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Suzana Jahić

Društvene mreže:

Suzana Jahić, Sebila Rekanović, Samira Hotić, Husein Vilić

The aim of this paper is focused on reducing sodium chloride content by partial replacement with potassium chloride and magnesium chloride in cooked cheese samples. For the production of cheese, standardized cow's milk from a domestic market producer was used, and the cheese was produced by heating the milk to a temperature of 95°C and coagulation with acetic acid. The one salted only with NaCl was designated as the standard sample, and the other samples were salted with combinations of salts in which NaCl reduction was performed: sample A1 had a ratio of 15% KCl:85% NaCl, sample A2 30% KCl:70% NaCl, sample B1 15% MgCl2:85% NaCl and sample B2 30% MgCl2:70% NaCl. The cheese samples were stored at + 4°C and color parameters and sensory properties were analyzed on the 1st, 3rdand 5thdays of storage. Based on the performed analyses, it was concluded that it is completely acceptable to replace sodium chloride with potassium chloride in the ratio of 15% KCl:85% NaCl. It is acceptable to replace sodium chloride with potassium chloride inthe ratio of 30% KCl:70% NaCl, with the note that on the 5thday of storage there is a gradual deterioration of the sensory properties compared to the samples analyzed on the 1stday of storage. Replacement of sodium chloride with magnesium chloride in the ratios 15% MgCl2:85% NaCl and 30% MgCl2:70% NaCl is not acceptable.As such, it is not recommended in the production of cooked cheeses due to the appearance of a metallic and bitter taste that is present in cheese samples from the 1st to the 5th day of storage. KEYWORDS:cooked cheese, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride

Bosanski sudžuk (The "Bosnian sudžuk" – The Bosnian Smoked Sausage) prepared in a traditional way is fermented and dried product made from high-quality ground beef and beef tallow with the addition of salt and spices. The production of Bosnian sudžuk in a traditional way comes down to filling the natural sausage casings with ground, salted beef and fat with the addition of salt and spices which are subsequently smoked, i.e. dried. This study was aimed to determine how the composition of raw materials and the extended fermentation interval, applied after stuffing natural casings, affect physicochemical and sensory properties of traditionally produced Bosnian sudžuk. The following samples of Bosnian sudžuk were prepared in the traditional way: Sample I – Bosnian sudžuk made from a combination of beef and beef fat tissue with the addition of spices and Sample II – Bosnian sudžuk made from a combination of beef, lamb and beef fat tissue with the addition of spices. After preparation of stuffing and filling into casings, the samples underwent prolonged liquid squeezing (fermentation) that lasted three days. During the aforementioned squeezing, the samples of the stuffing were analyzed on their chemical composition as well as pH changes of the stuffing. After the completion of the liquid squeezing process, the samples of Bosnian sudžuk were dried and smoked in the classical drier. The research results showed that the weight loss of dried Bosnian sudžuk was higher in the Sample II than in the Sample I. The course of changes of pH was balanced for both samples tested, and the final pH of the dried product was higher in the Sample II than in the Sample I. Regarding the chemical parameters of quality, the Sample II had a lower content of water and a higher content of fat and proteins compared to the Sample I. Sensory evaluation showed that the Sample I had better overall grade compared to Sample II.

J. Pleadin, V. Vasilj, D. Petrović, J. Frece, N. Vahčić, Suzana Jahić, K. Markov

In this study, the occurrence of Fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA) and fumonisins (FUM) was investigated in a total of 257 samples of unprocessed cereals (maize, wheat and barley), sampled annually in Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the 2013-2015 harvesting period. The levels of mycotoxins were determined using a validated ELISA method. The results showed maize to be the most contaminated cereal among the three, with DON detected in 85%, ZEA in 73% and FUM in 67% of samples, the mean concentrations of the toxins observed during the study period thereby being 984±957 μg/kg, 326±314 μg/kg, and 1, 259±1, 161 μg/kg, respectively. Twenty samples (7.8%) were proven inadmissible for consumption as foodstuffs (Commission Regulation 1881/2006), and 3 samples (1.2%) were proven inadmissible even as feedstuffs (Commission Recommendation 2006/576/EC). Significantly higher (p < 0.05) mycotoxin levels determined in samples harvested in 2014 as compared to those harvested in 2013 and 2015 could be associated with heavy rainfall periods witnessed in 2014 that could favour the formation of moulds, and consequently also the increased production of Fusarium mycotoxins.

Arijana Spahić-Bajrić, N. Pračić, Đorđe Savić, Suzana Jahić

Cilj rada bio je da se ustanovi povezanost rezultata higijenskog skora proizvodnog procesa na farmi i parametara kvaliteta sirovog mlijeka (broj somatskih celija i ukupni broj mikroorganizama). Vrijednost higijenskog skora proizvodnog procesa na ukupno 25  ispitanih farmi podijeljenih u tri grupe (grupa A, n=5, velike farme; grupa B, n=10, manje farme, i grupa C, n=10, individualni proizvođaci) ustanovljena je uz pomoc upitnika datog u radu, a vrijednosti broja somatskih celija i ukupnog broja mikroorganizama uz pomoc aparata Fossomatic TM Minor i Bactoscan TM TC50. Prosjecne vrijednosti higijenskog skora bile su najvise na farmama grupe A (88.25±3.68 poena, ocjena vrlo dobar), a najniže na farmama grupe C (55.67±4.94 poena, ocjena ne zadovoljava). Broj somatskih celija bio je statisticki znacajno visi na farmama grupe C u odnosu na grupe A i B (505027±89990 naprema 167728±35780, p<0,05, i 236045±38712,  p<0,01). Ukupan broj mikroorganizama u ispitanim uzorcima mlijeka bio je najvisi na farmama grupe C (207786±74859), a najniži na farmama grupe B (90423±14828). Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na znacajan uticaj redovnog sprovođenja higijenskih mjera u procesu proizvodnje na parametre higijenske ispravnosti, a time i kvalitet sirovog mlijeka.

Suzana Jahić, H. Makic, M. Veladžić

In order to gain a more complete insight into the effects of vegetable and animal fat enrichment in broiler feed on content of fatty acids in meat, an experimental research has been conducted on 240 Cobb 500female broilers, divided into four separate treatments of 60 broilers each. The experiment was conducted in the period of 42 days. During that period, the first group of broilers was fed with 3% pork fat enriched feed – treatment 1, second group was fed with 3% soy oil enriched feed – treatment 2, third group with 3% bovine tallow – treatment 3, and fourth group with 3% sunflower oil – treatment 4. The content of fatty acids in red and white broiler meat was determined by the gas chromatography method. The content of saturated fatty acids in the red meat was not of statistical significance (p>0.05), the content of monounsaturated fatty acids was of statistical significance (p<0.05), while the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the red broiler meat was of high statistical significance (p<0.01) with reference to the applied feeding treatments. The content of saturated fatty acids in the white meat was not of statistical significance (p>0.05), while the content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in white broiler meat was of high statistical significance (p<0.01) with reference to the applied feeding treatments. The n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio in red broiler meat was determined as follows: treatment 1 - 19.3:1; treatment 2 - 16.0:1; treatment 3 - 20.5:1; treatment 4 - 12.9:1. The n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio in white broiler meat was: treatment 1 - 20.3:1, treatment 2 –16.1:1, treatment 3 –17.6:1 and treatment 4 –12.2:1. Keywords: broiler meat, sunflower oil, vegetable fat, animal fat, fatty acids content

Ibrahim Mujić, Vildana Alibabić, J. Zivkovic, Suzana Jahić, S. Jokić, Ž. Prgomet, Zlata Tuzlak

Una-Sana Canton (USC) has a large forest areas where chestnut Castanea sativa Mill. grows as a self-sprout tree. The aim of this paper was to determine the morphological characteristics of chestnut fruits from four self-sprout locations (Bužim, Bosanska Krupa, Cazin and Velika Kladusa), and plantation where the domestic tree is grafted with Italian Marroni. Number of fruits/kg, the useless fruit, the percentage of kernel, diameter, width, height and weight of fruits were determined. The number of fruit/kg ranged from 160-222.5, percentage of useless fruit varied between 0.88-6.7%. Percentage of kernel ranged from 78.5 to 87.3%. According to the diameter classification, width, height and weight of fruits, chestnuts fruit from USC enters the category of the smallest fruits of the Mediterranean area. Statistical significant differences (p≤0.01) in the number of fruits/kg and weight of fruits was found between locations, as well in the width of the fruit (p≤0.05), while there is no difference in the diameter and height of the fruit. For grafted chestnut, all the characteristics provided better quality.


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