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Sandra Kobajica

Društvene mreže:

Marijana M. Kotlaja, Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Jon Maskály, Sandra Kobajica, P. Neyroud

The current study applies the key components of GST to explore the relationship between stress and misconduct during the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyzed the answers provided by a sample of 480 police officers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and discovered that the relationship between strain and willingness to engage in police misconduct during the pandemic is complex; not all types of stressors were related to all forms of police misconduct included in our study. The two strongest organizational stressors were perceptions that the police agency was ineffective in dealing with the pandemic and that there was a lack of personal protective equipment for police officers. Fear for their own personal health, fear of COVID-19, and concerns that COVID-19 is much more dangerous than the flu were significant personal stressors related to their willingness to engage in police misconduct. Police's own willingness not to wear a mask and to visit friends and family with whom they do not live decreased the perception that the community is not adhering to the COVID-19 rules and regulations. Living with a partner was also negatively associated with the respondents’ willingness to engage in misconduct.

V. Stupar, M. Avdibegović, S. Barudanović, J. Jurković, Sandra Kobajica, M. Mataruga, D. Bećirović

Increasing drivers (i.e. pressures) on nature are present at the global scale, resulting in the upgrowth of the number of endangered species and habitats, as well as a decrease in the capacity of ecosystems to provide various benefits to the human population. Recent studies indicate that natural ecosystems are frequently unable to adequately and efficiently provide the flow of ecosystem services or nature’s contribution to people (i.e. NCP), emphasising that this negative trend will continue in the future. These trends can be linked with the existence of drivers or pressures on nature, which are numerous and have an increasing trend over time. Pressures on nature are all changes and disturbances in the functioning of biological processes and systems, followed by disruption of the ecosystem structure and the integration of the living world. In order to prevent the loss of biodiversity and ensure NCP, it is important to recognize and understand direct and indirect pressures on nature. In this sense, this paper presents the spatial distribution, intensity, trends and drivers of individual categories of pressures on nature in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as their combined effect. The presentation of pressures on nature is based on 16 broadly recognizable groups of ecosystems that include broad natural units (e.g. high mountain complexes), or a complex of ecological factors (e.g. dry and rocky meadows and pastures), the dominant type of use (e.g. agricultural areas) or the dominant type of pressures (e.g. urban areas) (Figures 2 and 3, Table 1). For the purposes of assessing the intensity of certain categories of pressures (direct and indirect) and their trends per ecosystem groups, an expert assessment procedure was carried out, using a structured research instrument, that enabled the analysis of experts’ views when it comes to the intensity and trend of certain categories of pressures for each ecosystem group (Tables 2 and 3). The results of this research indicate that the urban ecosystems, running water ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems are under the highest pressure, while the lowest pressures are associated with the underground and canyon ecosystems (Figures 4–13, 16). Direct pressures are generally rated as more intense than indirect pressures (Figures 14 and 15). For the majority of analysed direct and indirect pressures, similar effects and trends are confirmed as at the global level. According to the opinion of the experts, who participated in this research, overuse and pollution were assessed as the highest direct pressures on nature in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while institutional pressure was recognised as the highest indirect pressure. Keeping in mind that, according to their characteristics, institutional pressures are inseparable from the state authority and its institutions while, in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are inevitably linked to the socio-political organization and numerous criticisms of the (non)functioning of institutions. Groups of ecosystems with a significant share in total area (e.g. arable land, lowland and mountain deciduous forests and shrubs, etc.) are also characterized by high pressure with a moderate or increasing trend. Although competent institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in various international processes, systemic and institutional activities that would result in the application of good practices of the international initiatives regarding nature protection and sustainable use of natural resources are often missing. In that sense, the results of this research provide the decision-makers and the scientific community with scientifically based arguments and overall directions for the decision-making process and conducting future research in the field of natural resources and their sustainable use.

A. Maljević, Sandra Kobajica

Reason for writing and research problem(s): The illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs remains to be one of the most prevailing and profitable activities of organized criminal groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina [BiH]. BiH is mainly a country of transit or final destination of narcotics drugs, while organized criminal groups operating in the country are interlinked to organized criminal groups from the ‘Balkan route’, with the regional ties in neighbouring countries. Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): This study provides an overview of criminal justice systems’ response to drug trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina Methodology/ Design: Data on drug trafficking in BiH will be presented through the quantitative statistical analysis of the criminal justice systems’ response to the phenomenon. Therefore, the method of secondary data analysis (official statistics and the case law) on drug related crime will be used. Research/ Paper limitation: The study limitations relates to the use of official data. Analysis has shown that the very basic information on drug related organized criminal groups can be collected from administrative sources. Results/ Findings: The findings suggest that drug trafficking in BiH is a criminal activity with cross-border elements, predominantly committed by unemployed, uneducated, married men with children. They rarely use violence, corruption or services of experts.

A. Maljević, Sandra Kobajica

Development of Victimology, as a new research field, began in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of the 20th century. This paper provides an overview of the state of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina, emphasizing legal position of victims and access to justice mechanisms over the years. There is an evident lack in victimology-related research and education in attempting to engage systematically with political and public attitudes toward understanding of the victim status and victim protection measures. However, the role and position of Victimology at universities will be explored. Research on crime victimisation, mostly limited to the fear of crime and self-reported delinquency surveys, will be presented as well. The overview concludes with proposals for strengthening victim-related legislation and policies aimed to improve position of victim, as well as victimological research efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Environmental crimes and their harms are largely neglected in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina [BiH]. Efficient and effective environmental protection is hindered by limited (empirical) knowledge about the phenomenology and aetiology of these crimes and the lack of formal reaction mechanisms. This study examines the phenomena and typology of environmental crime in BiH based on the legalist perspective in green criminology. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to determine forms, extent and distribution of registered environmental crime in BiH. The data stem from the Agency for Statistics at the state level, as well as from Entities offices of statistics. The study findings indicate that environmental crime does exist in BiH. The most frequent registered forms are the forest theft, following by the illegal hunting and fishing, the torture and killing of animals and the devastation of forests. It is widely assumed that in this field there are a considerable number of cases that go unrecorded. Creation and implementation of criminal justice policies are crucial for any successful response to environmental threats and they need to have in mind such findings.

Muhamed Budimlić, Muamer Kavazović, Predrag Puharić, Sandra Kobajica

Inspiracija za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Tradicionalni sistemi operativnog i analitickog rada sve teže mogu odgovoriti savremenim oblicima kri- minaliteta, prije svega jer ne mogu pružiti dovoljno brze i tacne podatke u svrhu predviđanja i podrske odlucivanju. Geografski informacioni sistemi (e. Geographical Information Systems) koriste kompjuterski obrađene geografske karte za pomoc pri vizualizaciji i pristupu velikoj kolicini podataka sadržanih u odgovarajucim bazama podataka. Na taj nacin, znacajno olaksavaju i ubrzavaju uocavanje kriticnih informa- cija i događaja vezanih za pojavu i trendove kriminala od strane policijskih agencija, kao i njihov pravovremeni odgovor. Samim tim, GIS predstavljaju važnu kariku u bor- bi protiv kriminaliteta pružajuci alatke za mapiranje i analizu kriminaliteta. Dodatno, oni omogucavaju analizu kompleksnih i naizgled nepovezanih događaja i prikaz slo- jevitih, prostornih karti. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ ili drustveni): U prevenciji i borbi protiv kriminaliteta GIS se mogu koristiti na tri nivoa: mapiranje kriminaliteta, kriminalisticka analitika te istražne i predistražne radnje. U ovom radu autori ce se osvrnuti na sva tri aspekta upotrebe GIS-a s posebnim naglaskom na mogucnosti i pogodnosti koje takvi sistemi pružaju u unapređenju socijalne kontrole kriminaliteta, sto ujedno predstavlja i cilj ovog rada. Metodologija/ dizajn: Da bi postigli postavljene ciljeve rada neophodno ce biti pro- vesti ograniceno i fokusirano teorijsko istraživanje kategorije mapiranja kriminaliteta, ukljucujuci i pravni osvrt na norme koje tretiraju ovu problematiku. Pored navedenog, istraživanje ce obuhvatiti i empirijsko istraživanje na prigodnom uzorku predstavnika institucija koje bi mogle koristiti instrumente mapiranja kriminaliteta u svom radu, kroz koje ce biti primijenjene kako kvantitativne tako i kvalitativne metode analize prikupljene empirijske građe. Polazna teorijska osnova rada bit ce postavljena na tezama koje se naglasavaju u kriminologiji mjesta odnosno kako se cesce naziva okolisna ili ambijentalna kriminologija, ne iskljucujuci i druge teorijske koncepcije kriminalistike te koncepte drugih nauka izvan ili unutar kriminologije. Ogranicenja istraživanja/ rada: Kljucno ogranicenje ovog istraživanja moglo bi biti nepostojanje prakse koriscenja mapiranja kriminaliteta u institucijama formalne so- cijalne kontrole te nespremnost nosilaca rukovodnih funkcija u ovim institucijama za unapređenje rada novim tehnologijama i metodama rada sto je registrovano u nekim ranijim istraživanjima organizacije i funkcionisanja policijskih i pravosudnih institucija. Rezultati/ nalazi: Teoretizirajuci trenutno stanje naznacenih pitanja u Bosni i Hercego- vini, nastojat ce se dati prijedlog konkretnih buducih aktivnosti koje ukljucuju koriste- nje GIS tehnologije u radu policijskih agencija. Generalni zakljucak: U zakljucku ce biti ukazano na mogucnosti i perspektive razvoja ovih tehnologija i viseg nivoa upotrebe u svakodnevnom radu policijskih agencija. Opravdanost istraživanja/ rada: U unapređenju formalnog sistema socijalne kontro- le kriminaliteta temeljnu ulogu imaju spoznaje dobivene kroz naucnoistraživacke po- stupke kojima se nastoje obogatiti znanja kako iz oblasti fenomenologije i etiologije kriminalnog ponasanja tako i o mehanizmima i efektima reakcije na kriminalitet. Kriminologija i druge srodne discipline, koristeci teorijske koncepcije prirodnih, drustvenih i tehnickih nauka, nastoje kontinuirano doprinositi inovacijama u oblasti analize, a onda i uspjesnije kontrole kriminaliteta. Rezultati ispitivanja kapaciteta mapiranja kriminali- teta u nasoj zajednici trebali bi opravdati kako naucni tako i drustveni znacaj ovog rada.

Muhamed Budimlić, Muamer Kavazović, Predrag Puharić, Sandra Kobajica

Inspi r acij a za rad i problem(i) koji se radom oslovljava(ju): Tradicionalni sistemi operativnog i analitickog rada sve teže mogu odgovoriti savremenim oblicima kri- minaliteta, prije svega jer ne mogu pružiti dovoljno brze i tacne podatke u svrhu predviđanja i podrske odlucivanju. Geografski informacioni sistemi (e. Geographi cal Information Systems ) koriste kompjuterski obrađene geografske karte za pomoc pri vizualizaciji i pristupu velikoj kolicini podataka sadržanih u odgovarajucim bazama podataka. Na taj nacin, znacajno olaksavaju i ubrzavaju uocavanje kriticnih informa- cija i događaja vezanih za pojavu i trendove kriminala od strane policijskih agencija, kao i njihov pravovremeni odgovor. Samim tim, GIS predstavljaju važnu kariku u bor- bi protiv kriminaliteta pružajuci alatke za mapiranje i analizu kriminaliteta. Dodatno, oni omogucavaju analizu kompleksnih i naizgled nepovezanih događaja i prikaz slo- jevitih, prostornih karti. Ciljevi rada (naucni i/ ili drustveni): U prevenciji i borbi protiv kriminaliteta GIS se mogu koristiti na tri nivoa: mapiranje kriminaliteta, kriminalisticka analitika te istražne i predistražne radnje. U ovom radu autori ce se osvrnuti na sva tri aspekta upotrebe GIS-a s posebnim naglaskom na mogucnosti i pogodnosti koje takvi sistemi pružaju u unapređenju socijalne kontrole kriminaliteta, sto ujedno predstavlja i cilj ovog rada. metodologija/ dizajn: Da bi postigli postavljene ciljeve rada neophodno ce biti pro- vesti ograniceno i fokusirano teorijsko istraživanje kategorije mapiranja kriminaliteta, ukljucujuci i pravni osvrt na norme koje tretiraju ovu problematiku. Pored navedenog, istraživanje ce obuhvatiti i empirijsko istraživanje na prigodnom uzorku predstavnika institucija koje bi mogle koristiti instrumente mapiranja kriminaliteta u svom radu, kroz koje ce biti primijenjene kako kvantitativne tako i kvalitativne metode analize prikupljene empirijske građe. Polazna teorijska osnova rada bit ce postavljena na tezama koje se naglasavaju u kriminologiji mjesta odnosno kako se cesce naziva okolisna ili ambijentalna kriminologija, ne iskljucujuci i druge teorijske koncepcije kriminalistike te koncepte drugih nauka izvan ili unutar kriminologije. Og r anicenj a istraživanja/ rada: Kljucno ogranicenje ovog istraživanja moglo bi biti nepostojanje prakse koriscenja mapiranja kriminaliteta u institucijama formalne so- cijalne kontrole te nespremnost nosilaca rukovodnih funkcija u ovim institucijama za unapređenje rada novim tehnologijama i metodama rada sto je registrovano u nekim ranijim istraživanjima organizacije i funkcionisanja policijskih i pravosudnih institucija. Re z ultati/ nalazi: Teoretizirajuci trenutno stanje naznacenih pitanja u Bosni i Hercego- vini, nastojat ce se dati prijedlog konkretnih buducih aktivnosti koje ukljucuju koriste- nje GIS tehnologije u radu policijskih agencija. Generalni zakljucak: U zakljucku ce biti ukazano na mogucnosti i perspektive razvoja ovih tehnologija i viseg nivoa upotrebe u svakodnevnom radu policijskih agencija. Opravdanost istraživanja/ rada: U unapređenju formalnog sistema socijalne kontro- le kriminaliteta temeljnu ulogu imaju spoznaje dobivene kroz naucnoistraživacke po- stupke kojima se nastoje obogatiti znanja kako iz oblasti fenomenologije i etiologije kriminalnog ponasanja tako i o mehanizmima i efektima reakcije na kriminalitet. Krimi- nologija i druge srodne discipline, koristeci teorijske koncepcije prirodnih, drustvenih i tehnickih nauka, nastoje kontinuirano doprinositi inovacijama u oblasti analize, a onda i uspjesnije kontrole kriminaliteta. Rezultati ispitivanja kapaciteta mapiranja kriminali- teta u nasoj zajednici trebali bi opravdati kako naucni tako i drustveni znacaj ovog rada. -----------------------------------------------------  Crime mapping in Bosnia and Herzegovina - current situation and prospects for the future R eason(s) for writing and research problem(s): It is becoming increasingly more diffi- cult for traditional systems of operational and analytical work to respond to types of criminality encountered today thus because they are unable to provide accurate data in sufficient time to predict trends and provide support to the decision making process. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) use computer-processed geographical maps as an aid to visualize and access large amounts of data that are located within specific databases. In this way, the work of police agencies with respect to critical information detection process and in particular those events related to criminal trends has become significantly easier and more quickly. This means that GISs are an important means of combating criminality, because of their tools for crime mapping and analysis. In addi- tion, these systems provide an analysis of complex and at first sight unrelated events displayed on multiple layered area maps. Goals of this paper (scientific and/ or social): In preventing and combatting crime, GISs can be used in three different areas: crime mapping, crime analysis and investiga- tion and finally pre-investigation work. In this paper, the authors will discuss all three aspects of GIS usage, focusing on its capabilities and advantages in improving crime control in society. methodology/ Design: In order to achieve these goals, it will be necessary to conduct specific theoretical research focusing on crime mapping categories, including the legal framework and the norms regulating this area. In addition, the authors will perform  empirical research of an appropriate sample of institutions are likely to use crime map- ping in their work, and will also apply quantitive and qualitive analysis methods based on the empirical material. The initial theoretical basis of the work will be presented by focusing on environmental criminology. However, other concepts of criminalistics and other sciences either within or outside of criminology will also be taken into con- sideration. R esearch/ Paper limitations: The main limitation of this research might be the limited practical use of crime mapping within institutions dealing with formal social control, and reluctance of supervisors within these institutions to improve efficiency by intro- ducing new technologies and methods, as was found in some recent research in the organization and functioning of police and judicial institutions. R esults / Findings: Through a theoretical discussion of the current situation of the above mentioned problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the authors will attempt to propose concrete future activities involving the use of GIS technology in police agencies. General conclusion: In conclusion, the authors will indicate the possibility of develop- ing GIS technologies and using them extensively on a daily basis in police agencies. R esearch/ Paper validity: Improvement of a formal system of social control of crimi- nality relies upon findings that are derived from scientific research used to improve the knowledge about phenomenology and etiology of criminal behavior, as well as mechanisms and effects of reaction to criminality. Criminology and other related dis- ciplines, by using theoretical concepts of natural, social and technical sciences, is con- stantly attempting not only to innovations in the area of analysis, but also to more ef- ficient and effective crime control. Results of research into the crime mapping capacity in the BiH community should justify the scientific and social significance of this paper.


Muhamed Budimlić, Sandra Kobajica, L. Mandić

Podaci o kriminalitetu na određenom prostoru najcesce se iskazuju kroz deskripcije dobijene na osnovu analiziranih podataka zvanicno registrovanog kriminaliteta, a koje se sistematizuju kroz izvjestaje institucija formalne socijalne kontrole. Rezultati ovih analiza predstavljaju elementarne izvore za izradu prikaza fenomenoloskih obilježja kriminaliteta za posmatrane prostorne jedinice, pri cemu se nerijetko izlažu kroz podatke o statici, dinamici i tipologiji kriminaliteta. Ovim radom se namjeravaju prikazati rezultati analize podataka o registrovanom kriminalitetu (broju prijavljenih osoba, podignutih optužnica i osuđujucih presuda) na prostoru Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine u posljednjih deset godina, pri cemu ce se, pored uporedne analize, izvrsiti i osnovna analiza strukture posmatrane pojave. Navedene analize bi trebale dovesti do rezultata s kojima bi bili u poziciji da ukažemo ne samo na obim, strukturu i trendove kriminaliteta u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine, vec i na one oblike kriminaliteta za koje je neophodno unaprijediti praksu institucionalnog djelovanja kako bi se povecala stopa registracije, optuživanja i osuđivanja, posebno oblika koji u nasoj zajednici nanose najvece stete. --------------------- Official data analysis on crime is the most common source used to create images of crime that exists at certain places. The institutions of social control are submitting systemized reports that are used for this exact purpose. Data on statics, dynamics and typology of crime brings results of the analysis which shows the phenomenology of crime. This paper is intended to show the results of data analysis on registered crime (number of persons reported, accused and convicted for) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the past decade. Our intention is to create a comparative analysis of the structure of crime in the selected geographical area. We believe that the results of this study could deliver objective picture of the scope, structure and dynamics of registered crimes commited in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to this, we are confident that the results of this research study could point out to those forms of crime for which it is necessary to improve the practice of institutional reaction to crime in order to increase the positive rate of, accusation and crime punishment. Of particular we refer to those forms of crime in our community which inflict the most damage.


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