress of the community. Sport as an extracurricular activity for children and young people can certainly help with that, considering the fact that every sport contains rules that need to be respected. Therefore, compliance with the rules of the sport will contribute to the respect of rules in society. Young people involved in sports, can meet other young people with similar attitudes, which will contribute to better socialization in the society. Meeting people which share the same attitudes and thinking, will affect young people, primary in the context of positively thinking and respecting social values and norms. R esearch/Paper Validity: In this paper we will try to offer some solutions in order to solve problems of socially unacceptable behavior of children and youth, as well as the problem of juvenile delinquency, with emphasis on sports and sports activities. Applied value of this paper lies in the fact that it can be used for further research on the same, or similar, subject.

Predikcija uspjeha studenata Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije pri odabiru najboljih kandidata za potrebe Ministarstva unutrasnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo u cinu Mlađi inspektor, sprovedena je na ukupnom selekcionom uzorku od 166 ispitanika prve godine Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Ukupan uzorak je podijeljen na dva subuzorka koji cine studenti muskog pola (N = 85) i ženskog pola (N = 81). U ovom istraživanju prediktorski skup varijabli za procjenu uspjesnosti u mogucoj selekciji studenata Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiiju i sigurnosne studije za cin Mlađi inspektor u Ministarstvu unutrasnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo, predstavlja skupina od pet (5) izolovanih latentnih motorickih dimenzija, koje su veoma bitne pri selekciji i odabiru kadrova za potrebe Ministarstva unutrasnjih poslova, u cinu Mlađi inspektor. Uzorak kriterijskih varijabli cini ukupno pet motorickih testova, koji koristi Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo za selekciju ljudskih resursa i potencijala u cinu Mlađi inspektor.

U ovom radu je predstavljen i opisan znacaj sporta i organizovanih tjelesnih aktivnosti sa aspekta njegovog utjecaja na sprecavanje negativnih i destruktivnih nacina izražavanja djece i omladine. Predmet ovog rada su djeca i mladi u postmodernom okruženju u kojem žive i koje pred njih stavlja brojne krize i izazove. U ovom radu koriste se razliciti izvori dosadasnjih istraživanja pomocu kojih cemo pokusati objasniti znacaj organizacije slobodnog vremena djece i omladine uz primjenu razlicitih modela sportskih sadržaja i drugih oblika tjelesne aktivnosti, kao i utjecaj sportskih sadržaja na razvoj cjelovite, svestrane licnosti, ocuvanju i unapređenju zdravlja opcenito, kao i preveniranju mnogih asocijalnih pojava koje danas nisu rijetkost među mladima (narkomanija, alkoholizam, kockanje, maloljetnicka delikvencija i sl.), Problem ovog teoretskog pristupa jeste definisanje slobodnog vremena, maloljetnicke delikvencije, organizovanje slobodnog vremena mladih, kao i uloga sportskih klubova i organizacija u sportu. Problemom ovog rada možemo smatrati i identifikaciju faktora i cinjenica koje negativno utjecu na organizovanje kvalitetnog slobodnog vremena djece i mladih u uvjetima zemlje kao sto je Bosna i Hercegovina.

Admir Hadžikadunić, Mustafa Šuvalija, Jasna Bajraktarević

Primjena motorickih i psiholoskih testova kao instrumenta u cilju selekcije ljudskih resursa i potencijala za potrebe policije, omogucuje nam utvrđivanje stepena potrebnih vjestina i sposobnosti pri odabiru ljudskih potencijala i resursa. Isto tako instrumenti koji se koriste za procjenu nivoa motorickih sposobnosti i psiholoskih karakteristika mogu biti polazna osnova za kreiranje postupaka unapređenja postojecih ljudskih potencijala i resursa. Sa obzirom da kompleksnih istraživanja za procjenu motorickih sposobnosti pri selekciji ljudskih potencijala i resursa za potrebe policije jos uvijek nema, koristi se hipotetski model sastavljen od motorickih sposobnosti snage, brzine, koordinacije, fleksibilnosti, ravnoteže, preciznosti i izdržljivosti. Kada je u pitanju procjena psiholoskih karakteristika pri selekciji policijskih službenika, raznovrsnost metoda psiholoske procjene otvara mogucnost ispitivanja sirokog spektra psiholoskih karakteristika, a time i identificiranja pojedinaca sa nepoželjnim i poželjnim karakteristikama, te prepoznavanje onih koji su najpodobniji za policijski posao. S obzirom da svaka od mjera procjene ili mjeri druge karakteristike ili ima određene metodoloske prednosti i nedostatke u poređenju sa drugom, slicnom mjerom, za sto potpunije rezultate neophodna je primjena sto vise razlicitih vidova psiholoske procjene, zbog cega najvecu prepreku sto potpunijoj psiholoskoj procjeni pri selekciji policajaca predstavljaju finansijska i vremenska ogranicenja.

Original scientific paper This paper aims to present the investigation of the influence of the physical and health education at the transformation of basic motor abilities of students fifth graders, using various methodical organizational work in teaching physical and health education in the course of one school year. The aim of this study was to determine possible differences in the basic motor abilities between differently treated groups of examinees consisting of 198 boys and girls attending the fifth grade of primary school (age 10-11 years). The sample was divided into two subgroups, control and experimental group (N = 99). Teaching model that was implemented by the control group was performed by the current curriculum with two hours per week of regular classes of physical and health education, with a variety of programs in athletics, gymnastics and sports games, but with the use of simple group methodical organizational forms of work. Teaching model that was implemented by the experimental group was performed by the same curriculum as the control group with the same contents, but with the use of more complex organizational forms. Based upon analysis of the data obtained, using the T test, and canonical discriminant analysis, we have obtained significant differences of the results of basic motor abilities among students in the experimental and control group, and that these differences are in favor of the students in the experimental group, and that these students have significantly higher levels of applied basic motor skills compared to students in the control group.

This piece of work deals with the influence of sport and organized physical exercises on preventing the destructive behaviour of children and young people. The subjects of this work are children and young people in their post-modern environment which often puts numerous crisis and challenges in their way. We used different sources for this research that will help us explain the significance of organising free time for children and young people, as well as the influence of sport on development of their personalities, health or preventing many examples of asocial behaviour (drug and alcohol abuse, gambling, youth delinquency). The problems of this theoretical approach are defining free time, youth delinquency, organization of children's free time, as well as the importance of sports clubs for these issues. Another thing that we recognize as a problem is identification of factors and facts that have negative influence on organizing free time of children and young people in terms of quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (English) Keywords: Juvenile justice; Juvenile delinquency ::: U ovom radu je predstavljen i opisan znacaj sporta i organizovanih tjelesnih aktivnosti sa aspekta njegovog utjecaja na sprecavanje negativnih i destruktivnih nacina izražavanja djece i omladine. Predmet ovog rada su djeca i mladi u postmodernom okruženju u kojem žive i koje pred njih stavlja brojne krize i izazove. U ovom radu koriste se razliciti izvori dosadasnjih istraživanja pomocu kojih cemo pokusati objasniti znacaj organizacije slobodnog vremena djece i omladine uz primjenu razlicitih modela sportskih sadržaja i drugih oblika tjelesne aktivnosti, kao i utjecaj sportskih sadržaja na razvoj cjelovite, svestrane licnosti, ocuvanju i unapređenju zdravlja opcenito, kao i preveniranju mnogih asocijalnih pojava koje danas nisu rijetkost među mladima (narkomanija, alkoholizam, kockanje, maloljetnicka delikvencija i sl.), Problem ovog teoretskog pristupa jeste definisanje slobodnog vremena, maloljetnicke delikvencije, organizovanje slobodnog vremena mladih, kao i uloga sportskih klubova i organizacija u sportu. Problemom ovog rada možemo smatrati i identifikaciju faktora i cinjenica koje negativno utjecu na organizovanje kvalitetnog slobodnog vremena djece i mladih u uvjetima zemlje kao sto je Bosna i Hercegovina. Language: croatian

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