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Kenan Hodžić

University of Sarajevo

Društvene mreže:

Kenan Hodžić, Ognjen Jevđenić

Radiation and nuclear security and safety represent regulated and controlled area. First of all, because of the common importance for humanity. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an established legal, i.e. institutional framework, but due to the decentralized complex system, it is unclear whether CBRN teams have been formed, what tasks and roles they perform and whether the procedure is uniform. In this research, the main focus is on the analysis of the complexity of the system, and the role of the State Regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety as a central authority and the Federal Administration of Civil Protection as a lower entity body in training and equipping teams for incident situations related to CBRN materials. The research is of empirical character and qualitative design. With this research we will show the level of equipment of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina including measures and activities that are undertaken to prevent events and incidents in the broadest view, which will indicate recommendations for improving the preparedness and performance of institutions in preventing extraordinary events and incident situations.

Nerma Halilović Kibrić, Jasmin Ahić, Kenan Hodžić

Previous research has established that during all phases of a crisis, people resort to different means of communication in order to get more information (McIntyre et al., 2012, Nelson et al., 2009, Lachlan et al., 2009), in order to reduce uncertainty ( Lachlan et al., 2010), and to gain a sense of control over the situation (Lachlan et al., 2016). At the beginning of the 21st century, mass communication is taking on new forms. The exponential growth and affirmation of the Internet as a very important channel for communication has minimized the influence of traditional media. Digitization processes, interactivity, multimedia, connection and networking of a large number of people and expediency in the dissemination of information enabled the wide use of social networks in times of crisis. In the first part of the paper, previous research on the use of social networks in crisis communication was synthesized, through the presentation of best practices for effective communication. The second part of the paper provides a detailed analysis of the use of social networks on the example of the war in Ukraine, answering two important questions: 1. how are social networks used to spread competing national narratives and disinformation in times of crisis? and 2. what is the role of social media owners and government policies in limiting disinformation?

The 21st century is characterized by conflicts and compromises related to the supply of food, water and especially energy. There is a real need to identify threats and causes that could be serious challenges that the world could face due to the coronavirus pandemic. The paper will try to determine the factual situation in the field of global energy security of 2021 and the relationship of energy policies to situations in various energy markets of major energy actors. Just several empirical studies investigate the impacts of epidemics or pandemics on energy security. This paper describes the multifaceted nature of energy security, offers several indicators for assessing changes in energy security and outlines a variety of policy options for enhancing energy security. In order to research the topic, the paper will include a methodology that will provide insight into the importance of energy security, its scope both on the global concept of understanding and its contribution to several conceptual frameworks. The justification of the research is reflected in the need to recognize the importance of the challenges to contemporary global energy security.

Reasons for writing and research problem(s): The focus on migration processes has been dramatically intensified, both internationally and nationally. Often, this phenomenon undermines national and political unity. The inspiration for exploring this phenomenon was initially related to the local demarcations about the migrant crisis. People in the movement are becoming a more frequent occurrence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and our country represents a transit destination to European countries, so it is essential to explain and shed light on the repercussions of this crisis and the (un)willingness of the state to respond to growing challenges that concern general public. Aims of the paper: The scientific aim of this paper is reflected in the description of capacities in the conditions of the migrant crisis, taking into account the structure of the political and security system, and the relations and connections between these systems. The social aim of the paper is to present findings of the migrant crisis as a security and humanitarian risk with severe potential and to get acquainted with the key characteristics and risk factors arising from the migrant crisis. Methodology/Design: Given the interdisciplinarity of this subject, to a greater or lesser extent, various general scientific methods are used, primarily the hypotheticaldeductive method and the analytical-deductive method, the method of scientific findings, and the method of analyzing the content of documents, events and testimonies in terms of analysis coordination and readiness of relevant actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Research/paper limitation: Tracking migratory movements requires considerable resources, infrastructure and IT/knowledge systems, therefore B&H's ability to collect, administer, analyze and report data on mobility, migration flow is often uneven and limited. Results/Findings: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, different attitudes and approaches to the phenomenon of migrations are evident. In other words, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not apply harmonized migration policy. General conclusion: Findings presented in this paper can contribute to a broader understanding of the framework of the dichotomy between the security (state78 Criminal Justice Issues Year XX, Issue 5, 2020. Hodžić – Understanding the Migrant Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina centric) approach and the humanitarian (human-centric) approach of the migrant crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Jasmin Ahić, Kenan Hodžić

Inspiracija za rad i problem (i) koji se radom oslovljava (ju): Tehnicko-tehnoloski razvoj omogucava i pogoduje unapređivanju i inoviranju novih komunikacijskih kanala. U domenu kriticnih ljudskih djelatnosti osnovno je pitanje na koji nacin zastititi covjeka od savremenih prijetnji kojima je izložen. U raspoloživoj akademskoj literaturi ne postoji dovoljno informacija o metodama koje proucavaju skrivanje informacija sto spada u skupinu postupaka kriptografije. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ili drustveni): Cilj rada je analizirati historijsku ulogu kriptografije, ukazati na razloge njene pojave, primjenu i važnost u cilju unapređenja sigurnosti i zastite ljudi u cjelini. Svakako da je popunjavanje praznina u dostupnoj građi iz ove oblasti dopunski cilj rada, uzimajuci u obzir da ce se u radu na sistematican i jedinstven nacin zaokružiti zapaženo stanje. Metodologija/Dizajn: U radu je primarno koristena tehnika iz kvalitativne istraživacke paradigme. Metodom analize sadržaja istraživat ce se kriptografski sistemi i metode koje se koriste. Selekcija akademskih radova iz oblasti kriptografije je urađena na nacin da su odabrani samo oni radovi koji u svojoj sadržini imaju historijsku i razvojnu komponentu sigurnosti i kriptografije. Ogranicenja istraživanja/rada: Nedostatak naucnog diskursa i postojanje izraženog nesklada u teorijskim razmatranjima a u vezi sa interpretiranjem kripto postupaka. Rezultati/Generalni zakljucak: Rezultati se odnose na prikaz i klasifikaciju sistema i metoda kriptografije. Opravdanost istraživanja/rada: Opravdanost istraživanja se ogleda u potrebi da se prizna važnost pogodnostima primjene kriptografije u danasnje vrijeme. -------------------------------------------------------------- CRYPTOGRAPHY PROCEDURES AND THEIR ROLE Reason for writing and research problem (s): Technical-technological development enables the improvement and innovation of new communication channels. In the field of critical human activities, the basic question is how to protect a man from the modern threats he is exposed to. In the available academic literature, there is incomplete information about methods for analyzing hidden information and which belong under the category of cryptography. Aims of the paper (scientific or social): The aim of the paper is to analyze the historical role of cryptography, to indicate the reasons for its appearance, application, and importance in order to improve the safety and protection of people and society as a whole. Filling the gaps in the available mate-rial from this field is a supplementary goal of work, as it will work in a systematic and unique way to encircle the observed situation. Methodology/ Design: The paper uses primarily the technique from a qualitative research paradigm. The method of content analysis will explore the cryptographic systems and methods. The selection of academic papers in the field of cryptography was done in a way that only works that have a history and development component of security and cryptography are selected. Research/ Paper limitation: Lack of scientific discourse and the existence of a pronounced disparity in theoretical considerations, regarding the interpretation of crypto operations. General Conclusion: The results refer to the display and classification of systems and methods of cryptography. Research/ Paper Validity: The justification of the research is reflected in the need to recognize the importance of the benefits of applying cryptography today.

The authors analyze and explore the directions and perspectives of critical infrastructure protection in the B&H system. Since a threat to critical infrastructure threatens the local community, the state, the territories of multiple states, the region or even the continent, it is necessary to approach organized prevention, response and assistance, and to overcome the resulting consequences. Any modification or compromising of the critical infrastructure function potentially creates a threat to the civilian population, endangers the economy of the state, raises issues of national security and causes adverse environmental impacts.  The question of interdependence and coordination between institutions and organizations sharing responsibilities in solving crisis situations in the context of critical infrastructure protection is in continuity with the subject of scientific and practical research because the dynamic relationship and the need to improve the security and protection system really condition new developmental forms of policies to protect the critical infrastructure with specific conditions and communication among all actors. A group of authors attempt to answer the feasibility of applying new models and concepts of critical infrastructure protection, but also to the B&H paradigm of a defragmented system by identifying key actors that should maximally contribute with active participation and influence a higher level of awareness in order to achieve the safety of nationally relevant facilities and the system.


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