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Vildana Alibabić

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Melisa Oraščanin, M. Bektašević, E. Šertović, Z. Sarić, Vildana Alibabić

Thanks to the climatic and geographical conditions, the area of the Northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina has a long tradition of producing honey and other bee products. However, there is little or no literature data on the physico-chemical properties and biological activity of different types of honey and other bee products from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Five different types of honey were analyzed: monofloral honey (acacia, chestnut, linden), meadow honey and forest honey. Physico-chemical parameters, sensory analysis, color of honey, antioxidant activity, and content of total phenols were analyzed in five types off collected honey samples. The analyzes performed showed that chestnut honey contains the highest and acacia honey has the lowest content oftotal phenolic compounds. The forest honey showed the best antioxidant activity. The color of the honey was measured according to the CIELab system and the estimated L, a, bparameters show that all types of honey from this area can be characterized asdark types of honey (L50) with the presence of a yellow color. The obtained results show that the analyzed samples of five different types of honey are rich in polyphenolic components and represent a good source of antioxidants in the human diet.KEYWORDS:honey,physico-chemical parameters, color, antioxidant activity, total phenols

Ibrahim Mujić, J. Zivkovic, V. Savic, Vildana Alibabić, M. Staver, T. Jug, M. Franić, K. Damijanić

Due to the growth in production of raspberry ( Rubus sp.) in the Una-Sana Canton, there is a considerable need to research the fruit quality, as well as to guide the production in order to satisfy the requirements of the market. Raspberry fruit is very interesting for consumers because of its pleasant aroma and color, low calories, and high nutrient value, with health benefits that manifest in the high amount of antioxidants. In this paper, we have examined the morphological, chemical, and sensory properties of four cultivars of raspberry (Meeker, Willamette, Fertodi, Polka) grown in the area of the municipality of Bosanska Krupa. The Polka cultivar had the best morphological properties with average fruit width of 1.91 cm, height of 2.31 cm, and weight of 4.80 g. This cultivar also received the best sensory scores. In all the cultivars, there was a high percentage of dry matter (14.05%-16.67%), ash (0.33%-0.59%), reducing sugar (2.3%-4.99%), acid (0.78%-1.95%), and cellulose (0.93%-2.66%), as well as phenols (164.54-416.24 mg GAE/100 g), anthocyanins (53.38-58.83 mg/100 g), and vitamin C (35.77-54.92 mg/100 g). Among the cultivars, Fertodi had the highest share of antioxidant compounds and those differences were significant (P ≥ 0.05). By using principal coordinate analysis the Polka cultivar was characterized by width, height, and mass of fruit; Willamette by anthocyanin and phenols; and Meeker by vitamin C content.

Vildana Alibabić, Melisa Oraščanin, E. Šertović, Ibrahim Mujić

Honey has many components that have a positive biological effect in small amounts. That puts it in the position of a highly prized grocery. In additio

Melisa Oraščanin, Vildana Alibabić, E. Šertović, Ibrahim Mujić

Contemporary trends and trade have contributed to the great presence of different types of honey in the market, which leads to confusion and insecurit

Vildana Alibabić, Melisa Oraščanin, N. Vahčić

Alibabić V., Oraščanin M., Vahčić N. (2017): Geographical origin of honey from eight sub-regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Czech J. Food Sci., 35: 488–495. Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used to define the geographical origin of three types of monofloral (chestnut, linden, and acacia), two types of multifloral (meadow and mixed), and forest honey produced over two consecutive harvest seasons in the Una-Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina), which is geographically divided into eight sub-regions. Statistical analysis was applied to the measurement of physico-chemical and sensory parameters, as well as microand macronutrient (K, Na, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, and Al) content, along with some heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and As). Using the PCA method the characteristic parameters for all eight sub-regions were determined, while the CA grouping method was used to determine the characteristic parameters for six sub-regions. Chestnut honey is predominantly found in Cazin, chestnut and linden honey in Bosanska Krupa, chestnut and acacia honey in Bužim, acacia honey in Sanski Most, mixed honey in Velika Kladuša and forest honey in Ključ.

Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot) is a deciduous fruit shrub from Rosaceae family that does not have a long cultivating tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of variety, quantity and combination of fertilizers on characteristics of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of black chokeberry of Nero cultivar, in agro - ecological conditions of the Una – Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The experimental site fertilized with the combination of mineral and organic nitrate fertilizers gave the best results in morphometric characteristics of fruit, yield and vegetative characteristics of growth. Fruits from the control site had the highest values when it comes to the most of the following characteristics: dry matter content, ash, total acidity, vitamin C and total phenolic content. Statistical analyses showed that factors of quantity and the manner of fertilization influence significantly most of examined parameters in this research (P ≤ 0.05).

E. Šertović, Vildana Alibabić, Ibrahim Mujić

Nepravilna prehrana u najranijoj dobi faktor je utjecaja na moguću pojavu pretilosti, dijabetesa, ateroskleroze ili bolesti kardiovaskularnog sistema u kasnijoj dobi života. Kako su ova oboljenja postala najveći zdravstveni problem svijeta, a sve su zastupljenija kod mlađih uzrasta, vrlo je važno pratiti stanje uhranjenosti kroz razdoblja intenzivnog rasta i razvoja djece. U tu svrhu koriste se antropometrijske metode koje su pored sagledavanja stanja i prikladnosti procesa rasta i razvoja, važne za procjenu rizika za zdravlje u kasnijoj dobi života. Cilj ovoga rada bio je mjerenjem tjelesne mase (TM) i tjelesne visine (TV) te izračunavanjem indeksa mase tijela (ITM) te percentila indeksa tjelesne mase (%ITM) procijeniti stanje uhranjenosti djece predškolskog uzrasta koja pohađaju vrtiće u općinama Unsko sanskog kantona (USK-a) (Bosna i Hercegovina), kroz 2 godine istraživanja (2014. i 2015.). Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 356 djece u dobi od 2 do 6 godina, od toga 55,4 % dječaka 44,6 % djevojčica. Djevojčice su prosječno rasle nešto više (5,25 cm/god.) u odnosu na dječake (4,0 cm/god.), ali rast nije bio praćen odgovarajućim povećanjem tjelesne mase koji je godišnje prosječno iznosio 2,1 kg za djevojčice i 1,9 kg za dječake i u oba slučaja niži je u odnosu na normalni rast i razvoj. To je rezultiralo visokim udjelom djece u kategorijama pothranjenih ili rizika od pothranjenosti (21,5 %) i zabrinjavajuće niskim udjelom normalno uhranjene djece (45,7 %). Prekomjerno uhranjene i pretile djece bilo je 32,6 % što je niži udio u usporedbi sa zemljama u okruženju, međutim visok je i obavezuje na potrebu stalnog praćenja stanja uhranjenosti i uvođenje preventivnih programa edukacije u predškolski sistem.


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